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Unit4 Reading 1学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_教学目标 1.了解斯巴德.韦伯以及全美职业篮球联赛;2.学会简述某个人的生平经历;3.掌握一些阅读技巧教学重点、难点: 1. 四会单词的理解; 2.了解斯巴德.韦伯以及全美职业篮球联赛; 3.学会简述某个人的生平经历; 4. 掌握一些阅读技巧二、词汇、短语1.leader (n.) 领导者 lead (v.)领导2.university (n.) 大学 college (n.)学院 score(v) 得分 (n.) 分数 name(v.) 命名 3.remain (v.) 逗留,保持不变 4.matter(v.)要紧,有重大影响5.force (v.)强迫,迫使 force sb to do sth 迫使某人做某事6.succeed (v.) 成功 success (n.)成功successful(adj.)成功的 successfully (adv.)成功地 succeed in doing sth 成功地做某事7.national(adj.)国家的 nation (n.)国家 ,民族8.simply (adv.)仅仅,简直 simple (adj.)简单的9.try out for sth 参加.选拔(或试验)10lose heart 泄气,灰心11change ones mind 改变主意12take notice of 注意,察觉13give up 放弃三、句型、要点1 While attending junior high ,Spud tried out for the school team ,but he was refused at first because he was too small .2.He practised even harder and got the coach to change his mind .3.Spud went on to become leader of the team .4.As a result.he succeeded in getting a scholarship . 九年级上册 Unit4 Reading 学案学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【课前导学】一、翻译下列词组1. 参加校队选拔_ 2. 灰心_3. 让教练改变主意_ 4. 让他引起的注意_5. 成功获得奖学金_ 6. 被迫做某事_7. 有许多伟大的成就_ 8. 通过努力_ 9. 证明高矮胖瘦并不重要_ 10.被拒绝做某事_ 11从那时起_ 12由于他的身高_ 13更加努力地训练_ 14继续做某事_ 15成功地做某事_ 16.被评为年度最佳球员_【课堂学习】Step1. One-minute talk.Ask and answer:1. Do you know any basketball players? (Give some examples)2. How do you learn about them? (from books/ through the Internet/ on TV/ on the radio)Step2 Pre-readingToday were going to learn about another NBA player. Hes called Spud Web.1.What do you know about Spud Webb? 2.What do you think Spud Webb is like? Step 3 While-reading合作探究一:Read Para1 and answer:1. When and where was Spud Webb born? 2. What was his big dream? 合作探究二:Listen to Para two-four. Fill in the forms Spud Webs school lifeAt firstThenAchievementsJunior HighHe was_ to play for the school teamHe didnt _He got the_ and scored_ in his first game. He became the _of the teamSenior highHe had to _because of his heightHe got the coach to_He became _of the team.In his last year, he was named _in TexasCollege/University_university invited him. He played at_He got _from North Carolina State University He led his team to _ 合作探究三:Read Para 5-6. Complete the passageAt first, the NBA was not interested in Spud Webb because all its players were _than him. He was forced to play in _for about a year. In 1985 ,Spud joined _.In 1986, he won_. It was his_. Step4 Post-readingPracticeSpud Webb was born in the USA in1963. He was much _than the other kids at school. Although he was small, he had a big_. While _junior high, Spud_ out for the school team and failed. He did not_ heart and finally got the chance . He scored _points in his first game. In senior high, he practice even_ and in his last year, he was_ Player of the Year in Texas. But Spud had to play at a junior college because of his_.There he led his team to _championship and this brought him to the _of North Carolina State University. After he graduated, he played for about a year before the NBA took _ of him. In 1985, he _an NBA basketball team. In 1986, he won the Slam Dunk Contest-his_ achievement among others. _hard work, Spud proved you can do almost anything if you never_ up.【课后拓展】1、 词汇 根据提示用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Whats another way of _ the animal? (命名)2. Yuanlongping has lots of great _ during his lifetime. (成就)3. Mr Yang couldnt catch the last bus, so he was _ to walk home. (迫使)4. He had to _ in hospital until he was better. (逗留)5. He went to a junior college after g_ from high school. 6. A_ he was tired, he kept working till mid-night.7. His father is one of the _ in the company. (lead)8. He joined the _ team at the age of 14. (nation)9. We _ cant wait for the fashion show tomorrow. (simple)10. Lets work hard together! I believe we will _ in the future. (success)11. I decided _ (play) chess with my father after supper.12. I am allowed _ (watch) TV at the weekend.二、单项选择( ) 1. _ he isnt interested in Chemistry, _he gets high grades every time. A. Although; but B. Because; soC. Although; /D. Because; /( ) 2. Nancy was so happy because she _ a good job. A. succeeded in gettingB. was successful in getting C. succeeded to getD. A and B( ) 3. I didnt know _. A. what was the matterB. what the matter wasC. what is the matterD. what the matter is( ) 4. Last year was a hard time to my friend Jim, but he didnt _hope. A. pick up B. use up C. put upD. give up( ) 5. I _ believe it _ I see it with my own eyes. A. wont; and B. will; but C. will; untilD. wont; until ( ) 6. After he finished school, he was forced _ a worker. A. being B. to be C. to being D. be( ) 7. -Would you please give this newly-published novel to Jack? - Certainly, _ he comes back.A. before B. as soon as C. untilD. unless ( ) 8. While _ TV, he gave me the book. A. to see B. seeing C. watchingD. to watch ( ) 9. I am sure you will succeed in _ the game. Wish you good_. - Thank you. A. win, successful B. winning, succeed C. winning, success D. winning, successfully ( ) 10. After watching TV, he went on _ his homework. A. doing B. to doing C. do D. to do三、同义句转换1. He was successful in climbing the top of the mountain.He _ _ _ the top of the mountain.He _ the top of the mountain _.2. I had to stay at home because it rained heavily.I had to stay at home _ _ _ _ _3. He had many friends, but he still felt lonely. _ he had many friends, he still felt lonely. _ he had many friends, _ he still felt lonely.4. I finished my homework after my father came back last night. I _ _ my homework _ my father came back last night.四、句子翻译1. 这使得他引起了北卡罗莱纳州立大学的注意。 This _ him _ _ _ of North Carolina State University.2. 结果,他成功地获得了奖学金。 As a result, he _ _ _ a scholarship. 3. 他带领他的队伍进入了全国锦标赛。 He _ his team _ the National Championship.4. 他训练得更努力了,最终使教练改变了主意。 He pracitsed _ _ and finally _ he coach _ _his mind.5. 由于家里很穷,他被迫辍学并为一家公司打工。 _ _his poor family, he _ _ _ _ school and work for a company. 6. 没有公司邀请他工作,因为他太矮了。 No company _ _ _ _, because he was too short.五 阅读理解 James has been praised by the whole world as one of the greatest players of todayPeople call him King James,the Chosen One and compare him to his idol Michael Jordan Now the 25-year-old player has surprised everyone againSince he joined the league,James has broken many recordsHe has led his team to the NBA finalsHe has celebrated two NBA All-Star Game Most Valuable Player(MVP) titlesHe has been named to the all NBA team twiceThe 2.03-meter player has both a perfect build and a great basketball brainHe is famous for his speed and power Hes not scared by anyoneHe has the confidence(信心) that only the great have, said his coach,Paul Silas about LeBronBut LeBrons best quality(品质) is that he is a team playerMy game just wont let me be selfish(自私的),LeBron saidI love sharing the ball with my teammates They got a really good leader in LeBron. Pistons guard Rodney Stuckey said after the April 26 gameWhen he is going and he has his other teammates going as well,it is really hard to beat themThey are a really good team 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1Who was called King James?ALeBron JamesBYao MingCMichael Jordan DPaul Silas ( ) 2What quality isnt mentioned about James in the passage A.Leadership skillsB.ConfidenceCRespect for the oldD.Team spirit( ) 3James is good at _ according to the second paragraph Asoccer Bbasketball Cbaseball Dtable tennis ( ) 4James coach was


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