广东省惠州市惠东县惠东荣超中学高中英语 Unit 1 第2学时 Language points学案 新人教版必修2 .doc_第1页
广东省惠州市惠东县惠东荣超中学高中英语 Unit 1 第2学时 Language points学案 新人教版必修2 .doc_第2页
广东省惠州市惠东县惠东荣超中学高中英语 Unit 1 第2学时 Language points学案 新人教版必修2 .doc_第3页




广东省惠州市惠东县惠东荣超中学高中英语 unit 1 第2学时 language points学案 新人教版必修2 step 1 complete the following sentences.1) the russians and germans have built _ new amber room at _ summer palace.2) _ september, the nazi german army was near st petersburg.3) this was a time when the two countries wre _ war.4) after that, _ happened to the amber room remains a mystery.5) later, catherine had the amber room moved _ the palace where _spent her summers.6) the king could never have imagined _ his gift _ the russian people would have such _ strange history. _ gift was _ amber room.7) _ amber feels as stone, it easily melts when heated.8) _ fact, the room was not made to be a gift.9) the amber room was made for the palace of frederick , _ he didnt want to keep it.10) 100,000 pieces of the room were put inside the boxes _ put on a train for germany.step 2 useful expressionstask 1 please go through the text and look for the following expressions. then put them into chinese or english.1. fancy style2. belong to3. in return4. at war5. less than two days6. remove the furniture7. 被认为是世界的一大奇迹之一_8. 被用作接待重要来宾的小型会客室_task 2 lets learn some useful expressions!1) in search of the amber room in search of 寻找,搜查 例:the policemen were in search of the missing boy in the woods. 警察在树林里寻找那个失踪的小男孩。【思维拓展】search vt&vi. 搜寻,搜查 search out 搜出,找到 search for 搜寻,寻找 search sb 搜某人的身翻译:救援队伍正搜寻着地震后的生还者。_2) frederick william 1, the king of prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the russian people would have such an amazing history. 普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段离奇的历史。could have done 表示对过去事情的推测,常用于否定句或疑问句中,表示“不可能或怀疑做了某事”例: 我姐姐昨天下午在大戏院遇到鲍德,所以他不可能听了你的讲座。my sister met bob at the grand theater yesterday afternoon, so he _(attend) your lecture. 【思维拓展】could have done 可能做过某事 / 本可以做却没有做(懊悔) must have done 肯定做过(对过去肯定的推测) should have done 本来应该做 shouldnt have done 本不该如此 用所给动词的适当形式填空: 1)you look tired. you _ (stay up) last night. 2) i _ (win) the match, but i broke my leg. 3) the ground is wet. it _ (rain) just now. 4) you _ (see) professor li in the office. he has gone to the library.amazing adj. 惊人的,神奇的,很棒例:the film is amazing! 这电影太精彩了!3) it was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years to make. (page 1, line 5) 它是一件_的珍宝,是国家最优秀的艺术家们花费了十年的时间才完成的。 decorated with gold and jewels 过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于which was decorated with gold and jewelsbe decorated with 用装饰 翻译:人们通常用彩灯来装饰圣诞树。_ which took the countrys best是定语从句,修饰先行词treasure. 完成句子: 这是一座由成吨巨石建成的桥,是由成千上万的工匠完成的。 this is a bridge _ tons of huge stones, _ thousands of workers.4)later, catherine had the amber room moved to a palace outside st petersburg where she spent her summers. (page 2, line 14) have sth done 让某人做某事;(某人)遭遇某事完成句子:a. 我明天让人把电视机修一下。 ill _ tomorrow.b. 他的胳膊在工作中受伤了。he _ his arm _ at work.5) in 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. (page 2, line 15) 1770年间这件琥珀屋按照她的要求完成了。 she wanted 是一个定语从句,跟在先行词the way的后面,还可以说the way that she wanted 或者the way in which she wanted。 翻译:我不喜欢你对你妈妈说话的方式。_6) there is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for konigsberg, which was at that time a german city on the baltic sea. 毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海的一个城市。 there is no doubt that毫无疑问(写作常用句型) 例:毫无疑问,台湾是中国领土的一部分。there is no doubt that taiwan is a part of china. can you make another example?_7) after that, what happened to the amber room remains a mystery. (para. 4) 自打那以后,琥珀屋就成了一个谜。 remain是系动词,后接名词,形容词,分词,介词短语等,表示“一直保持”、“仍然(处于某种状态)”、“继续存在”、“依然”。 例:this place remains cool all summer. 这个地方整个夏天都凉爽。 she remained standing despite the rain. 她始终在雨中站立。【思维拓展】remain 作为不及物动词,表示保持, 逗留, 剩余, 残存。remaining adj.剩下的 猜一猜:下列句子中的remain应该作何解释?after the fire, very little remained of my house._much work remained to be done._ill remain to see the end of the game._he remained silent after class._the true author of the book remains unknown_3. summaryplease write down the useful expressions youve learnt, and make up sentences with two of them:keys:step 2 useful expressionstask 1 1. 别致的式样 2. 属于 3. 作为回报 4. 处于交战状态 5. 不到两天 6. 把家具搬走7. be considered one of the greatest wonders of the world 8. serve as a small reception hall for important visitorstask 2 1. the rescue team were in search of / searching for the survivors of the earthquake.2. my sister met bob at the grand theater yesterday afternoon, so he couldnt have attended (attend) your lecture.思维拓展:1)must have stayed up 2) could have won3) must have rained 4) couldnt have seen3. people usually have the christmas trees decorated with colored lights.完成句子:this


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