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中国最大的资料库下载 37.1A1. Here am I then ready for all those gorgeous housewives sitting, around at home with nothing to do! 2. Geez these things are heavy! I sure hope I manage to sell a few all of them_ soon.3. Here we are, Chernobyl Avenue. Lets start with No.1. Oh, its an apartment building. Never mind,4. Ill start on the top floor and work my way down to the bottom. Excuse me sir, wheres the elevator?5. Youve got to be joking, man! Theres no elevator here, Youre going to have to go up the stairs.6. Oh, I see, thanks.7. Top floor at last! Gee, that nearly killed me! I guess I should have left the boxed at the bottom. Oh well here we go!8. Well?9. Oh!10. Well, what is it? If its the rent Ill be paying it tomorrow.11. Hey no, its nothing to do with the rent. Id just like to ask you a few questions.12. Where the heck? Sorry, I seem to have lost my bit of paper.13. What bit of paper? What questions? Bill!14. Whats going on here? Who is this guy?15. He says he wants to ask us a lot of questions.16. Who are you? Who sent you here?17. I was just wondering if you had a washing machine thats all! It doesnt matter; I think Ill be going now.18. Hey not so fast! Come 中国最大的资料库下载19. I must go! Real nice to have met you! So long!20. Youd better not come back!21. Gosh! I better get out of this building as fast as I can.22. Here we are! Ive got my list of questions, Ive got my machines Im ready to go.23. Yes? What can I do for you?24. Gee, hello! Um, er. do you like coffee?25. What a strange question! I think youd better come in.26. Oh, thank you.27. Well take your coat off.28. Oh thank you.29. You can hang it up here in here in the hall. Go into my consulting home there, and make yourself comfortable.30. Ill be with you in a couple of minutes.31. Gosh, what a weird place.32. Good morning.33. Good morning, madam, Now.34. No, dont say anything. Let me see You have had a lot of bad luck in your time.35. Thats true enough.36. But your luck is about to change.37. Gee, is it really?38. Please stop interrupting me.39. Sorry.40. You will meet some interesting new people today. I see a young woman blonde, very beautiful.41. But I dont see you talking to her about love. I see you talking about washing machines?42. Thats right. You see oh darn it, Ive left them outside!43. How does this lock work? I cant unlock the door!44. But where are you going? We havent finished the consultation.45. My machines will get stolen! I must bring them in.46. You dont need your machines any more, young man. Let them go!47. No, I cant, Im supposed to be selling them.48. Very well, but you have to pay for the consultation first. That is my rule.49. How much?50. $15051. Oh, alright! Here you are. Please will you unlock the door now?52. Have a nice day! You wont.53. Great! I shouldnt have given her all that money. What a load of garbage! You will meet some interesting new people.54. A beautiful young blonde woman. In my dreams! Oh well, Id better get on with it. Lets try next door.55. Coming!56. Gosh! its true!57. What?58. Sorry. Good morning, madam. Are you the only person in this house?59. No, I share it with three other people. Why? Whats it do with you?60. Next question. Is the house owned or rented, and if rented is it furnished or unfurnished?61. We rent it unfurnished. Look would you mind telling me who you are? Im sure Ive seen you somewhere before.62. Yes, my names John Berry.63. John Berry?64. Yes.65. Who used to live next door to my father? What the hell are you doing here?66. Gee, of course! Youre Annie Peters. Gosh Im sorry, I didnt recognize you! Youve changed a lot!67. Your hairs different; youre just as pretty as ever though. Gosh ,fancy that! Fancy us meeting each other again like this!68. Do you remember the good old days, when Hugo and I were neighbors, and. Hey, Im sorry Annie, I shouldnt have mentioned Hugo.69. Im real sorry about what happened.70. So am I. Now, would you hurry up and explain what you are here for?71. Er, yeah, sure, like, Im here to demonstrate this amazing new machine, which makes clothes and washes coffee.72. No, I mean it washes clothes and.73. So you didnt know I lived here? You just came here by accident, not on purpose?74. Oh no. As I was saying, this machine.75. Ok, thats all. Please go now.76. Hey, Annie! Look, never mind about the machine! Are you doing anything tonight? What about tomorrow night?77. Go away?78. Oh darn it! I shouldnt have tried to sell her a machine; I should just have asked her out to dinner.79. What else did Madam Olga say? Some stuff about meeting interesting new people, wasnt it?80. Excuse me, Sir Could we have a little word with you?81. Eh?82. Just get into the car please sir.83. What for ? What about my boxes?84. You wont be needing them. In you go, please.85. Hey, I cant just leave my boxes there! Where are you taking me?86. Tell him were asking the questions.87. Were asking the questions. What was the purpose of your visit to No.26 Chernoby Avenue, sir?88. To sell them something. Thats why I need those boxes. Please, can we89. Do you know any of the inhabitants of the house?90. No! I mean well, yes. I know Annie.well, like, sort of91. I mean, I used to know her father, before he.he you know.92. So youve been a close friend of Miss Peters for quite a long time?93. Ask him if he belongs to any subversive political organizations.94. Are you a member of any subversive political organizations, sir?95. Oh no, no, no,! Im not political at all, I vote Republican. Oh, say can you see, By the dawns early light.96. Thatll be all for now, Bedges.97. You can get out now, sir.98. Thank you.99. Take care, wont you?100. Havent we forgotten something?101. What?102. I was very suspicious of those boxes, sir. We should have looked inside them.103. No, we shouldnt. Too dangerous. You never know with these terrorists.104. Anyway, we dont want him to get suspicious of us, do we?105. No, sir.106. Right. What well do is this: well follow him, and see what he does next. And lets tell the Chief what we found.107. Mr. Carter? I have some very interesting news for you.108. Were following this guy who calls himself a door-to-door salesman, and, believe it or not.37.1 E MonologueDear colleagues,Although this salesman has only been working with the organization for two weeks, it is already quite possible to give a general picture of his success in selling and his value to the organization.As far as his success in selling is concerned, the fact that in two weeks he has not sold anything at all I think says quite enough.As for his value to the organization, I would describe it as less than nothing, indeed ever less than that.I have asked Mr. Berry to leave his position and to return to us the five laundroperk machines which he has been unsuccessfully carrying around the streets of Washdon, as from next Monday.I need hardly say that I will be keeping the deposit of $150, which Mr.Berry paid for these machines, though I will wait for him to return them before informing him of the fact.October 26Emon T. Comm37.2 A1. Ill get it2. Hello 218-54343. Hello is that Annie Peters? No. Im like, one of her roommates. Shes out, you know, shopping.4. When will she be back do you think?5. Oh, I dont know, hang on a moment. I mean who wants her?6. Im a friend of hers. Look, would you be so kind as to give her a message?7. Hang on while Ill get an pen.8. Oh, heck! That must be one somewhere. Bloody thing doesnt write. OK. Whats the message?9. My name is Kristi Schust. I have an urgent message for Annie from a German friend. Could you please tell her to contact me? That Kristi Schmit, room 688, the Terminal Hotel, Washhdon. Ill be here for the next week.10. Does she know your phone number?11. Its 222-493-4900. You wont forget to tell her its urgent, will you?12. Dont worry, Ill tell her.13. Thanks. Bye-bye.14. Hey, Kate, whos that?15. I dont know. Strange. Oh, I know, it must have been something to do with that German airport demonstration.16. I thought that had finished a month ago.17. So did I. God, its cold in here, sean! Is the central heating still not working?18. You mean, havent I repaired it yet? No, I havent as a matter of fact.19. Hi20. Hell, its freezing in here!21. Well dont look at me!22. Repairing things is your responsibility, Jean. Its part of our agreement, right?23. Look, Ive done my best. I just cant work out whats wrong with it. Well have to get someone into fix it, thats all24. Were not paying some rebuff company.25. Great! So were going to freeze to death are we until we can find some to do it for free?26. Look, Jean Were supposed to be autonomous and self-sufficient, so we should be able to deal with little mechanical problems like this.27. Oh bravo here here! Thats all very well in theory, Annie, but I dont know how to mend the central heating. If I d known how to fix it, I would have fixed it. Got that?28. Hey! Take it easy, you two!29. Anyway, before you get any more involved in this theres just been this really weird phone call for you, Annie A lady called, Kristi oh hell, Kristi something or other.30. Never heard of her. What was it about?31. She said what was it now? Let me see if I can remember. Oh, yeah, these are these Germans, right, and theyre in I dont know, maybe some kind of trouble with the police, and yeah, anyway, shes got message for you.32. What Germans? What kind of trouble.33. Dont you know?34. No. Ive got no idea. Are you sure she wasnt a cop?35. Well, she didnt sound like a cop, but I must say she was German and I dont know what German cops sound like. No, hang on, if she s been a cop, shed just have run off. Shed have called back later. She wouldnt have left her address and phone number. dont you think?36. Oh she left address and phone number?37. Yeah, hmm it must be here or somewhere. Oh, here. Here you are.38. Thanks.39. While, were on the subject of cops, what about that guy that came to the door this morning?40. Oh, dont worry about him. Hes just some hopeless some idiot my father used to know.41. Well I do worry, Annie. Weve got mysterious Germans ringing us up, weve got the police watching us. How did this guy get hold of your address anyway. Whats going on, eh?42. Calm down Jean. It was completely by chance that he came here. He was selling electrical goods or something. As for this Kristi lady, look if it had been anything really serious the German would have contacted me directly, right?43. Not the one who were in prison.44. Anyway, Ill ring her later, OK? Look, I havent unpacked the shopping yet.45. I hope the fridge is working at least.46. Well done Jean.47. My pleasure. And I mended the freezer too.48. Listen, Im exhausted. Im going to my room to lie down for a bit. Will you both still be in later?49. Yeah.50. OK. Oh, by the way was there any mail for me?51. Yeah, a couple of letters. I put them on your desk in your room.52. Thanks, Jean.53. German police still have no idea of the whereabouts of industrialist, Werner Limbock, head of the giant chemical multinational craft. Mr. Limbock was kidnapped two days ago apparently by a group of environmentalist terrorists. Meanwhile, here in Washdon, the police department are looking into the theory that a local organization may have helped help to carry out the kidnapping.54. Oh, geez!55. We spoke to the head of the Washdon Police Departments foreign and political section, detective superintendent, Harold Carter, explained that in his view, German56. What is it, darling? Look, you havent tidied it up in here and youve still got the television on. Oh, really, David!57. Come on now. Lilian will be here any moment. Whats the matter with you, David? Are you alright?58. Thatll be her now. Oh, put that beer away, at least!59. Darling!60. Lilian, this is David.61. So, this is your charming husband. Youre right, darling, hes terribly good-looking. Lovely to meet you, David. Ive heard of such a lot about you and your family.62. What? What have you heard?63. David, why not go and make some tea? OK darling?64. Oh, yeah. Sure.65. This is our apartment, then. What do you think?66. But its so small, darling!67. Yes, its tiny, only 50 square meters in fact. Still there is enough room here for me and David and our little baby.68. Im just dying to meet her, of course. Listen darling, between you and me.69. Heres the tea and some cookies. Milk and sugar Lillian?70. Lots of sugar, but no milk please, David.71. We were just talking about the apartment, darling while you were in the kitchen. My daddy bought it for us. Hed do anything for us and it only cost $150,000. A nice neighborhood two- parks only short away.72. Uh, parks are boring!73. Well, were very near all the big stores too. Of course, we chose all the furniture ourselves, yes, you, Orwe diddidnt we David?74. Yes, you we did.75. You see that armchair youre sitting on, Lillian. Well youll never guess whats it made from.76. Darling, I cant imagine!77. From the skin of the baffaloes! Isnt that incredible?78. But, darling, leather furnitures so terribly terrible last year! Anyway, I dont think Davids very interested in the conversation, are you? David?79. Eh? Oh, you know, its all the same to me.80. You have a far away foreign look in your eyes. Something must be on your mind, I guess.81. Perhaps. Yes you know.82. Look darling, Lillians cup is empty. Why dont you go and get more tea?83. Sure Ill just be a moment.84. Tell me, Juanita, darling, is it true what they said about David?85. Is what true? What says? What are you talking about?86. Heres the tea.87. That was quick.88. Thats because we cook by gas here and not by electricity, you see. Gas is so much quicker. What about you?89. I have an electric stove but who cares?90. Now Lilian, let me show you around the apartment. Come on David.91. Oh, uh, yes.92. This is the bedroom.93. The beds enormous! It must be two meters wide!94. But its much too soft. Soft beds are terrible for sleeping in.95. Are they? Now you see the curtains and the wallpaper?96. Yes, what about them?97. Well theyve the same pattern. Didnt you notice?98. Oh, yes darling. How terribly clever of you.99. Who is this handsome mysterious man?100. Thats , that was my father.101. Your father Im dying to hear all about him.102. Why dont you go and see if Siegsmonta needs changing darling.103. OK, fine.104. Now, my dear, youve just got to tell me is it true that Davids father was a member of an international criminal gang, and that he was murdered by his boss?37.3Welcome to EOL travel. Our destination today is one of Americans favorite cities, San Francisco. Its a thriving and prosperous business center, of course. But S.F has more reminders of the past than most American cities, such as the famous cable cars.Historic and ultra modern building can be found side by side, even in the downtown area. Shopping and above all, eating, out, are very popular activities in this sociable and extravert city.S.F is built on a series of very steep hills, which have figured in innumerable movies.Nob hill, for instance, has been the scene of many hair-raising car chases.The city was found in1776 by Spanish settlers and still today has many very large immigrants communities, notably Chinese, Hispanic and Japanese .So its not surprising that S.F should have one of the largest Catholic cathedrals in the whole united States. St. Marys a cathedral was built in the 1981s to replace an earlier church destroyed by fire in1962.But this very diverse and often unconventional city is home t many different groups and communities. The largest of all t


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