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Unit 3 Inventors and inventions李仕才一、阅读理解。When firefighters got to the six-story brick building on East 191st Street in Bronx early Saturday, they saw flames shooting from a top-floor window. Strange, sharp popping(爆音) sounds filled the air, a fire lieutenant said later. As a sixth-floor apartment turned into an inferno(火海), a woman who lived there ran downstairs with a small child. Neighbours said she told them her husband was still upstairs trying to get their two other children. Vale Dorsey, 66, who lives on the fifth floor, said he was awakened by his wife. An explosion above had showered shattered glass from a sixth-floor window. As they rushed downstairs, they were joined by other people, who were asking one another in Spanish and English what was happening. As the people fled, firefighters hurried up the stairs. When they reached the sixth floor, the fire lieutenant, William Kearns, Firefighter Christopher OBrien and others met a wall of flames coming from the kitchen just inside the door of the burning apartment. Firefighter Rodney Littlejohn used a fire extinguisher to try to keep the fire from spreading, and the heat from the kitchen partly melted his plastics eye shield. While Firefighter Littlejohn sprayed, Firefighter OBrien bent under the flames. There about 10 feet into the apartment, he found the father of the three children lying in a hallway.Firefighters pulled him from the burning apartment. Lieutenant Kearns and a firefighter from Rescue 3 started going through the apartment room by room, feeling their way through the smoke. In a bedroom, the firefighter from Rescue 3 found a 3-year-old in a bed shaped like a race car. Moments later, Lieutenant Kearns found a 1-year-old in a crib. The two children and their father were brought to hospital, fire officials said, where the man was listed in critical condition and the children were in critical but stable condition.On Saturday the apartment where the fire started was badly burned. Inside his apartment on the fifth floor, Mr. Dorsey said, “I was happy that everybody was safe. We got lucky.”1.What do we know about Vale Dorsey?A.He was the first to report the fire accident to the fire department.B.He lives on the floor below the apartment that caught fire.C.His apartment was also badly burned but he escaped from the fire.D.He woke up his wife and told her about the strange, sharp popping sounds.2.From what part of the apartment did the flames come that the firefighters met?A.The hallway.B.The store room.C.One of the bedrooms.D.The kitchen.3.Who was last found in the burning apartment according to the passage?A.The 1-year-old child.B.The 3-year-old child.C.The mother of the three children.D.The father of the three children.4.We learn from the passage that _.A.the children were in critical but stable condition after the fire accidentB.there about 10 feet into the apartment Kearns found the mother of the three childrenC.Christopher OBrien used a fire extinguisher to try to keep the fire from spreadingD.it was Rodney Littlejohn that found the 4-year-old in a bed shaped like a race car参考答案: 1.B; 2.D; 3.A; 4.A解析: 1.细节理解题。根据第二段: Vale Dorsey, 66, who lives on the fifth floor, said he was awakened by his wife可得答案。2.事实判断题。根据第三段.met a wall of flames coming from the kitchen just inside the door of the burning apartment可得答案。3.事实判断题。根据第四段: Moments later, Lieutenant Kearns found a 1yearold in a crib.可知答案。4.细节理解题。根据第五段:and the children were in critical but stable condition可知答案。二、单句语法填空1Read this story, _ you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.答案:and2(2018山东省统考)Id like to place things where it is _ (convenience) to get them.答案:convenient3The new government must set out _ (find) solutions to the countrys economic problems.答案:to find4This old picture taken many years ago called _ my memories of the amusing experience.答案:up5Why did Bob cry?He couldnt bear _ (make) fun of like that in front of the whole class.答案:being made6As for American children, the Christmas is _ (associate) with excitement, happiness and gifts.答案:associated7(2018东北三省四市联考)He took measures to make up his fault, which received our _ (recognize)答案:recognition8It is the superior intelligence and the use of language that distinguish man _ the other animals.答案:from9He was disappointed at not getting the job, but hell get _ it.答案:over10He is always so busy with his work that he has no choice but to go to see his parents _ (occasion)答案:occasionally三、完形填空。Chris Marlow, a minister and father of two, would say that his life prior to 2009 was good but ordinary.Then a mission trip to Zimbabwe turned his entire world _1_ upside down, and he returned to his home in North Carolina a(n) _2_ man.It was on this trip that Marlow was faced with the _3_ of extreme poverty that showed itself determinedly in the faces of _4_ children begging for food. One orphaned boy, in particular, who slept on the concrete floor of an _5_ gas station with dozens of other orphaned children, _6_ Marlows life work forever.The young boy begged Marlow to allow him to work for him _7_ food, as he had not eaten for days and was starving. It was an _8_ that Marlow could not forget as he spent the following days of the trip driving through dusty roads and desperation, _9_ to find a way to feed the hungry orphans.Marlow went on to found Help One Now, a non-profit organization that _10_ ordinary people to help provide food, shelter, and education to poor children in Africa, Haiti, and around the world through _11_ acts of generosity. In 2016 he published his first book, Doing Good Is Simple, the story of his transformative experience with the reality of severe poverty, as a _12_ for others looking to make a positive _13_ in the world from right where they are.The book does more than _14_ people to do goodit puts the suggestion into action with every _15_. “Early on, we decided that we would use the profits of Doing Good Is Simple to _16_ meals for children in our communities around the world,” Marlow explains. “Every book that is _17_ will provide five meals for children in one of our communities. In the first 30 days after the books _18_, we hit over 30,000 meals.”Help One Now is _19_ working to aid Haiti in the disaster relief of Hurricane Matthew. “We encourage those interested in working with the _20_ to think of ways to help that fit their individual personalities and lifestyles,” he says. “And we also love to see you advocate for us.”语篇解读:本文讲述一个叫 Chris Marlow 的人,在他的一次津巴布韦旅途过后,那里挨饿的孤儿的现状改变了他对世界的看法。于是他成立了一个组织,帮助那些没饭吃的孩子。1.A. economy B. map C. view D. tour【答案】C【解析】view 意为“看法”,符合语境,即一次旅行改变了他对世界的看法。2.A. astonished B. changed C. inspired D. confused【答案】B【解析】过去分词 changed 在本句中作定语,意为“改变了的”,即他回到家乡时成为一个完全改变了的人。3.A. atmosphere B. shape C. addition D. reality【答案】D【解析】句意:他在旅途中看到了极度贫困的事实状况。atmosphere(气氛);shape(形状);addition(增加);reality(现实;事实)。根据语境可知选 D。4.A. starving B. crying C. struggling D. running【答案】A【解析】starving(挨饿的);crying(哭着的);struggling(努力的;挣扎的);running(跑着的)。根据 children后面的“begging for food”可知,A 项符合语境,即面对着一群正在讨饭的挨饿的孩子。5.A. abolished B. acquired C. attached D. abandoned【答案】D【解析】abolished(废除的);acquired(获得的);attached(附加的);abandoned(废弃的)。既然是睡在加油站,所以可以推断这一定是废弃了的加油站。故选 D。6.A. transformed B. transferred C. confirmed D. blocked【答案】A【解析】句意:一个孤儿改变了他的人生。transform 意为“改变”,符合语境。7.A. in return for B. in favour of C. in exchange for D. in search of【答案】C【解析】句意:那个孩子请求 Marlow 让他为他工作换饭吃。in return for(作为的回报);in favour of(支持;赞同);in exchange for(交换);in search of(查找)。根据句意可知选 C。8.A. interruption B. interval C. interview D. interaction【答案】D【解析】根据上下文语境可知,他去那些孤儿那里的活动(interaction)让他终生难忘。9.A. convinced B. determined C. prepared D. satisfied【答案】B【解析】他下决心(determine)要找到办法养活那些挨饿的孩子们。10.A. reminds B. equips C. requires D. permits【答案】B【解析】equip 在这里意为“使具备;使有准备”,符合语境,即他成立的这个组织,使得普通人通过简单的行动,去帮助那些穷孩子,为他们提供食物等。11.A. brief B. graceful C. simple D. courageous【答案】C【解析】同上题,即通过简单的(simple)行动,帮助穷孩子。12.A. measure B. rule C. tool D. guide【答案】D【解析】句意:他出版的书作为那些想要对世界起到积极影响的人的指导用书(guide)。13.A. decision B. request C. difference D. comment【答案】C【解析】 同上题, 即想要对世界起到积极影响的人的指导用书。 make a difference 意为“有影响; 起作用”,符合语境。14.A. encourage B. entitle C. allow D. appoint【答案】A【解析】句意:这本书起到的作用还不只是鼓励(encourage)人们做好事。15.A. attempt B. purchase C. publication D. adoption【答案】B【解析】purchase 意为“购买”,符合语境,即每当有人购买这本书的时候。16.A. submit B. contribute C. pass D. provide【答案】D【解析】即他们用卖书的钱给孩子们提供(provide)食物。17.A. written B. sold C. read D. bought【答案】B【解析】每卖出(sold)一本书可以给孩子提供五顿饭。18.A. release B. recovery C. reservation D. registration【答案】A【解析】句意:在这本书发行(release)后的前 30 天,卖书赚的钱够提供 30, 000 顿饭的。19.A. eventually B. annually C. currently D. permanently【答案】C【解析】他成立的这个组织目前(currently)正在帮助海地灾区的受害者。20.A. organization B. community C. corporation D. government【答案】A【解析】即指本段开头的 Help One Now 这个组织(organization)。四、单句改错1Cross the road very c


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