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1.背诵句The situation being so serious,its high time that we took effective measures to do sth2.背诵句Its imperative that corresponding laws and regulations be introduced and enforced to harness治理,利用 and curb限制, 克制, 抑制this urgent problem.3.背诵句Simple as the picture is,the meaning behind it is as deep as ocean.4.背诵句In no country other than China,it has been said,is the problem of environment /phenomenon more serious.5.背诵句There has been a heated discussion about a picture in the newspaper.6.背诵句The past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to the reform and opening-up policy carried out,bringing some problems at the same time.with the following one being the foremost.7.背诵句The authors real purpose is not the fact itself,bue to lead us to find what hides behind the ice-burg8.背诵句According to one of the latest survey conducted by a certain international organization.money spent on pets in the city of Beijing is as mush as $1,000,000,000.which can feed all the Japanese in the world for a whole year.9.背诵句Our human history has been filled with a variety of examples of ,with the following one being the foremost.10.背诵句Amoing all the touching facts relating tothat I have ever heard, noticed and experienced ,the most impressive one is I can think of no better examples other thannumerous examples can be giving ,but this will suffice.11.背诵句Were there no something ,never would sb do something 12.背诵句Were this situation to continue like this ,we would pay a high price./and our future generation would not bother to think of excuse for us .13.背诵句Its imperative that the essence be absorbed and the drawbacks be neglected ,during this process,especially in the times of knowledge explosion ,when the news ,facts ,opinions even rumous have been bombarding炮击, 轰炸, 攻击 us from every corner of the world 14.背诵句With a proper law and an alert public ,it will only be a matter of time before the problem becomes things of the past.15.背诵句Only in a reasonable ,prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the uttermost. 要求的句子。The picture, at the first glimpse, seems to be simple ,but only a penetrating sight can pierce through its superficial meaning . 词组:be beyond dispute-that the plates are moving is now 1.few people are immune to vanity (自负, 自大, 虚荣),jealousy and pretention自命不凡,自负2.large shopping centers provide not only pleasant environment ,abundant goods but also excellent services. 万能非限定性定语从句:which left us a deep impressionn+and the like /and its like /and their like五大超俗词汇:1.important 替换为 significant,essencial,urgent,necessary/of importance2.very替换为its significantly/essentially/urgently/important3.different替换为various/a variety of/vary from person to person 4.think /thing 经典替换词:1.individual,characters,folks代替people,persons2.positive, favorable ,rosy (美好的), promising ,perfect ,pleasurable ,excellent ,outstanding代替good3.dreadful ,unfavorable ,poor ,adverse (有害的) 代替bad,如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive代替4.(an army of ,an ocean of ,a sea of,a multitude of,many ,if not most)代替many注意:如果用many,if not most一定要小心,many后一定要有词5.a slice of, quite a few,several代替some6.harbor the idea that,take the attitude that,hold the view that ,it is widely shares that,it is universally acknowledged that 替代think (因为是 书面语,所以要加that)7.affair,business,matter代替thing 8.shared 代替common9.reap huge fruits 代替get much benefit10.for my part,from my own perspective 代替in my opinion11.increasing(ly),growing 代替more and more (注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing).修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.E.G. sth has gained growing popularity12.little if anything ,或little or nothing代替hardly13. beneficial rewarding代替helpful, be beneficial of14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser (n.买方,购买者)代替customer15.exceedingly ,extremely 代替very16.hardly unnecessary, hardly inevitable代替nacessary,inevitable17.sth appeals to sb,sth exert(运用, 发挥, 施加) a tremendous fascination on sb代替sb take interest in18.capture ones attention 代替attract ones attention19.facet(n.宝石或首饰的)小平面, 面, (事物的)面, 方面), demension【医】大小,尺寸,维数,sphere (兴趣或活动的)范围, 领域代替aspect20.be indicative of,be suggestive of,be fearful of 代替indicate ,suggest ,fear21.give rise to ,lead to, result in,trigger 引发, 引起(连锁反应)代替cause22.there are several reasons behind sth 代替reason for sth23.desire代替want24.pour attention into 代替pay attention to25.bear in mind that代替remenber26.enjoy ,possess 代替have 27.interaction 代替communication28.frown on sth 代替be against ,disagree with sth29.to name only a few,as an example 代替for example30.next to/virtually impossible 代替nearly impossible比较状语从句的写作方法:1.as much as 句式:A car runs 10 times as fast as a bike dose/runs2.more than:the population of China is bigger than the population of Japan/that of JapanThe population of China is three times larger than that of China 表示think的单词:假定,认为assume相信,认为believe声称,宣称claim断言assert He asserted his ideas loudly and clearly.他大声明确地说出自己的想法。坚持认为,主张 maintain陈述,认为set描述,说明depict描写The artist depicted him strolling through a garden.画家描绘了他在花园漫步的情景。证明prove说明,表明demonstrate,证明,证实validate+使生效;使有法律效力You need an official signature to validate the order.你要有正式的签字,这张汇票才能生效。坚持contend指出point out正如某人所指出,提出as sb put it相信,确信be convinced that接受 accenpt获取,获得acquire补充,说明add说明,认知account五大基本句型:主谓,主谓宾,主谓宾补,主谓宾宾补,主系表补充说明There are still several other aspects relevant to the issue under discussion ,but I have no time to explore in detail. After all ,what the picture describes tends to encompass .?nk?mp?svt.围绕;包围)a variety of subjects ranging from economics ,social ,values, personal values to cultural identity, all of which are deeply rooted in a given community .therefore ,it is difficult , I presume(vt.以为; 假定), to cover all such divergent (dv:dnt, da- adj.有分歧的;叉开的;发散的, 扩散的 elements in an essay of merely 200words.总结:记住第三段的四句话:1)增强意识2)专家参与3)复杂性4)如何应对(不讨厌原因)1.the general public is supposed to enhance their awareness that ocean resources are essential for the environment2.in this issue ,researchers, scholars and experts are expected to work out up-to-date solutions to sth3.in view of the complexity of such an issue ,we must treat it socially ,economically and culturally.4.in a sense ,it is not why sth .exists in todays world but what we should do to copy with it名人名言:Ecation is a progressive(adj.不断前进的, 有进展的, 逐渐上升的) discovery of our own ingnorance.2.the roots of education are bitter ,but the fruit is cation commences at (开始于)the mothers knee ,and every word spoken within the hearsay .h?,se? n.传闻,道听途说 of children tends towards the formation of character(均影响其性格的形成)4.education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading .5.let early education be a sort of amusement ;you will then be better able to find out the natural bent .( n.倾向, 爱好)6.cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food for the body.7.histories make men wise ;poems witty (w?ti: adj.机智的, 言辞巧妙的;情趣横生的;the mathematics subtle(adj.微妙的; 难以捉摸的; 细微的,zhoumi )natural philosophy (自然哲学)deep; moral grave(伦理使人庄重) ;logic and rhetoric .ret?rik .雄辩言辞, 虚夸的言辞,修辞学 (逻辑辞学)able to contend.8.a free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books9.genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.(天才是百分之一是灵感,百分之九十九是血汗)10.information is power ,and the information domain(n.范围, 领域,版图, 领土,地产, 产业 is the future battlefield.(信息领域将是未来的战场)11.if you have great talents ,industry will improve them .if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency(.d?f?nsin.缺乏, 不足, 短缺)如果你的能力一般,勤勉会补足其不足。12We cannot always build the future for our youth , but we can build our youth for the future.我们不能总是为我们的青年造就美好未来,但我们能够为未来造就我们的青年一代。Thinking1.the men of experiment are like the ant ,they only collect and use ;the reasoners resemble spiders (n蜘蛛),which make cobwebs .k?b,web(n.蜘蛛网) out of their own substance .But the bee takes the middle course : it gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and field ,but transform and digests it by a power of its own.3.give me a lever( li:v? n.物杠杆,操作杆long enough and a fulcrum .f?lkr?m n.支撑杠杆的点,支点on which to place it ,and I should move the world .Life1.you dont get to choose how youre going to die .you can only decide how youre going to live .2.life is a promise ,fulfill it . 3.great minds have purposes ,little minds have wishes .(伟大的头脑有目标,平凡的人们有愿望)4.success is never final .(成功无止尽)Difficulty and courage 1.never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today .(今日事,今日毕)2.if you lose hope ,somehow you lose the vitality va?t?l?ti: n.精神;活力;力量that keeps life moving ,you lose that courage to be ,that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all . and so today I still have a dream.(如果你失去了希望,有一天你会失去生命前行的活力,进而失去活着的勇气,这是能帮助你获得一切的素质。今天我有一个梦想。2.in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity .3.difficulties increase the nearer we get to the goal.困难让我们离目标越近。4.the pessimist ?pes?m?st n.悲观主义者 sees difficulty in every opportunity .the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficultyDiligence1.happiness is not the mere possession of money ,it lies in the joy of achievement , in the thrill of creative effort .真正的幸福在于取得的成就和创造带来的激动。3.diligence is the mother of good fortune ,and idleness ,its opposite ,never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes .4.the expectations of life depend upon diligence 。生活的希望来自勤奋。5.few things are impossible to diligence and skill , great works are performed not by strength ,but perseverance.,p?:s?v?r?ns n.坚持不懈;不屈不挠)在勤奋和技能面前,没有什么不可能的事 。伟大的作品鄙视力量造就的,而是坚持 .Goals1.if you want to live a happy life ,tie it to the goal ,not the people or the things寄希望于目标而不是人或事2.success is not final .failure is not fatal .feit?l adj.致命的.it is the courage to continue that counts .重要的是继续的勇气3.set your goals high ,and dont stop until you get there .志存高远,勇往直前4. words cant move mountains .it is diligence that counts .勤奋的力量能帮我们撼动大山,而不是语言。5.to strive ,to seek ,to find ,but not to yield .去拼搏,去寻找,不要屈服Love1.the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched ,they must be felt with the heart .Teamwork1.trust men and they will be true to you ;treat them greatly ,and they will show themselves great .2.separated we fall ,united we stand .分则败,合则胜3.as long as they think alike ,a few people can move a mountain人心齐,泰山移4.coming together is beginning .working together is success.团结才能生理。常用谚语1A bad beginning makes a bad ending.2A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush .3A candle lights others and consumed itself4A close mouth catches no flies .病从口入5Action speaks louder than words6Adversity .?dv?:s?ti: n.逆境;厄运;(经济方面的)窘境 leads to prosperity .穷则思变7a friend in need is a friend indeed8A friend is easier lost than found9A good beginning is half done .10A good book is a good friend11A good book is the best of friends ,the same today and forever.12A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲13. all roads leads to Rome14. all that ends well is well15. all that glitters is not gold 闪光的不一定都是金子16.all things are difficult before they are easy17.all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy18.a miss (n.失误, 失败, 失手; 回避)is as good as a mile失之毫厘,差以千里19.an apple a day keeps the doctors away20.an a man sows ,so he shall reap .种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆21.a sound mind in a sound body健全的精神寓于健康的身体22.better late than never23.birds of a feather flock (vi.群集, 成群结队而行)together物以类聚,人以群分24.books and friends should be few but good .25.by reading we enrich the mind ,by conservation we polish it读书使人充实,交谈使人精明26.care and diligence bring luck .谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机会。27.caution is the parent of safety .小心使得万年船。28.Complacency .(k?mple?s?nsi: n.自满;自得;自鸣得意) is the enemy of study .学习的敌人是自己的满足29.content is better than riches .知足者常乐30.diligence is the mother of success 31.do as you would be done by 已所不欲,勿施于人32.dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today33.early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy ,wealthy and wise .早睡早起身体好34.easier said than done35.east or west ,home is best东好西好,还是家里最好36.eat to live ,but not live to eat .人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭37. every little helps a mickle . (mik(?)ln多) 聚沙成塔,集腋成裘37.every man has his faults .38.every man is the architect of his own fortune39.facts speak louder than words .40.fortune favors those who use their judgment(机遇偏爱善断之人)41.four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd :a little bit more .42.from small beginning come great things 伟大始于渺小43.genius is nothing but labor and diligence .44.god helps those who helps themselves.自助者天助45.good advice is beyond all price忠告是无价宝46.good health is over wealth 健康是最大的财富47.gold will not buy anything48.happiness takes no account of time (欢乐不觉时光过))49.he is wise that is honesty (诚实者最明智)50.he laughs best who laughs last .51.he who does not advance loses ground .逆水行舟,不进则退。52.honesty is the best policy53.hope for the best ,but prepare for the worst 54.its never too late to mend .(亡羊补牢)55.its never too old to learn 56. keep good men company and you shall be of the number .近朱者赤,近墨者黑57.kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕58.like father ,like son .有其父必有其子59.life is not all roses .人生不是康庄大道60.make hay (.hein.干草)while the sun shines .良机勿失61.man proposes ,god disposes .谋事在人,成事在天62.many heads are better than one .三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮63.many hands make light work .人多力量大64.misfortune never comes alone/single 祸不单行65.misfortune tests the sincerity of friends 患难见真情66.money isnt everything 钱不是万能的67.necessity is the mother of invention 需要是发明的动力68.never fish in trouble water .不要浑水摸鱼69.new wine in old bottles .旧瓶装新酒70.no news is good news 71.no pains ,no gains 72.no rose without a thorn . ?:n n.荆刺, 棘)没有不带刺的玫瑰73 . no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪74. nothing is impossible for a willing heart .心之所愿,无所不成75 . one today is worth two tomorrow .76. poverty is stranger to industry .勤劳之人不受穷77. practice makes perfect78. reading makes a full man .读书使人完善79. Rome is not built in a day .冰冻三尺非一日之寒80. sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood 磨刀不误砍柴工81.seeing is believing 眼见为实82.speech is silver ,silence is gold .能言是银,沉默是金83.success belongs to the persevering .坚持就是胜利84.the greatest talkers are always least doers .(.du?n.行为者,实干家)语言的巨人总是行动的矮子85.time and tide waits for no man .时不待我、86.time cures all things 87.truth never fears investigation .事实从来不怕调查88.virtue is fairer far than beauty .美德远远胜过美貌89.well began is half done90.where there is life ,there is hope .留得青山在,不愁没柴烧91.will is power 意志就是力量92.wisdom in the mind is better money in the hand 脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱93.wise men love truth ,whereas fools shun .(?nvt.避开, 回避, 避免)it . 智者热爱真理,愚者回避真理94.you cannot burn the candle at both ends .蜡烛不能两头点,精力不可过分秏95.you cannot eat your cat and have it .鱼与熊掌,不可兼得。相关热点话题表达:短语类表达-环保话题类:White pollution 白色污染 sustainable development可持续发展 ecosystem生态系统Environmental pollution环境污染 over-fishing(overgrazing过度放牧)过度捕捞 Sand storm沙尘暴 resource exhaustion资源枯竭 water and soil conservation水土保持 Soil erosion(n.腐蚀, 侵蚀; 磨损)土壤流失 clear-cutting(deforestation di?f?ris?tei?n)滥砍滥伐 desertification沙漠化 conserve natural resources保护自然资源 shortage of fresh water淡水缺失 disruption(.disr?pt vt.使混乱, 扰乱) of ecological balance生态平衡 natural preservation zone自然保护区教育话题类The craze for graduate school考研热 surf the internet网上冲浪 cyberspace.saib?,speis网络空间 inter-disciplinary talent复合型人才 assignment of graduates毕业生分配 net friend网友 quality-oriented education/education for all-around development素质教育 teach students according to their aptitude(学习方面的)才能, 资质, 天资)因材施教 examination-oriented education应试教育 compulsory education义务教育 puppy(n. .p?pi小狗, 幼犬) love早恋 adult(continuing) educatin成人教育 distance education远程教育 campus culture校园文化 two-way select双向选择 work-study program勤工俭学 double degree双学位 non-resident student走读生 resident student寄宿生 extracurricular activities课外活动 graduate diploma/graduate研究生毕业证 become well-educated through self-study自学成才 degrees diploma学位证 to reduce study load学生减负 web-addiction沉湎于上网 self-taught examination自学考试 cash cow(现金牛,奶牛;摇钱树;可使人致富的生财工具)摇钱树 people oriented ;people foremost以人为本 direction of public opinion舆论导向 dribble.dr?b?l运球(vi.流口水) On-job doctorate (d?kt?ritn.博士学位)在职博士生 (thesis) oral defense论文答辩 secondary specialized or technical school student中专生 社会热点类Project hope希望工程 information revolution信息革命 jerry(adj.草率的,偷工减料的)-built projects豆腐渣工程 population explosion人口爆炸 epidemic disease传染病 dropout(n.辍学者;退学者) students失学儿童 laid-off workers下岗工人 reemployment project再就业工程 clone technology克隆技术 migrate laborer民工 crack down on counterfeit(.ka?nt?,f?t n.仿制品, 伪造物) goods/fake products打假 devalue.di:v?lju:贬值 expand domestic demand扩大内需 state-owned enterprise国有企业 deflation.diflei?n通货紧缩 inflation通货膨胀 rechargeable card充值卡 Smooth Traffic Project畅通工程 anti-fake label防伪标识 poverty alleviation?li:v?e?n扶贫infrastructure construction 基础设施 vicious.vi?s circlr恶性循环 gender discrimination性别歧视 psychological quality心理素质 pattern of consumption消费结构 consumers association消费者协会 green food绿色食品 money worship拜金主义 Olympic committee奥委会 host city 举办城市 bid for olympic申办奥运会 sluggish market市场疲软经济文化类Regional protectionism地方保护主义 tax evasion.?ve?nn.逃避, 回避, 躲避偷税漏税 purchasing power购买力 cybereconomy网络经济 personal income tax个人所得税 risk investment风险投资 after sale service售后服务 stock exchange股票交易 booming/thriving/prosperity繁荣 萎缩/衰退/萧条科技发展类Broadband networks宽带网 multimedia多媒体 hacker黑客 the e-business电子商务 pirated softwar


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