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江苏省启东市八年级英语下学期期初摸底试题人教新目标版单项选择(共20分)1. What makes the man so _?A. excited B. excite C. exciting D. to excite2. He _ a teacher because he knows a lot.A. maybe B. may be C. may not be D. may to be3. I like reading very much. I want to borrow _ books.A. more four B. four more C. many four D. four many4. Would you like _ milk?A. any B. some C. anything D. something5. Could you tell me how to _ it in English?A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk 6. Im sorry for _ all your books on the desk.A. knock over B. knocked off C. knocking about D. knocking down7. Max has _ good sense of humour but he has _poor eyesight.A. a; a B. the; the C. a; / D. /; a8. -Is Millie at school today? -No. Shes at home _her illness.A. because B. because of C. before D. when9. She isnt so _as her sister.A. careful B. more careful C. the most careful D. carefully10. I dont think your English is _ in our class.A. bad B. the baddest C. the worst D. worse11. -Dad , could you buy me a computer like this? -Of course, we can buy _ one than this, but _it.A. a better; better than B. a popular; as good asC. a more poplar; as better as D. a cheaper; as good as12. - _? -He is tall.A. How is he B. What does he likeC. How is he like D. What does he look like13. Its important _ the piano well.A. of him to play B. for him to play C. of him playing D. for him playing14. -Do you think your football team will win the match? -Yes, we have better players. So I _ them to win.A. hope B. ask C. help D. wish15. Shanghai is bigger than _ in China.A. any city B. any other city C. any cities D. any other cities16. He didnt come to the concert _ he has got too much work to do .A. so B. until C. though D. because17. This book is _than that one.A. very easy B. much easy C. very easier D. much easier18. Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home this morning. It doesnt matter. Dont forget _ it here this afternoon.A. left; to take B. forgot; bringing C. left; to bring D. forgot; to bring19. The sentence structure of “He wanted me to finish the work at once.” is _.A. S+V+DO B. S+V+IO+DO C. S+V+DO+OC D. S+V+P20. -We couldnt find you anywhere around 8:00 yesterday evening. -Im sorry for it. My mother and I _ in the square.A. danced B. will dance C. were dancing D. are dancing完形填空(共15分)In September,xx,you may have noticed that a few new textbooks at school. New Chinese language textbooks appeared on the desks of first-year primary and junior high school students 1 the country. Written by the Ministry of Education, the new 2 will replace older versions(版本)used before. The new versions focus 3 on ancient Chinese Literature(文学), according to Xinhua. The change is part of the efforts from the Ministry of Education to 4 students knowledge of traditional Chinese culture. Textbooks for three-year junior high schools have more traditional 5 articles, 132 total. They 6 51.7 percent of all the texts. The articles were 7 from classic proses (散文), essays(论文), historical records and poems dating 8 to the Han, Tang and Song dynasties. Students nationwide are 9 to read more ancient poems. There are also more than 30 articles about revolutionary(革命)history for 10 school students, such as Chairman Maos well known piece Serve the People.The textbooks are 11 received. Although the topics are serious, the texts are presented with 12 illustrations(插图)。“They are very lovely and liked by 13 teachers and students.” Du Bei, a Chinese teacher at No.2 Fruit Lake Primary School in Hubei, told Xinhua. Li Jie , a professor of Chinese Language and literature at China University Communication, 14 agree more with the change. “Learning some ancient literature will help junior high students enjoy the 15 of traditional Chinese culture and prepare them to get further knowledge of the field,” he told China Daily.( )1. A. among B. between C. across D. without( )2. A. programmes B. textbooks C. records D. advertisements( )3. A. older B. fewer C. less D. more( )4. A. improve B. change C. express D. master( )5. A. foreign B. Chinese C. popular D. modern( )6. A. dress up B. clean up C. make up D. put up( )7. A. seen B. read C. chosen D. written( )8. A. forward B. back C. towards D. past( )9. A. required B. forced C. advised D. invited( )10. A. primary B .college C. junior high D. senior high( )11. A. badly B. well C. carefully D. carelessly( )12. A. clear B. beautiful C. funny D. lively( )13. A. either B. both C. neither D. all( )14. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. neednt( )15. A. beauty B. history C. usage D. description阅读理解(共40分)AWhen the blue sky turns black in the Finnish Lapland (芬兰拉普兰区), an exciting wait begins. The Northern Lights (北极光) blaze (发亮光) in the sky tonight. Sometimes they appear at midnight; sometimes close to dawn(黎明).Not many visitors stay up all night. The Arctic Snow Hotel in Lapland has come up with a solution: Aurora Borealis (北极光) watch(值班人). The main task of the watch is to stay awake and stare (盯着) at the sky. If the Northern Lights appear, the watch wakes the visitors up.Besides being able to stay up, the watch will also need to track (追踪) the weather and have an idea of when and where the lights will appear nest time.Whoever gets the job will get to stay in a room at the hotel for free. The room is made of either snow or glass.Whats more, the watch will also have a chance to learn how to go ice fishing, make ice sculptures and make snow shoes.The hotel is looking for persons who speak English well. If you are interested in the job, why not apply (申请) for it?( )1. What is the Arctic Snow Hotel looking for?A. A waiter. B. A nurse.C. An Aurora Borealis watch. D. A worker.( )2.The main task of the watch is to _.A. wake the visitors up when the Northern Lights appearB. track the weather and predict the time and place of the next Northern Lights.C. stay awake and stare at the skyD. all of the above( )3. How much will the watch spend on one night at the hotel?A. his stay is free. B.$18. C.$54. D.$65.( )4. Candidates who apply for the job of the watch should speak good _.A. French B .English C. Chinese D. German ( )5. What wont the watch have a chance to learn?A. to learn how to go ice fishing.B. make ice sculptures C. make snow shoes.D. make some ice cream.BKensington Wade is the first prep school(预备学校)in the United Kingdom to offer a dual-language(双语). English-Chinese education from ages 3 to 11. It offers full Mandarin(普通话) immersion (沉浸式语言教学法) for its students.There are only two classrooms in this school. One is entirely in English. The other is in Mandarin. One teacher is British. The other is Chinese. The students move between them. The hope is that by age 11, students in this school can speak both Chinese and English very well.Its first class of 15 students arrived last month. Three of them can speak Chinese while about half know no Chinese. The fifteen children celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival on 2nd October. Sir Martin Sorrell, the great supporter(投资人) of Kensington Wade was there cutting the specially created(特制的) moon cake. Parents and children enjoyed music by Chinese musicians. Then, children also told the Chinese folk(民间的) stories about the Moon Festival.“I went with the worry that these little kids were going to be confused(困惑的), that theyd be stressed. And all I saw was children having a lovely time,” one of the parents said.( )6. Who can go to Kensington Wade according to the passage?A. 3-year-old children. B. Children from 3 to 11 years old.C. 11-year-old children. D. Children who can speak Chinese.( )7. How did the children in Kensington Wade celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival according to the passage?A. They cut the specially created moon cake.B. They played some Chinese songs.C. They told the Chinese folk stories.D. They invite Sir Martin Sorrell to come to school.( )8. Which is TRUE about Kensington Wade?A. Its the first dual-language school in the UK.B. Students in this school can speak Chinese fluently.C. There are only 15 students in this school now.D. Students are only allowed to speak Chinese in this school.( )9. What is the meaning of the word “entirely” in the second paragraph?A. fully B. luckily C. happily D. really( )10. What can we infer (推断) from the last paragraph?A. Parents may ask their children to go to another school.B. Children enjoy themselves at school.C. Children are confused at school.D. Children feel a little bit stressed at school.C When Ding Chen was a fifth-grader, he wanted to invent something for his grandparents.Because his grandparents lived in old buildings without elevators(电梯), they had to climb stairs every day. It became even harder after his grandfather fell ill. “How to make them climb stairs more easily?” he thought.Three years later, 13-year-old Ding solved this problem and won an international invention award with it.Ding is from Anhui Taihe No.3 Middle School. He invented a booster(肋力器)to help the old people walk up stairs. In August, his invention won the Youth Gold Medal at the Invention & New Product Exposition, the largest invention show in the United States.Dings booster has a motor(电动机) inside. People just need to set it on the stair railing(抚手) and hold it. Then it will pull people upward, making it easier to go upward a flight of stairs.Dings middle school teacher Zhang Gang helped him make his initial(最初的) idea real. They worked together for about half a year to design the booster. The most difficult part was to find the motor.“The motor must work well and produce enough power,” Ding said. “Also, when it doesnt work, it can keep still(静止的). So the whole booster wont drop down and hurt people.” After testing many motors, they found the best one.In the future, Ding wants to make some improvement on his invention and apply for(申请) a patent (专利). If possible, he wants to find companies to produce it . “I hope all the people in need can benefit from (受益于) it ,” he said.( )11. Where did Ding Chens grandparents live?A. In old buildings with elevators. B. In old house with elevators.C. In old buildings without elevators. D. In old house without elevators.( )12. How old was Ding Chen when he wanted to invent something for his grandparents?A. At about 10. B. At about 13. C. At about 3. D. At about 5.( )13. What did Ding Chen invent?A. A motor. B. A gold medal. C. A booster. D. An elevator.( )14. Who help Ding Chen make his idea real?A. himself. B. His grandparents. C. His parents. D. His middle school teacher.( )15. According to Ding Chens future plan, which is NOT true?A. He wants to set up companies to produce his invention.B. He wants all the people in need can benefit from his invention.C. He wants to improve his invention.D. He wants to apply for a patent.D Girls cant do Maths and boys cant sit quietly. Boys and girls stop each other from learning. Some people believe that girls and boys learn differently. As a result, teachers should teach them in different ways. Now, there are single-sex(单性别)classes in many Western schools. But do boys and girls really learn better when they are in single-sex classrooms? Lets find out.Alexander McGuigan is 16. He has been going to an all-boys school in Australia since he was four yours old. Alexander likes his school. “In an all-boys school, I dont have to worry about what other people think of me,” he says. “I can spend more time studying, so I can .” However, Alexander misses being around girls. He believes that students in mixed schools can enjoy a better social life.John Philips has taught at Alexanders school for more than 20 years. He thinks that boys do learn more in single-sex schools. Thats because the teachers know the best way to teach them.Alyssa Brewer is 14. She studies at New Washington Middle School in the United States. Students there can choose to study in single-sex classrooms. Klyssa took this chance and got better marks. “In mixed classes, it is hard to hear the teacher. We hate boys. They always make noise,” she says. “Its great to study in an all-girls classroom.”( )16. According to the article, the opposite of a single-sex school is_.A. a public school B. a private schoolC. an all-boys school D. a mixed school( )17. According to the article, Alexander McGuigan has been studying at a single-sex school for _ years.A. four B. eight C. twelve D. sixteen( )18. According to the article, in a single-sex school, _.A. there are only boys or girlsB. there are only male teachers or female teachersC. there are both boys and girls, but the boys can never see the girls.D. boys and girls study in single-sex classrooms.( )19. Alyssa Brewer doesnt like to study with boys because_.A. boys cant sit quietly B. boys always get low marksC. boys are always noisy D. boys and girls learn differently( )20. Alexander McGuigan believes students can _in a mixed school.A. spend more time studying B. get good marks.B. enjoy a better social life. D. enjoy a better school life. 词汇(共25分)A. 根据句意及提示,完成下列句子中所缺的单词。1. He is a h_ students so he does well in all the subjects.2. I went in a wrong _(方向),so I got lost yesterday.3. The tree grow to a _(高度)of 20 feet.4. He often joins in the writing _(竞赛).5. We will have a _(特殊的) party for her birthday today.6. He can speak two _(语言) .7. We are learning about rivers in our _(地理)class.8. The Chinese _(政府)tried hard to help the people in the earthquake.9. There are too many _(广告)in the newspaper every day.10. She is wearing sunglasses to _(keep safe from danger) her eyes from the light.B. 从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。sit hero possible health correct slim name humor 11. He often makes us laugh. He is _.12. I always give my _ to the old on the bus.13. Do you like the singer _Han Hong?14. He listens carefully and he can answer the questions _.15. Kitty is the _ girl in our class.16. We should remember these national _ names.17. Its _ for me to finish such difficult work in only half an hour.18. You eat too much meat. You need a _ diet than before.C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。not stay wait drive drop keep be have 19. Its cold in the room. Shall we make a fire _ ourselves warm? 20. What fine weather! Wed better _ at home. Lets go cycling. 21. More and more people go to work by bus instead of _ on “No Car Day”. 22. You look so nervous. Whats wrong? I took an exam yesterday and I _ for the result. 23. In his hometown, the temperature seldom _ below zero. 24. The students_an English lesson when the earthquake happened.25. The first question of the four was really difficult, but the rest_ quite easy.句型转换(每线一词,共10分)1. I was doing my homework when my mother came in. (对划线部分提问)_ were you _ when your mother came in? 2. Simon didnt work out the problem. (同义句转换)Simon _ _work out the problem.3. There is no water and no air on the earth. People cant live. (合并句子)People cant live _ water _ air on the earth.4. Maybe they will do something to help you. (同义句转换)Maybe they will _ _ to help you.5. Today is awful (改为感叹句)_ _ awful day it is today!根据首字母提示,补全短文中所缺单词。(共10分)English people like DIY. A lot of people always spend their holiday making their homes more b 1 . If there is anything that needs repairing or decorating around their homes, such as p 2 the walls or putting in a new shower, they will do the jobs themselves. They s 3 DIY experience with their friends. More and more people show i 4 in DIY. Sometimes people also DIY in order to s 5 money. They are trying to find ways to make their house better when they cant a 6 the cost. So, it is not surprising that DIY is very popular.DIY can be difficult. People often find it not e 7 to build a piece of furniture because they cant understand the instructions w 8 . Sometimes the instructions are simple and clear, but the furniture itself is difficult to build. DIY can also be d 9 . People should learn much about DIY work before doing it. Unluckily, many people dont care about that. So they may be in d 10 . It is reported that in just one year thousands of people


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