云南省八年级英语下册 Units 56考前强化演练 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
云南省八年级英语下册 Units 56考前强化演练 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
云南省八年级英语下册 Units 56考前强化演练 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
云南省八年级英语下册 Units 56考前强化演练 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第4页




units56.完形填空one early morning, an old gardener found lots of his flowers were missing. he was so _1_that he shouted, “who did this?” he wanted to protect his flowers,_2_ he locked the garden in the evening.the next morning, he found some of his flowers missing again. so he _3_ to find out what had happened. when night came, he sat_4_ to watch his garden. soon he saw a tortoise (陆龟)moving slowly into the garden. the tortoise opened its mouth and ate a whole_5_.the gardener ran to the tortoise and shouted,“i _6_ you this time!”“im sorry. if you want to punish me, please do not_7_ me into water. it is_8_ to die that way,”said the tortoise.“you ate so many of my beautiful flowers. i must punish you!” said the old gardener. and he quickly threw the tortoise into a _9_ next to his garden.after some time, the tortoise swam away _10_.then the old gardener realized it was so silly to throw the tortoise into the lake because the tortoise was not afraid of water.(a )1.aangrybgladcsurpriseddbrave(c )2.athoughbbutcsodor(b )3.acausedbdecidedccheateddreported(a )4.aquietlybbrightlyccrazilydfairly(d )5.atomatobapplecbirddflower(a )6.acatchbtakeccarrydrise(d )7.aturnbfoldcleaddthrow(b )8.aavailablebterriblecdifficultdimportant(c )9.ariverbtowerclakedpool(a )10.ahappilybcarelesslycdangerouslydseriously【文章大意】本文是一篇童话故事。讲述了一个园丁为了惩罚吃掉他的花的陆龟,听了陆龟说自己怕水,不想被水淹死的请求后,把陆龟丢进了湖里,等陆龟逃跑后他才意识到中了陆龟的计的故事。【答案精析】1a考查形容词辨析。angry“生气的”;glad“高兴的”;surprised“惊讶的,惊奇的”;brave“勇敢的”。由上文老园丁发现他的许多花不见了可知,他很“生气”。故选a。2. c考查连词辨析。though“虽然;尽管”,表让步;but“但是”,表转折;so“因此”,表因果;or“或者;否则”,表选择或转折。句意为“老园丁为了保护他的花,因此晚上锁上花园的门”。故选c。3b考查动词辨析。cause“造成;导致”;decide“决定”;cheat“欺骗”;report“报道”。由语境可知句意为“他决定弄清楚发生什么事了”。表示“决定做某事”用decide to do sth。故选b。4a考查副词辨析。quietly“安静地;悄悄地”;brightly“明亮地; 鲜明地”;crazily“发狂地;狂热地;”;fairly“公平地; 适当地”。由语境可知,句意为“当夜晚来临时,他悄悄地坐在花园里观察着”。故选a。5. d考查名词辨析。由第一段提到他的花不见了可知,此处指那只陆龟张开嘴,吃掉了一整朵“花”,而不是“西红柿”“苹果”“鸟”。故选d。6. a考查动词辨析。catch“赶上;抓住;接住”;take“采取; 拿;取”;carry“携带;搬运”;rise“上升; 增长”。句意为“这次我抓住你了!”故选a。7. d考查动词辨析。turn“翻转;转向”;fold“折叠;合拢”;lead“领导;引导”;throw“扔;抛”。由空格后“me into water”可知此处表示“请不要把我扔进水里”。 故选d。8. b考查形容词辨析。available“可获得的; 有空的”;terrible“可怕的”;difficult“困难的”;important“重要的”。由上文陆龟求园丁不要把它扔进水里,可知它觉得那种死法“很可怕”。故选b。9. c考查名词辨析。由园丁说“我必须惩罚你”及下文的“throw the tortoise into the lake”可知,此处应填lake。10. a考查副词辨析。happily“高兴地;幸福地”;carelessly“粗心地”;dangerously“危险地”;seriously“严肃地;严重地”。由下文园丁意识到自己把陆龟扔进湖中是多么的愚蠢,因为陆龟不怕水可知,此处应该表示陆龟高兴地游走了。故选a。.阅读理解逃往纳尼亚once upon a time there were three girls by the names of mary, margaret and katherine. they lived in a great city. when a war started they were sent to the country where they stayed with a wise old teacherno, this isnt the start of the narnia books by cs lewis. but it does sound a little like them. thats because its a real story of the girls who gave lewis his inspiration to write the books. when world war started, these london children were sent to the countryside where they would be safe. they stayed with the oxford professor, lewis and his wife.lewis added magic and a moral sense of a world from which goodness had gone. in the story, the children got to a land narnia through a wardrobe(衣柜) in the home of professor kirke. there they meet a good lion called aslan. he asks for their help to fight against the white witch(白女巫)she has destroyed goodness and happiness in narnia. now there is no christmas and it is winter all year long. the white witch has been in control for a century. this story, over seven books tells the tales that the girls fight against the white witch and others.the story is known as an allegory(寓言). an allegory is a story or picture that has a real level and a symbolic(象征的)level. how interesting to know that this story, so popular through books and films, began with these three children who came from london to escape the bombs. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的填“t”,错误的填“f”。(t )1.the story happened in england.(t )2.there are seven characters in the story.(f )3.according to the passage, the girls ask for aslans help to fight against the white witch.(t )4.the white witch has been in control for 100 years in narnia.( f )5.the passage is mainly about the children how to get to the land narnia.【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要为我们介绍了纳尼亚传奇这本书。纳尼亚传奇由英国作家cs路易斯在上世纪50年代所著奇幻儿童文学改编而成,故事讲述佩文西家的四个小孩彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙、露西意外进入一个称为纳尼亚奇异世界,并在那里经历过一连串的冒险故事。主要描述了孩子们如何联合狮子一起打败女巫。高度赞扬了他们的勇敢精神。【答案精析】1t 细节理解题。由第二段倒数第二句“when world war started,these london children were sent to the countryside where they would be safe.” 及伦敦是英国的首都可知此句表述正确。2t综合理解题。从整个故事来看,人物有:mary, margaret,katherine,lewis and his wife,aslan,the white witch.共七个。故此句表述正确。3. f细节理解题。由第三段最后两句“there they meet a good lion called aslan. he asks for their help to fight against the white witch(白女巫)”可知是aslan请求这些女孩的帮助。故


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