八年级英语下册 Chapter 3 A dangerous servant Language导学案(无答案) 牛津沈阳版(1).doc_第1页
八年级英语下册 Chapter 3 A dangerous servant Language导学案(无答案) 牛津沈阳版(1).doc_第2页
八年级英语下册 Chapter 3 A dangerous servant Language导学案(无答案) 牛津沈阳版(1).doc_第3页




chapter 3 a dangerous servant language城郊中学牛津英语8b英语导学案21课题topicchapter 3 a dangerous servant language p34-38课型type l+s学习目标learning aims知识knowledgeto know about the modal verbs情感emotionto be interested in using modal verbs correctly能力abilityto consolidate and master the language point about modal verbs重点和难点key and difficultywords: spell, rise, fiction, non-fiction, catalogue, complete, comics, properly, expressions: play chess, make friends with, stay up, be short of, do exercisesentences: sentences with modal verbs时间预设timesharingp2 l10 s18 s2 c8 学习策略learning strategy group co-operation inquiry learning教学环节教学环节课前复习 熟悉下列单词spell_ rise_ fiction_ non-fiction_ catalogue_ complete_ comics_ properly_ toothache_ silence_ 熟悉下列短语1. lean out of_ 2. do more exercise_ 3. make friends with_3. play the guitar_ 4. play chess_ 5. ride a bicycle_6. drive a car_7. paint pictures_ 8. speak two languages_ 9. be careful with_10. stay up late_ 11. be short of_ 12. work harder_13. have toothache_ 14. 开门_15. 开电视_新课导入 in chinese we have a kind of verbs called“能愿动词”,similarly, we have modal verbs in english. today lets learn about some modal verbs together. i写出下列句中情态动词的汉语意思1. the boy can speak english well.2. can i borrow this book?3. i thought the story couldnt be true.4. you may go home now.5. may i watch tv after supper?6. he may be english.7. they may have a lot of work to do.8. it must be done as soon as possible9. you mustnt speak like that.10. must i be home before 8:00?11. there must be some mistakes.ii单选1.that _ be true. i dont believe it.a. can b. cant c. must d. neednt2. - _ i smoke here? - no, you _.a. may, mustnt b. may, neednt c. can, cantd. must, cant3. _ you tell me the way to the nearest post office?a. needb. couldc. mayd. must4. - _ i bring back the book today? -no, you _. you _ do so tomorrow.a. may, cant, mayb. can, mustnt, may c. must, neednt, may d. must, neednt, must5. you dont look well. you _ go to see the doctor. a. must b. may c. need d. can6. a boy _ speak, but a baby _.a. may, mustnt b. may, cant c. can, mustnt d. can, cant7.you_be careful when you use fire. a. can b. must c. need d. may点拨情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度。情态动词本身不能单独做谓语动词,必须和动词原形连用。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。大部分情态动词有时态的变化,有过去式但没有过去分词。(注must无过去式)1. can和could的用法(1)表示主语的能力。birds can fly.(2)表示说话人的猜测(即可能性),多用于否定句和疑问句。can he be at home now?(3)表示许可。you can go now.(4)用在问句中表示征求意见(could比can语气委婉)。can i use your bicycle?2. may的用法(1) may表示许可,比can正式,口语中常被can替代。(2) may表示可能性,常用于肯定句(语气比must弱)和否定句中(译作“可能不”,语气比cant弱),指现在或将来的可能性。在对由may引出的“请求许可”的问句做出肯定回答时,可以用过于严肃和正式的“yes, you may.”,而更多用“yes, please。(请便)”或“of course/ certainly(当然可以).”;否定回答时,常用 “please dont(请不要)”或“no, you mustnt(不行)”3. must的用法(1) must表义务或强制。译作“必须”。 must用于一般疑问句时,其肯定答语应用yes, must/ yes, please.或yes, im afraid so。其否定答语应用neednt或dont have to。 must的否定式must not/mustnt表示禁止,一般不用来对must提问的句子做出回答。(need用于一般疑问句时回答相同)(2) must表示说话人有把握的猜测,译作“一定”,仅限于肯定句, 且后接表状态的动词。如果must后接表动作的动词,则应以be doing或have done的形式出现。其它常见的情态动词:should应该, will/would愿意, need需要, dare敢, have to必须;不得不, ought to应该, might(may的过去式)可以/可能, used to do 曾经;过去常常, had better最好;不妨 反馈检测 单选1. the policeman said, “thank you. you _ go now.” a. mustnt b. need c. cant d. may2. he is on duty today. he _ stay in the factory. a. have to b. has to c. had to d. need not3. you _ take my seat. im leaving now. a. must b. need c. can d. cant4. -may i take this book out?-no, you_. a. cant b. may not c. neednt d. arent课后作业 对下列问句进行肯定和否定回答1. mus


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