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9aunit3单元测试试卷讲评 learningaims 单选题 15分 完形填空题 10分 阅读理解 20分 d 词汇题 15分 翻译句子 15分 首字母填空题 10分 g 书面表达题 15分 thestudentswhomadegreatprogress thetopstudents 杨倩张磊黄越杨梦凡徐婕付发龙宋可敬赵张翔 李旭马经纬计金陵周玉婷 congratulations 各小题得分率 各小题得分率 各小题得分率 各小题得分率 self correction 自我纠错 self correction 自我纠错 课前学生自己查看试卷中的错题 分析原因 记忆 理解 审题不清 概念模糊等 并尝试自己改正 a groupwork 小组讨论 各组长组织本组同学交流讨论基础知识中的以下高频错题 第1 9 13 38 39 50题 在试卷中圈出以下题目 讨论完毕后 每组选派一名代表发言 讲解解题过程 评分标准 1 声音洪亮2 语言表达清 最高5分 b 1 2 3 高频错题 1 lastsaturdaymymotherhad muchworktodothatshecouldn tgoshopping a so b such d too c very 1 题目读完 仔细审题2 正确抓住关键词that 注意句型so that 如此 以致于 故选a a 高频错题 9 doyouknow walkalongtheroadandturnleft youcanfindit a howcanigettothenearesthospital b whereisthenearesthospital c howicangettothenearesthospital d thenearesthospitaliswhere 分析 宾语从句中用陈述句语序 即主句 引导词 主语 谓语动词 其他 a b d语序都不正确 故选c ican thenearesthospitalis c 1 2015南京 isawdavidintheteachers officethismorning doyouknow hewasthere hewenttheretohandinhishomework a how b whether d why c when 2 2015盐城 intheuk aladyusuallydoesn tliketobeasked a whetherhasshegotmarried d howmuchsheweighs c whereshecomesfrom b howoldisshe shehas sheis haveatry d d 高频错题 13 wonderfuladviceyouhavejustgivenme itissoniceofyou a what b whatan d how c whata 抓住关键词advice 不可数名词 所以排除b c wonderfuladvice是名词短语 故而选a what 名词短语 其他成分 a 分析 whatlovelypandastheyare howlovelythepandasare how adj adv 主语 谓语 what 名词短语 主语 谓语 haveatry 1 weatheritis wecan tgoboatingonxuanwulake don tworry let sgotothecinemainstead a whatgood b howgood d whatbad c howbad 2 用what whata an或how填空 1 cool 3 goodnewsitis 2 greatshow sandy how whata what d 基础知识篇之二 词汇题 38 nobody 怀疑 tinaisthebestpersontobethepresidentofthestudents union 39 shealwaysasksherclosefriendforhelpwhenshehasdifficulty 解决 herproblem doubts solving 分析 havedifficulty in doingsth 高频错题 nobody是不定代词 作主语 谓语动词用单数形式 抓住关键词 高频错题 50 她总是不理会自己的错误 所以她学习上几乎没有进步 shealways herownmistakes soshe inherstudy 注意三单 加强对重点词组的识记 paysnoattentionto makeslittleprogress 基础知识篇之一 单选题 1 2 关键词法 找到句中关键词 many much that than even等 找到解题突破口 常见的做题方法 3 排除法 排除干扰项 缩小选择范围 辨别剩余选项 直接法 直接利用相关语法知识 捕捉解题线索 找出答案 keys 1 5acabb6 10caccc11 15ababd 基础知识篇之二 词汇题 1 2 3 注意常用固定搭配的积累和识记 做题时 学会寻找关键词并圈出 如 some many much that than等 常见的做题方法 注意词形变化 如 名词单复数 形容词和副词的转换 动词时态语态的变换 a 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词 使句子意思完整正确 36 imagined37 chemistry38 doubts39 solving40 replies reply b 根据句子意思 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 41 suggestions42 pronounce43 watching44 aloud loudly45 correctly 五 根据汉语意思完成句子 46 stayup47 makesalistof48 goingover49 achieveabalancebetween keys 课外阅读篇之三 首字母填空 simonissocrazyaboutfootballthatheoften51s outlatetoplayandnever52w aboutthetime 三单 动词加s 并列连词 tays orries 高频错题 keys 51 stays52 worries53 trouble 54 allow55 strict56 develop67 angry58 cause59 achieve60 valuable 1 2 3 语言分 5 合理分段 1 行文连贯通顺 使用连接词 2 4 字数 标点 大小写 1 5 书写分 1 书面表达篇 书面表达 评分标准 内容分 5 书面表达篇 书面表达 tip1 makeanoutline 提纲 beforewriting typicalproblems sample1 theproblemofhandwriting tip2 talkaboutbothproblemsandadvice paymoreattentiontothestructure sample2 theproblemofstructure 结构问题 主次不分 problems problems advice sample3 noconjunctions 连接词 spellingmistakes tip3 usesomeconjunctions 连接词 first second whengivingadvice 佳作赏析 1 确定话题 2 确定人称和时态 3 细读要求 4 布局谋篇 5 本章话题句givingadvice 6 适当运用句语句 段与段之间的连接词 first second third atlast等 注意标点符号 大小写 7 反复修改 注意书写 alettertojack 第二人称you 一般现在时 内容要点 problems advice 至少三条 first second third finally 1 perhapsyoushould 2 whynot 4 ihope 3 howabout becrazyaboutcomputergames stayup getnomarks parentsdon tallowto dearjack thanksforyourletter ihopeicanhelpyou i msorrytohearthatyouhavemanyproblems para2 yourproblemspara3 ihavesomeadviceforyou first perhapsyoushould second whynot finally introduction mainbody conclusion ihopeyouthinkmyadviceisworthtaking samplewriting dearjack thanksforyourletter ihopeicanhelpyou i msorrytohearthatyouarecrazyaboutcomputergames youoftenstayupsolatethatyoufeelsleepyinclassthenextday asaresult yougetlowmarksinyourexamsandthismakesyourparentsgetangry theydon tallowyoutoplaycomputergamesanymore asagrade9student ithinkworkmustcomefirst weshouldpaymoreattentiontoourschoolwork hereismyadvice first perhapsyoushouldcommunitcatewithyourparentsandtrytounerstandthem second whynotplanyourdaycarefullyandmanageyourtimebetter gotobedearlieraspossibleasyoucan third you dbetterachieveabalancebetweenyourschoolworkandhobbies ihopeyouthinkmyadviceisworthtaking bestwishes peter 课外阅读篇之二 阅读理解a篇 27 rochasaidhehadnochoicebuttokeeponrunningbecause a helikedrunningverymuchb hewantedtobethinandstrongc hewantedtobeaprofessionalboxerd helikesboxingverymuch 高频错题 解题思路 1 抓住文章开头第一段howdidheloseallthatweightinonlyhalfayear 和结尾最后一句 ilook100timesthinnerand1 000timesstrongernow 得出结论 故而选b 2 阅读技巧 开头第一段和结尾一段常常指出全文的中心意思 揭示全文的主旨 重点阅读 1 2014南京 david couldyoutellme everyfouryears a whenthe2014worldcupwillfinishb howoftentheworldcuptakesplacec howmanyteamstakepartintheworldcupd whomayscorethemostgoalsinthe2014worldcup2 2014连云港 jack couldyoutellme fortravellingthissummer weplantogoandseethebeutifulseainhainan a whereyourfamilywillgob howwillyourfamilywillgoc howyourfamilywillgod wherewillyourfamilygo feedback 考题链接 b a 3 informationheofferedus weallthankhim a whatusefulb whatuselessc howusefuld howuseless4 look dirtythewateris yes weshouldreallytakesomeactionstodealwithit a whatab whatc howd howa feedback 考题链接 a c feedback 5 writesomeadvicetopeterpeteroftengetslowmarksinenglish hedoesn tknowhowtolearnenglishwell canyouhelphim ihavesomeadviceforhim first second third finally perhapsyoushould howabout you dbetter ihope ihavesomeadviceforpeter first perhapsyoushouldreadeglishaloudeverymornig second youshouldgooverenglishasoftenaspossible third you dbetterlistentotheteacherscarefullyinclassan


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