河北省任丘市七年级英语《Unit 16》单词汇总素材 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
河北省任丘市七年级英语《Unit 16》单词汇总素材 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
河北省任丘市七年级英语《Unit 16》单词汇总素材 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
河北省任丘市七年级英语《Unit 16》单词汇总素材 人教新目标版.doc_第4页




河北省任丘市七年级英语unit 1-6单词汇总素材 人教新目标版i 词形转换1 同音词two- to/too no- know 2 单数变复数i we me us he/she/it they am are is are this thesethat those vegetable vegetables key keysboy boys day days family familiesdictionary dictionaries strawberry strawberrieswatch watches photo photos tomato tomatoes3 反义词/对应词this thatthese thoseblack whitequestion answerfirst lastlost foundhere thereon undertake bringinteresting boringyes no boy girlsister brothermother fathergrandmother grandfatherson daughteruncle aunt4 第三人称单数do doeshave haswatch watchesplay playslike likeseat eats5 同义词/句hi=hellomany=lots offun=interestingthanks = thank youim fine.=im ok.my names jenny.=im jenny.6 主格变形容词性物主代词i myyou yourhe hisshe her7主格变宾格i mewe usyou youit itthey them8 形容词变副词good well 9 动词变名词run runner10 可数名词bananas hamburgerstomatoes orangesstrawberries eggsapples carrotsvegetables french fries11 不可数名词broccoli ice creamsalad chickenfruit foodii 短语1 first name 第一个名字2 last name 最后一个名字3 telephone number 电话号码4 id card 身份证5 family name 姓氏6 pencil case 文具盒7 pencil sharpener 卷笔刀8 in english 用英语9 computer game 电子游戏10 lost and found 失物招领11 a set of 一套,一副12 thanks for 为而感谢13 pen friend 笔友14 alarm clock 闹钟15 video cassette 录像带16 soccer ball 英式足球17 tennis racket 网球拍18 watch tv 看电视19 play sports 做运动20 an orange/apple/egg/eraser 一个橘子/苹果/鸡蛋/一块橡皮21 an english/interesting book/old man 一本英语/有趣的书/一位老人black and white 黑白色22 my/your/his/her family name 我的/你的/他的/她的姓氏23 my/your/his/her telephone number 我的/你的/他的/她的电话号码24 in the lost and found case 在失物招领箱里25 my/your/his/her id card 我的/你的/他的/她的身份证26 my/your/his/her two cousins 我的/你的/他的/她的两个堂妹27 my/your/his/her parents 我的/你的/他的/她的父母亲28 my/your/his/her daughters 我的/你的/他的/她的女儿们29 the photo of my family=my family photo 我的家庭照30 under the table/chair/bed 在桌子/椅子/床下面31 on the sofa/dresser/bookcase/floor/chair在沙发/梳妆台/书架/地板/椅子上32 in the backpack/drawer 在书包里/抽屉里33 in my/your/his/her backpack 在我的/你的/他的/她的书包里34 his/her keys 他的/她的钥匙35 his/her math book 他的/她的数学书36 taketo把 拿走,带走37 these things 这些东西38 bringto把 拿来,带来39 some things 一些东西40 ping-pong ball/bat 乒乓球/拍41 have an uncle/aunt/a computer/tv 有一个叔叔/姑姑/电脑/电视42 have a pig-pong ball/tennis racket/soccer ball 有一个乒乓球/网球拍/英式足球43 have many sports clubs 有许多体育俱乐部44 lets play computer games. 让我们玩电子游戏吧。45 lets watch tv/play sports. 让我们看电视/做运动吧。46 play ping-pong/tennis/soccer 玩乒乓球/网球/英式足球47 play volleyball/basketball/baseball 打拍球/篮球/棒球48 that sounds good/interesting/boring/fun/difficult/relaxing. 那听起来很好/有趣/厌烦/有趣/困难/轻松。49 have a great sports collection 有很棒的体育收集物50 have 8 tennis rackets/3 soccer balls/5 volleyballs 有8个网球拍/3个英式足球/5个拍球51 watch them on tv 在电视上看他们52 every day 每天53 eat well54 running star55 eat lots of healthy food56 for breakfast/lunch/dinner/dessert57 like hamburgers, salad, and oranges58 have chicken, tomatoes, french fries59 is this/that your cousin? 60 yes, it is./no, it isnt.61 are these/those his grandparents?62 yes, they are./no, they arent.63 this/that is her uncle.64 these/those are her uncles.65 wheres the baseball?66 its in the backpack.67 wherere his keys?68 theyre on the dresser.69 are they in the drawer?70 yes, they./no, they arent.71 the cds are on the frloor.72 please take these things to your brother.73 can you bring some things to school?74 i need my notebook.75 do you/they have a tennis ball?76 yes, i/they do./no, i/they dont.77 does he/she have a soccer ball?78 yes, he/she does./no, he/she doesnt.79 i/they dont have a volleyball.80 he/she doesnt have a basketball.81 ed has a great sports collection.82 tom only watches them on tv.83 she doesnt play sports every day.84 do/they you like salad?85 yes, i/they do./no, i/they dont.86 does your daughter like tomatoes?87


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