



一、中国创新 Chinese innovation is thriving at an unprecedented speed. In order to catch up with and surpass developed countries around the world in science and technology as soon as possible, China dramatically increased its research and development funds in recent years. Universities and research institutes in China are actively doing innovation researches, which cover a variety of high-tech fields ranging from big data to biochemistry, and from new energy to robots. They are also cooperating with science and technology parks around China to commercialize their fruits of innovation. Meanwhile, Chinese entrepreneurs are also making pioneering efforts to innovate in an attempt to adapt themselves to the ever-changing and growing needs of domestic and overseas consumer markets, be it in terms of products or business models.原文: 中国的创新正在以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展。Chinese innovation is thriving at an unprecedented speed.为了在科技上尽快赶超发国家,中国近年来大幅度增加其开发研究资金。In order to catch up with and surpass developed countries around the world in science and technology as soon as possible, China dramatically increased its developement and research funds in recend years.中国的大学和研究机构正积极做创新研究,研究范围覆盖了从大数据到生物化学,从新能源到机器人等高科技领域。Universities and research institutes in China are actively doing innovation researches, which cover a variety of high-tech fields ranging from big date to biochemistry and from new energy to robots.他们也正与中国各地科技园合作使其创新成果商业化。They are also cooperating with science and technology parks in China to commercialize their fruits of innovation.同时,无论在产品还是商业模式上,中国企业家也努力在创新方面做先锋,以适应国内外不断变化和增长的消费市场的需求。Meanwhile, Chinese entrepreneurs are also making pioneering efforts to innovate in attempting to adapt themselves to the ever-changing and growing needs of domestic and overseas consumer markets, be it in terms of products or business models.注释:1、蓬勃发展 is thriving2、以的速度 at a/an speed 前所未有的 unprecedented 3、赶上 catch up with 超过 surpass4、大幅度 dramatically drastically significantly 5、研究所 research institute 积极的 actively 活动 activity 6、覆盖了从到各个高科技领域 cover a variety of high-tech fields ranging to7、合作 cooperate 商业化 commercialize 8、与此同时 meanwhile at the same time 9、商业模式 business model 先锋 pioneer 企业家 entrepreneur 国内外 domestic and overseas 以适应 in attempt to adapt themselves to10、无论还是 be it or二、中国城市化The year of 2011,in which the urban population surpass rural one for the first time, marked the historical moment in Chinese urbanization process. In the coming 20 years, It is estimated that about 350 million rural people migrate to cities. Such large-scale urbanization is both a challenge and an opportunity to the urban transportation. Chinese government has always been advocating people-oriented developing concept, stressing that people should travel in public vehicles instead of private cars. It also calls for constructing “resource-saving and environment-friendly” society. With this specific goal, Chinas cities can make better plans for their development and convert massive investment to development of safe, clean and economical transport system.原文: 2011年是中国城市化进程中历史性时刻,其城市人口首次超过农村人口。The year of 2011,in which the urban population surpass rural population for the first time, marked the historical moment in the urbanization process.在未来的20年里,预计将有3.5亿农村人口将移居到城市。In the coming 20 years,it is estimated that about 350 million rural people migrate to cities.如此规模的发展对城市交通来说即是挑战,也是机遇。Such large-scale urbanization is both a challenge and an opportunity to the urban transportation.中国政府一直提倡“以人为本”的发展理念,强调人们以公交而不是私家车出行。Chinese government has always been advocating people-oriented developing concept, stressing that people should travel in public vehicles instead of private cars.他还号召建设“资源节约和环境友好型”社会。It also calls for constructing “resource-serving and environment-friendly” society.有了这个明确目标,中国城市就可以更好的地规划其发展,并把大量投资转向安全,清洁和经济型交通系统的发展上。With the specific goal, chinas cities can make better plans for their development and convert massive investment to the development of safe, clean and economical transport system.句型:1.预计 It is estimated /predicted that 2.一直提倡 have always been advocating3.有了这个明确目标 With this specific goal,4.把转向 convert to三 、中国传统待客之道The Han Dynasty is one of the most impotent dynasties in Chinese history. There are many remarkable achievements during the reign of this dynasty. It is the first dynasty that open door to other culture, and the foreign trade is prosperous. The Silk Rode opend up in the Han Dynasty led to Middle and western Asia even Rome.Various forms of art thrived during that time when many great works on literature, history and philosophy sprang up. The compilation of Chinese first dictionary was completed in 100 A.D. It contains 900 Chinese characters, for which it provides meaning and displays in different way of hand-writing. At the same time, greate progress was made in science and technologypaper, water clocks, sundials and instruments usted to detect the earthquakes were invented. The Han Dynasty lasted 400 yaers. However, the rules corruption eventually led to its destruction.中国传统待客之道要求饭菜丰富多样。The traditional hospitality of Chinese require food diversity.在大多数宴席上,全鱼被认为是必不可少的,除非已经上过格式海鲜。In most Chinese banquets, a whole fish is considered as essential, unless various seafood has already been served.如今,中国人喜欢把西方特色菜与传统中菜式菜肴融于一席。Nowadays, Chinese would prefer to combine western specialties with traditional Chinese dishe.In China, parents are always trying their best to help their children and even make important decision for them, taking no account of what their children want, because they believe that what they do is in their children interests. As the result, childrens growth and education tend to be subject to their parents will. If parents decide to sign their children up for an extra-curriculum class to increase childrens odds being enrolled in key schools, they will insist on their decision,even though their children are not interest in it at all.However, in American, parents will probably respect their childrens opinions, and pay more attention to their opinion when making decisions.Perhaps it is commendable that Chinese parents attach great importance to education, but they should learn from American parents how to balance between parents and children when it comes to childrens education.中国现在涉足建造高速列车、远洋船舶、机器人、甚至飞机。China is currently involved in making high speed train, ocean vessels, robots even aircrafts.中国的产品越来越受欢迎,中国为此付出了代价。但这确实有助于消除贫困,同时还为世界各地的人民提供了就业机会。Products produced in China have become increasingly popular ,for which China has pay a price. Howeve


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