优化方案高中英语 Unit 7 The sea SectionⅠ知能演练轻松闯关 北师大版必修3.doc_第1页
优化方案高中英语 Unit 7 The sea SectionⅠ知能演练轻松闯关 北师大版必修3.doc_第2页
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unit 7 the sea section(a卷).品句填词1i entered the room and found the window _(break)2the bookshop _ i bought this book is not far from here.3he had no money and no place _(live)4the police searched every nook and corner _ the escaped criminal.5do we have enough time to make _ to bremen today?6we had trouble _(persuade) him to come with us.7i knew your boss long _ i came to this city.8i must apologize for not _(be) able to meet you.9we finally persuaded him into _(accept) our views.10the sound we heard last night was so _(frighten)答案:1.broken2.where3.to live4.for5.it6.persuading7.before8.being9.accepting10.frightening.阅读理解our world is getting smaller and smaller.miss yamada,whose plane could cover 800 kilometers an hour,flew around the world in less than fifty hours.the newest planes could go 600 miles(one mile equals 1.609 kilometers)an hour,and we are now developing planes that are even faster.but it used to take a lot longer to go around the world.magellans men were the first to make the trip.it took them more than two years to do so by ship.magellan was from portugal,but he sailed for the king of spain.on september 20,1519,he left spain with five ships and 240 men.after passing the south tip of south america,they reached the pacific ocean,on which they sailed more than one year.very often they could not see a piece of land for months and they suffered greatly from the lack of food and fresh water.many of them died of hunger and diseases.they even had to live on sawdust(锯末)finally in april 1521,magellan got to the philippine islands,where he was killed.his men fled and continued their voyage across the indian ocean.it was with the greatest difficulty that they passed the cape of good hope.by the time they returned to spain on december 21,1521,seven out of every eight men had died.magellans voyage proved that men could sail around the world and that our earth is but a huge ball.1miss yamada could fly around the world in less than fifty hours because_aour world was getting smaller and smallerbher plane was the fastest at the time this passage was writtencthey had developed planes that could go more than 600 miles an hourdher plane was very fast解析:选d。由“whose plane could cover 800 kilometers an hour”可知,yamada的飞机因为飞得很快,所以能在短时间内环游世界一圈。2according to the passage,the newest plane at that time could go around the world in about_afifty hoursbthirtyfive hourscfortyone hours dthirtyeight hours解析:选c。由第一段提到的两组数据可计算出最新的飞机环绕地球一圈所需的时间(设为x小时),算式如下:800506001.609x,解得x约为41小时。3which of the following shows correctly the route by which magellans men sailed around the world?解析:选d。麦哲伦船队航行的大致航线为:西班牙南美洲南端太平洋菲律宾群岛印度洋非洲好望角西班牙。d项所标航线符合事实。4which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage?amagellans voyagebgoing around the worldcsailing around the worlddthe world is round解析:选a。第二段一开头提到“but it used to take a lot longer to go around the world.”,接着讲述了麦哲伦环球航行的路线及在航程中所经历的磨难。.完形填空in 2012,i had just recovered from a serious illness when i received an invitation to a writers conference in orlando,florida.my family persuaded me that a(n) _1_ might be just what the doctor ordered,so off i _2_arriving in the sunshine state was rather tiring,but i _3_ to catch a taxi to my _4_ and settle in.next morning,i took another _5_ to the shopping centre to buy a few souvenirs._6_ i went to a caf to have lunch,but all the tables were _7_then i heard a friendly voice saying,“you can _8_ my table.”i gratefully sat down with the _9_ lady and we had a happy lunch together.as the_10_ drew to a close she asked how long i would be in orlando.i had already told her that i hadnt _11_ a car,and hadnt realised how _12_ taking taxis would be.after a while she said,“my dear,dont use any more taxis.im retired and it would be my pleasure to _13_ you wherever you wish.”i told her that i couldnt put her to that _14_,but she brushed aside my protests (反对)she asked me where i was _15_ and next morning she was waiting at my apartment at the _16_ time to take me to disney world.she spent some time with me before leaving me to _17_ alone.at the end of the day,she _18_ to take me back to my accommodation.i _19_ her money but she refused to take any.ill never forget that wonderful lady who,through her _20_,filled my brief holiday in florida with wonderful memories.【解题导语】本文为一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己2012年到佛罗里达奥兰多出席作者会期间受到热心人帮助的感人故事。1a.holiday bceremonycoperationdexperiment解析:选a。根据“an invitation to a writers conference”可排除c项operation“手术”和d项experiment“实验”。结合上句中“i had just recovered from a serious illness”以及接下来的“might be just what the doctor ordered”可知选a项。医生给刚刚康复病人的医嘱自然是“度假”,而不是“仪式”。最后一段中的holiday即为提示词。2a.kept bwent cdroppeddknocked解析:选b。本句为部分倒装,将作状语的off前置了。正常的结构为:so i went off。go off(leave off)出发;keep off远离,(使)不靠近;drop off落下,减少,(使)下车;knock off下班,完成,降低。根据上句中“i received an invitation to a writers conference in orlando,florida”可知,作者是“出发”去参加作者会。故选b项。3a.intended bpromised cmanagedddeserved解析:选c。intend意图,打算;promise答应,许诺;manage设法;deserve值得。根据“was rather tiring,but”可知选c项。manage to do sth.意为“虽然费尽周折但设法做成某事”。句意:到达阳光州(指佛罗里达州)相当疲劳,但我还是成功地搭乘出租车到达了我的住处并安顿了下来。4a.hospital bcompanycuniversitydaccommodation解析:选d。根据上文,作者是应邀来出席作者会,自然settle in的不是company或者university,更不可能是hospital,而是accommodation(住处)。下文“at the end of the day,she _to take me back to my accommodation.”中的accommodation也是提示。故选d项。5a.colleague bpassenger csuitcasedtaxi解析:选d。外出自然是搭乘“出租车”,本句的another taxi是承接上句的a taxi。故选d项。如果选择其他选项,则another出现得太突然,因为上文没有提及这些人或物。句意:第二天上午,我坐另一辆出租车到购物中心买了一些纪念品。6a.instead bfirst claterdonce解析:选c。instead“相反”,否定前者,肯定后者;first“首先”,表示顺序;later“之后,随后”,表示时间;once“一旦”,表示时间或条件。根据语境,作者是在购物中心买了一些纪念品之后去一家咖啡屋吃午餐,两件事情都做了,可排除a项。went to a caf to have lunch不属于buy a few souvenirs,不存在使用first来表示顺序或列举的情况;once用作副词,意为“一次,从前”,讲不通;用作连词,则与but矛盾。故选c项。7a.classifiedboccupiedcdecorateddpainted解析:选b。句意:随后我来到一家咖啡屋吃午餐,但桌子全_。classify分类;occupy占用;decorate装饰;paint油漆。根据but(表转折关系)可推知,咖啡屋的桌子是“坐满”(occupied)了。故选b项。8a.share breservecset dpossess解析:选a。句意:这时,我听到一个友好的声音说:“你可以和我_一张桌子。”根据下段首句中的“sat down with the _ lady and we had a happy lunch together”可知,作者是和对方“分享、共用”(share)一张桌子。故选a项。9a.oldbpoor cinnocentdstubborn解析:选a。根据本段第五句中“im retired”可知,这位女士是个退休人员,故选a项。其他选项均没有依据。句意:我怀着感激的心情跟这位上了年纪的(old)女士坐在一桌,我们一起快乐地用了午餐。10a.journey bmealcspeechdinterview解析:选b。根据上文两次出现的lunch可知,他们是坐在同一张桌子上吃饭。此处使用meal指代lunch。句意:午餐接近吃完的时候,她问我将在奥兰多待多长时间。故选b项。11a.donated brepairedchired dguided解析:选c。句意:我已经告诉她我没有租用小汽车,也没有意识到搭出租车会是多么昂贵。作者来此地开会和旅游,出行自然需要“租用”(hired)小汽车。故选c项。12a.convenient bworthwhilecunfortunatedexpensive解析:选d。根据下文这位退休的老太太主动提出自己开车接送作者可见,搭乘出租车太“昂贵”(expensive)。故选d项。13a.inspire bentertainccallddrive解析:选d。根据上文“my dear,dont use any more taxis.”可知,这位退休的老太太提出自己开车接送作者。故选d项。14a.businessbargument ctroubledchallenge解析:选c。put sb.to the trouble of doing sth.为固定结构,意为“给某人带去做某事的麻烦”。此处that trouble指上句提到的drive you wherever you wish。故选c项。15a.working bstayingcmovingdshopping解析:选b。老太太提出自己开车接送作者,自然要问清楚其住处。故选b项。16a.appointedblimitedcfavourite dregular解析:选a。老太太提出自己开车接送作者,自然会和作者约定第二天接送的时间和地点。at the appointed time在约定的时间。故选a项。句意:第二天早上,她在“约定的”(appointed)时间来到我住的公寓等我。17a.digest bexplore cperform dcalculate解析:选b。digest消化,领悟;explore探索,探寻;perform表演,履行,表现;calculate计算,推算。根据语境,老太太把作者送到迪斯尼乐园后,先陪游了一会儿,然后离去,让作者独自游玩,傍晚时分再来接作者。旅游属于“探索”,即在旅游过程中去发现迪斯尼的一些奥秘,故选b项。18a.forgotbrefusedcreturneddpreferred解析:选c。根据上句“she spent some time with me before leaving me to _ alone.”可知,老太太中途离去了。所以,at the end of the day她再次“返回”(returned)来接作者回住处。故选c项。19a.sent blentcoffered dowed解析:选c。老太太开车接送作者,作者自然要付费,而不是“借给她钱”或“欠钱”,b、d两项均可排除。根据“but she refused to take any”可知,也不是sent,而是当时主动(offered)支付车费。故选c项。20a.confidencebdignityccuriositydkindness解析:选d。老太太帮助作者,这是kindness(善意),而不是confidence(信心)、dignity(尊严)或curiosity(好奇心)。故选d项。句意:我将决不会忘记这位好心的女士,她通过自己的善意让我在佛罗里达的短暂假期充满了美好的回忆。课时作业1(b卷).阅读理解alast month my family,my husband and i visited the zoo in tulsa,oklahoma.i was afraid i just couldnt hide my excitement as it had been five years since i had been to the zoo.i was especially excited about getting to see the penguin exhibit that had been completed since my last visit.i thought it would be just as magical as it was the last time.the tulsa zoo is located on mohawk park,and covers 84 acres,making it the third largest zoo in the us.the zoo has several highlights,but i have to admit that i found myself rather disappointed.the maintenance is deeply lacking,and most of the exhibits,landscaping,etc.looked like it had not been updated or well kept.unfortunately,their polar bear died a short time ago.the strangest attraction was the missinginaction jaguar(美洲虎)we spent several minutes searching for the animal without any luck.in most cases the zoo was good about putting up a sign whether the animal was no longer there or was moved to a different location,but it was a different case with the jaguar and likewise the kangaroo.almost all of the handson equipment in the elephant encounter was broken and no longer working.although the zoo did put up signs as an apology,it continued to add to the feeling that the zoo is approaching death.the one exhibit that did not fail to impress were the african penguins.their habitat was well built.the lion,bear,and tiger were also easy to watch.a favorite among the kids was clearly the monkeys who were very active and eager to put on a show.the tropical rainforest did a very good job creating a special atmosphere.the cafe served very good food and had lovely indoor and outdoor areas for eating.they are currently redesigning the sea lion exhibit,so the sea lions were not available for viewing while we were there.all things considered,the tulsa zoo is still the best zoo in our area,but i would only award it three out of five stars.【解题导语】本文介绍了作者参观自己所在地区的一流动物园的经历及感受。1seeing several highlights in the tulsa zoo,the author _afelt very excitedbwas a little frightenedcwas not satisfied with themdthought it was worth seeing解析:选c。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the zoo has several highlights,but i have to admit that i found myself rather disappointed.”可知,答案为c项。2why did the author think it was a different case with the jaguar? abecause the jaguar was friendly to the kangaroo and visitors.bbecause the zoo didnt use a sign to show if the jaguar was there.cbecause the jaguar is very dangerous compared with other animals.dbecause the jaguar had disappeared when the author got there.解析:选b。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“in most cases the zoo was good about putting up a sign whether the animal was no longer there or was moved to a different location.”可知,答案为b项。3what can be concluded from this passage? athe tulsa zoo will be expanded to become the largest zoo in the us.bthe author intended to visit the sea lion exhibit before going there.cthe author felt that the tulsa zoo will close soon.dthe tulsa zoo was very popular when the author was young.解析:选c。推理判断题。根据第三段中的“although the zoo did put up signs as an apology,it continued to add to the feeling that the zoo is approaching death.”可推断,答案为c项。4what does the author think of the tulsa zoo in general? ashe thinks nothing of it.bit is the best zoo in the us.cshe thinks very poorly of it.dit is a first class zoo in her area.解析:选d。观点态度题。根据末段中的“all things considered,the tulsa zoo is still the best zoo in our area.”可知,答案为d项。bboxing day is on december 26th,the day after christmas,and is celebrated in great britain and in most areas settled by the british except for the united states of america,including canada,australia,and new zealand.despite(尽管)its name,boxing day has nothing to do with competition sports.while the exact origins of the holiday are unclear,it is likely that boxing day began in england during the middle ages.some historians say the holiday developed because servants(仆人)were asked to work on christmas day,but took the following day off.as servants prepared to leave to visit their families,their employers(雇主)would present them with gift boxes.another theory is that the alms boxes in churches were opened and the money was given to the poor on december 26th.still some believe that,centuries ago,on the day after christmas,members of the merchant(商业)class would give boxes containing food and fruit,clothing,and money to businessmen and servants.the gifts were an expression of thankfulness,much like today when people receive bonuses(奖金)from their employers because of a welldone job.these gifts,given in boxes,gave the holiday its name,“boxing day”traditionally,boxing day is a day when families get together.it is a day of watching sports games with family.in the past,hunting was one of the favorite activities on this day.people usually went hunting for wrens or foxes.today,boxing day is spent with family and friends with lots of food and sharing of friendship and love.government buildings and small businesses are closed but the malls are open.shopping is a popular boxing day activity,and the malls are usually filled with bargains.besides these activities,many businesses,organizations,and families try to keep the traditional spirit of boxing day alive by donating their time,services,and money to aid food banks,providing gifts for the poor,or helping an individual family that is in need.boxing day has mainly become an extension of the christmas holiday,giving working families one more day as the happy time of a year.【解题导语】本文介绍了节礼日的由来。以及节礼日期间的活动。5on boxing day servants probably _atook part in competition sportsbstill had to work for employerscwere allowed to visit their familiesdwere given alms boxes by employers解析:选c。细节理解题。由第二段第三、四两句可知,仆人在圣诞节这一天要工作,而第二天(boxing day)可以休假去探望亲人。故c项正确。6members of the merchant class gave gift boxes to businessmen and servants to _ashow care and kindness to thembthank them for doing a good jobcprovide them with enough moneydpass on the traditional love and spirit解析:选b。细节理解题。由第二段倒数第二、三句可知,商业会员在节礼日送给商人和仆人礼物是为了感谢他们出色的工作。7what does the third paragraph mainly discuss? athe beginning of boxing day.bthe hunting on boxing day.cthe good spirit of boxing day.dthe activities on boxing day.解析:选d。段落大意题。第三段主要谈论的是在节礼日人们从事的种种活动。故d项符合文意。8why is shopping popular on boxing day? abecause it is a kind of traditional ac


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