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单元加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练.完形填空My mother made me a teacher. I dont mean that she _1_ me to become a teacher. She made me a teacher because she taught me to love learning and _2_.In addition to my mothers _3_, there were several other events in my life that _4_ me to become a teacher. When I was little I could not _5_ the syllable “er”. No one could understand me. I remember being very _6_. Then, when I was four, my mother took me to meet a wonderful _7_ teacher named Miss Philips. After six weeks, I _8_ say “sister” and “flower”. I learned then the power of education. My mother said, “_9_ is the worlds most important job.”When I was thirteen, I _10_ a month in Shiners Hospital. I got to know the other _11_ there. They were wonderful, very sweet and caring. I had them _12_ an autograph book so I could remember them. I remember being shocked that _13_ they were very intelligent, many of them could barely write their names. My mother _14_ many of them had been in and out of hospitals. I then _15_ what a difference the opportunity to learn could make for a child.My mother said, “If its worth doing, its worth doing _16_.” So when I was ready to pick the career, I had the _17_ that education could change everyones life.I am _18_ to the teachers that helped me learn the art of teaching. I love to see the _19_ in a students eyes when he or she understands. I also love _20_ former students. One email from a girl who started my class with no interest in math or science, now a physicsBS.with a math minor (辅修科目), told me how much a class in high school changed her life.语篇解读:作者小的时候发音不好,母亲为作者找到了一位好老师Philips小姐。作者认为,好的教育可以改变一个人的一生。1A.encouragedBforcedCcontrolled Dhelped解析:选B根据文章的第一句可知,母亲让作者成为一位老师,而由下文作者的经历可知,母亲没有“强迫(force)”作者。2A.sharing BaskingCeating Ddestroying解析:选A根据常识可知,老师要和学生“分享(share)”自己的学识。3A.example BpressureCinfluence Dinstruction解析:选C由上一段中的“she taught me to love learning”可知,这是母亲对作者的“影响(influence)”。4A.confused BconvincedCdepressed Dexcited解析:选B作者之所以成为老师,是因为有好几件事情最终“说服(convince)”作者成为一名老师。convince sb. to do sth.“说服某人做某事。”5A.write BpronounceCdeclare Ddescribe解析:选B根据下文可以得知,作者最初是不会“拼读(pronounce)”“er”这个音节的。6A.inspired BinterestedCsatisfied Dupset解析:选D由上一句“No one could understand me.”可知,由于作者发音不好,所以没有人懂作者,这让作者很“烦恼(upset)”。7A.art BmusicCspeech Dgrammar解析:选CPhilips老师教会了作者发音,由此可以推知,她是一位“口语”老师,故用speech。8A.would BcouldCmight Dshould解析:选B根据下一句“I learned then the power of education.”可知,作者“能够(can)”说清sister和flower了。9A.Reading BTeachingCLearning DAttending解析:选B作者跟着老师学会了发音,因此母亲说“教学(teach)”是世界上最重要的工作。10A.worked BstudiedCwasted Dspent解析:选D既然能够认识其他病人,这说明作者13岁时在医院里“度过(spend)”了一个月。11A.teachers BpatientsCdrivers Dcooks解析:选B作者是在医院里,因此认识了其他“病人(patient)”。12A.design BsignCnotice Dplan解析:选B由下一句中的“many of them could barely write their names”可知,作者让他们“签名(sign)”,以便以后能记得他们。13A.although BsoCbecause Dif解析:选A“虽然(although)”他们很聪明,但是许多人几乎不会写自己的名字。14A.explained BpromisedCagreed Dadmitted解析:选A母亲对上一句提到的许多人不会写自己名字的原因进行了“解释(explain)”。15A.insisted BdoubtedCreminded Drealized解析:选D知道那些孩子由于没有机会上学而不会写自己的名字,作者“意识到(realize)”学习的机会对一个孩子的重要性。16A.strange BbadCright Dpoor解析:选C如果一件事值得做,就要做“好”,因此要用right。17A.promise BtaskCbelief Dsuggestion解析:选C该空后的“that education could change everyones life”是作者从事教育工作的时候所坚持的“信念(belief)”。18A.anxious BgratefulCstressful Dproud解析:选B根据该句中的“that helped me learn the art of teaching”可知,作者应该是非常“感激(grateful)”那些帮助过自己的老师们。19A.surprise BdelightCregret Dfear解析:选B根据该句中的“when he or she understands”可知,作者喜欢看到学生听懂后眼睛里透出的“快乐(delight)”。20A.hearing from Bspeaking ofCcalling on Dlistening to解析:选A根据下一句的“One email from a girl”可知,此处指作者也很喜欢“收到”以前的学生的来信,因此要用hear from。.阅读理解For many people, worrying is their life. Theyre also anxious over things. They are anxious for family, friends, relatives and mankind. They fret about the past, the present and the future. I was once one of those people. Herere some advice on how to stop worrying.Let there be no crisis before its time. Dont worry about something thatll take place in a week, a day or even an hour. The variables will be different then. If youve to make a decision on Friday, wait until Friday. Squash (压制) unnecessary worrying with one question. If the answer is “no”, stay in the present moment, write the thought quickly and then let it go.Dont let possessions possess you. Dont let objects rule you. Dont give them the power to spoil your day. Worrying over a problem after the fact cant restore or bring anything back. The less you have, the less anxiety you bring into your life.Set worry limits. If you cant get worry under control right away, then establish limits. Set a timer or a watch alarm for 15 minutes. When the time is up, the alarm will be a tangible (切实的) reminder to let the worry go. Schedule this time when youve something important to do, so youll have to drop worry and refocus fast. Worrying is a choice, and you can choose not to do it.Dont control others with your worries. Worrying about loved ones wastes lots of time and opens up the door to permanent estrangement (疏远). Let people be who they are. Stop forcing others to do whatll make you feel better, instead of what they want. Dont manipulate (操纵) them into eating what you want them to eat, going where you want them to go, or doing what you want them to do under the guise of love. Give people credit for having half a brain and knowing whats good or bad for them. Youll cut your worrying in half.语篇解读:本文是说明文。焦虑是人性正常状况的一部分,如果过度焦虑既费时又伤神。控制焦虑也是有很多办法的。1What do you think of the author?AShe was willing to worry about others.BShe was much too worried one.CShe was anxious for dealing with others worry.DShe was too nervous to deal with worry.解析:选B细节理解题。由第一段可知,作者以前是一个自寻烦恼、杞人忧天的人,故选B。2What should be our attitude to crisis?AJust deal with the present crisis and let others go.BWorry about something thatll take place.CStay in the present moment.DThink out ways to deal with it ahead of time.解析:选A推理判断题。由第二段可知,我们应该着手处理当前的危机,对于没有到来的危机不必担忧而且应该放手,故选A。3What should you be of life according to Paragraph 3?AWitness.BInspector.CSlave. DOwner.解析:选D细节理解题。由第三段可知,不要让其他的事情控制你,因此应该做生活的主人,故选D。4In fact, worrying can _.Anot be under controlBbe controlled by timeCbe limited and chosenDbe dropped randomly解析:选C推理判断题。由第四段的主题句以及本段最后一句可知,担忧是能够被控制和选择的,故选C。单元加餐练(二) 第卷规范增分练.语法填空Jenny has a very difficult job, which keeps her very busy. Every day after getting home, she is so _1_ (exhaust) that she wants to do nothing. She just wants to go to bed and enjoy _2_ good sleep. Last night, when Jenny was ready to go to bed, her daughter Ann came to her, _3_ (say), “Mom, there is something I forgot _4_ (give) you tonight. I want to give it to you now.” But Jenny was so tired and sleepy. She was afraid it _5_ (take) a while. So she just said, “Give it to me tomorrow morning.” Then Jenny went to bed. Ann looked very upset, _6_ she said nothing and went back to her own room.However, Jenny couldnt fall asleep. She couldnt forget the _7_ (disappoint) in Anns eyes. Then she asked _8_ (her), “Dont I have any time for my daughter at all?” _9_ (final), she decided to get up. She went to her daughters room and asked what she wanted to give her. Ann took out a card and handed it to her. It was a “Mothers Day” card _10_ (make) by herself. Jenny totally forgot Mothers Day, but her daughter didnt. Looking at the card, her eyes were filled with happy tears.答案:1.exhausted2.a3.saying4.to give5.would take6.but7.disappointment8.herself9.Finally10.made.短文改错One day I went to a coffee house with a friend. Hes from Los Angeles, where is far from New York City. We all ordered a cup of coffee. When our coffee came, he asked some salt. Then he put some into his coffee. Seeing that, I was total confused. He explained, “I grew up in the coastal city. I was often played in the sea when I was little. Now every time I drink coffee with salt in it, I think of my childhoods and my hometown. My parents are not here and I missed them. Drinking coffee this way can make me feel much better.” Hear that, I no longer considered his behavior stranger.答案:第二句:wherewhich第三句:allboth第四句:asked后加for第六句:totaltotally第七句:thea第八句:去掉第一个was第九句:childhoodschildhood第十句:missedmiss第十二句:HearHearing; strangerstrange.书面表达假设你是李华,你的朋友李雷打算去台湾旅游,特来信向你了解台湾岛的有关情况。请根据下列提示,用英文写一封回信,并祝他旅途愉快。1台湾岛是我国最大的岛屿,位于福建省的东南部,北临东海,东临太平洋,西南面被南海环抱;2台湾岛面积约三万六千平方公里,人口两千多万


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