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Unit21Breakfastblues Lesson41 Review 1 时间的表达 aquarterto past 点三刻 一刻halfpast 点半2 打电话用语 Nicetospeaktoyou 3 therebe句型以及can的否定句及一般疑问句的用法 4 情态动词must5 固定词组及句型Hurryup 快点lookfor寻找Whatasurprise好一个意外 Blue whatisblue blue 蓝色 blue 象征着平静 在汉语中引申义较少 而在英语中blue是一个含义十分丰富的颜色词 英语的blue常用来喻指人的 情绪低落 心情沮丧 忧愁苦闷 holidayblue假期忧郁症ablueMonday倒霉的星期一 Blues蓝调音乐 忧郁哥大战咆哮姐 flv yellow 黄色 yellow 是暖色 是太阳的颜色 在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大 在英语中 yellow可以表示 胆小 卑怯 卑鄙 等意思 ayellowdog卑鄙的人ayellowliver胆小鬼 red 红色 red 在英语和汉语中 红色有时可以完全对应 有时却大相径庭 redwine红酒redflag红旗redbattle血战redsky彩霞 green 绿色green在英语中可以表示 嫉妒 眼红 汉语中表示 嫉妒 意义的 眼红 应该翻译为green eyed而不能翻译为red eyed greenhand新手greenmeat鲜肉 Breakfastblues早餐忧郁 train trein v 训练 n 火车 stomach st m k empty onan 空腹 fridge frid 电冰箱 pot p t 壶 canteen k n ti n 餐厅 食堂 yoghurt j g t j ug t 酸奶 terrible ter b l 糟糕的 极坏的 可怕的 Newwordsandexpressions havegot h v g t howmuch pot p t start st t morning m ni yoghurt j g t j ug t canteen k n ti n terrible ter b l breakfastblues brekf stblu z do du want w nt notreally ri li something s m i train trein stomach st m k 新概念青少版1B DVDUnit21 Lesson41高清 flv Newwordsandexpressions breakfastblues早餐忧郁do做 助动词 dosth 做某事something sth某事 某物want想要wanttodosth想要做某事really真的notreally不完全是 不太train训练stomach胃 Newwordsandexpressions havegot有 得到Howmuch 多少 修饰不可数名词 pot壶start开始morning早晨yoghurt j t 酸奶canteen k n ti n 餐厅 食堂terrible极坏的 可怕的 pot Howmuch want do stomach something train yoghurt notreally canteen havegot breakfastblues start morning terrible Watchthevideo K Doyouwantanybreakfast Paul P Notreally butImusteatsomething Imustn ttrainonanemptystomach Havewegotanyorangejuice notreally 不完全是 不太something 某事 某物train 训练stomach 胃 Doyouwant 你想要 Notreally 不完全是 不太 礼貌地表示给予和拒绝的惯用语Imustn t mustn t mustnot禁止onanemptystomach固定短语 空腹 没吃任何东西 Have got 表示 有 Has got 变为一般疑问句1 Iwantsomejuice 2 Theywantsomerice 3 Ihavegotsometea 4 Theyhavegotsometea Doyouwantanyjuice Dotheywantanyrice Haveyougotanytea Havetheygotanytea Yes Ido No Idon t Yes theydo No theydon t Yes Ihave No Ihaven t Yes theyhave No theyhaven t K Yes wehave There ssomeinthefridge Howmuchjuicedoyouwant P Oh justasmallglass please K Hereyouare howmuch 多少 Therebe句型中some和any的用法Howmuch 询问数量Howmuch 不可数名词Howmany 可数名词单数Justasmallglass Iwant justasmallglass 用Howmany Howmuch填空 1 orangejuicedoyouwant 2 treesarethereinthepark 3 birdscanyousee 4 shipsarethereontheriver 5 binocularsdoyouhave 6 milkarethereinthefridge Howmuch Howmany Howmany Howmany Howmany Howmuch K Doyouwantanycoffee P No thanks Havewegotanytea K Yes there ssometeainthepot Helpyourself pot 壶 Helpyourself 请自便复习反身代词I myselfyou yourself yourselvesshe herselfhe himselfit itselfwe ourselvesthey themselves K PoorPaul It saveryearlystart P Tellmeaboutit Ican teatatsixo clockinthemorning start 开始 Tellmeaboutit 相信我 It sveryearlystart startn v 开始Shestartedcleaningthekitchen Tellmeaboutit 相信我 Believeme Ican teatatsixo clockinthemorning 在某一个具体时刻用at 在某一段时间用in K I vegotsomeyoghurtinthefridge Youcantakeitwithyouandhaveitatthegym I vegot Ihavegot yoghurt 酸奶 Ihavegot I vegot 我有 Wehavegot We vegot Youhavegot You vegot Theyhavegot They vegot Hehasgot He sgot Shehasgot She sgot atthegym 在体操馆at在 某地 在 某场合 Hewillbeattheairporttomeether 他将去机场接她 Ididn tlikebeingaloneathome 我不喜欢一个人呆在家里 P Thanks Karen That snice Theyhaven tgotanyyoghurtinthecanteenattheacademy Thefoodthereisterrible haven tgot havenotgot没有 canteen 食堂 terrible 极坏的 可怕的 Grammar 1 Howmuch的用法Howmuch 对不可数名词数量进行提问e g Howmuchjuicedoyouwant Howmuchmilkisthere Howmany 对可数名词数量进行提问e g Howmanybooksdoyouhave Howmanyapplesdoyouwant Howmuch还表示对价钱的提问Howmuchisthetelevision Howmucharetheapples 2 Tellmeaboutit 请相信我3 Havegot have4 want的用法wantsomebody sb todosomething sth 想让某人作某事 wanttodosomething sth 想做某事wanttobe 想成为 wantsomething sth 想要 6 notreally 不完全是 不 变为否定句 1 Iwantsometea 2 Paulwantssometea 3 Hehasgotsomejuice 4 Shehasgotsomecoffee Idon twantanytea Pauldoesn twantanytea Hehasn tgotanyjuice Shehasn tgotanycoffee MustPauleatsomething Yes hemust Canhetrainonanemptystomach Havetheygotanyorangejuice Isthereanycoffee Havetheygotanytea CanPauleatatsixo clockinthemorning Isthereanyyoghurtinthefridge CanPaultakeitwithhim Canhehaveitatthegym No hecan t Yes theyhave Yes thereis Yes theyhave No hecan t Yes thereis Yes hecan Yes hecan Page45b IsthereanyteainPaul scup Isitaverylatestart Isthereanyyoghurtonthetable Isthefoodattheacademygood No thereisn t There ssomeinthepot No itisn t It saveryearlystart No thereisn t There ssomeinthefridge No itisn t It sterrible Page45c Whatmustn thedo Whereistheorangejuice Whereisthetea Whatcan tPauldoatsixo clockinthemorning WhathasKarengotinthefridge WhatcanPauldo Whathaven ttheygotinthecanteenattheacademy Hemustn ttrainonanemptystomach Itisinthefridge It sinthepot Hecan teatatsixo clockinthemorning Shehasgotsomeyoghurtinthefridge Hecantakesomeyoghurtwithhimandhaveitatthegym Theyhaven tgotanyyoghurtinthecanteen Lesson42 单词记忆大比拼 根据英语说汉语 单词记忆大比拼 根据汉语说英语 变为一般疑问句1 Iwantsomejuice 2 Theywantsomerice 3 Ihavegotsometea 4 Theyhavegotsometea Doyouwantanyjuice Dotheywantanyrice Haveyougotanytea Havetheygotanytea Yes Ido No Idon t Yes theydo No theydon t Yes Ihave No Ihaven t Yes theyhave No theyhaven t Therebe句型中some和any的用法Howmuch 询问数量Howmuch 不可数名词Howmany 可数名词单数Justasmallglass Iwant justasmallglass 用Howmany Howmuch填空 1 orangejuicedoyouwant 2 treesarethereinthepark 3 birdscanyousee 4 shipsarethereontheriver 5 binocularsdoyouhave 6 milkarethereinthefridge Howmuch Howmany Howmany Howmany Howmany Howmuch 变为否定句 1 Iwantsometea 2 Paulwantssometea 3 Hehasgots


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