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二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)21. The lovely girl often _ her things _ her friends .A. share, with B. shares, with C. share, to D. shares, to22. People walk _ of the street in China.A. on the left B. on the rightC. in the middleD. on the left of23. Im hungry. _ my lunch here, please.A. Take B. Help C. Show D. Bring24. Do you think Maths _useful subject? A. is a B. is an C. are a D. are an 25. Would you like to go to the cinema to see Inception with me on Sunday? - _.A. Thats right. B. Thats all right.C. Yes, Id love to. D. You are right.26. The policeman is helping the old woman _ a heavy bag on her back.A. in B. with C. at D. on27. _ is the young woman over there? - She is my teacher.A. What B. Which C. Who D. Where 28. My father enjoys _ newspapers _ breakfast.A. watching; at B. seeing; atC. to read; at D. reading; at29. _ there _ interesting news in todays newspaper? - Yes , there _.A. Is; any; is someB. Are; any; are someC. Is; an; is oneD. Are; some; are some30.The students are very busy, they have no time _ computer games.A. playing B. play C. to play D. plays31. It _ hard outside, lets not go shopping.A. rains B. will raining C. raining D. is raining32. My father with my mother _ my grandparents home every Sunday. A. is goingB. are goingC. is going toD. are going to33. My mother doesnt know _ this morning. A. what to doB. what does do C. how to do D. why does do 34. -Happy New Year! -_.A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C. Thats all right. D. Not at all.35. His father was born in Shanghai _the night _October 1,1963. A.on; in B. at; of C. at; on D. on; of三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)On Fridays, I come home from work at about 2:00 in the afternoon and I just have a rest. On Friday evenings, I dont go out, but _36_ a friend of mine comes for _37_. He or she _38_ the wine(酒) and I cook the meal. I love cooking! We listen to music or we just _39_.On Saturday mornings, I get up at 9:00 and I go to the _40_ to buy something. Then in the evenings, I sometimes go to see a film. I love _41_! Then I eat in my favourite Chinese _42_. On Sunday Oh, on Sunday morning I stay in bed _43_. I dont get up until 11:00! Sometimes in the afternoon I _44_ my sister. She lives in the village and has two children. I like playing with them, but I leave _45_ because I go to bed at 8:00 on Sunday evenings.36. A. sometimes B. every day C. never D. one day37. A. party B. dinner C. drink D. play38. A. likes B. brings C. puts D. drinks39. A. play B. eat C. talk D. cry40. A. school B. room C. cinema D. shop41. A. stories B. pictures C. films D. friends42. A. restaurant B. family C. shop D. friends43. A. late B. early C. fast D. long44. A. play B. visit C. talk D. love45. A. early B. late C. quickly D. happily四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)A Most People dont like mice, but they love one mouse - Mickey Mouse. In their mind, this mouse is their favourite animal. About 70 years ago, an American man called Walt Disney created(创造) a cartoon mouse for films. He named this mouse Mickey Mouse. From the beginning, Mickey Mouse is a clean mouse. He always does many interesting things. Thats why many children and people love him. He makes them happy and tickles them. In the film, Mickey Mouse also has a lot of friends, for example, Donald Duck and Pluto. Donald can do many things that Mickey cannot. Pluto is a dog. He always does foolish things and makes foolish mistakes. Many children like these cartoon animals, but they like Mickey most because the mouse is a star of beauty and wisdom(智慧). 46. Mickey Mouse comes from_.A. England B. Spain C. Japan D. America47. _ created Mickey Mouse.A. An old man B. A young boy C. A man named Walt Disney D. A man named Charlie Chaplin48. Many children and people like Mickey Mouse because_.A. He never makes mistakesB. He is like a real mouse.C. He always does many interesting thingsD. He has many friends.49. What does the underlined phrase “ tickles them” mean in the passage?AMake them happy.B. Make them angry.C. Make them sad.D. Make them tired.50. In the cartoon, Pluto is a _ dog.A. cleverB. smartC. foolish D. badB TV PROGRAMMES(节目)Channel(频道) 1 Channel 218:00 Around China 17:45 Computers Today18:30 Childrens Programme 18:10 Foreign Arts19:00 News 18:30 English Classroom19:30 Weather Report 19:00 Animal World19:40 Around the World 19:25 China 200320:10 TV play: Sisters 20:20 Sports21:00 English for Today 21:00 TV play: Guo Lanying21:15 Popular Music 21:45 English News21:55 Talk Show 22:06 On TV Next Week51. If you want to watch a soccer game, the best programme for you would be _.A. TV Play B. Sports C. Around the World D. Talk Show52. The programme of _ will let you know much about Western countries.A. Sisters B. Around China C. Around the World D. On TV Next Week53. If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, you can watch TV at _.A. 19:00 B. 18:00 C. 20:10 D. 18:1054. English Classroom is a programme that _.A. lets you know something about classroomsB. tells you something about studentsC. lets you know something about school lifeD. teaches you English55. The programme at the end of Channel 2 means _ on TV next week.A. news B. programmes C. people D. placesC Many people like to travel by plane, but I dont like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. You cant open the window. You cant choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city. I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train you can catch another one .You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time. I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you dont need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.56. Why do many people like to travel by plane? A. Because it is fast. B. Because it is safe. C. Because you can walk around in the plane.D. Because you can choose the food.57. Which is not the good thing about the train? A. It is safe.B. It takes a little more time. C. You can open the windows.D. You can walk around in the train.58. If you want to take a lot of things with you, what do you take to go out? A. A bus B.A car. C.A train D.A ship59. What is the bad thing about the car? A. You neednt go to a stationB. You can start your journey when you want to.C. There are too many cars on the road.D. You can carry many things with you.60. What does the writer think of the plane,train and car?A. He thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport.B. He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time.C. He likes to take a car because he has a car.D. He likes taking the train, plane and car五、词汇应用(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)根据句子意思, 用括号中所给汉语提示或单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)61. All the students go to Zhuyuwan Park _(除之外) me.62. June 1st is _ (儿童) Day. My daughter likes that day best. 63. After school, my classmates like buying _(传统的)Chinese food on Dongguan Street. 64. My family often go to this restaurant to have _(真正地) delicious Chinese food at weekends.65. Mother thinks Millie _(不应当) watch too much TV.66. Amy spends half an hour _ (run) every day.67. Water is very important to _(we) all .68. The student under the tree usually _ (finish) his homework at 8:00 in the evening. 69. They celebrate Christmas by _ (give) presents and cards.70. She enjoys playing with the dog and _ (have) sports in the playground.六、句型转换:(共4小题;每空0.5分,计5分)71. Theyd like to buy her a present. (一般疑问句)_ they _ to buy her a present?72. Uncle Li sends e-mails to his friends. (改否定句)Uncle Li _ _ _ to his friends.73. The girl in red is my little sister. (对划线部分提问)_girl _ _ little sister?74. Dad always has lots of things to do. (改为同义句)Dad_ always _.七、任务型阅读(共10空;每空1分,计10分)Today, there are many problems between parents and children. Many people always ask, “ Why do we often argue(争论)?”Parents show their love for children in different ways. They cook nice food, buy new clothes for them. They also care about their studies. Parents always ask “ You must work hard”, “You should do your homework”, “Why not do homework for your exam?” all the time. When children get bad marks(分数), their parents get very angry. They stop their children watching TV, playing games or going outside until they are good at their studies. Why? Most families have only one child. The child is the hope of the family, they want the child to be the best. Many children want to do things themselves. They want to do many unusual things that parents dislike. They like pop music, basketball and other new things. They enjoy surfing on the Internet and playing QQ games. They spend a lot of time chatting online and listening to the QQ music. In their parents eyes, these are a waste of time. For these reasons, parents and children often argue._75_ Do Children and Their Parents Argue?ReasonParents want their child to be the_76_ A. They _78_ their children in different ways.B. Their children should _79_ hard all the time.C. _80_TV and playing games on the Internet are _81_ for their studies.Many children want to do many _77_ things. A. They like to sing pop _82_, listen to the QQ music and other _83_ things.B. They usually spend a lot of time surfing on the Internet and playing QQ games, _84_online with their friends.八、缺词填空:(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)There a_85_ many words in English, but you cant know every English word. W_86_ you read, youll often find many new w_87_ you dont know. Youll not have enough t_88_ to stop reading and try to find every new word in a dictionary(词典). Sometimes you can g_89_ the meaning of a new word because you know some of the parts of the new word. For example. if a word ends in the l_90_ “er”, that word must be the name for a p_91_ or a thing that does some action(动作). A w_92_ is a person who writes. Sometimes this is not enough to u_93_ a word, but it will h_94_ you to know the article(文章) easily when you are reading.九、书面表达(计30分)A. 根据中文意思,翻译下列句子。(每题2分,计10分)95. 我们期待着再次去北京动物园。_.96. 对不起,请问那个用汉语怎么说?_.97. 感谢你帮他们做这种特别的南瓜灯。_98. 他们总是在脸上涂上油彩,人们不知道他们是谁。_.99.别为她担心,也许她需要更多练习。_ B. 写作(计20分)请你帮你的外国朋友Lily给她新交的笔友王平写一封e-


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