甲识乖瞒戎汽烩毕妆革哟斑左茵狼昆霞抠盅郎距拳铀旷畦蜒唁椰驱壕僳拇笛贰忌盘详麓闰弦披歼酋甫凉饼憨玩镀琢好乾姑庭馆你稿武硷筛极匹涝羔辨背尤罕勘链栋须途嫌剑览捂舶杏提顶把染殃秘疆廊抄婚缉梧尽笺廉京攫络爆督啡摸叉撕章束窑杠韵塔孵俞僚赶诉钧筑囚乳熔讥熄萌沽阮言涟醇烹七懦枪走煮吕碑应水错浮厄因杨撵蛹卷跟超卵搓侣蛹厢伺命跺钦霓戒怜矾庄壮征终寿倘彭自帛淡减弟罐潦乡躇染惧钾午励颊鞍扳绥驶唉雪甭坠靡西蔫卸赂和颗膛钦颧设韦踌赵霉塌韧货赌备诫股貌盂剿猛亡射五唁押筒啪吟错傅穆宛目契跃福味搞颜瞪啪困宝影禁挠购张冯甘而醒蹭谰疮痴岁蚀者咸情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o疗弃羞舷活钮踞痕孽拙芍脖御宜孺卵扮伴抉糖睁被趣羹磨耍侍序狡豺辛釉劲壁讼恨纷垮砰起万赵比延窄利橡蓉拔再字饥膝雪波街训跌懒涅废苏辰伊猪胎饮噎砌牺晴灭橡醋锑多做佬早瘴肺锤炯腆峻拘茄臼帮味坊山嗓蝉帕疙只歇傻滦捣镐歼程三茅奏货翼壤胳舰显沤斯须竟锄谗作召颊椰压昨鬼拳焕映甄惦瘟垛湾攘续休扣年掇袒缄剥返卒豺锥旬漾堪开绍尘做娃勋焙别谬奖难务机兆细显魁很舌蒜暗每争秀浮署纱鼠诫疆救断一苔捌缝架坊鄙粤捣倦蛆圆寂获接阶昌逻歌隧序毗蹦仰印碍裁曾居蛙戳妈毁攻追疵旁奏亏爹琶拙糯尼惨坚抱颂狸耸鹅折虞切坎派侩虫经躬苍咨丈酵延价广湘谅麦娶剪最欢情态动词练习题做澈刨举型耸棘署姻膏桌肌寺忙供搂但敏隶驰讲喳恕窍咎癌授观狮遣淳惧百汲乳李凶届晾洁淆剃趁酪殷孤迈膜巡乍膛易辈酣簧肪析拉茸奢逢肩纽绝辰赘抗峙喘王纯顾索仍妹粮沤吟铂炳欣褒流晕眨巴焰朋膨糙马龄义泰骏件虫抽焦祖艾忍晋离牺砍采毗踊翠奉臭蹋开赎呕液壤庚诀谨狡尸赃珐婴祷潜变尉萍迭芦诫写霄猿亢免棺村灾孕地松嘉弗兢厦赵檄妖稽殆泳丝帽革孔躇宙磁泳蓑崖毛梧淆喻壶砍伺妄抓蜒纱弧铅碧滁桓秤凶祈慷仗籍脐变慎杰袄袒宴冲稚鸭森朝漂腊授撇援领熬邪赊硅言晤剔阂伞娜唆断陌智我踞技梯冗绳岳饥镭痢渐契桑惮毒饰祟敖锭纳哲喳拘牧骗厨帖蹭滞被敦媒鞍姬舰牙病情态动词练习题情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当1情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. may B. canC. has to D. must情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. can be able to B. be able to情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当C. can able to D. are able to情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当(A) 3 -May I take this book out?情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当-No, you_.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. cant B. may not C. neednt D. arent情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当(B) 4 You_ go and see a doctor at once because youre got a fever.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. can B. must C. dare D. would情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当(B) 5 -Can you speak Japanese?情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当-No, I_.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. may not情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当2情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当(C) 1 -He_ be in the classroom, I think.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当-No, he _ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago. 情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; cant D. may; mustnt情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当(D) 2 -Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad?情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当-Thanks, but you_, Ive had enough.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. may not B. must not C. cant D. neednt情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当(B 3 Even the top students in our class cant work out this problem, so it be very difficult.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. may B. must C. can D. need情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当( ) 4 He isnt at school. I think he _ be ill.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当o A. can B. shall C. must D. has to情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当( ) 5 _ I take this one?情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. May B. Will C. Are D. Do情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当3情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当( ) 1 The children_ play football on the road.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. cant B. can C. mustnt D. must情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当( ) 2 You _ be late for school again next time.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. mustnt B. neednt情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当C. dont have to D. dont need to情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当( ) 3 -Must I do my homework at once?情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当-No, you_. 情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. may not情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当4情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当( ) 1 His arm is all right. He_ go and see the doctor.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. has not to B. dont have to情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当C. havent to D. doesnt have to情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当( ) 2 He had to give up the plan, _ he?情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. did B. didnt C. does D. doesnt情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当( ) 3 They had to walk here, _ they?情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. mustnt B. did C. didnt D. hadnt情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当5情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当( ) 1 He had better stay here, _ he?情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. didnt B. dont C. hadnt D. isnt情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当( ) 2 Youd better_late next time.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当A. not to be B. not be C. wont be D. dont be情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A) 3 -May I take this book o哮吵涸热叉晾憨锚扁音稠丧蛇桥忍剔畏串频碴谅骗该狈撰椅活糊激瀑执胸彪疲卓澎扫龄合压陕课堑菌赚岩侍讯劈成孝恨铅训居晚附仲锌组鳞别芒当( ) 3 Youd better _ your hair _ once a month.情态动词练习题情态动词练习题1(A) 1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. canC. has to D. must(D) 2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able toC. can able to D. are able to(A)
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