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株洲师专附中 唐艳波原创Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?Lesson 11a1c, 2a2e教学目标:1. 熟练掌握字母IiRr的正确读音和书写。2. 掌握实际生活中周边事物的名称并能确认该物体。3. 初步学会根据音标读单词的方法以及拼写单词。4. 继续培养学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励学生用简单的英语与他人交流信息。教学内容:1. 字母及其音标:Ii/a/, Jj/e/, Kk/ke/, Ll/el/, Mm/em/, Nn/en/, Oo/, Pp/pi:/, Qq/kju:/, Rr/:(r)/2. 词汇:what, is, this, in, English, map, cup, ruler, pen, orange, jacket, key, quilt, it, a, that, NBA, P, kg.3. 短语:in English, a jacket, an orange4. 句型:Whats this/ that in English? Its a jacket./ Its an orange.5. 语法:不定代词a和an的用法。教学过程:1. 复习巩固(1). 师生之间,学生组员之间互相用英语进行简单的问候。(2). 按字母表的顺序正确默写字母AaHh。2. 新课导入老师准备一些物品的实物或图片:map, key, cup, ruler, pen, orange, quilt, jacket。师生间进行如下对话:A: Whats this/ that in English?B: Its a / Its an orange.提醒学生注意单词的正确拼写和发音,并注意a和an的不同用法。3. 合作助学(1). 1a: Ask students to work in groups: Look for the small letters in the picture for these big letters. Check() the ones they find.(2). 1b: Have students listen carefully and repeat together.(3). 1c: Have students practice the conversations in the picture with their partners in their groups. Then make their own conversations with the objects they have.4. 探索新知学生自主学习2a2e的内容,老师给学生提供每个字母的音标。要求学生熟练掌握字母IiRr 的正确发音和书写形式,同时了解P, NBA, kg的含义。5. 巩固练习(1). 2a: Have students listen to the tape and repeat.(2). 2b: Have students listen and number the letters they hear 1-10.(3). 2c: Ask students to look and copy. Work in groups and try to write the letters correctly.(4). 2d: Write the missing big letters or small letters for each pair. Then check their answers in groups.(5). 2e: In groups, talk about what these letters mean: P, NBA, kg.6. 拓展提高(1). 熟记单词map, key, cup, ruler, pen, orange, quilt, jacket的正确拼写形式,并将其按字母表顺序排序。(2). 将3C中自编的对话按正确的格式写在练习本上。7. 小结与作业(1). 练习字母AaRr的正确发音和书写。(2). 熟记单词map, key, cup, ruler, pen, orange, quilt, jacket的拼写和意义。(3). 熟记句型:Whats this/ that in English? Its a/ an.教学反思:Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?Lesson 23a3e, 4a4d教学目标:1. 熟练掌握字母AaRr的读音和写法,并能认识每个字母的音标。2. 熟练掌握辨认物品的方法及其正确的回答方法,且了解a和an的用法。3. 初步掌握Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo的发音。4. 鼓励学生用所学的简单句型进行交流,培养他们学习英语的兴趣。教学内容:1. 字母及其音标:Aa/e/ , Bb/bi:/, Cc/si:/, Dd/di:/, Ee/i:/, Ff/ef/, Gg /i:/, Hh/e/, Ii/a/, Jj/e/, Kk/ke/, Ll/el/, Mm/em/, Nn/en/, Oo/, Pp/pi:/, Qq/kju:/, Rr/:(r)/2. 字母Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo的发音:/e/, /, /i:/, /e/, /a/, /, /, /3. 词汇:spell, please4. 短语:a ruler, a map5. 句型:Spell it, please. O-R-A-N-G-E.教学过程:1. 复习巩固(1). 按字母表顺序默写字母AaRr的大小写形式。(2). 学生表演对话:A: Good morning, XXX? B: Good morning, XX?A: How are you?B: Im fine! thanks.A: Whats this/ that in English?B: Its a/ an.2. 新课导入 T: Whats this in English? S: Its a map. T: Spell it, please. S: M-A-P. T: Whats that? S: Its an orange. T: Spell it, please.S: O-R-A-N-G-E.3. 巩固练习(1). 3a: get students to listen to the tape and number the pictures 1-8. Then check the answers in groups.(2). 3b: Have students listen to the tape and complete the words under the pictures in 3a. Listen again and then check the answers together.(3). 3c: Get the students to listen to the conversation. Then practice it with their partners.(4). 3d: Have students listen to the conversations and number the words they hear 1-4.4. 合作助学(1). 3e: In groups, talk about the things in the picture. Then show their the conversations to the whole class.(2). 4a: First, have students fill in the missing letters by themselves, then check the answers in groups.(3). 4b: In groups, have students number the words in alphabetical order 1-15.5. 拓展提高(1). 4a: Have students fill in the missing words by working by themselves.(2). 4b: Number the words in alphabetical order 1-15.(3). 4c: First, have students listen and repeat. Then, teach following sounds: /e/, /, /i:/, /e/, /a/, /, /, /. 在必要的情况下,向学生讲解元音字母在开音节和闭音节中的发音情况。(4). 4d:


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