新闻英语词汇——新词新译 R.doc_第1页
新闻英语词汇——新词新译 R.doc_第2页
新闻英语词汇——新词新译 R.doc_第3页
新闻英语词汇——新词新译 R.doc_第4页




燃料循环 fuel recycle 燃油附加税 bunker surcharge 染指 reap undeserved profit from; encroach upon 让利 surrender part of the profits 让一切创造社会财富的源泉充分涌流 Give full play to all sources of social wealth 燃油税 fuel oil tax 扰乱治安 disturb public order 绕圈子 beat around the bush 热带风暴 Tropical Storm 热岛效应 tropical island effect 热核弹头 thermonuclear warhead 人口年龄金字塔 population pyramid 热门话题 hot issue; hot topic 热身 warm up (prior to physical exercise or a sport competition) 热污染 thermal pollution 人才储备 reserve of talents 人才高地 talent highland 人才交流 talents exchange 人才库 talent bank; a unit or locale with a concentration of talented people; brain bank 人才流动 the mobility of talents 人才流失 brain drain 人才强国战略 the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development 人才市场 the personnel market 人才战 competition for talented people 人大代表 NPC member 人大代表 deputies to peoples congresses 热带雨林 tropical rain forest 人道主义危机 humanitarian crisis 人防工程 civil air-defense construction 人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man. 人浮于事 overstaffing 人工繁殖 artificial propagation 人工降雨 artificial rain 人工智能 artificial intelligence(AI) 人工智能技术 artificial intelligence technology 认股权证 warrant 人海战术 huge-crowd strategy 人机交互 human-computer interaction 人际交往 human communication 人均住房 per-capita housing 人均资源量 the per-capita quantity of the resources 人口出生率 birth rate 人口断层 population faulting 人口负增长 negative population growth (NPG) 人口高峰 population peak;baby boom 人口过剩 overpopulation 人口老龄化 an aging population 人口密度 population density 人口普查 census 人口素质 quality of population 人口学 larithmics 人口自然增长 natural growth of the population 人类基因图谱 human genome 人类免疫缺陷病毒 Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) 人力开发 manpower development 人力资源 human resources; manpower resources 人民币旅行支票 Renminbi travelers check 人气 popularity 人情债 debt of gratitude 人身保护令(状) habeas corpus 人身攻击 personal attack 人身意外保险 personal accident insurance 人事调动 personnel transfer 人寿保险 life insurance 人体彩绘 body painting 人头税 poll tax 人性化管理 human-based management 人妖 hemophrodite; two-in-one 任意球 free kick 人账 acknowledge a debt 人之初,性本善 Mans nature at birth is good. 人贩子 human trafficker 人均国内生产总值 per-capita GDP 人民币汇率形成机制 the rate-forming mechanism of renminbi 人民币升值 appreciation of the RMB 人民币债券 yuan-denominated bonds 人民调解委员会 the peoples mediation committee 人性化服务 people-oriented service 人与自然和谐相处 harmonious co-existence between man and nature 日本协力银行 Japan Bank For International Cooperation (JBIC) 日本右翼势力 right-wing forces in Japan 日经指数 Nikkei Index 荣誉权 right of fame 荣誉权 right of fame 融资渠道 financing channels 荣誉称号 title of honour 入党申请书 Party membership application 入股 buy into 入境旅游 inbound tourism 入境问俗,入乡随俗 When in Rome do as the Romans do. 入水时水花很少 clean entry 入网许可证 network access license 入账 enter an item in an account or to enter into the account book 入住 be opened for occupancy 软包装 soft-packing 软环境 soft environment 软科学 soft science 软盘 floppy disk 软新闻 soft news 软着陆 soft landing 软肋 soft spot; Achille


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