



七年级英语新一, 选择( )1,划线部分读音和those划线部分读音相同的单词是: A,how B,box C,notebook D,some( )2,Are those Helens watches ?Yes ,they are 。 A,yours B,hers C,mine D,his ( )3,How do you your name ?Its B-O-B Bob 。 A,spell B,call C,see D,do ( )4,Are those your keys ? 。Theyre Tonys 。A, Yes,it is B,No,it isnt C,Yes,they are D,No,they arent 。( )5,Hell,Cindy。Is this your pencil box ?Yes, 。A, Thank you B,Excuse me C,Its nice D,I dont know ( )6, the ruler ? in the pencil box 。A, Wheres ,Theyre B,Wheres, Its C,Wherere, Theyre ( )7,Is your dictionary on the sofa ? Ayes, I am B,No,I dont C,No,it isnt D。Yes,it isnt( )8,Tom and I know her family name ?A, am not B,arent C,dont know D,isnt ( )9,Are the erasers on the desk ?Yes, are A,These ,B,those C,it D,they ( )10,Where is my baseball ? A,Yes, I know B,Yes, it is C,No,it isnt D,Sorry, I dont know ( )11, English book and radio are on the desk 。A,An ,an B,A, an C,An。 a D。A,a ( )12, is your chair ?Its in the room 。AWho B,When C,Where D,What ( )13,Where Alices pen and pencil ?They are here 。 A,am B,is C,are D,/( )14,My sister isnt a girl 。In her room ,you can see her books everywhere。A,fine B,tidy C,nice D,good ( )15, ?Yes it is 。A, Are the books in the bookcase ?B。Where are the books ?C,Is that a model plane ? D,What is it ?( )16, is my sister ,Mom ?In her room 。 A,Who B,What C,Where D,How ( )17,Are the CDs on the desk ? ,theyre on the TV。A, Yes,it is B,Yes ,they are C,No,it isnt D。No,they arent( )18,Hi,Jenny。Do you the girl in this photo ?Yes,Shes my cousin Lucy。A,know B,think C,have D,help ( )19,They need a pen,a ruler,two books a watch 。A,and B,but C,or D,/( )20,Wheres my hat ?Is on the sofa ?A,they B,it C,this D,that ( )21,划线部分读音和/划线部分读音相同的单词是 Achair B,English C,Watch D,China ( )22, he have a ruler ?Yes,he 。A, Does, do B,Do,do C,Does, does D,Do,does ( )23,Do you know Lin Shuhao ?Yes ,He is a player 。 A,soccer B,baseball C,ping-pong D,basketball ( )24,Lets to the park, Jenny。 OK。 A,go B,to go C,going D,goes ( )25,Do you have a ping-pong bat ? ,But I have a ping-pong ball 。 A,Yes, I do B,No, I dont C,Yes, I have D,No, Im not 。( )26.I a soccer ball and my sister a volleyball 。A, have,have B,has,has C,have,has D,has,have ( )27,Mikes brother plays basketball at school every day 。A,the B,a C,an D,/( )28,Bob has ten soccer balls, he cant play them 。A,and B,for C,but D,or( )29,Do your parents have a big house ?No,they 。 A,isnt B,dont C,doesnt D,arent ( )30,Lets go to the library after class。 A,Fine, thank you B,I dont know C,That sounds good D,Excuse me ( )31,与only划线部分读音不同的是:A,yes B,easy C,tidy D,library ( )32,Susan likes tennis,but she a tennis ball 。A,dont have B,isnt have C,doesnt have ( )33,Lets play computer games。OH,no, That sounds 。A, interesting B,good C,great D,boring ( )34,Does your father play sports ?No,he only watches TV。A,Them ,in B,them,on C,they,on D,they,in( )35,My sister has a CD player but I A,do B,does C,dont D,doesnt ( )36,I like watching the basketball game TV。 A,at B,on C,for D,to ( )37,He like baseball, he likes soccerA dont ,but B,doesnt, but C,doesnt,or ( )38,I dont a tennis racket,but Kate one 。A,have,have B,have, has C,has,have D,has,has ( )39,Betty loves volleyball。She often plays it her friends A,of B


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