山东省文登市高村中学九年级英语上学期月考试题2(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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山东省文登市高村中学九年级英语上学期月考试题2(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第5页




山东省文登市高村中学2013届九年级英语上学期月考试题2 人教新目标版一.听力题一)、听句子,选择与画面一致的选项。每个句子听一遍。二)、听句子,选择适当的答语。每个句子听两遍。5. a. with my sister b. by bus c. to take a piano lesson6. a. at school b. this evening c.i like it7. a. good idea b. at my school c. with my friends8. a. only one b. brown c.i dont like it.9. a. this evening b. sure c. come here.10. a. lets go b. the food. c. very good.三)、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。听两遍。11. a. to play basketball b. to play football. c. to go swimming12. a. by bus b. by taxi c. on foot13. a. they are friends b. they are brothers c. they are father and daughter14. a. swimming b. basketball c. skating15. a. go to see her sister b. go out for a walk c. go to see her teacher四)、听一段对话和对话的问题,选择正确答案。 听两遍。16. what are they talking about?a. their dreams b. hometown c. the mountain17. where does the girl live?a. in the city b. in a village c. on a mountain18. do you think it is easy for the girl to get any information from the outside?a. yes,it is b. no,it isnt c. we dont know19. what does the boy think of the rockets?a. it is boring b. it is interesting c. it is great20. what does the girl have to do, if she wants to be a famous basketball player?a. she has to study b. she has to practice hard c. she has to know yao ming五)补全短文。 听两遍it was december 25th, i _21_a party in my house to celebrate christmas. some friends brought some snacks and some brought some_22_. everyone_23_ themselves at the party. but suddenly something _24_ happened. i happened to find david, my friend, reading my diary in my bedroom. at that time i was angry that i shouted at him. david stood up and left my house at once, without saying a word. after he left, i thought it was not _25_to read others diary, yet it was not polite to shout at him. its better for me to tell him not to do that politely.二.单项选择题1.im trying to sleep. could you please _ the music? a.turning down b.turn on c.turn down d.turn up2.he has two brothers. one is in japan, _ is in france. a.another b.other c.others d.the other3.how much did it _ you? a.take b.cost c.pay d.spend4.did you know _? a.where did he work b.where does he work c.where he works d.where he worked5.ive been teaching here _. a.for 10 years ago b.for last year c.since 1995 d.since 10 years6.there isnt _ today. a.something strange b.strange somethingc.anything strange d.strange nothing7.the more exercises you do, _ youll be. a.more healthy b.healthier c.the healthier d.the healthiest8.kate _ the piano at 7:00 last night. a.played b.were playing c.was playing d.would play9.i dont know if he _ tonight. if he _, ill tell you. a.returns, returns b.will return, will return c.will return, returns d.returns, will return10.dont worry. theres still _ water left. a.many b.a few c.little d.a little11.his mother makes a living by _ books. a.sell b.selling c.to sell d.sells12.although my son is very young, _ he can look after himself well. a.and b.but c./ d.so13.the ship was full of people. there was no_ for elen.a.room b.rooms c.a room d.any room14.i got some books_ my_ birthday. a.in / nineth b.on / ninth c.in / nineteen d.on / nineteen15.i found it _ to work out the problem. a.is easy b.was hard c.hardly d.difficult16._ people died in the war.a.two thousands b.thousands ofc.two thousands ofd.two thousand of17.if you dont study english all the time, youll have a difficult time _ it in the future.a. studying b. to study c. to studying18the accident happened _ a cold winter morning.a. in b. on c. at 19.if the rain , well have to stay at home. a. doesnt stop b. wont stopc. isnt stop d. dont stop 20.dont open the door _ the bus stops.a. as soon asb. until c. ifd. because三.阅读理解 a visit dongqian lake zoo come and see big elephants from yunnan and tigers from the northeast. the african giraffes are waiting for you. clever monkeys are going to make you laugh. a lot of other animals you have never seen are waiting to meet you. ticketsgrown-ups: ¥80children: ¥40under six: freeopening hours: from monday to friday: 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. saturday and sunday: 8:00a.m.5:30 p.m. keep the zoo clean. do not feed or go near to the animals. ( ) 1. all the animals above are _. a. from africa b. in the northeast c. in the zoo ( ) 2. which animal is full of fun? a. a monkey. b. a giraffe. c. a tiger. ( ) 3. now mr. and mrs. king are going to the zoo with their seven-year-old son. how much will they pay for the tickets? a. one hundred and twenty yuan. b. one hundred and sixty yuan. c. two hundred yuan. ( ) 4. which is the visiting time? a. 8:00 a.m. on monday. b. 5:00 p.m. on thursday. c. 8:30 a.m. on saturday ( ) 5. we can _ in the zoo. a. throw dirty things b. not go close to the animals c. not laugh b once there was no zero. to write the number sixty-three, people wrote 63 . to write six hundred and three , people wrote 6 3.the space was there to mean “not any” tens. sometimes people did not remember the space. it was hard to see and to read. later people used a dot to hole space six hundred and three looked like this 6.3.but the dot was hard to see .so people put a circle around it .they could see the dot .they remembered the space. at last only the circle around the dot was used . it was like a zero. this is one story of how the zero came to be used. now zero has many important uses . zero tells how many . can you tell some other ways zero is used.6.long long ago ,people didnt know how to write_. a.603 b. zero c. number d. sixty-three7.long long ago , if they wrote two hundred and eight people wrote_. a. 28 b 2 8 c .280 d. 2088.long long ago ,if they wrote six hundred and three people wrote_. a. 603 b. 6 3 c. 63 d. 6.3 9. later _ was used to mean space. a. “ not any” b. letter “0” c. zero d. a dot10.the story tells us _. a. how zero happened b. how to write zero c. whats the use of zero d. that zero means a dot , a circle or space ca man lived in a tall building in a city . he had one problem: the man upstairs . every night , the man upstairs came back late. he always took off his shoes and threw them on the floor . bang !one shoe. bang! the other one . the man downstairs found it very difficult to sleep and he was very angry.one day he said to the man upstairs :”im sorry to trouble you . every night you drop your shoes on the floor. the noise wakes me up ! would you mind not doing this?” the next night the man upstairs came back late as usual. he took off the first shoe and threw it on the floor . then he remembered the man downstairs ,so he took off the second shoe and put it under his bed very quietly .when he was just falling asleep ,there was a loud knock at the door. it was the man downstairs .he said, “please drop the other shoe ! i was waiting for the sound of the other shoe and i cant get to sleep!11.what did the man upstairs always do when he came back home every night?12.how did the man downstairs feel when he heard the noise every night ? 13.what did he ask the man upstairs not to do? 14.what happened to the man upstairs the next evening? 15.did the man downstairs sleep well the next evening ?六.动词填空(10)a young man once went into town and _1_ (buy) himself a pair of trousers. when he _2_ (get) home, he found that there _3_ (be) about two inches(英寸) long. he went to the kitchen and found that his mother and his two sisters were _4_ (wash) there. “the new trousers _5_(be) too long,” he said, “they need shortening (剪短)by about two inches. would you mind _6_ (do) this for me, please?” his mother and sisters were busy and none of them said anything. but when his mother finished _7_(wash), she went to her sons room, and shortened the trousers by two inches, but she _8_(not tell) anyone. later, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brothers trousers. she was a kind-hearted girl, so she shortened the trousers without _9_ (say) anything. the younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came in, she also remembered what her brother said. so she _10_(run) into her brothers room and took two inches off the legs of the new trousers.you can guess the look on the young mans face when he put the trousers on the next morning.(将答案写在下页试卷上)初三英语月考试题 一听力答题卡(25)123456789101112131415161718192021._22._23._24. _ 25. _二单项选择(20)1234567891011121314151617181920三阅读题(20)1234567891011._12. _13. _14. _15. _六.动词填空(10)1._2._3._4._5._ 6. _7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _四.单词拼写(8)1.i received many f_ on my birthday.2.i had a c_ to go to college.but i missed it.3.luckily, he fell off the bike, but didnt get i_.4.its _ to talk loudly in public. /7imp5lbit/5.i got a bike on my_(十二)birthday6.are most people _ /e5enst/the plane?7.if you are free,ill go to see you at nine oclock _/t5nbit/8.rember to_/ri5t:n/ the books to the library.五.汉译英(12)1. 如果你穿牛仔裤参加晚会,老师将不让你进入。_.2. 我忘记了你的地址,我不记得怎样去你家。_.3. 我的爱好是收藏古币。_.4. 这个女孩从7岁的时候开始学英语。_.5. 他对玩电脑游戏感兴趣。_.6. 你介意调低音乐吗?_.七.选词填空(填写代号)(10)a.pay for, b.the third, c.get, d.were waiting, e.agreed, f.argue with, g.hungry, h. happy, i.ordered, j.the youngestlong long ago, there were three tortoises(乌龟),and they were friends. one of them was a large tortoise, one was a medium(中等)-sized tortoise and _1_ was a small tortoise.one day they went into a restaurant and _2_ some cake. while they _3_ for the cake, they remembered that they d


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