高三英语一轮必备(典型题精析)Unit11 The Media课时强化训练 北师大版必修4.doc_第1页
高三英语一轮必备(典型题精析)Unit11 The Media课时强化训练 北师大版必修4.doc_第2页
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高三英语一轮必备(典型题精析)Unit11 The Media课时强化训练 北师大版必修4.doc_第5页




【课时强化训练(北师版)】2014届高三英语一轮必备(典型题精析)必修四unit11.品句填词1from the evidence i must _(给出结论) that youre wrong.答案:conclude2all _(尝试)to control the spread of the disease have failed.答案:attempts3the best _(方法)to learning a foreign language is the study of the spoken language.答案:approach4he has made great _(贡献)to the local education cause.答案:contributions5she was _(雇用)as a manager in the bank because of her experience.答案:employed6we _(假装)that nothing had happened.答案:pretended7these may be less _(有害的) than coffeeand will almost certainly be more useful.答案:harmful8we all should take a correct _(态度)towards the criticism from others.答案:attitude9there are _(某些)things i just cant tell you now.答案:certain10you can _(出版)more new books helpful to teenagers.答案:publish.选词填空analyse,stand for,defend,in favour of,employ,blame,participate in,consist of,announce,help out 1as a soldier,my duty is to _ my country against foreign enemies attack.答案:defend2college students are under the big pressure of _.答案:employment3most people are familiar with the idea that all matters _ atoms.答案:consist of4she didnt _ the discussion.答案:participate in5he is always willing to _.答案:help out6the police _ the food and found that it contained poison.答案:analysed7a number of students have _ their readiness to engage in the contest.答案:announced8the letters pla _ the peoples liberation army.答案:stand for9of course,not everyone was _ reform at the beginning,but now they think reform was really a good choice at the moment.答案:in favour of10how can you attach the _ for this accident to the taxidriver?he is really innocent.答案:blame.完成句子1工程在十月前完成是确定无疑的。it _ _ _ the project will be completed before october.答案:is certain that2这件事怪他。he is _ _ _ it.答案:to blame for3总的说来,我赞成这个提议。on the whole,im _ _ _ the proposal.答案:in favour of4他常常担心将来可能会发生什么事。he often thought about _ _ _ _ _ happen in the future.答案:what would be likely to5我认为这种病与使用化学杀虫剂有关系。i think this illness _ _ _ the use of chemical pesticides.答案:is linked with.语法专练本单元语法被动语态()和动名词将下列句子变为被动语态1his speech moved us deeply._答案:we were moved deeply by his speech.2my mother takes good care of these boys._答案:these boys are taken good care of by my mother.3we gave him some books._答案:he was given some books by us./some books were given to him by us.4he hurt his finger when he was cutting potatoes._答案:his finger was hurt when he was cutting potatoes.5you may keep the books for two weeks._答案:the books may be kept for two weeks.单项填空6(2011高考四川卷)lydia doesnt feel like _abroad.her parents are old.astudybstudyingcstudied dto study解析:选b。考查非谓语动词。句意为“lydia不愿意去国外留学,因为她的父母年纪大了。”feel like doing sth.想要做某事。因此选b。7(2011西安八校联考)if the babysitter cannot come tomorrow,do you mind _ alone at home,doing his homework?afreds leaving bfred being leftcfreds having left dfred having been left解析:选b。考查非谓语动词。句意:如果明天保姆不能来的话,你是否介意把弗雷德一个人留在家里做作业呢?8(2011南昌调研)we didnt find the blacks _ the lecture.no one had told them about _ a lecture the following day.ato attend;there to be battending;there beingcattended;there be dattend;there was解析:选b。考查非谓语动词。the blacks是动作的执行者,所以第一个空要用v.ing形式;又因介词about暗示后面应该用v.ing形式,所以第二个空要用there being。9_around the water cube and the birds nest,the tourists from taiwan and i wished there _ a joint team for the london olympics.ahaving shown;to be bto be shown;iscto show;were dhaving been shown;to be解析:选d。考查非谓语动词。从句意可以看出,句子的逻辑主语是the tourists from taiwan and i,与show之间构成被动关系,同时动作发生在谓语动词wish之前,所以第一空用having been shown,而第二空是there be的变体结构形式。10(2012潍坊教学检测)may i have some more coffee,please?im sorry,but there doesnt seem to be _.aleft any bany leftcleaving any dany leaving解析:选b。该题考查非谓语动词。left是过去分词作后置定语修饰any。11how are you getting on with your english?oh,great.things are going as well as _.aplans bplanningcplanned dto plan解析:选c。考查非谓语动词。as well as planned意思是“如计划的那样”,相当于as well as they are planned。12facing the global financial crisis,the chinese government has taken many measures _ peoples life to deal with it.arelated brelated tocrelating drelating to解析:选b。考查非谓语动词的用法。related to peoples life是过去分词短语作定语,修饰名词measures,相当于定语从句that are related to peoples life。13realizing i would be late,i quickly dressed my son and,_ my bag,went to work.acarried bhaving carriedcto carry dcarrying解析:选d。考查非谓语动词。根据句式结构可知,and连接的是两个并列的谓语动词dressed和went,而carrying my bag在句中作状语。14they are quiet,arent they?yes.they are accustomed _ at meals.ato talk bnot to talkcto talking dto not talking解析:选d。be accustomed to后接动名词作宾语,动名词的否定形式应该在动名词前面加not。15the teacher asked more _ to prevent the students eyes from _.ato do;injuring bdone;injuringcto be done;being injured dbeing done;being injured解析:选c。本题考查动词的用法。第一个空为ask sb.to do sth.的被动形式;第二个空为prevent sb.from doing sth.的被动形式。a卷.单项填空1(2012山东泰安模拟)she was a hard actress_enjoyed the entire process,_she could get joy with thousands of fans,not just being in front of the cameras.awho;where bthat;whichcwho;which dwho;as解析:选a。actress后的定语从句缺少主语,故用who或that引导;process是隐含的地点状语,第二空用where引导非限制性定语从句。2alice was_to win the 110meter hurdle race,but she fell to the ground and missed the chance.apossible bprobableclikely dmaybe解析:选c。possible和probable作表语时,主语只能为it或事物;maybe为副词,它只能作状语;likely作表语时主语可以是人也可以是物。3he presented a new_of the beginning of the universe.aidea bthoughtcopinion dconcept解析:选d。句意:他提出了一种宇宙起源的新概念。concept指从众多实例中通过概括、归纳而形成的对事物本质、全貌及其内部联系的概念或看法。4a fall_for oil tankers has placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy(危险)ain demand bin needcfor fear dfor sure解析:选a。句意:油轮需求量下降使造船业成千上万的工作职位受到威胁。in demand表示“需求”。5you look rather tired today._not to miss the 420 flight,i didnt dare to close my eyes.areminding bremindedcbeing reminded dhaving reminded解析:选b。在答句中,remind和主语i之间为被动关系,故应用过去分词作状语。6many chinese universities provide scholarships for students_financial aid.ain favour of bin honour ofcin face of din need of解析:选d。句意:中国的许多大学为贫困生提供奖学金。in need/want of表示“需要”。7(2012山东省潍坊市高三教学质量抽样监测)ito go to the country for my summer holiday for some time.ahave determined bam determinedcam decided dshall determine解析:选b。句意:我决定暑假期间去乡下呆段时间。be determined to do sth.“决定/决心做某事”表示状态。而determine“决定”,表示动作,故a、d两项错误。8a lot of students were praised at the meeting,tom_.aincluding bincludedccontained dcontaining解析:选b。include包括部分,contain包含全部。tom是其中的一员,所以用include。tom与include之间是被动关系,所以选b。9it is no use_with that mean storekeeper,for he wont cut down the price.adebating btalkingcdiscussing dbargaining解析:选d。bargain with sb.和某人讨价还价。句意为:和那个吝啬的店主讨价还价是没用处的,他不会降价的。debate辩论;talk谈论;discuss讨论。10(2011福建省福州市第八中学第一次质量检测)he can_$3,000 a year by writing stories and support a family of three people.aspare baffordcearn dcharge解析:选c。考查动词词义辨析。句意:他通过写小说一年可以挣3000美元,足以养活一个三口之家。spare抽出;匀出;省去;afford支付得起;earn赚得;赢得;charge控告;要价。根据句意可知c项正确。11when the teacher came in, he pretended _.ato read bto be readingcreading dread解析:选b。 本题考查非谓语动词形式和常用搭配。pretend to be doing表示“假装正在做某事”。12(2012泉州市质检)its said that the team _twelve top european players.aconsists of bis consisted ofcare made up of dmake up of解析:选a。考查短语的用法和辨析。consist ofbe made up of。由于主语为the team,作为整体,所以不能用系动词are,故c项错误。13have you got any idea for the summer vacation?i dont mind where we go_theres sun,sea and beach.aas if bas long ascnow that din order that解析:选b。答句句意:只要有阳光、大海和沙滩我不介意到哪儿。as long as引导条件状语从句。14also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously_situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.aaware of bworried aboutcfamiliar with daccustomed to解析:选a。所填的部分应该是形容词作宾语补足语,aware of意为“明白;意识到”;worry about“为担心”;familiar with“对熟悉”;accustomed to“习惯于”,根据句意,只有a项符合要求。15your_at the meeting yesterday hurt me very much.abehaviour bactioncconduct dbenefit解析:选a。考查词义辨析。句意:昨天你在会上的行为严重地伤害了我。behaviour一般指具有个性或特征的行为举止;action指一种行为或是一种习惯性的动作;conduct指社会道德方面的理性行为;benefit利益,好处。.完形填空words:528难度系数:建议用时:15分钟our family finally managed to get together, but in a few days we scattered(散开) again to the ends of the earth, and i will begin my new job in a new city.my family has never been _1_ in this way.when i think about the _2_ future, my heart felt grayish.when i _3_ in the morning, it was raining outside and the sky was as _4_ as my mood.my daughter _5_ the new skirt that her uncle bought and she flew around the departure hall in the _6_ and drew a small and beautiful picture in the dim crowd.the airplane had a good _7_ of newspapers, magazines, television programmes, food and drinks.the meal even _8_ a serving of haagendazs ice cream.this small present brightened me up _9_ .the gentle smile of the stewardess (空姐) was as beautiful as the _10_ after the rain.when i _11_ the airplane, the language that entered my _12_ was completely different from what i was _13_ three hours ago.although the street lights were as _14_ as allentowns,the different clothes and expressions of the people _15_ me that i am in a new world.i stood in the busy streets like alice _16_ the world in a fairy tale.my heart was _17_ with puzzlement about the indefinite future and longing for the new life.when i _18_ being able to do what i like once more ,that i will make new _19_ and that i can enjoy the fun of exploration, i could not _20_ to think about starting my new life.1a.separated bgatheredcdivided dsurprised解析:选a。我们家人将要分散到世界的各个地方, 所以选“分离, 分开”。2a.bright bexciting cuncertain dunusual解析:选c。由my heart felt grayish作者心情灰暗, 可见未来是不确定的。 3a.stood up bgot up cstayed up dwoke up解析:选d。既然外面雨下得很大, 不需要get up起床后才发现, wake up醒过来就发现了。4a.clear bhigh cdark dgray解析:选d。见第一段最后一句。5a.dressed bwore cliked dhad解析:选b。女儿穿着一件新裙子。dress搭配只能是dress sb.,所以选b。6a.station bairport cport dhouse解析:选b。从下文的飞机可知是在机场的大厅。7a.offer bnumber csupply damount解析:选c。a good supply of sth.提供;offer指的是be willing to give, 自愿供给。8a.included bcontained cfollowed dmatched解析:选a。食物很多, 甚至包括一份冰淇淋。9a.successfully bespecially ceventually dfortunately解析:选c。女儿再加上食物最终让我的心情好些。10a rainbow bground csky dflower解析:选a。雨后彩虹。 11a.got on bgot off cleft away dtook off解析:选b。三个小时下飞机后 get on上飞机;上车。12a.mouth beyes cmind dears解析:选d。声音当然是传进耳朵。13a.finding blearning chearing dlistening解析:选c。我三个小时前听到的语言。listening后面要接to。14a.long bwell cbrilliant dmany解析:选c。街灯像allentown地方一样的明亮。well是副词, 所以不选。15a.told breminded csuggested dexplained解析:选b。提醒, 使想起。 16a.visiting btravelling cwandering dexploring解析:选d。我就像漫游仙境中的爱丽丝一样在探险新世界。不能选travelling和wandering, 他们后面要接介词。17a.strict bfilled csatisfied dpleased解析:选b。be filled with, 我心里被不确定的未来的困惑所填满。18a.set about bset out cthought over dthought about解析:选d。但是我一想到能够和以前一样做喜欢做的事情, 探险新世界, 我就迫不及待地想开始新的生活。19a.friends benemies cmistakes dprogress解析:选a。make friends交朋友。20a.wait bhelp cdecide dafford 解析:选a。cant wait to.迫不及待地。.阅读理解words:312难度系数:建议用时:8分钟sitting on the peaceful coast of the galapagos islands,ecuador,watching the sun move quietly into the sea,you shouldnt forget that charles darwin(18091882) arrived here in 1835.he stayed on the islands for five weeks,observing various animals.this finally inspired(启发)his famous work,on the origin of species.you can certainly follow darwins footsteps and enjoy a trip from four to seven days to the islands.the islands are certainly a paradise (天堂) for wildlife,as there are no natural killers on the islands and the number of boats and visitors is under government control.though you cannot walk freely as darwin did about 200 years ago,each day is as impressive as it could be.the most wellknown animal of the galapagos is the giant tortoise(巨型陆龟),which can be seen moving slowly around the highlands of santa cruz,the second largest island in the archipelago (群岛)some of these creatures are so old that they might have been seen in their youth by darwin himself.despite strict control over activities and timing,your stay on the galapagos will be remembered as a chain of incomparable pictures:diving with sea lions that swim and play within inches of you; feeling small sharks touch your feet as you swim; and,most magically,seeing a whale and her baby surface with a great breath of air.traveling between the islands and observing the wildlife that so inspired darwin,you will feel as though you are getting a special view of an untouched world.at night you will sleep on board the ship,leaving the wildlife in complete occupation of the islands,which are as undisturbed now as they have been since the beginning of time.【解题导语】文章主要讲述了galapagos islands上的景点和人们游玩的感受。1what do we know about darwins visit to the islands?ahe studied different creatures on the islands.bhe completed his famous book on the islands.che was touched by the geography of the islands.dhe was attracted by wellknown animals of the islands.解析:选a。事实细节题。文章第一段提到了“observing various animals”,由此可知达尔文在岛上研究许多不同的动物,故a项切题。2which of the following plays a role in making the islands “a paradise for wildlife”?aanimals on the islands feed on grass.blocal government forbids killing wildlife.cpeople cannot visit the islands as they wish.dtourists are not allowed to touch the animals.解析:选c。事实细节题。文章第二段提到“.as there are no natural killers on the islands and the number of boats and visitors is under government control”,由此可知c项符合文章内容。3your stay on the islands will be most impressive mainly because of _.athe beautiful sea views bdarwins inspiring tripca closer view of animals dvarious daring activities解析:选c。细节推理题。文中第四段提到游客在岛上可以近距离地接触不同的动物,再结合关键词incomparable pictures可知,这应该是给游客印象最深刻的事情。4which of the following would be the best title for the passage?aa unique attraction for wildlife loversbgalapagos as a paradise for adventurersccharles darwin as a symbol of galapagosda successful example of wildlife protection解析:选a。标题归纳题。通读全文可知文章主要对在galapagos islands上旅游的事情进行了介绍,并重点介绍了岛上的野生动物。b卷awords:325难度系数:建议用时:8分钟central park covers more than three hundred and forty hectares.it was the first public park built in the united states.in 1858,a design competition was held to find the best idea for planning the huge area in the center of new york city.the winners were two landscape designers,american frederick law olmsted and calvert vaux from britain.it was not easy to create this park.it may look like a natural environment of lakes and woodlands,but it was entirely built by human labor.workers moved millions of cubic meters of stone and earth to clear the area.they brought in more than fourteen thousand cubic meters of fertile soil from new jersey to make it possible to grow trees and other plants.it took fifteen years to complete the project.central park was a huge success and helped create a movement across the united states for creating public gardens.today,the park is managed by the central park conservancy under an agreement with new york city.the conservancy raises about eightyfive percent of the parks twentyseven million dollars yearly budget.here are a few facts that help show just how big and busy central park is.it contains seven kilometers of paths for horseback riding and about 93 kilometers of walking paths.when you get tired from all that walking,there are more than 9,000 benches where you can sit down.there are 21 playgrounds for children as well as areas to play basketball,baseball,football and even chess.there is also a zoo.and,every summer,visitors can watch plays by william shakespeare in an outdoor theater.about twentyfive million people visit central park each year to enjoy its many sights and activities.the park is also important for natural life.it contains more than twentysix thousand trees.and hundreds of kinds of birds have been sighted in the park which serves as a stopping area for birds as they fly to other places.【解题导语】美国中央公园的建设耗时十五年,在一片不毛之地上用人力将石块和土方堆积而成。公园设施齐全,风景优美,生物资源丰富。中央公园被称为美国园林建筑的奇迹。1what is mainly talked about in the passage?athe design competition that took place in 1858.bhow workers


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