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中小学1对1课外辅导专家龙文教育学科教学案 教师: 学生: 日期: 2012-11- 星期: 时段: 课 题期中复习学习目标与考点分析关系副词的使用 学习重点 难点习题的正确解答 学习方法由典型例题入手,逐渐深入,边讲边练;教学过程一、非限制性定语从句通常不能用that引导。如: 1. I like the book, which was bought yesterday. 我喜欢这本书,这是昨天买的。 2. I like the book which / that was bought yesterday. 我喜欢昨天买的那本书。 二、 非限制性定语从句不能用why引导。要用for which代替why。如: 1. I had told them the reason, for which I didnt attend the meeting. 我已经把理由告诉了他们,为此我没有去开会。 2. I had told them the reason why I didnt attend the meeting. 我告诉了他们我不去开会的理由。(限制性定语从句“the reason why.”是常见搭配。) 三、 非限制性定语从句置于句首时,不能用which引导。关系代词as引导非限制性定语从句位置比较灵活,可以放主句前,也可以放主句后。如: 1. As I expected, he didnt believe me. 正如我所预料的,他不相信我。 2. She heard a terrible noise, which brought her heart into her mouth. 她听到一个可怕的声音,这让她把心都提到嗓子眼了。 四、 非限制性定语从句由“介词+关系代词”引导时,其中的关系代词不能用as。如: 1. He bought the car for more than $20,000, with which his father was angry. 他花两万多美元买了这辆车,他父亲对此很生气。 2. I finished my work ahead of time, after which I sat some time reading the newspaper. 我提前干完了我的活,随后我坐着看了一会儿报纸。 五、 在非限制性定语从句中,指人的关系代词作宾语时,只能用宾格whom; 不能用who替换,也不能省略。如: 1. Do you know Tom, whom we talked about? 你认识汤姆吗? 我们谈到过他。 2. This book, which you can get at any bookshop, will give you all the information you need. 这本书会给你提供所有你需要的资料,它在任何一家书店都能买到。(非限制性定语从句中引导词在从句中作宾语,无论指人还是指物都不能省略。)限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别:1) 定语从句有限制性和非限制性两种。限制性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的部分,去掉它主句意思往往不明确;非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开,例如:This is the house which we bought last month.这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。(限制性)The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。(非限制性)2) 当先行词是专有名词或物主代词和指示代词所修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的,例如:Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year. 查理史密斯去年退休了,他曾经是我的老师。My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden.我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching. 这本小说很动人,我已经读了三遍。3) 非限制性定语从句还能将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数,例如:He seems not to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upsets me. 他似乎没抓住我的意思,这使我心烦。Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called evaporation. 液态水变为蒸汽,这就叫做蒸发。说明:关系代词that和关系副词why不能引导非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句:形式上限制性定语从句:不用逗号“,”与主句隔开。非限制性定语从句:用逗号“,”与主句隔开。意义上是先行词不可缺少的定语,如删除,主句则失去意义或意思表达不完整。只是对先行词的补充说明,如删除,主句仍能表达完整的意思。译法上译成先行词的定语:“的”通常译成主句的并列句。关系词的使用上A作宾语时可省略A不可省略B可用thatB不用thatC可用who 代替whomC不可用who 代替whom限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句和先行词关系密切(删去影响整个意思表达)和先行词关系不密切(一种补充说明,删去不影响全句意思的表达)不用逗号隔开一般用逗号隔开可用关系代词that不可用关系代词that关系代词可省略(但在从句中作宾语)关系代词不可以省略只可修饰先行词,不可以修饰主句或主句的一部分除修饰先行词还可以修饰整个主句或主句的一部分暗示被修饰的先行词不是唯一的表示被修饰的先行词是唯一的翻译时先翻译从句在翻译主句翻译时先译主句再译从句请根据你的观察与理解,比较和区分下列几组定语从句:1. A journalist is a person who reports the latest event. ( _性定语从句)My friend,who is a journalist , has been to many places of the world.(_性定语从句)2. John passed the exam, which made his parents satisfied. ( _性定语从句)John passed the exam which was held last week. ( _性定语从句)3. The book , whose cover is very beautiful , belongs to Tom. ( _性定语从句) The book whose cover is very new belongs to Tom. ( _性定语从句)4. Helen is much more kind to her youngest son than to the others , which of course, made the others unhappy. ( _性定语从句)Helen is much kind to her youngest son who is very weak than to the others. ( _性定语从句)5. As everyone knows, Yao Ming is the most famous basketball player in China. ( _性定语从句)I like many basketball players, among whom Yao Ming is the favorite. ( _性定语从句)使用定语从句的几个误区(一)有的英语初学者在使用定语从句时,有时会在从句中误加与关系代词同义的人称代词,这是不对的。如:This is the book that I have read _ dozens of times. But I have never read _. A. it, B. ,it C. it, it D. ,此题应选B。容易误选C。本题第二句填代词 it, 这容易理解。而第一句不能填 it, 则是考生很容易忽视的。显然第一句中的 that I have read dozens of times 是修饰 the book 的定语从句,此句中的动词read不能再接用 it作宾语,因为它已有宾语that(也可省略)。在做有关定语从句的试题时,考生千万不要在定语从句中重复使用与关系词(或先行词)指代相同的人称代词。如:我们昨晚看的电影很精彩。误:The film we saw it last night was wonderful. 正:The film we saw last night was wonderful. 刚才同你讲话的那个人是谁? 误:Whos the man you just talked to him? 正:Whos the man you just talked to? 你昨天借给我的书很有趣。误:The book you lent it me yesterday was very interesting. 正:The book you lent me yesterday was very interesting. 他就是去年死了妻子的那个人。误:He is the man whosehis wife died last year使用定语从句的几个误区(二)初学者在使用定语从句时,有个经常犯的错误就是分不清是定语从句还是其他从句。请看下面的题目:Is this room _ he lived in last year? Is this the room _ he lived in last year? A. that, that B. the one, the one C. that, the one D. the one, that此题应选D。容易误选A。为了便于分析,我们先将以上两句还原成陈述句(注意is的位置)。如:(1)This room is _ he lived in last year. (2)This is the room _he lived in last year. 第(1)句填the one, 用作表语,其后的 (that) he lived in last year是用以修饰the one 的定语从句。此句若直接填that, 则不是定语从句(因为没有先行词),而是表语从句。但是由于引导表语从句的that不能充当句了成分,而其后的介词in又缺宾语,所以导致错误。第(2)句填 that, 它是关系代词,用以引导定语从句(he lived in last year)修饰the room。请做以下类例试题。如:(1)Is this the book _ you want to buy? Is this book _ you want to buy? A. that, that B. the one, the one C. that, the one D. the one, that(2)Is this room _ he lived in 5 years ago? Is this the room _ he lived in 5 years ago? A. that, that B. the one, the one C. that, the one D. the one, that答案:(1) C (2) D使用定语从句的几个误区(三)有的同学一看到先行词是表示时间、地点、原因的名词,就认为一定要用关系副词,其实也不一定。在此情况下,还要看关系词在定语从句中是用作什么成分,若是用作状语,则用关系副词,若不是用作状语(如用作主语、宾语等)则不能用关系副词,而用关系代词。比较:This is the factory where I want to work. 这就是我想工作的工厂。(work为不及物动词where在从句中用作状语)This is the factory that I want to visit. 这就是我想参观的工厂。(visit为及物动词,that用作visit的宾语)The reason why he cant come is that he is ill. 他没来的是因为他病了。(come为不及物动词,why在定语从句中用作状语)The reason that he put forth is very important. 他提出的理由很重要。(put forth为及物动词,that在定语从句中用作其宾语)使用定语从句的几个误区(四)1.误认为关系代词whose只用于修饰人whose用作疑问代词时,主要用于指人;但用作关系代词时,它既可指人也可指物。如:It was an island, whose name I have forgotten. 它是一座岛,名字我忘了。The factory, whose workers are all women, is closed during the holidays. 这家工厂工人都是妇女,在假期中工厂关门了。2.混淆定语从句与并列句请看下面两题:(1) He has two children, and both of _ are abroad.A. them B. which C. whom D. who(2) He has two children, both of _ are abroad.A. them B. which C. whom D. who第(1)题选A,第(2)题选C。由于第(1)题中用了并列连词and,从而使整个句子为并列句,and后应是一个独立的简单句,所以选A不选C;第(2)题没有并列连词and,both of whom are abroad为非限制性定语从句。另外,请比较下题(答案为A):He has two children, both of _ being abroad.A. them B. which C. whom D. who3.认为逗号后一定是非限制性定语从句有的同学一看见逗号,就以为一定要选which而不选that,但问题是有时根本就不是定语从句。如:(1) If a book is in English, _ means slow progress for you.A. as B. which C. what D. that(2) When I say two hours, _ includes time for eating. A. as B. which C. what D. that以上两题均应选that,而不能选which,因为它们根本不是定语从句。之所以选that,是因为句中已有if和when引导的状语从句,逗号后为主句,that为主句主语。一道非常容易出错的定语从句考题请看下面这道题,名词place后面该用什么关系词来引导定语从句:He likes living alone, and says that he wants to go and live in a place _ nobody knows.A. where B. that C. when D. what有的同学一看到 place 是表示“地点”的名词,于是就毫不犹豫地选了A,但是错了,最佳答案应是B。表示“地点”的名词后到底是用 where 还是用 that 或 which 来引导定语从句,原则上应注意以下两点:一是看关系词的句法功能。由于 where 是关系副词,它在定语从句中用作状语,而that 和 which 是关系代词,它们在定语从句中用作主语或宾语。所以区别是关系副词还是关系代词的关键就是看定语从句是否缺主语或宾语,若缺主语或宾语则用关系代词,若不缺主语或宾语则用关系副词。比较:(1) This is the room _I lived ten years ago.A. that B. where C. who D. what(2) This is the room _I lived in ten years ago.A. that B. where C. who D. what(3) This is the room _I bought ten years ago.A. that B. where C. who D. what(4) This is the room _I visited ten years ago.A. that B. where C. who D. what(5) This is the room _I was born ten years ago.A. that B. where C. who D. what第(1)题选B,因为 live 是不及物动词,它无需接宾语;第(2)题选A,因为虽然 live 不及物,但live in 却是及物,它应有自己的宾语;第(3)(4)题也应选A,因为 buy 和 visit均为及物动词,它们应有自己的宾语;第(5)应选B,因为 be born 无需有自己的宾语。二要看句意。一般说来,句子是否缺宾语,主要是看定语从句中的动词是否为及物动词或带有介词等,但问题是有些动词既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词,它是否需要带宾语则要视句意而定。比较:This is the school where I studied five years ago. 这是我五年前读过书的学校。(句中 study 用作不及物动词,意为“学习”或“读书”)This is the school that I studied five years ago. 这是我五年前研究过的那所学校。(句中 study 为及物动词,意为“研究”)现在我们回到上面的试题来看一看,从理论上说,动词 know 可用作及物和不及物动词,也就是说它可以带宾语也可以不带宾语。但根据本句的意思(“他喜欢一个人生活,并说他要去一个没有知道的地方”),know 应为及物动词,因为从语意上它要带 place 作其宾语。限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句下面这道题是考查限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句? If a book is in English, _ may mean slow progress for you. A. that B. which C. as D. and it 此题应选 A。容易误选 B。许多考生一看到空格前的逗号,就想当然地认为这是非限制性定语从句,从而误选了B。考生可以想一想,假若此题选B(which),which 用以引导一个非限制性定语从句,而其前又是一个以if 引导的条件状语从句,那么请问:此句的主句在哪里? 通过以上分析我们可以知道,既然本句前面有一个条件状语从句,那么后面一句就应该是主句。本题选that, 即为主句主语,全句意为:如果一本书是用英语写的,那么那就意味着你要读得慢些。注意:当从句位于主句之前时,千万不要在主句前误加并列连词或误认为是某种从句。请做以下单选题。1. When he was tired, _ he had a rest. A. and B. but C. so D. 2. Because he got up too late, _ he missed the train. A. so B. but C. and D. 3. Though he is poor, _ he is happy. A. and B. so C. but D. 5. As is known to us all, _ China was liberated in 1949. A. and B. but C. which D. 答案:1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. D习题巩固第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出要以填入空白处的最佳选项21. Look! The dictionary , _is red , is a birthday gift given by Father.A. which cover B. the cover of which C. the whose cover D. that the cover22. The reason _he was late for school was _ he had been knocked down by a bike.A. That , that B. why, why C. that, why D. why , that23. Did you ask the guard what happened?-Yes, he told me all _ he knew. A. about which B. which C. that D. what24. Bamboo grows best in the place _ it is warm and rains often.A. which B. where C. that D. as25. Whats the matter, Jim? You look sad.-Oh, nothing serious, I _ of my friend.A. am thinking B. have just thought C. was just thinking D. had just thought 26.You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.-Well , now I regret _that. A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done27. As the monthly examination is coming , the students are busy _ it.A. preparing B. preparing for C. prepare D. prepare for 28. Its too heavy ! What should I do ? -_! Let me help carry it .A. Take your time B. Dont worry C. Come on D. Take it easy29. He didnt agree _ my idea and argued _me _it .A. on, to , about B. with, with , overC. to, with, about D. to , for , about30.I meant to help him ,_, he didnt accept my offer. A. but B. as a result C. therefore D. however 31.Many students went to the park yesterday, _ Li Ping.A. contained B. included C. containing D. including 32. Alice, feed the bird today, _?-But I fed it yesterday.A. do you B. will you C. didnt you D. dont you33. I can hardly hear the radio, would you please _?A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it up D. turn it off34. Mr. Smith , _of the _speech, started to read a novel.A. tired, boring B. tiring, bored C. tired, bored D. tiring, boring35. People have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her, _ she is a great musician. A. after all B. above all C. at all D. first of all第二节:完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)A Fools Day falls on 1st of April. People _36_forget the significance (意义) of the day.In March 1980. I was 37 at Durham University with seven other Chinese students. I had 38 to go to another university after graduation and had 39 application (申请) forms to several 40 . Every morning I arrived at the porters office (传达室) and waited my fate. But no 41 came.On April 1st, as I was eating my 42 , Huang came in , with a toothbrush 43 in his hand. 44 fearing that he might forget the important news , he passed me the 45 . “Morning , Wu,” he said , “I saw Mr. G this morning. He told me that a letter had arrived in his office for you from Manchester University, and asked you to go and get it 46 possible.” I jumped with 47 .I even didnt 48 my breakfast and rushed to Mr. Gs office but he wasnt 49 . I then went to the secretarys room and 50 everything to her. She opened Mr. Gs room. I looked at everything. There didnt seem to be a letter for me. “If he had asked you to pick it up from here,” said the secretary , “ he would have put it in 51 or simply left it to me.”Greatly 52 , I walked out of the room and 53 the secretary lock it. 54 the secretarys eyes 55 . “Sorry,” she said. “Its April Fools Day!”36. A sometimes B. never C. always D. seldom37. A. staying B. working C. visiting D. studying38. A. continued B. planned C. managed D. remembered39. A. returned B. taken C. handed D. sent40. A. people B. colleges C. cities D. offices41. A. application B. report C. reply D. chance42. A. dinner B. lunch C. supper D. breakfast43. A. still B. even C. yet D. already44. A. Because of B .As if C. After D. While45. A. message B. sign C. letter D. notice46. A. if B. as soon as C. when D. as fast as47. A. the news B. the letter C. joy D. luck48. A. take B. finish C. complete D. have49. A. anywhere B. in C. at D. away50. A. asked B. told C. explained D. answered51. A. the office B. his desk C. the room D. an obvious(明显的) place52. A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. disappointment53. A. watched B. made C. saw D. let54. A. Quickly B. Strangely C. Finally D. Suddenly55. A. closed B. opened C. brightly D. darkened 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 AScientists have always wanted to know more about the university.Years ago they knew many things about the moon . They knew how big it was and how far away it was from the earth. But they wanted to know more about it. They thought the best way was to send men to the moon.The moon is about 384,000 kilometers away from the earth. A plane cannot fly to the moon because the air reaches only 240 kilometres away from the earth. But something can fly even when there is no air. That is a rocket(火箭).How does a rocket fly? There is gas in the rocket. When the gas is made very hot inside the rocket, it will rush out of the end of the rocket, so it can make the rocket fly up into the sky.Rocket can fly far out into space. Rockets with men in them have been to the moon. Several rockets without men in them have flown to another planet much farther away than the moon. One day rockets may be able to go to any place in space.56. A plane cannot fly to the moon because _.A. there is no air above 240 kilometers away from the earth.B. there is no gas in the plane.C. the plane is not strong enoughD. the plane must be driven by a man57. The hot gas in the rocket is used for_.A. keeping the air in the rocket fresh.B. keeping the men in the rocket warmC. making the rocket fly upD. cooking food for the menB Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members dont know them as well as their friends do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas. It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends .Even when they are not with their friends ,they usually spend a lot of time talking among them on the phone . This communication is very important in childrens growing up, because friends can discuss something. These things are difficult to say to their family members. However, parents often try to choose their childrens friends for them. Some parents even


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