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EJ入PIN机The protocol for EJ terminals insertion machine设备方案书(一) 设计目标与要求(design target and specification)1设计目标(design target)此机台的设计目标是按照客户提供的胶芯弹片共三种零件装配起来,然后检测成功与否后自动排除不良的自动化过程,实现产品的连续、高效、高质量的自动化生产。The function of this machine is to insert the M terminal and SCC terminal into the bobbin, then to probe it is ok or not good(NG), if it is not good, then push the not good products out of the line. The machine should be able to run continuously, high efficiently, and in high quality.2设计要求(design specification)根据客户提供的产品样品,我司对此设备拟定的设计要求如下:(according to the customers requirement and the samples, we make the spec. as below:) 1) 设备稳定可靠地连续生产,造型大方美观,操作调整方便; The machine should be run continuously, and looks good, robust and compact, and convenient to operate. 2) 成品尺寸均达到图纸要求,外观达到客户要求。 All the assembling dimension should meet the customers drawing, and no appearance defect.3) 设备生产节拍:2.22.5 秒/PCS,稼动率为:95%以上,一天按22小时的产量为:22小时3600秒2.22.5秒95%31 K PCS/天The cycle time is 2.2-2.5s /pc, the utilization is 95%, output per day is 31kpcs.4) 操作人员:1人主要用于上料及监控运行,工作台面735mm。 The machine need 1 operator to monitor, and feed the terminal roll, the height of table is 735mm.5) 所有零件镀硬铬,机架采用方通焊接并烤米黄漆,机械部分有安全防护罩。All the parts will be hard Cr plated, and all the frames will be painted by yellow paint to resist the rust. And the protection device is included.6) 采用人机界面及PLC控制。有清拉程序及异常停机报警功能。 PLC will be used in the electronic controlling, the alarm and clearing the remnant program is included.(二) 设备外观(the appearance of the machine)设备外观尺寸:1150(长) 1250(宽) 1750(高)The outside dimension: 1150(L)x1250(W)X1750(H).所需场地尺寸:1500(长) 2000(宽) 2000(高)附图:the installation dimension is 1500(L)x2000(W)x2000(H).As attached below is the profile for this machine.(三) 设备运行工艺图(the process of the machine)胶芯由输送带送到第一站The bobbin is carried to the first station 插第一种PIN弹片 旋转移栽弹片 小型冲裁机构冲最后一次 冲床冲裁出弹片Scc inserting- rotate and move SCC-the small punch cuts the SCC away From the terminal tape- the punch machine punches the SCC terminal空站 null station 插第二种PIN弹片 旋转移栽弹片 小型冲裁机构冲最后一次 冲床冲裁出弹片M terminal inserting-rotate and move M terminal-the small punch cuts the M away from the terminal tape-the punch machine punches the M terminal.空站 null station上面压入机构将弹片压到位同时下面探针检测弹片有无缺失 press the SCC and M terminals into the bobbin and probe the terminals.排不良机构排出不良品 push the not good products out of the line输出成品 the okay products flow to the next station.(四) 设备各机构动作描述(the description of the mechanisms)1 冲床冲出铜片留最后一次不冲,连续的料带送到小型冲裁机构; mechanism 1, the punch bend the terminals in the die.2 小型冲裁机构冲掉最后一部分尾带,夹子先夹住弹片,冲裁好后移位、旋转90,由插PIN机构夹取移栽进行插PIN动作,插PIN前胶芯下面的气缸将产品顶出定位,插PIN过程有导向定位。Mechanism 2,The small punch cuts the terminal away from the terminal tape, and the griper clip the terminal and move it and insert it into the bobbin,3.压入机构将插好的弹片压入到位;同时检测机构上升检查弹片有无缺失;若有不良,排不良机构动作将不良品排除;mechanism 3, press the terminal to its right position, and probe the terminals in its position or not, push the no good products out of the line.4.成品由移栽机构输出。 The good products flow to the next machine.(五) 主要元器件一览表(components list)No.主要设备名称(name) 生产厂家(supplier)备注(remark)1气动元件(air cylinder components)SMC2导轨(rails)THK、AMT3轴承(bearing)NSK、THK4PLC(electronics controller)OMRON5触摸屏(man-machine interface)威伦6传感器(sensor)KEYENCE、OMRON7机加工件(machining parts)富康实业集成SKD11,S45C等8电器元件(electronic components)OMRON、FUJI等富康实业集成9MPU、电源、接口板等控制子系统(other electronic components)OMRON产品富康实业集成(六) 双方责任与义务(responsibility and obligation)1、设计之初,客户必须提供产品的精确图纸和样品(10套)。 At the beginning, the customer should provide the precise drawing and samples(10sets)2、客户保证塑胶产品尺寸的一致性,保证变形公差范围不能超过0.05mm。 Customer should assure the components of the products conformable, the deformation should be kept in +/-0.05mm.3、从最终验收签字之日起,一年内我司负责(非人为故障)免费维修。超过一年,及时维修,仅收取基本费用。After acceptance of the machine, the free service time is 1 year except for manmade malfunction. Over 1 year, will service it on time, but need to charge the basic fee.4、我司负责培训客户有相关基础的操作人员和维护人员。 Free train the relevant the operators and maintaining workers.(七) 项目进度计划(project plan)客户支付预付款,同时将工程项目所需的技术资料及工件提供给我司作为合同启动。After getting the advance payment, and the necessary relevant data, the project will be started.1、 合同启动后3周内完成图纸设计;the drawing will be finished in 3 weeks.2、 4周内完成采购及加工;the purchasin


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