江苏省永丰县初级中学九年级英语下学期周练试题(无答案) 牛津版.doc_第1页
江苏省永丰县初级中学九年级英语下学期周练试题(无答案) 牛津版.doc_第2页
江苏省永丰县初级中学九年级英语下学期周练试题(无答案) 牛津版.doc_第3页
江苏省永丰县初级中学九年级英语下学期周练试题(无答案) 牛津版.doc_第4页
江苏省永丰县初级中学九年级英语下学期周练试题(无答案) 牛津版.doc_第5页




2014-2015秋学期九年级英语周练试卷友情提醒:考试时间 100分钟,试卷满分 100分。望同学们缜密思考,认真答题,取得理想成绩。good luck! 一、选择题(计 15分)1. yesterday, jack was asked to make _ speech in _ front of the classroom to report what he did during the mid-autumn day. a. a; / b. /; / c. a; the d. the; /2. would you like some tea, please? yes, and i prefer tea _ some sugar. a. with b. for c. to d. from 3. would you like a cup of coffee or a bottle of juice? _. id like some milk. a. either b. both c. none d. neither 4. i am not sure _. which of the following is not right? a. which club i should join next term b. how much sleep we need every day c. how life would be like without hobbies d. why he always feels tired in class5. football is a popular sport. _ my parents _ my cousin _ watching football matches. a. neither, nor, enjoy b. not only, but also, enjoysc. both, and, enjoys d. either, or, enjoy6. many children in britain _ to have their own bank cards these days. a. allow b. allowed c. are allowed d. were allowed7. last saturday my mother had _ much work to do that she couldnt go shopping. a. so b. such c. very d. too8. mrs black is an organized housewife. thats right. everything in her house is always . a. out of order b. in order c. in trouble d. in the way 9. i dont remember _ the book yesterday. a. where i put b. where did i put c. where will i put d. where i will put10. lily will give a talk tomorrow. she is thinking about _ to make everyone happy with her speech. a. what to say b. how to say c. what can i say d. how can i say11. how about climbing the hill? i would rather _ along the river than _ the hill. im a bit tired. a. walk, to climb b. walking, climbing c. walking, to climb d. walk, climb 12. daniel is creative and thoughtful. he can often _ good ways. a. pay attention to b. put up with c. catch up with d. come up with13. - do you know _ this afternoon? - im not sure, but ill tell you as soon as she _. a. how will betty arrive; starts b. how betty will arrive; will start c. what time betty will arrive; starts d. what time will betty arrive; will start14. which color do you _, red or purple? red. i think it looks lovely _ me. a. would rather; on b. prefer; in c. would rather; in d. prefer; on 15. eagle father was so _ with his son that he kept the four-year-old son running in the snow without clothes. a. strict b. sorry c. careful d. pleased二、完形填空(15分)as a teenager, i am often asked what i am going to be in the future. a lawyer? a doctor? or a scientist? no, my ideal career is to be a teacher. one of the 41 for that is that i want to be a teacher like mr. chen.“look! do you know what it is? a-ha, its the 42 ! and it will always move around the sun.” mr. chen said and pointed to his head. he then touched the nose and 43 , “can you tell me the name of this mountain? it is the highest mountain on earth! whats the 44 of it? yes, its 8844.43 metres” ill never forget my first geography lesson. he was 45 humorous that we all fell in love with his lessons 46 . its mr. chen who opened the door of geography for us.generally speaking, most of the teachers are strict 47 students and sometimes a little bit demanding(苛求的), not so with mr. chen. he is a lighthouse, showing us the way to the treasure of knowledge. he is a friend and easy to get 48 with, always encouraging us to speak out loud without 49 our shyness and other disadvantages. he is an example, volunteering his time to students and other teachers. one day i happened to meet him in the hospital. seeing the cut on his arm, i realized he was donating his 50 . i was moved and was 51 another lesson, a lesson of love and devotion.every time i see my globe(地球仪), it would 52 me of mr. chen. he is the most unforgettable teacher i have 53 met and he will always be. some day i hope i am 54 to be a teacher like him.thank you, mr chen, thank you for making learning not a job but a joy.thank you for helping me to discover what i do best and to do it even 55 .thank you for understanding all of us and giving us the time and care each of us needs.( )41. a. replies b. reasons c. rewards d. results( )42. a. moon b. earth c. star d. sun( )43. a. advised b. announced c. added d. answered( )44. a. distance b. weight c. size d. height( )45. a. very b. too c. really d. so( )46. a. at present b. at once c. at times d. at first ( )47. a. with b. to c. in d. for( )48. a. away b. together c. angry d. along( )49. a. thinking b. caring c. considering d. supposing( )50. a. money b. blood c. clothes d. time( )51. a. taught b. given c. taken d. had( )52. a. remember b. represent c. warn d. remind( )53. a. just b. never c. ever d. yet( )54. a. able b. about c. allowed d. available( )55. a. well b. good c. better d. best三、阅读理解(30分)aone day a red rose blossomed (开花) in a forest. a pine tree(松树) not far away said, “youre so beautiful! i wish i could be lovely like you. ”the rose said, “i am the most beautiful plant in the forest. ” then the rose looked at a cactus(仙人掌) and said, “look at that ugly plant. it is full of thorns (刺)!”sometimes, the red rose would look at the cactus and say, “this plant is useless. im sorry i am his neighbor. ”summer came and the plants and animals needed water, but no rain fell. one day the rose saw some birds stick their beaks(鸟喙) into the cactus and then fly away. the red rose asked what the birds were doing. the pine tree explained that the birds got water from the cactus. the pine tree told the red rose, “you can also drink from it. the birds can bring water to you if you ask the cactus for help. ”the red rose felt ashamed, but she still asked the cactus for help. the cactus agreed kindly and the birds filled their beaks with water for the roses roots. later on, the rose never gave her opinion about anyone by look again.56. what did the rose think of the cactus at the beginning of the story?a. he was beautiful and lovely. b. he was ugly and useless.c. he was kind and helpful. d. he was unfriendly and ugly.57. which of the following is true according to the story?a. there was no rain when summer came.b. the pine tree could get water from the cactus.c. the birds stuck their beaks into the pine tree.d. the rose could bring water to the pines roots.58. the underlined word “ashamed” means “_” in chinese.a. 骄傲的 b. 忧虑的 c. 高兴的 d. 羞愧的59. from the passage, we know that _.a. the pine tree was awful b. the cactus was helpfulc. the birds were more beautiful d. the rose couldnt get water in the end60. what does the writer want to tell us?a. look is not everything.b. be careful of what you say to others.c. the red rose is more beautiful than the cactus.d. dont feel bad about having an ugly neighbor.bcolor therapy can be used on the body in a number of ways to help you to calm down and relax. it can even help treat some illnesses. it first appeared in india thousands of years ago. this type of therapy used the seven colors of the rainbow to keep a balance in the mind and body. color therapy can be practiced in the following ways: color gazing: looking at a blue light can make the blood pressure(血压)come down, while red light makes it go up. people feel good in themselves by wearing their favorite colors. these colors have a good effect on their moods. the use of pleasant colors in daily life also has a good effect. color imagination(想象)can bring a sense of happiness. imagine yourself in the color that you wish and let it create a nice feeling in your body. color breathing(呼吸)exercises can be done when you are lying or sitting down. look at the colors and choose one. it will really help you to relax. there are no known bad effects from normal use of color therapy. 61. the underlined word gazing means _. a. looking b. training c. choosing d. dreaming62. which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? a. color imagination b. color gazing c. color breathing d. color drawing63. which color might increase (使升高)our blood pressure? a. white. b. green. c. red. d. blue.64. how can the color breathing exercises be done? a. by lying down. b. by sleeping. c. by walking. d. by laughing.65. which of the following is true according to the passage? a. chinese people were the first to use color therapy. b. color therapy uses only light colors. c. color gazing can always make you feel happy. d. people havent found any bad effects from the use of color therapy. camerican high schools have a dropout rate(辍学率)of up to 50%. there are many reasons for students leaving school: for two thirds of the dropouts, motivation(动力)is the problem. they cant just work hard enough. almost half of them said that they had missed so many classes that they could not follow any more. many said that they were not ready well enough in their earlier school. for a third of them, getting a job is more important than finishing school. high school dropouts have more problems in their future lives. they are more likely to be out of work or live a poor life. there is also a big difference in income(收入)if you compare(比较)high school dropouts with graduates. a study shows americans with a bachelors degree(学士学位)get about $50,000, those with a high school diploma about $28,000 and dropouts only about $20,000.many younger students do not understand the influence of dropping out of school. they often need better teachers, more lessons to get good grades in subjects and more help with learning problems. some schools in america have changed this situation. some schools offer evening classes or allow students to come back at a later age.66. in america high school students leave school before they finish it. a. few of b. two thirds of c. half of d. a third of 67. some students think is more important than finishing school.a. finding a job b. dealing with problems c. making much money d. studying during work68. the passage mainly tells us reasons that american high school students become dropouts. a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 669. we can learn that high school dropouts than graduates in america.a. work harder b. take more subjects c. make less money d. are faced with fewer problems 70. what do we know from the last paragraph (段落)? a. most of the dropouts cant work hard enough. b. american high schools havent changed the situation at all. c. dropping out of school doesnt influence younger students future lives.d. some american schools allow the dropouts to come back again at a later age.四、词汇应用(15分)solve; strict; depends on; manage ; according to ; match; a) 选用方框内的单词或词组填空,有一项多余。1. your animal sign _ the year of your birth.2. you red tie and your white shirt are a good _.3. i cant agree that some parents are too _ with their children. 4. youd better choose your hobbies _ the time you have. 5. perhaps you should _ your time better and achieve a balance between your schoolwork and your hobbies.b) 用所给单词的适当形式填空6. i wonder if the old car is worth _(repair) again.7. many young people cannot afford _(buy) a new flat in beijing at the moment.8. your _(care) may make you get low marks in exams.9. jacky chen devotes much of his spare time to _(work) with charity.10. tom promised _ (not come) to work late.11. facing so much homework, i have no _ (choose) but to do it.12. thank you for your _(suggest). they are of great value to me.13. many students dont get enough sleep. sometimes they feel _ (sleep) in class.14. as a shy girl, alice has difficulty _(express) herself.15. during the national day holiday i would rather _ (stay) at home to get ready for the first monthly exam. 五、完成句子。10分1、 有些学生不知道怎么学好英语。some students do not know _2、 他通常早上花半小时读英语_him _to read english in the morning.3、 tom正期待着收到他父母的来信tom is _to _his parents now.4、 作为一个学生,你再仔细也不为过。as a student, _5、 他把要做的所有工作列了一张清单。he _六、任务型阅读awhat are teenagers nowadays crazy about? popular songs? harry porter books? sports or online games? for me,the answer is history.history is a part of my leisure(空闲的)time. since i was 10,ive been reading history books,collecting old maps and visiting museums. i always get excited when people around me talk about history.i have learnt a lot from history. its helped me deal with(应付)the problems of growing up. history is precious(珍贵的)wealth.history helps me become more mature(成熟的). i used to believe that life is simple to understand. now i know that we shouldnt make simple judgments(判断). people arent good or bad;things arent true or false.history has also made me mentally(精神上)stronger. im more responsible now. i have learned useful things about myself from studying the rise and fall of kings and queens.when i studied chinese history between 1840 and 1949,i knew i must be a strong person and do my best for china.francis bacon wrote,histories make men wise. i agree with that. if you know history you respect the past are confident about the future. history tells you where you come from,where you are and where you are going. that is the charm of history. dont you think so?根据上面短文回答问题1、what is the writer crazy about nowadays?_2、when did the writer read history books , collect old maps and visit museums? _3、how does history affect the writer? _4、does the writer agree with “histories make men wise”? _5、what is the charm of history according to the writer? _bhis stories may have no magic (魔法的) tricks or heroes, but still touch teenage readers. benjamin (zhang bin), 31 is a cartoonist in beijing. hes known for his comic books remember and one day. his colourful stories of young people working hard for dreams and love have won lots of fans.he has been drawing cartoons for 10 years. he tried many jobs before that, but what he enjoys most is the freedom of drawing.he talked with teens about his life and ideas as a cartoonist: drawing cartoons is similar to writing diaries, he said, i mix the special people and things that i meet into the drawings.for benjamin, a good story is more important than a picture.he says the ideas for his stories originate (源自) in his life. kids can get ideas in the same way. their lives may be simple, but there are still interesting stories in them.what you need is an urge (冲动) to tell your own stories and make them fun, he said, then youll never run out of ideas.he says drawing can be painful (痛苦的). h


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