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英语试题(文理科) 本试卷满分:150分 考试时间: 100分钟第一卷(共100分)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。a patricia was worried. she had a job interview, and she wanted to look good. she decided to get some new clothes. the store owner, pallas hansen, helped patricia find a suit. but when she left the store, she didnt pay for the suit! how could patricia do this? she was in a special store called career closet in san jose, california. pallas hansen and charlotte krumwiede started this nonprofit store to help women. they knew that many women dont find jobs because they dont have the right clothes for a job interview. women who dont have a lot of money have to use their money to buy food and clothes for their children. they cant buy clothes for themselves.pallas and charlotte started the store in 1992 after the y heard about a store like this in chicago .volunteers work in the store. working women donate most of the clothes to the store. this makes it possible for the customers at career closet to get clothes for free.career closet has helped 2,500 san jose women, but clothes arent the only things women get at the store. they also get confidence. patricia is 36 yeas old. her husband was hurt in an accident, and patricia needed a job to support her seven children. she went to career closet and got a jacket, a skirt, and a blouse. “the whole day made me feel special,” she said. patricia was a success at her interview, and she got the job. one reason why she got it was that she was wearing the right clothes for the workplace.pallas says,” i love this job. sixty percent of the women get jobs. its like being a fairy god-mother.”1. what do the women get besides clothes at career closet? a. money b. shoes c. chances d. confidence.2. where do the clothes at career closet come from? a. volunteers working in the store b. working women c. pallas hansen and charlotte krumwiede d. patricia3. we can know from the passage that _. a. dressing properly in working place is important. b. women need to wear fashionable dress for work. c. women are trained for the interview in pallass shop. d. women get the job training in pallass shop.4. the best title for the passage might be _. a. job interview b. fashion c. dress for success d. getting clothes free of charge b. talking taxismany people think new york is a noisy city. in fact, scientists who study noise say that the average noise level in new york is 72.5 decibels. this is a little louder than normal conversation, which is 65 decibels. the noise level comes from having so many people and cars in the same area.now even the insides of taxis are noisy. when you get into a taxi, you hear the voice of a well-known opera singer, sports announcer, or broadway actress giving instructions. thats right. the voice of a famous person tells you what to do. one popular singer gives this message: “cats have nine lives, but you have only one, so buckle your seat belt!” other voices say things such as “dont forget to collect all your belongings.” (people often leave hats, umbrellas, and briefcases in taxis.)there is a good reason for the messages. there are more than 12000 cabs in new york, and every year taxis get into more than 15000 accidents. in an accident, people who dont wear seat belts hit the partition(分隔物) in the taxi. they can bruise(使青肿) their foreheads or break their noses or chins. every year, about 11000 people are injured in this way.many people are annoyed by the voices. cabdrivers in particular dislike the messages. “i play the messages 12 hours a day. i hear the same voices 60 times a day. it makes me crazy, ” says amir, a 45-year-old cabdriver. “but if i dont play the messages, i get fined $100.” a lot of passengers complain, too. “it is too much noise,” says a passenger. “i asked the driver to turn off the message, but he said he cant.”other people think the voices are a great idea. one taxi driver says, “people like to hear the famous voices, and they put on their seat belts more often.” and passengers from out of town really like the idea. “most of the time, taxi drivers are in a bad mood,” says melanie benton, who visits new york often on business. “its nice to hear a cheerful voice when you get into a cab.”5. it can be inferred from the passage that a taxi driver hears the same voices_ every day. a. about 5 times an hour b. about 6 times an hour c. about 50 times an hour d. about 60 times an hour6. what will possibility happen when the passengers dont wear seat belts?a. the driver will be fined. b. the driver will be complained. c. the passengers will be injured d. the passengers will be fined7. the author of this passage seems to believe that_. a. new york is the noisiest city in the us. b. messages played by taxi drivers are useless. c. messages in taxis should be voiced by famous people. d. voices from taxi partly caused the high noise level of new york.8. what does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 imply? a. cats live longer than man b. cats are stronger than man. c. man like cats. d. human beings should value their lives.chealth, wellness and the politics of food 9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m. blue tent panelists(问答小组成员):jami bernard, david kamp, marion nestle, and peter singer. hosted by denise grady, science writer for the new york times.how does what we eat not only affect our bodies, but also the world? the food and nutrition experts debate the role that the diet plays in both personal and global health, and present a look at food politics.sports writing: for the love of the game9:50 a, m. -10:35 a. m. blue tent panelists: christine brennan, ira rosen, joe wallace and joe drape.hosted by william c. rhoden, sports writer for the new york times. whether catching that key moment of victory or defeat, or covering breaking news, sports writers are anything but audience. listen as some professionals discuss the special experience in reporting of sports news.the art of the review 11:15 a. m.-12:00 a. m. green tent panelists: john freeman, barry gwen, david orr, celia mcgee and jennifer schusterhosted by sam tanenhaus, editor for the book review of the new york times. how much of an effect does the book review have on book sales? join this group of critics as they discuss the reality of book reviews and bestseller lists, and how they choose books for review.new york writers, new york stories3:00 p.m.-3:45 p.m. green tentpanelists: cindy adams, richard cohen, ric klass and lauren redniss.hosted by clyde haberman, columnist (专栏作家) for the city section of the new york times.join this inspiring group of new york-centric writers as they talk about why new york is a gold mine of ideas for their work.9. sam tanenhaus is in charge of _.a. the art of the reviewb. health, wellness and the politics of foodc. new york writers, new york storiesd. sports writing: for the love of the game10. all the four activities _.a. are about writing b. will last 45 minutes eachc. can be attended freely d. will attract many readers11. we can learn from the text that_.a. sports writers are a type of audienceb. the new york times is popularc. denise grady will discuss politicsd. book reviews may affect book salesdif teens reduce the salt they take in every day by 3,000 milligrams(mg), they would cut their risk of heart disease and stroke(中风) greatly in adulthood, researchers say. based on the results of a computer modeling analysis, researchers found that a 3,000 mg reduction in sodium(钠) by teenagers could reduce hypertension by 30 percent to 43 percent when they become adults. hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common condition that may have no symptoms for years, but can eventually cause serious health conditions, including heart attack and stroke. other benefits over time as teens hit 50 years of age include a 7 percent12 percent reduction in coronary heart disease(冠心病) ,an 8 percent14 percent reduction in heart attack, and a 5 percent8 percent reduction in stroke. fast food typically contains too much sodium. one bag of nacho cheese doritos has 310 milligrams. pizza is one of the biggest problems for teens when it comes to sodium, according to the data from the national center for health statistics. “the additional benefit of lower salt intake early is that we can hopefully change the expectations of how food should taste, ideally to something slightly less salty,” says dr. kirsten bobbins-domingo, the lead author of the study and associate professor of medicine at the university of california, san francisco. “most of the salt we eat is not from our salt shaker(盐瓶),but salt that is already added in food that we eat,” she added.12. which is a benefit of a low sodium diet according to the text?a. no risk of heart disease. b. smaller chance of stroke.c. low blood pressure. d. slightly more heart attacks.13. according to the text, 3,000 mg less salt intake daily will reduce hypertension by _ adulthood.a. 7%-12% b. 8%-14% c. 30%-43% d. 5%-8%14. what does dr. kirsten bobbins-domingo mean in the last two paragraphs?a. a lower sodium diet can get teenagers used to less salty food.b. a good eating habit can help teens have less junk food.c. teens should avoid pizzas and other salty food.d. we can add more salt from our salt shaker to the food.15. which of the following can be the best title for the text?a. diet and health.b. sodium brings health concerns.c. teens cutting salt for healthier adulthood.d. a cause of hypertension.第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。life comes in a package, which includes love and hate, happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. life is a learning process. experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. with each passing day we learn to handle various situations. love and hate love plays a key role in our life. love makes us feel wanted. in the early stage of our life, our parents shower us with unconditional love and care. they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. 16 . only after we get married and have kids can we understand and become sensitive to others feelings. on the contrary, hate can not solve any problems, but make things worse. thus, wed better hate less and love more. happiness and sorrow material happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile to others gives a certain level of fulfillment, 17 . no mind is happy without peace. we realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure or despair. but these things are temporary and will pass away anyhow. failure and success failure is the path to success. it helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. 18. the only way to show our gratitude to god for giving success to us is by being modest, polite and respectful to the less fortunate ones. hope and despair hope is what keeps life going. hope makes us dream and builds patience and confidence in us. life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour because after every night there is a day. nothing remains the same. 19 . life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control. tomorrow is unknown, for it can either be bright or dull. 20 .a every defeat is just a small part of victory.b.peace of mind is the main link to happiness.c. but we always tend to take this for granted.d. happiness is always what we want to achieve.e. its important to keep our head on our shoulder.f. the alternative is to work hard today to enjoy a better tomorrow.g. we have only one choice-keep moving on with hope in life. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 children model themselves largely on their parents. they do so mainly through identification(认同). children identify 21 a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are 22 of that parent. the things parents do and say-and the 23 they do and say to them-therefore strongly influence a childs 24 . however, parents must consistently behave like the type of 25 they want their child to become. a parents actions 26 affect the self-image that a child forms 27 identification. children who see mainly positive qualities in their 28 will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. children who observe chiefly 29 qualities in their parents will have difficulty 30 positive qualities in themselves. children may 31 their self-image, however, as they become increasingly 32 by peers group standards before they reach 13. isolated(孤立的) events, 33 dramatic ones, do not necessarily have a permanent 34 on a childs behavior. children interpret(诠释) such events according to their established attitudes and previous training. children who know they are loved can, 35 , accept the divorce of their parents or a parents early 36 . but if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events 37 a sign of rejection or punishment. in the same way, all children are not influenced 38 by toys and games, reading matter, and television programs. 39 in the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the 40 of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it.21. a. tob. withc. aroundd. for22. a .informedb. characteristicc. conceivedd. indicative23. a. gestureb. expressionc. wayd. extent24. a. behaviorb. wordsc. moond. reactions 25. a. personb. humansc. creaturesd. adult26. a. in turnb. neverthelessc. alsod. as a result27. a. beforeb. besidesc. withd. through28. a. eyesb. parentsc. peersd. behaviors29. a. negativeb. cheerfulc. variousd. complex30. a. seeb. seeingc. to seed. to seeing31. a. modifyb. copyc. give upd. continue32. a. matureb. influencedc. uniqued. independent33. a. notb. besidesc. evend. finally34. a. ideab. wonderc. stampd. effect35. a. luckilyb. for examplec. at mostd. theoretically36. a. deathb. rewardsc. adviced. teaching37. a. asb. beingc. ofd. for38. a. evenb. at allc. aliked. as a whole39. a. ohb. alsoc. rightd. as40. a. resultb. effectc. scaled. cause第二卷(共50分)第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。pumas are large, cat-like animals 41 are found in america. when reports came into london zoo that a wild puma 42 (spot) forty-five miles south of london, they were not taken seriously. however, 43 the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions _44_ (give) by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.the hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw “a large cat” only five yards away 45 her. it immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed 46 a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. the search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. paw prints were seen in a number of 47 (place) and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. several people complained of “cat-like noises” at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up 48 tree. the experts were now 49 (full) convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from? as no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this


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