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小学英语Book 7 Lesson 17 : Seasons教学设计教学内容 Book 7 Lesson 17 : Seasons 1 课时 教学目标 德育目标:通过本课的学习让学生充分认识大自然,并热爱大自然,从小树立保护自然环境的意识。智育目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养学生的协作能力和竞争意识。素质发展目标:1、 掌握四会单词 :fall ice mittens ( mitts ) rain scarf snow spring summer sun wind winter 2、 会表达四个季节的天气3、 词组 :put on / take off4、 掌握句型 :What a day !In I put on my .In I take off my . 教学重点难点 教学重点掌握本课四会单词和句型教学难点:能灵活应用所学知识进行交际 教学准备 课件、 张贴画 、录音机、挂图等。 学生活动设计 小组学习(两人一组、多人一组)、师生互动游戏等 第( 1 )课时一、 问候1. Say hello to everyone .2. Say how are you ? Im fine , thank you .二、 复习衣服(图片和实物相结合)T : Whats this ?S : 新词:scarf / mittensT : Follow me : scarfS :T : Whats this ?S : This is a scarf .T : What colour is this ?S : S : This is a scarf .T : What are these ?S : T : Follow me : mittensS : mittensT : What are these ?S : These are mittens .T : What colour are they ?S : Theyre Theyre mittens .游戏 T : What is missing ?S : 三、 引入季节T : There are four seasons in a year . What are they ?S : winter spring summer autumnT : In autumn , also we can say “ fall ” 板书 :autumn = fallS : fallT : Now its 天气T : Whats the weather like today ?S : Its T : In , the weather is 新句型:T : We can say : What a . day !S : What a . day !T : Whats the weather like in winter / spring / summer / fall ?S :In winter , the weather is . What a . day !In spring , the weather is . What a . day !In summer , the weather is . What a . day !In fall , the weather is . What a . day !T : In the weather is . I put on my .Body language : put on 板书:put onT : put onS : put onT : In I put on my . What about you ?S : In I put on my T : Make a sentence : In I put on my .S : In the weather is . I take off my . ( 同桌 )T : Body language : take off 板书:take offtake offS : take offT : In I take off my . What about you ?S : In I take off my .T : Make a sentence : In I take off my . ( 火车 )四、 操练T : What is this ? Draw iceS : 冰T : Follow me : iceS : iceT : I have some pictures about :winter , spring , summer and autumn .You can say li


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