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2010小升初英语模拟试题学校: 姓名: 本卷共十大题,时间40分,满分100分题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分注意:请同学们遵守考场纪律,认真答题。不允许使用涂改液,涂改带等。一、 选出划线部分读音不同的单词(5分)( )1.A.pencil B.car C.can D.class( )2.A.there B.throw C.thank D.think( )3.A.bus B.muscles C.minutes D.runner( )4.A.months B.strong C.cover D.onions( )5.A.peas B.hours C.muscles D.weeks二找出每组中不同类的词(5分)( )6.A.truck B.train C.toy D.jeep( )7.A.sharpener B.ruler C.pants D.schoolbag( )8.A.day B.afternoon C.morning D.evening( )9.A.him B.we C.us D.them( )10.A.about B.from C.wall D.between三、 单项选择.(20分)( )11.My father often_me to the park on Sundays.A.carries B.takes C.gets D.picks( )12.Mary is good at_.A.swims B.swiming C.swimming D.swim( )13._weekdays I usually get up_6:30, but_the weekend, I usually get up late.A. On, at, at B.At, at, on C. At, at, at D.In, at, on( )14.Please say it _English,and write it down _a pencil.A.in, at B.at, for C.in, with D.on, in( )15.He often_in the evening.A.go to swim B.swim C.goes swimming D.go swimming( )16.-Can I use your bike for a while? -Yes.You may use _bike. Toms bike is here. I can use _.A.my, mine B.mine, his C.my, his D.mine, hers( )17.Would you like to go to the zoo with me on Saturday morning?-_, but I bave a piano lesson.A. I dont like B. Id love toC.Yes, Iam glad D.No problem( )18.There is_ “o”,_ “u” and_ “r” in the word “hour”.A. an, a, an B. a, a, a C.an, an, a D.an, an, an( )19.After supper my fathers friend likes_newspaper.A.seeing B.lookingC.watching D.reading( )20.Linda often_her homework in the evening,but now she _TV.A.does; watches B.is doing; watchesC.does; is watching D.is doing; is watching( )21. 287.25 is_.A.two hundreds and eighty-seven point twenty fiveB.two hundreds and eingty-seven and twenty-fiveC. two hundred and eighty-seven point two fiveD. two hundred and eighty-seven and two five( )22. -_do you go to the cinema?-Never.A.How often B.How timeC.When D.How ( )23.On Sunday everyone in the family _busy. All the family _cleaning the house.A.is; is B.are; areC.is; are D.are; is( )24.He plays the piano_,and Miss Li is always pleased_him.A.well; with B.badly; withC.better; with D.bad; to( )25.Would you like_me this evening? A.visit B.to visitC.visiting D.visits( )26.These shoes are not _. They are _.A.my; here B.his; HarrisC.mine; Harriss D.her; his( )27.-What can I do for you? -Id like six _.A.box of orange B.boxes of orangeC.box of orange D.boxes of orange( )28._ is the capital of America. _ is the biggest port(港口) in America . A. New York; Washington D.C; B. Beijing; GuangzhouC. Guangzhou; Beijing; D. Washington D.C; New York( )29.-What are those?-Theyre _.A.a map of China B.maps of China C.China maps D.Chinese map( ) 30.Lets sing a _ song. A.summer B.summers C.summers D.summers四改错(每小题有一处错误,请找出并在横线上改正)(10分)31.Is it a American car ? ( )_ A B C D32.There are six windows on the wall.( )_ A B C D33.North points down on a map. ( )_ A B C D34.Enjoy yourself , boys and girls.( )_ A B C D35.They want learn to play football.( )_ A B C D五、完形填空(10分)Mrs. Brown 36_ a shop.Its not big. 37 there are many things in iteggs, milk, ice-cream, bread,apples, oranges, school things 38 .The shop 39 from 8:00 a.m 40 9:00 p.m .Mrs Brown is 41 kind old woman.42 many people go into the shop and 43 with some things in 44 hands.They like Mrs. Brown and often 45 things in Mrs. Browns shop.( )36.A.have B. has C. is having D.likes( )37.A.And B.But C. For D.So( )38.A.some flowers B.flower C.flowers D.and some flowers( )39.A.open B.opens C.is opening D.is( )40.A.of B./ C.to D.at( )41.A.the B./ C.an D.a( )42.A.There is B.Every day C.Every morning D.Every evening( )43.A.go B.come out C.go out D.come( )44.A.his B.our C.their D.my( )45.A.looking for B.look at C.buy D.have a look at六、阅读理解(16分) ( A )Once there lived a very clever man whose name was Aessop .One day as he was taking a walk ,he came across a traveler.The traveler stopped him and asked ,“Excuse me,can you tell me how soon Ill get to town?” “Go,”Aesop answered. “I know I must go.”said the traveler,“but I want to know how soon Ill get to town.”“Go!”Aesop said again angrily.“This man must be mad ,”the traveler thought and went on .After the traveler had gone some distance(距离).Aesop shouted after him,“You will get to town in two hours.”The traveler was greatly surprised.He turned back and asked ,“Why didnt you tell me that before?”“How could I tell you that before?”Aesop answered,“I didnt know how fast you could walk.”( )46.The traveler asked Aesop _.A. to show him that he wanted to get to townB. how long it would take him to get to townC. to give him some money D. to tell him where the town was( )47.Why didnt Aesop give the traveler the answer at first?Because he_.A. thought the traveler was a rude manB. didnt know the distanceC. wanted to tell him laterD. didnt know how fast the traveler could walk( )48.From the story we know Aesop was _.A. clever B.hard-woring C.stupid D.friendly ( B )A French woman goes to London to see her son. She knows a little English, but cant speak it very well. One day she goes to a shop. She wants to buy a hen(母鸡) for supper. But she doesnt know the English word for “hen”. Just then the shop worker asks her: “Can I help you?” “I want the eggs mother.” the woman answers. The shop worker does not know her and says: “ Sorry, we dont have any bigger (更大的) eggs.” Suddenly (突然) the woman thinks of the word “cock(公鸡)”. She says: “I want the cocks wife!” This time the shop worker laughs(笑).( )49The woman goes to London_.A. to learn English B. to have supper C. to see her son D. to play( )50Thewoman _ .A. only knows a little English B. knows much English C. doesnt know English D. can speak English well( )51The shop worker thinks the eggs mother is“_”A. bigger eggs B. the cocks wife C. hens D. a cock( )52Theshop worker laughs because he _.A. knows the woman now B. thinks it isnt interesting C. does not know the woman D. he is happy( )53. Is the woman clever(聪明)?A. What color do you want?B. Can I help you?C. Its very big.D. Do you like it?E. I like it very much.F. Its 88 yuan. G. Thats right.Thats right.A. Yes, he is B.No,sheisnt C.Yes, sheis D. I dont know七补全对话:(5分)A:_54_ B:Yes, please. I want a sweater. A:_55_ We have blue ones. B: I dont like blue. Do you have another one? A: Yes, heres a red sweater. _56_ B: Yeah. It looks nice. _57_ A: Here you are. B.Thank you .How much is it ?A:_58_B: Heres the money .I take it.八、猜出划横线单词或词组的意思,将正确的答案代号填在括号内。(4分)( )59.The boys are coming here hand- in- hand. A. 我手在我手上 B.推推拉拉 C. 手拉手 D.并排 ( ) 60.The two boys are standing face to face. A.头碰头地 B.所在问题之一 C.背靠背地 D.面对面地 ( )61.Miss White is her parents apple of the eye.A. 红眼睛 B.高级苹果 C.掌上明珠 D.苹果精品 ( )62.缩略词IT, WTO, MTV分别代表_.A. 信息技术 世贸组织 音乐电视B. 重要人物 个人电脑 信息技术C. 个人电脑 世贸组织 重要人物D. 智商 世界卫生组织 中国民航九、句型转换(15分)63.The black watch is Lucys . (对划线部分提问) _ _ the black watch?64.Thank goodness. (改为否定句) _ _ goodness.65.You must put all the things in the car.(改祈使句) _ all the things _ the car.66.The girl has short hair. Her name is Lucy.(合并句子,保持意思不变)The girl _ short hair _ Lucy.67.She is an English teacher in a school.(保持句意不变) She _ _ in a school.68.He goes t


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