



_编号:XXXXX-XXXXXXX非生产采购询价单 Non-Production Purchasing Request for Quotation 第一部分 询价信息Part 1 Request for Quotation 需求描述 Request Description1.0 询价单第一部分 Part 1 1.1 供应商信息 Supplier information潜在供应商代码 Potential Supplier code 公司名称 Company name 地址 Address:联系人 Contact:职位 Job title:固定电话 Telephone No.:移动电话 Mobile No.:电子邮箱 E-mail:1.2 询价项目基本信息 Basic Information of the project类别 Category 采购员 Buyer Name电话号码 Telephone邮箱地址 Email 询价价发出时间 Quotation Send out 报价应返回时间 Deadline for Quation 1.2 询价项目附加信息 Additional Information of the project 报价有效期限 Quotation Effective Period贸易条款 Incoterms 付款条件Payment Terms 1.3 通用条款 General Clause 1.3.1 本文件中包含的项目相关信息被归类为“保密”级别,不得复制或分发The information contained in this document is classified as confidential, it shouold not be copied or distributed.1.3.2 若卖方未在指定时间内返回报价, 采购员有权取消该询价。If the supplier didnt return the quotation before due date,The buyer reserve the right to cancel this request for quotation.1.3.3 除非另行约定, 报价期间的任何费用由卖方承担Unless otherwise stated, the cost during the quotation period will be assumed by the supplier.1.3.4 XXXXXX公司有权根据实际情况调整实际需求数量 XXXXX has right to adjust the actual quantity according to the situation.1.3.5 报价价格在合同期内为固定价格 Quoted price is fixed through the contract period. 1.3.6 任何与询价发出条件不一致的报价必须通过另外的报价条件变更申请(包括商务和技术部分),否则视为无效报价Any quotation which is again the RFQ have to be through the Quotation deviation request ( including commercial & technical ) , otherwise the quotation will be regarded as the invalid quotation.1.3.7 此报价为不含增值税的净价 (注意: 除增值税以外的其他税费仍需包含在报价里面)The quotation should be the net price without value added tax ( Note: the other tax or charge still needs be covered in the quotation )1.3.8 供应商提供报价时必须同时提供纸质签字并加盖合同章的报价单,以及与纸质盖章版本一致的Excel版本. 此外, 根据采购员要求提供其他的报价详细说明The quotation hardcopy should with signature and company contract chop, and also provide its Excel version. In addition, provide other quotation detail upon the buyer requirement 1.3.9 XXXXXX采购部是公司唯一授权与供应商进行商务谈判和签订合同的部门,供应商不得与其他任何部门或员工进行任何形式的商务谈判。Purchasing is the only authorized department of XXXXXX to lead formal negotiation and offer contract to supplier, Supplier is not allowed to negotiate with requestor department directly without purchasing involved or permission.1.3.10 发出报价的采购员是唯一接收该报价的窗口,除此以外不允许透露报价信息给其他任何人员Buyer who send this RFQ is the only authorized person to obtain the quotation, please do not share the quotation to any other person.1.3.11 采购部为XXXXXXX公司唯一提供事先许可的授权部门,此外任何其他部门的口头或书面承诺不作为有效承诺Purchasing is the only authorized department of XXXXX to release any pre-commitment, any verbal or written from other department is not taken as the effective commitment 1.3.12 贵公司未获得正式合同/采购订单前,除非经过采购部特别批准并通过采购员发出正式通知,否则供应商不得擅自启动工作Before the contract sign-off, supplier is not authorized to kick off unless otherwise approved by purchas


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