



。 。 。 。 。 。 。测井技术论文中、英摘要的撰写世界上任何一件事都有其固有的、内在的客观规律,了解掌握并按此规律办事,事情就会办得好一些或比较好一些。写摘要也是一样的。摘要是摘录出一篇论文的要点。摘要分为中文摘要和英文摘要2种。它是论文的浓缩与精华,源于文章,又高于文章。从编辑学角度讲,摘要乃是一篇论文中相对独立的编辑单元。为了保证测井技术论文的质量,需要一块探讨3个方面的内容,Current abstract(摘要现状);How to write an abstract(如何撰写摘要);Translation of the abstract(摘要的翻译)。1 Current 现状总体来说,21世纪这5年的摘要水平明显好于20世纪。这是大家努力的结果,值得一同分享。1.1 中文摘要约1/5的摘要符合要求;2/5属中等;其余的还需要改进和提高。主要问题是要素不全,有的只有一两句套话;有的是“老三句”,科技口号式的句子较多等。1.2 英文摘要少数英文摘要比较好,多数明显差些;个别作者可能由于英文水平限制,目前仍不会翻译。1.3 实例(1)优秀摘要双源距碳氧比测井技术研究* (作者及单位省略)摘要:井眼效应限制了单源距C/O测井的应用,为此开发了双源距C/O测井仪器DDCO及相应解释模块。利用蒙特卡洛模拟结果,合理设计了仪器外径、屏蔽体材料与尺寸、源距以及晶体体积比例。通过改变中子管安装与供电方式,实现了理想屏蔽长度与短源距的设计。为减小伽马射线计数的涨落,采用了高性能大尺寸BGO晶体。通过缩短脉冲幅度分析器的模数转换时间,在一定程度上解决了近探测器电路中信号堆累问题。在数据处理方面,通过能谱漂移校正和减氢峰法生成更准确的非弹净谱,采用虚拟探测器技术提高了曲线统计性,通过反褶积提高了测井曲线的纵向分辨率。根据模拟和刻度结果建立了解释模型,通过自补偿消除了井眼效应。结果是,在35%孔隙度砂岩条件下测量地层含油饱和度精度达到8%。该技术已经应用于多个油田,测井资料为制定稳油控水方案提供了准确的依据,由于测井前不需洗井、刮蜡等作业,受到普遍欢迎关键词:含油饱和度;碳氧比;双源距;测井仪器;解释中图分类号:P631.829 P631.84 文献标识码:AOn Dual Detector Carbon/Oxygen Logging (作者及单位省略)Abstract: An innovative dual-spaced C/O tool, DDCO, and related interpretation module are developed to correct borehole effect, which has been a pullback of using single-spaced C/O log. Tool structure, including outside diameter, shield material and thickness, spacing, as well as size ratio of detector crystals, is optimized through considering Monte Carlo simulation results. The designs of shield thickness and short spacing are implemented by altering build-in and power supply of the neutron tube. High performance large-size BGO crystal is adopted to reduce fluctuation of gamma-ray count. Shortening analogue-digital-converting time of pulse height analyzer solves the problem of signal pile-up in the circuit for near detector. In data processing, more accurate net inelastic spectra are obtained through the energy correction for spectral drift and subtracting capture spectrum from total inelastic spectrum according to the areas of Hydrogen peak in these spectra, and statistic is increased by utilizing virtual detector technique. Vertical resolution of logging curve is enhanced by deconvolution. Based on the results of simulation and pit-test, a novel interpretation model is set up, and the borehole effect is eliminated therein by self-compensation. The outcome of these innovations is that the precision of oil saturation reaches 8% under the condition of 35% porosity sandstone. Oil companies generally accept this technique, as no well cleanout or paraffin cutting is needed before logging. It is applied to several oil fields, and the logs provide good bases for stabilizing oil production and controlling water production.Key Words: oil saturation; carbon/oxygen; dual spacing; logging tool; interpretation(2)原摘要测井数据打印集成化技术(新投稿)(作者、单位略)摘要:本文论述了测井成果图中图头、刻度、曲线数据的集成化打印方法。指出设置绘图仪为自定义方式是解决问题的根本所在。在此基础上,讨论了三种集成打印实现的方法,并加以比较。最终指出灵活应用三种方法的组合可以使集成打印功能更加强大。关键字:测井,集成化打印,自定义方式中图文分类号:Plotting integration technique on well logging datas(作者、单位略)Abstract: The thesis demonstrates plotting integration method on well logging datas: Head、Calibrator、Curve. Point out that the key is to set plot into self-definef type. Based that, discuss three method to implement plotting integration and compared each other. At last note that the combination of three method can make great function for plotting integration. Key words: well logging, plotting integration, self-defined type(3)编辑加工后的摘要文章编号:1004-1338(2005)02-0000-00测井数据打印集成化技术(作者、单位略)摘要:论述了测井成果图中图头、刻度、曲线数据的集成化打印方法。指出设置绘图仪为自定义方式是解决问题的根本所在。在此基础上,讨论了平板方法、按需方法及多作业输出方法集成打印的实现。平板方法、按需打印方法只有一个打印作业,且打印时页大小是固定的,而多作业输出方法可根据内容划分为多个打印作业,且每个打印作业的页大小不一定是相同的,是可变的。灵活应用3种方法的组合可以使集成打印功能更加强大。关键词:测井; 集成化打印; 自定义方式中图分类号:TE19 文献标识码:AA Plotting Integration Technique on Well Logging Data(作者、单位略)Abstract: Demonstrates an integration plotting method for plot head, calibration and curves in log data diagram. Points out that the key is to set the plotter into self-defined type. Based on that, discusses three method to implement plotting integration jobs such as the plate-plotting, the only-required content plotting and multi-plotting method. The first two have only one printing job, and each printing page size is fixed. The multi-plotting method can be parted into multi jobs by printing content, every page size of printing job is different. An effective combination of the three methods can make function of plotting integration more powerful.Key words: well logging; plotting integration; self-defined type2 How to write an abstract(如何撰写摘要)要写好摘要,应做到6C。6C是一篇优秀摘要的基本衡量标准。优秀论文摘要的质量取决于科研水平与写作技巧。2.1 Creativity 创新创新永远是科研水准及其论文学术性、技术性、权威性之所在,也就是它的影响因子值是多少,如文章的被引用频度、在学术界的启发性、记忆性及适用性等。文章编号:1004-1338(2005)02-0000-00远探测反射波声波测井方法实验研究进展楚泽涵1,徐凌堂2,尹庆文3,柴细元3,赵旭东3,汪宏波3(1.中国石油大学,北京 昌平 102200;2.辽河油田纵横公司,辽宁 盘锦 124011;3.大港油田集团测井公司,天津 300280)摘要:在井下发射低频声波信号,按地震勘探工作方式接收反射波已经从理论和实际测井资料解释中得到确认。本文通过实验室考察证明,用大幅度(4000v)的窄脉冲激发声学探头,可以得到频率接近10KHz的、可用于远探测反射波声波测井的低频声波信号。为接收低频反射波信号,应该选择谐振频率较低的接收探头。在模拟井中按上述思路组装的声系可以测量记录到距离井壁约710m处声学界面的反射波信号。本文的实验结果,可作为远探测反射波声波测井声系设计的依据。关键词:声波测井;远探测;反射波;方法研究;实验研究中图分类号:P631.11; P315.3 文献标识码:AProgress of Lab Study on Remote Exploration Acoustic Reflection Logging MethodsCHU Ze-han1, XU Ling-tang2, YIN Qing-wen3, CAI Xi-yuan3, ZHAO Xu-dong3, WANG Hong-bo3(1.China University of Petroleum, Changping, Beijing 102200,China; 2.Zongheng Company, Liaohe Oilfield, Panjin, Liaoning 124011,China; 3.Well Logging Company, Dagang Oilfield Group Corporation, Tianjin 300280,China)Abstract: It has been confirmed in theoretical study and practical well logging data interpretation that reflection wave can be obtained by using seismic exploration working pattern and emitting low frequency acoustic signal in borehole. In this article, it is proved by experiments that, low frequency acoustic signal whose frequency is about 10KHz can be obtained by using huge amplitude (4000V) narrow pulse to stimulate the transmitter and this kind of signal can be used in remote exploration acoustic reflection well logging. To receive such low frequency signals, receivers of low resonance frequency should be chosen. In simulation wells, acoustic sonde designed under this idea could detect and record reflection signal from interface 710m away from borehole surface. The experimental results of this article could be the basis for designing of the remote exploration acoustic reflection well logging sonde.Key words: acoustic well logging; remote exploration; reflection wave; method study; e


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