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2014高考英语11月基础过关检测6注意事项:1.本卷共100分,考试时间100分钟 2.将答案写在答题卡的相应位置说明:本专题精选了十篇具有代表性的短文改错并附有详细解析,适合高三学生使用。一.michael was walking along the street other 1. _day. then he felt someone shouting his name. 2. _he stopped and looked around. he was jack 3. _events were running after him. michael and 4. _jack went to the same school and then to the 5. _same university. so they hadnt met each other 6. _since then. they decide to have lunch together. 7. _they went to the nearest restaurant and sat by the 8. _table near the window. then they talked about that 9. _they had done since they graduated university. 10. _一. my aunt lives in a village far from my town. last year she came to visit us brought me a11. _little dog for my birthday present. it was a little black12. _dog with white spots on. it was so lovely that i13. _liked it at once. every day after school i played the14. _dog and it gave me much more pleasure. i was glad15. _to have it as my company. one day the dog went away16. _and never came back again. all my families were out searching17. _for it but it was nowhere to found. how i worried18. _about it all those days. a week later a letter came about19. _my aunt saying that the little dog had returned20. _三. a warm - heart nurse on her first days work came to21. _a patient. she asked him she could do anything for22. _him, and he only waved his hands and said something23. _she could hardly understand. she asked him again24. _and he just kept saying the different words, but25. _in a more lower voice, before closing his eyes. she26. _felt his pulse and found him death. she rushed to27. _repeat to the doctor sounds she had heard. “my28. _dear girl,” said the doctor after listen carfully to29. _what she repeats,“he was saying youre standing on30. _my oxygen pipe.”四. an old man went to the hospital for something was trouble 31. _with his lungs. come to see him, the doctor said, “well, 32. _mr. john, you are going to have an injections(注射), 33. _and then youll probably feel very better. ”in the evening, 34. _a young nurse came to mr. johns bed and said gently35. _to him, “im going to give you first injection now, mr. 36. _john. when do you want it?” the old patient seemed puzzled . 37. _he saw at the nurse for several seconds, and then said, 38. _“nobody has ever let me to choose that before. are you really39. _going to let me choose now? no, mr. john, ” replied she, “where40. _do you want your injection? well, then, ” mr. john answered witha smile, “i want it in your arm, please.” 五.have you ever heard the saying: all work and no play 41. _makes jack a dull boy? what this means is that if you study 42. _all the times you will become a boring person. you must 43. _go out and have a fun with your friends, otherwise youll 44. _lose him. no one wants to be friends with someone who 45. _only talks work and study. 46. _ perhaps you have a confidence problem. please try 47. _remember what the work you do is for yourself but no one 48. _else. you dont have to compete for your classmates. no 49. _one could be happier in studying seven days and seven nights 50. _in a week. 六. around the world more and more people are 51. _taken part in dangerous sports and activities. of 52. _course, there have always been people have 53. _for adventure. they look for an immediately pleasure 54. _from a dangerous activity what may last only a few 55. _minutes or even second. bungee jumping is considered 56. _a good example of such a activity. you jump from a 57. _high place of 200 meters above the ground with a rope 58. _tied to your ankles. you fall at up to 150 kilometers 59. _an hour until the rope stops you hit the ground. 60. _七.dear michelle,im very exciting! today is my first day at a new school in australia61. _the school i study at is a government school. although im new to my 62. _classmates, the teacher asks me to introduce me to them in class. i tell them 63. _i come from hong kong and that i like to play with computer games, listen to 64. _music and do sports in my spare time. i also like the australia way of life. 65. _australia is big country. the shopping malls are big. there are mainly six 66. _public library and museums in sydney. just a few minutes walk from 67. _which i live, there is a huge park. around my house, there is plenty of space. 68. _michelle, i miss you very much. ill never forget the days we spend 69. _together and the fun we shared with all our old classmates. 70. _best wishes.yours,josphine八.mary was a university student. she didnt have more money 71. _and her parents were not rich, but she had an uncle was 72. _fortunately enough to be a millionaire. he always gave her valuable 73. _christmas and birthday present. when her uncles birthday came 74. _round. mary want to buy him something really special, but because 75. _he was so rich, she did not know how to get him. she went into 76. _the shop in her town and explained her problem to one of helpful 77. _shop assistants. finally she asked, “what do you have to78. _someone who has already got something he wants 79. _the assistant sighed deeply and answered, “envy, only envy” 80. _九.everyone can do something for our environment.for me, i should try to save electricity in my daily life. for an example, if i am the last person leave the classroom in the evening, i will always remember to turn on the lights. in order to protect our forests, i will use paper wise. i should try to use all sides of paper whenever it is possible. i will not use things like paper cup and disposable chopsticks because they are made up of wood. i believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment but help making our world a better place to live in. 81._82._83._84._85._86._87. _88. _89._90. _十.about one dozen ancient bridges were still buried under the earth91. _in beijing, according to kong qingpu, an expert in the bridge field. 92. _the 13 bridges were built during the yuan, ming and qing dynasty 93. _and they were buried under the earth main for two reasons. firstly, 94. _some open rivers were changed into covering pipes and their bridges 95. _were buried, too. secondly, some open rivers were filled. neither were 96. _their bridges. kong who has worked a specialist for 47 years wants 97. _to be record the underground bridges. he tries to make a list of them and 98. _add them to the history of bridges. ancient bridges, both above or 99. _under the ground, are all paid attention to. we must be protected. 100. _答案一.1. other前加thethe other day为固定搭配。2. felt heard宾语补足语是shouting,故谓语用heard。3. he it不知男女时用it。4. 去掉were现在分词作后置定语。5. 6. so but转折关系。7. decide decided通篇皆用一般过去时。8. .by atat the table坐在桌子旁9. that whatwhat在从句中作宾语;that不作任何成分。10. graduated后加fromgraduate from固定词组,表示“毕业于”。一.11. brought前加and,用and连接多个动词表示一连串动作。12. for改为as “作为生日礼物”。13. on后加it,“它身上有斑点”,on用作介词,如果用with sth. on则表示“穿着,(灯)亮着”等。14. played后加with,play with表示“与嬉戏”。15. more删去,“给我乐趣”。16. away改为out,go out表示“出门,出去”,go away表示“走开”。17. families改为family,指“我”的家人。18. found前加be,用不定式被动态表示“没有被找到”。19. about改为from,指“我姨给我来了一封信”。20. 三 21warm-heart warm-hearted. 解析:“形容词名词ed”构成复合形容词。22him ifwhether 解析:ifwhether意为“是否”,在此引导宾语从句。23and but. 解析:表转折应使用but.2425different same. 解析:由keep saying可推知。26more much或去掉more. 解析:lower是low的比较级,所以不可再用more.“much比较级”意为“的多”。27death dead. 解析:find him dead意为“发现他死了”。28sounds the. 解析:sounds后接定语从句,表特指应带定冠词the.291isten 1istening. 解析:介词after后接动词-ing形式作宾语。时。30repeats repeated. 解析:讲述过去的情况应使用过去四. 31. trouble改为wrong。此处为表主语,应为形容词,trouble为名词。32. come改为coming,此处为分词作状语。33. an改为some,“注射”用了复数,因此用some修饰。34. very改为muchvery不能修饰比较级。35. 36. first前加your或the.37. when改为where此处为问地点。38. saw改为looked. look at“看”表动作。see“看见”表结果。39. 去to. let后不加to.40. no改为yes.五.41. 在heard后加 of, hear of 表“听说”42. 正确43. times改为 time, all the time 表示“一直”44. a 去掉, fun是不可数名词,have fun表“过得快乐”45. him 改成them,them指代 your friends46. talk后加about,talk about表示“谈论”47. try 后加to, try to do表“尽力、努力地做某事”48. what改为that,that引导宾语从句,从句不缺成分,所以不用what. 49. for改成with/against, compete for表示“为竞争”,而表示compete with/against“与人竞争”50. happier改成 happy,次句中没有比较的对象,因此不用比较级。六.51. in the the。介词短语around the world 意思是“全世界”。52. taken taking。 people作主语,应用主动结构。53. people people who。 who have looked for adventure 应为定语从句,修饰people。54. immediately immediate。 immediate 作pleasure的定语。55. what that/which。 that/which may last为定语从句, 修饰pleasure。56. second seconds。 minutes与seconds 为并列结构。57.


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