云南省丽江市永胜县永北镇中学初中英语 被动语态专项讲解与练习.doc_第1页
云南省丽江市永胜县永北镇中学初中英语 被动语态专项讲解与练习.doc_第2页
云南省丽江市永胜县永北镇中学初中英语 被动语态专项讲解与练习.doc_第3页
云南省丽江市永胜县永北镇中学初中英语 被动语态专项讲解与练习.doc_第4页
云南省丽江市永胜县永北镇中学初中英语 被动语态专项讲解与练习.doc_第5页




云南省丽江市永胜县永北镇中学初中英语 被动语态专项讲解与练习英语的语态分主动语态和被动语态两种。主动语态的主语是动作的执行者;被动语态的主语是动作的承受者。eg. we use a knife for cutting (主动句).a knife is used for cutting (被动句)。一、构成:be + 过去分词eg. 1)the work is finished by him. 2)chinese is spoken by people in china.二、被动语态的时态1.一般现在时:am/ is/ are + 过去分词eg. english is spoken by englishmen.eg. a new school is being built in our village.6.过去进行时:was/ were being + 过去分词eg. my tv set was being mended at that time.综上所述:被动语态的时态只涉及be动词的变化(即:be动词的各种时态)另外注意以下几点:1.含情态动词的被动语态: can / may / must / should + be + 过去分词eg. he may be sent away from school.2.带动词不定式的被动语态eg. my bike needs to be mended.3.在使用被动语态时,如需要指出动作执行者时,应用“by + 动作的执行者(宾格)”eg. he was called mike by us4.不及物动词无被动语态(take place/ happen ; last ; rise ; sink ; fall等)eg. the accident was happened two days ago (改错) _5.当宾语补足语是省to不定式时,在改作被动语态之后,应将省去的to还原。eg.the boss made the workers work 12 hours.the workers were made to work 12 hours.6.注意短语动词的完整性(即:主动句的谓语动词若由v + prep / adv构成,变被动语态时,不能将这些介词、副词遗漏。eg. we must take care of the baby.the baby must be taken care of.练 习 题( )1.this factory has been_ for two yearsa. open b. to open c. opening d. opened( )2.the light in the room _ before you leave. a. must turn off b. will turn offc. are turned off d. must be turned off( )3.the young trees _ planted in spring.a. must b. have c. must be d. must are( )4.chinese _ by miss wang three years ago. a. was taught b. is taught c. was teached d. were teach( )5.young trees _ quite often.a. should water b. should be waterc. should be watered d. should have watered( )6.english _ by many people in the worlda. speaks b. speak c. are spoken d. is spoken( )7.the old people _ well in our country.a. is looked after b. are looked afterc. looks after d. look for( )8. alice is ill. she _ to hospital at once.a. is sent b. must be sentc. can send d. must send( )9. the factory _ in 1958.a. was built b. is builtc. will be built d. built( )10.our teacher told us that the classroom _ every day.a. should be cleaned b. should cleaned( )15.the sun _ when we got there.a. was risen b. has been risenc. had risen d. is rising( )16.the peoples liberation army was _ august 1, 1927.a. found in b. found onc. founded on d. founded in( )17.the oranges should be well _ during the winter.a. keep b. kept c. keeping d. to keep( )18. many of the sheep _ by the wolf狼).a. was killed b. are killedc. are killing d. were killed( )19.tape recorders_ in our english classa. should use b. usedc. can be used d. are using( )20. _ english _ in canada?a. do, spoken b. is , spokenc. are, spoken d. does, speak( )21.he _ not to leave waster paper everywhere.a. are used b. use c. used( )26.the great green wall(绿色长城)_ _ in north china.a. are built b. can be build c. was built( )27._ the farm _ by the students ?a. was, visited b. is, visit c. must, visit( )28.the woman _ by people in the waiting room.a. was laughed b. was laughed at


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