



No. 10 Module 4 Home alone Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.主备: 班级 姓名 学号 学习目标1. 学会并掌握platform, meeting, miss等15个单词与短语。2. 能在听力训练过程中选择性地记录有用信息,流利地朗读本单元对话, 并注意连读。3. 能够听懂和理解结果状语从句(sothat)和让步状语从句(although)。 学习反馈 A. 识记下列单词和词组1.月台_ 2.地址_ 3. 足够的_ 4. 简单的_ 5.关上 6.未出席 _ 7. 钟 _ _ 8.文本 _ _ 9.当心_ 10.短信 11.如此-以至于 12.唤醒某人 _ a. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)。1. Look! Several _(对) are dancing on the floor.2. Amanda, _ (锁) the door, please.3.I can cook the _ (最简单的)meals in my family. 4. I was cooking, when the ring _ (发出铃声)新| 课 | 标|第 |一| 网5. Luckily, none of the _ (乘客) got hurt in the bus accident. b. 用方框中所给连词完成句子。since because so. that. until although 1. When you cross the street, you must wait_ the traffic lights turns green.2. Im looking after Tony today. Hes been in my house_ 8:00 this morning.3. I hate traveling by air _ I usually have to wait for hours before the plane takes off.4. The film is _ interesting _ all of us cant help laughing.5. _ she is fifteen, she cant cook or tidy up. 【学习拓展】X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m学习延伸 1. 听录音跟读单词和U1Activity4对话3遍,背出所学的单词和重要的短语。注意语音语调及连读。*2. 模仿课文,参照Activity7和搭档准备小对话,准备下节课表演。No. 11 Module 4 Home alone Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would me alone.主备: 班级 姓名 学号 学习目标1. 学会并掌握actually manage 等19个单词及短语。2. 掌握结果状语从句(sothat)和让步状语从句(although)。3阅读关于perfect holiday的文章,理解主要内容,提升归纳总结能力,获取相关信息。 学习反馈 A. 识记下列单词和词组新 课 标 第 一 网1.管理 2.空的_ 3.命令_ 4.烧焦_ 5.午夜 6.出差_ 7.醒来_ 8.提交_ 9.关闭(设备)_10.不能做某事的_ 11.整天_ 12.担心_B. 理解与运用 a. 用所给词的正确形式填空happy able lonely alone worry1. My pets death made me _. 2. Im sorry I am _ to finish this task.3. Your parents dont allow you to go out _. 4. I often feel _when my parents are not at home.5. When I was young, my parents were often _ about my health.b. 根据句意及课文内容完成句子1. _ they loved me, I felt _ _ _ with them. 虽然他们爱我,但我觉得和他们在一起一点不高兴。2. I had to _ _ school without breakfast. 我早饭没有吃就匆忙赶往学校。3. Mum cooked _ _ _. 妈妈做了那么好吃的食物。4. She realised _ _ _was not always perfect. 她意识到一个人在家不总是完美的。5. I became so_ _ their orders _ I wished they would leave me _.我对他们的命令感到如此厌烦,以至于想让他们把我单独留下。【学习拓展】学习延伸 1.根据拼读规则,背诵并记忆本单元的单词及句型, 并听录音, 跟读U2 Activity2课文3遍。*2.根据Activity5 on P29尝试写一篇短文。X K b1.C omNo.12 Module 4 Home alone Unit 3 language in use.主备: 班级 姓名 学号 学习目标1.复习结果状语从句(sothat)和让步状语从句(although)。2.复习本模块的重点词组及句型。3.学会描写一个人的生活计划。 学习反馈 A.识记下列短语1.小心 2.照顾 3.如此以致 4.许多 5.建议某人做某事 6.两个星期 7.出差 8.担心v. adj_ 9.整天 10.上交 11.醒来 12.依赖 B. 理解与运用 a. 根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,写出短文空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Well, my _(愿望)came true. _(虽然)my parents were worried about _(离开)me, they had to go away on business for a few days. Now was my _(机会)! I could have some fun at last! As soon as I got home from school the _(第一)day, I _ (扔)my schoolbag _ (快乐地)on the sofa and _ (吃)lots of snacks. Then I enjoyed an exciting film on TV, and after that I played computer games so _ (多) that I played until _ (午夜). X k B 1 . c o m b. 用所给词组的适当形式填空。hand in, in danger, depend on, come true, be bored with, by accident1. As students, we should learn to _ ourselves.2. Please _ your English paper on time. 3. More and more wild animals are _.4. Finally, my dream of becoming a teacher _.w W w .X k b 1. c O m5. Columbus discovered American _.6. Some children _ usually _ the


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