



京口区译林版英语六年级教学案Unit 3 Holiday fun【教材分析】本单元的主要教学内容是通过Mike 和Liu Tao国庆节假期后回到学校聊起双方各自精彩的假期经历展开话题。把描述“过去所做事情”的日常交际用语,词汇和语言结构有机地结合起来,要求学生进一步掌握一般过去时及不规则动词的过去式,并能在适当的情景下正确恰当地使用What/Where/How/Why/Did引导的一般过去式的疑问句形式,询问伙伴及作出相应的回答。为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的句型和词汇,教师在教学过程中可尽量创设生动活泼并较为真实的情景引导学生理解和运用新话题,新知识。要根据学生的年龄特点,充分利用多媒体课件,图片,幻灯等加上形象化的动作和语言,使所教的内容与学生的生活紧密结合,减少语言障碍,提高学生实际运用语言的能力。【学习目标】1.能理解,正确朗读,复述,表演story time和cartoon time中的故事,学会用英语描述自己的假期生活,了解他人的假期经历。2.能听懂会说、会读、会写单词holiday, National Day, Great Wall, excited, paper, ask, bottle, at first3.能听懂会说、会读词汇call, Bund, Shanghai Museum, star , Palace Museum, Summer Palace, Tiananmen Square, fashion show, go well, heavy rain,farm,because,cool,main, Easter holiday, summer holiday. Christmas holiday 4.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型What did you / he do for the holiday? I / He Did you / he ? Yes, I / he did. / No, I / he didnt 5.能理解、听懂,并准确朗读歌谣(Sound time)。6.了解英国学生的放假情况,体会中西方在放假上的文化差异。【学习重点】1.能掌握本单元的四会单词、句型。2.正确掌握,灵活运用was, did构成的一般过去时句型表达于真实情景中。3. 能理解,正确朗读,表演story time和cartoon time中的故事。并能自编类似情景。【学习难点】 正确掌握,灵活运用was, did构成的一般过去时句型表达于真实情景中。【学习过程】【课时安排】第一课时 Story time I第二课时 Story time II words and fun time第三课时 Grammar time, Sound time, Culture time 第四课时 Cartoon time第五课时 Review and checkout time江滨实验共同体六年级英语教案课时:6A31 课型:Story time I 主备学校:江滨实验小学 审核人:茅君集备主讲:钱娟 使用学校: 使用教师: 执教时间:【学习目标】1.能理解,正确朗读,复述,表演story time2.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:holiday, National Day3.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:What did you / he do for the holiday? I / He Did you / he ?Yes, I / he did. / No, I / he didnt4.能听懂、会说、会读单词:call, great fun, caught, came, ate Bund, museum, farm, why, because.5.能听懂,会说,会运用日常交际用语:Where did you / he go for the holiday ? I went to How was your holiday ? It was Why did you call me ? I 【学习准备】1PPT2学案【自主导学】1. 常规预习:听,读磁带10分钟,试着跟读课文,了解课文大意。2. 知识解析:(请具体描述)询问过去发生的行为动作时,我们应该在问句中添加助动词did,后面用动词原形。询问地点: Where did .go.?询问事情: What diddo ?询问交通方式:How didgo ?询问原因: Why did?我们还可以把did或were/was变成放在句首进行提问。3. 预习自测:理解课题的含义,根据自己的国庆假期经历,回答问题:Where did you go on National Day holiday?(国庆节假期) What did you do on National Day holiday ?(国庆节假期) 【课堂互动】Step 1: Free talk 1. Read and understand the name of the unit. Teach: holiday, 2. Do you know What holiday is it ?出示图片资料,简单介绍国庆节, Its on the 1st of October. Teach: National Day3. It was National Day holiday last week. We had seven days holiday. Can you tell me your National Day holiday experience?(经历)检查预习自测。Step 2: Presentation1. T: Our good friends, Liu Tao and Mike did a lot of things on National Day holiday. How were their holidays?播放课文视频,回答问题:Where did Liu Tao go ? Where did Liu Tao go ? 2. T:Now, lets know more about their National Day holiday experience.You can ask them .What do you want to ask about their holiday ?S提问,教师板书问题读课文,划出含有答案的相关语句,读一读,完成表格。Read and choose and fill in the form our friendsWhere did they go ?What did they do ?Liu Tao MikeA. went to a farm B. went fishing C. visited his aunt D. went to Shanghai E. picked some oranges F. visited Bund and Shanghai Museum指名回答,读一读相关语句,教师相机教新词:Bund, museum, star, farm等3. Liu Tao and Mike are talking about their holiday. What did they ask ? Please read the text and find their questions and underline.指名读一读这些问题,Please think hard, What else do they ask ?出示知识解析,引导学生提问,(如果学生的问题不够丰富,可指导进行拓展,问:How?When(什么时候)?What else?Did?等提醒学生:Dont forget to use “did”4. 同桌讨论,完成“Ask and answer”5. 交流汇报,教新词:call, great fun, why, because.6. T: They had so fun holidays on National Day holiday last week .你知道吗?描述发生在过去的事情应该用一般过去时,你能在课文中找到一些动词的过去式吗?想一想,它们对应的原型是什么?(教师相机教新词caught, ate,)Step 3 Practice选择一种方式读课文。(齐读,分角色读,领读与跟读)Step 4: Consolidation1.熟读课文2【达标检测】完成:Think and write”Step5: Homework1. 听录音,熟读并尝试背诵Story time部分课文。2. 背诵课文中的四会单词,熟读三会内容3. 用英语向你的父母介绍一下你的朋友Liu Tao或Mike的国庆假期经历。【巩固延伸】根据课文内容填空Mike called Liu Tao on the second day of the holiday, But Liu Tao werent at home. After the holiday, Liu Tao called Mike . Liu Tao : Is that Mike ?Mike : This is Mike speaking. Hi, Liu Tao. Where _ you _. I called you , But you _at home.Liu Tao: I_ and _Mike :What _ you do there?Liu Tao: I _and _Mike :Great! you had a holiday! I had a fun holiday,too. I and on a farm.


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