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八年级英语第一单元知识点归纳1. betwween.and.:在.和.之间2. be back to:回到.Be back home 回家3. over the summer holiday:在暑假期间4. get sth from sb:从某人那得到某物】Get e-mail from China收到来自中国的邮件5 be happy/sorry/glad to do sth. 意思是很做某事。e.g. Im happy to meet you.6. Its fun to get e-mail from China. .收到中国来的电子邮件很有趣。it 是形式主语。真正的主语是动词不定式to get e-mail from China.7. exercise 是名词,意思是练习, 锻炼,做练习讲时,是可数名词。做锻炼讲时是不可数名词;而在表示早操,眼保健操时要用复数形式。(1).Running is good exercise for many people.(2).The students have to do a lot of math exercises.(3).We do morning exercises and eye exercises every day.8 arrive from 从某地返回 arrive at .到达(小地点)arrive in 到达(大地点)9. would like=want:想要look like 看起来像=be like10. wear 动词表示穿着,它有一些近义词,如:put on , dress, in 注意它们的区别.put on 意思是穿上强调穿的动作,dress意思是给某人穿或自己穿衣服.in 表示穿着的状态,与wear意思相同,但不能单独使用,需要和be一起做谓语,后面常跟表示颜色或服装的词. You are wearing a red coat.You have a red coat on. You are in a red coat. He put on his coat and go out.I dress myself every morning.Mum is dressing my little sister.11.take pictures/photos ,take a picture/photo意思是照相.12 .wish n.愿望:she has no wish to leave.她不想走。祝福,祝愿:With best wishes.祝好(信末结束语)。 v. 想要,需要,希望. wish to do:She wishes to go abroad.她想出国。.wish sb. to do sth.:What do you wish me to do?你想让我做什么?.wish sb. sth.:I wish you a pleasant journey! 祝你旅途愉快!13.lend me yours 把我的借给你(lend-lent lent)Lend sb sth.=lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人Borrow sb sth=borrow sth from sb向某人借某物14 help you take the pthoto(帮你照相)Help sb do sth 帮某人做某事Help sb with sth 再某方面帮助某人15 I dont know her , either . 我也不认识她.too, also与either (1).also是正式用语,通常用于肯定句中,其位置一般放在系动词、助动词、情态动词之后或实义动词之前。如: I also went我也去了。 He can also speak English他也会说英语。 (2).too常与also通用,口语中用得较多,也是用于肯定句中。其位置一般在句末或句中,在句末时,前边常有逗号;在句中时前后均有逗号。如: I,too,have been to Beijing我也去过北京。 You work hard,and I work hard,too你工作努力,我上作也努力。 (3).either用于否定句中,而且要放在句尾。如: If you dont go,I wont go,either你不去,我也不去了。16. write down:写下 记下write it /them down17. go for walks=go for a walk:去散步18. get out of:从.出来Get out of bed 起床11. one more:另一个+another one.19 hate 不喜欢,憎恨hate to do sth, hate doing sth. 是固定短语都表示不喜欢或憎恨做某事20. on the weekend =at the weekend在周末21 Something different all year round . 一年到头穿不同的衣服.形容词放在something , anything , nothing等不定代词的后面作定语.I saw something interesting yesterday.类似的有第六课中 someone very special22. (1). be made of 由制造的,指的是从成品上能看出原材料。如:The desk is made of wood.(2). be made from由制造的,指的是从成品上很难以看出原材料。如:Paper is made from wood.23 all year round一年到头24 stop doing sth (停止正在做的事) stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事25spend doing sth 花费(时间)做.26.go ones own way 分道扬镳26 at the end of 在.的尽头27come over 过来,顺便来访,抓住28 hold out 伸出,主张,坚持29make a deal 打成交易,和解30 be ready to do sth 准备去做某事introduce v介绍; 【考点】introduce sb. to sb.把某人介绍给某人:May I introduce my friend Lucy to you?让我向你介绍我的朋友露茜。 31piano n钢琴:play the piano弹钢琴 【考点】play后面跟乐器时要加定冠词,如:play the violin, play the guitar, 后面跟球类时,不加定冠词。如:play basketball, play football.32married adj.结婚的:Are you married?你结婚了吗?He is married to a famous writer他娶了一位著名的作家。a married woman已婚女子33 go to university 上大学34 Brian and I were on one team, and Sandra and Danny were on the other team布莱恩和我在一个(篮球)队,桑德拉和丹尼在另一个队。 (1).onethe other指“(两个中的)一个另一个”。如:I have two pencils:one is red,the other is green我有两枝铅笔:一枝是红的,另一枝是绿的。 (2)on是介词,表示“是中的一个成员”、“在供职”。如: Im on our city team我是市队里的一个成员。 Im on the China Daily我在中国日报社工作。35Last Saturday,my mother bought a pair of jeans for me上星期六,我妈妈给我买了一条牛仔裤。buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物,也可以说成buy sb. sth. e.g. She bought me a new bike36 have the pleasure of doing sth高兴去做某事八年级英语第二单元知识点归纳1. be late for:.迟到2. be short for:.的缩写3. have a math exan:进行一次数学考试4.in two minutes 两分钟以后In ten more years 十多年以后5. make sb do sth 使某人做某事 例如make us study hard 使我们努力学习Make sb/sth +adj(形容词)使某人、某物保持某种状态 例如make me happy 6. work on:从事于7. some more:更多一点 some more pictures更多一些图片8. learn about:学会 了解9. give a talk:做演讲 作报告10. a lot of =lots of 后可接不可数名词或可数名词复数11.be good at sth /doing sth=do well in sth / doing sth擅长做某事12 much better 更好 much 用来修饰比较级 13. in the future:将来 14except意为只有除外;除去,后跟名词或代词作宾语,强调从整体中除去部分,即except后的部分不包括在整体之内。因此,常和all, everything, no one, nothing等词一起使用。其判别标志是:除去的与保留的是同类项。例如: All of them went out for a walk _except_ Johnbesides 除之外(还有):He has another car besides this. 除了这辆车外,他还有一辆。Mary knows Japanese besides French. 除法语外,玛丽还懂日语。15看见某人做某事 see sb do sth(看见全过程)See sb doing sth (看见某事正发生)16 tell sb to do sth/ tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人做/不做某事类似的短语有:ask sb do sth /ask sb not to do sth Try to do sth / try not to do sth17 at noon 在中午18 a little bit 有点儿19. turn on 打开;发动(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等) Will you turn onthe radio? 你打开收音机好吗?turn out/off 关掉(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等) turn out the light 关掉灯20英语时间通常用以下两种方法表达:1. 直接表达法A. 用基数词 + oclock来表示整点,注意oclock须用单数,可以省略。如:eight oclock 八点钟,ten (oclock) 十点钟B. 用基数词按钟点 + 分钟的顺序直接写出时间。如:six forty六点四十2. 间接表达法A. 如果分钟数少于30分钟,可用分钟 + past /by+ 钟点表示,其中past是介词,意思是“过”。如:twenty past four 四点二十 eight past one 一点八分B. 如果分钟数多于30分钟,可用(60分钟-原分钟数)+ to +(原钟点数+ 1)表示,其中to是介词,意思是“差”。如:8:35 可表示为twenty-five to nine 差二十五分钟九点,即八点三十五(其中的分钟数twenty-five 是由60分钟减去35分钟得 到的;钟点数nine是由8加上1得到的)。注:A. 当分钟数是15分钟时,可用名词quarter (一刻钟)表示。如:7:15可表示为 a quarter past seven, 12:15可表示为 a quarter past twelveB. 当分钟数是30分钟时,可用名词half (一半)表示。如:9:30 可表示为 half past nine,3:30可表示为 half past three。21 (1).keep doing sth 保持做某事 (2). keep sth/ sb. + 形容词 保持。怎么样(3) keep for two days把某物保管两天22 voicesound与noise (1).voice一般指人的“声音、声质、声调”。如: Her voice is very sweet她的声音很甜。 (2).sound含义最广,泛指可以听到的自然界中所有的声音。如: I can hear the sound of running water我能听到流水声。 (3).noise指“噪音、闹声”,即不悦耳的、令人讨厌的声音。如: Dont make so much noises不要那样吵23 No noise !禁止喧哗 No smoking 禁止吸烟24 half an hour 半小时25present sb sth=present sth to sb 向某人展示某物八年级英语第三单元知识点归纳1. look for:寻找2. National Day:国庆节3. thank you for.sth/ doing sth.:为.感谢你give thanks to sb for sth 因某事感谢某人4. 名词所有格1. 一般情况在名词后加s。例如: That girls coat is in the room. 那个女孩的衣服在房间里。 2. 在以s结尾的名词(包括以s结尾的复数名词)后面,只加 。 如果复数名词不是以s结尾的,末尾也要加s。例如: Today is September 10th, Teachers Day. 今天是九月十日,教师节。 Childrens Day is coming, I should buy something new for my son. 儿童节马上就要到了,我应该为我的儿子买一些新东西。 3. 表示词组内的并列名词各自的所有关系时,须在各个名词后加s;如果一个东西为两个人或者两个以上的人共同拥有,只在最后一个名词后面加s。例如: They are Johns and Kates rooms. How beautiful they are! 这是约翰和凯特的房间。它们(指房间)太漂亮了! He is Lily and Lucys father. 他是莉莉和露西的爸爸。5.get ready for sth 为某事做准备6. be away from.:离.远7. be the same as:与.一样8. blow out:吹灭9. get together:聚在一起10.try on 试穿 注意:try it/them on 11. around the world=all over the world:全世界12. return home:回家Return a book h还书return to回到某地13. give sb a big hug:拥抱某人14. pass sb sth/pass sth to sb:递给某人某物15. best wishes (to):最好的祝福16. 您需要什么?What can I do for you?=May I help you?=Is there anything I can do for you?17. be in fashion:流行18.cant wait to do sth 等不及,迫不及待(去做)19 as usual 向往常一样20. on the top of 在顶上21 have no luck (doing sth) 未能如愿22 pick up 领取,捡起22 (sth ) fit (sb)well 非常合身八年级英语第四单元知识点归纳1. on ones way to:在去.的路上On ones way to do sth 在去做某事的路上2. take the school bus:乘坐校车3. in the/ones neighbourhood:在社区;在附近4. parking lot:停车场5. opposite sth =across from:在.对面6.on TV 在电视上 7. point to (远指) Point at (近指)8. play hockey:打曲棍球9. ask sb to do sth:要求某人做某事 否定:ask sb not to do sth10. lose ones way:=get lost 迷路11. walk along:walk down沿着.走12. get to know:了解;认识13. be careful:小心;当心14 walk past =walk by 走过15 cross= go across 穿过例如 cross the street = go across the sreet16 Not yet 还没有17 to tell you the truth 说实话18 turn right at the second crossing.在第二个十字路口向右拐。 19 It is +距离(例如 two miles,ten minuts walk ) from 距离某地有多远20. stay on the sidewalk 停在人行道上21 sweep the floor 擦地do some housework 做些家务22 be filled with sth = be full of sth 充满,装满23 have the flu 得了流感24 学会指路、问路八年级英语第五单元知识点1 talk about:讨论2. It is scary to do sth 做某事很恐怖 Scary (物) scared (人)4. no matter what:无论什么 no matter when:无论什么时候5. tell sb to do sth:告诉某人做某事6. for sure:对.有把握7. at the very top:在.最顶端8. be nice/good /friendly to sb 对某人友好 区分:It is nice /good/ of sb to do sth9. around the world=all over the world:全世界10 a fear of heights 恐高 fear sth 害怕. in height 在高度上11 at the same time 与此同时12 the opposite of .(某物)的反义词,对立面,13 give advice to.给提建议(adivice 为不可数名词,例如 some advice)14 feed with为提供食物,喂食15 make money 赚钱16 take steps to do sth 采取措施17 encourage sb to sth 鼓励去做18 be famouse for 因而出名 Be famouse as 作为(某种职业、身份)而有名 19 情态动词(见书本105-106页) 不定式(见书本106页)用动词的适当形式填空:1、Ill give the book to him when he back(come).2、Tell him (come) here on time.3、Id like you (meet) my parents.4、 “What are they doing?” “They ready for the sports meeting.” (get)5、The boy asked his mother him go and play basketball.(let)6、Im sorry to keep you for a long time. (wait)7、It (take) him half an hour (finish) his homework yesterday.8、If it an interesting film, well see it tomorrow. (be)9、They will have a trip to the Great Wall if it (not rain) tomorrow.10、All the people in the town are glad (hear) that a famous musician(音乐家) (give )a concert this Saturday evening.11、Whatre you doing Dad? I (mend) the radio.12、Lets (carry) the boxes to the house.13、Yesterday she (want) to see the film, but she couldnt (get) a ticket.14、I (write) to you when I get to Shanghai.15、Dont make any (噪音), 16、There (be) a meeting next Monday.17、They (have) an English evening next week.18、Im very glad (hear) that.19、They (visit) the History Museum last week.20、The scientist (give) us a talk yesterday.21、They (build) a new bridge over the river next year.22、The boys (have) a basketball match now. Lets (go) and (watch).23、 “What makes you (think) Im a farmer?” the Frenchman asked.24、Its not easy (catch) fish with your hands only.25、Have you finished (read) this book?26、It takes him half an hour (go) to work by bus.27、Hurry up or we (be) late for class.28、I dont know how (answer) this question.29、Why not (go) there on foot?30、I dont think that it (rain) tomorrow.31、Yesterday my mother told me (not play) with fire. Its dangerous.32、He kept me (wait) for him for a long time.33、Did you see him (wash) when you got to his home?34、They want to go there on foot. So Lucy . (do)35、Stop (play). Its time for class.36、It makes me (feel) thirsty.37、Its time (go) to bed.38、Tell him (come) here on time.39、Id like you (meet) my parents.40、Would you like (visit) the Summer Palace with me?41、Go on (work). We still have time.单项选择( )1. _takes me some time to finish the work.A. It B. You C. He D. Its ( )2. _can mend the bike, please give it to_.A. You; me B. His; him C. She; her D. I; you ( )3. I dont like this one, please show me _ .A. another B. other C. the other D. the other ( )4. He is pointing _the right side. A. at B. for C. by D. in ( )5. There are _ people in the park. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( )6. -Does Bill like American food? -Ive _.A. no ideas B. no idea C. not idea D. not know ( )7. What would you like _this evening? A. do B. doing C. to do D. did ( )8. Thank you for _me _ my Chinese. A. help; to B. helps; with C. helped; in D. helping; with ( )9. The teacher made us _our homework on time. A. finishing B. finish C. finished D. finishes ( )11. Tell him _play in class.A. isnt B. dont C. not to D. to not ( )12. I _ him the postcard already, I _ it yesterday.A. am sending; will send B. sent; sent C. have sent; sent D. send; send( )13. I hope youll come to see me _next week.A. sometime B. sometimes C. some times D. some time ( )14. -Im too tired to walk, lets stop _rest. - Ok, lets stop _.A. have; walk B. to have; walking C. having; walk D. to had; walking( )15. -Where is Ann? -She _ visit her grandmother. A. has been to B. has gone to C. will go to D. went to ( )16. My mother will go to Shanghai by _ next month. A. air B. a plane C. foot D. the train ( )17. Boys and girls, look left first before you _the street. A. crossing B. cross C. across D. crosses ( )18. Its my turn _ the blackboard today.A. cleaning B. cleaned C. cleans D. to clean ( )19. The young man, with his two friends, _have a trip tomorrow.A. is going to B. are going to C. was going to D. shall ( )20. They are _their lost dog. A. look for B. finding C. looking for D. looking after ( )21. These books are _._are at school. A. your; Our B. yours; Ours C. yours; My D. your; Mine ( )22. I dont like fat meat, _A. too B. either C. also D. neither ( )23. _is important to be nice to our parents. A. This B. It C. That D. She ( )24. Danny and Kate are _ _way to meet Tom. A. in; their B. on; their C. in; them D. on; they ( )25. Jim bought his mother a gift, it _him 45 yuan. A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid ( )26. I want to show _ _new timetable. A. you; me B. your; my C. you; my D. yours; mine ( )27. It usually _me half an hour to finish my homework every day. A. takes B. cost C. spent D. took ( )28. All the students finished their homework _me, because I was ill yesterday. A. besides B. beside C. except D. excepts ( )29. Class meeting _in half an hour.A. will start B. started C. has started D. is starting选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语。1. All the students went to the zoo but not Danny.A. and B. so C. except D. with2. Watching TV is very interesting.A. a lot of fun B. sad C. good D. happy3. She has invited me to go to the movies next Sunday.A. go to a restaurant B. go shopping C. go to see a film D. go to the park4. We have learned something on Chinese history.A. at B. in C. to D. about5. He does well in math.A. does his homework well B. is good at C. be good at D. is good inB) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。6. Kate Green is a nineteen-year-old girl. She is not married, so we call her .A. Mrs. Green B. Miss GreenC. Mrs. Kate D. Miss Kate 7. Are you ready _the exam? A. to B. with C. for


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