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unit4iusedtobeafraidofthedark sectiona1a 2d he sheis short funny quiet outgoing shy whatishe shelike fat thin tall personality shyoutgoingquietfunnysmartfriendly he sheis 性格 height tallmediumheightshort build heavy fatmediumbuildthin he sheis appearance beautifulhandsomecute hair longhairshorthairstraighthaircurlyhairblondehair eg he shehas face 外貌 he shewearsglasses short shy quiet wearglasses fat thin good looking pretty handsome friendly serious funny straight long curlyhair 1afillinthechartwithwordstodescribepeople funny outgoing friendly shy unfriendly serious lookatthepicturesandguesspersonality inthepast iusedtobeshort ihadshorthairinthepast iusedtohaveshorthair iwasshortinthepast iamtallnow ihavelonghairnow heusedtobeshort butnowheistall hewasshortwhenhewasachild butheistallnow usedtobe thefamousstarshavechangedalot inthepast now sheusedtohave shehas now sheusedtobe sheis now quiet longstraighthair longcurlyhair outgoing iusedtobe have iam have now longhairshorthairstraighthaircurlyhairbrownhair tall shortheavy fat thinoutgoing shyfunny quietfriendly clever wearglasses whatdidyouusetobelike bob mario amy tina writedownthenames glasses tall shorthair red curly short 1blisten bobisseeingsomefriendsforthefirsttimeinfouryears whatdidhisfriendsusetolooklike didheusetobetall no hedidn t didheusetowearglasses yes hedid 1clookatthepicturein1aandmakeconversations didsheusetohavelonghair yes shedid didsheusetobetall no shedidn t didsheusetohaveshortcurlyhair yes shedid didsheusetohaveblondehair no shedidn t friendly outgoing serious humorous silent active brave quiet helpful 2alistenandcheck thewordsyouhear quiet outgoing musicclass science piano sports soccer swim piano 2blistenagainandcompletethechartabouthowpaulahaschanged makeconversationsaboutpaulusingtheinformationin2b quiet outgoing now a paulusedtobereallyquiet b iknow shewasalwayssilentinclass talk role playtheconversation 2d 从方框中选择适当的单词完成句子 quiet shy funny outgoing friendly myuncleisvery heoftentellsjokes 2 hiscousinisvery heisafraidtospeakinpublic 3 pleasebe inthelibrary 4 mike smotherisvery tous weallgetonwellwithher 5 bill ssisterisvery she sgoodatsinginganddancing funny shy quiet friendly outgoing pairwork a didyouusetobe have b yes idid iam have now didyouusedtobe have a no ididn t iusedtobe have usedtobe过去是 曾经是usedtodosth 过去常常做某事表示 过去经常做某事 只用于过去时 用来表示现在已不存在的习惯或状态 summary usedto以前 曾经
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