【步步高 学案导学设计】高中英语 Unit 3 Period 2 Language Points课时作业 新人教版必修4.doc_第1页
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period twolanguage points.语境填词1she was very friendly and had a sense of _ (幽默)2after we saw the _ (喜剧) show,we left the theatre laughing.3books offer an excellent _ (消遣) for idle hours.4the summer in my city is very dry with little rain _ (贯穿) the season.5if you work hard,you will _ (克服) this problem.6he was given a special award for his o_ contribution.7what a_ me most is his complete lack of fear.8u_,he didnt pass the exam again.9im b_ with the b_ speech.10f_ is the path to success.选词填空1we may be poor,harry,but we are not that _.2not _ the low salary,he resigned to work in a larger company.3our house was _ last night.but luckily nothing expensive was missing.4i havent heard from him _.5she was _ from dozens of applicants for the job.6_ the lost boy,the police have set off for the forest.7he _ the branches from the trunk.8who will _ the film?.词义辨析1用pick out,choose的适当形式填空(1)he could _ her at first sight after twenty years.(2)we _ him as our group leader.(3)my brother _ a new car for me.2用astonish,amaze,surprise的适当形式填空(1)the answer may _ you.(2)it will _ you to hear what i paid for the ring.(3)a trip to the beijing zoo will _ you all.(4)the news _ her strongly.单项填空1to understand the grammar of the sentence,you must break it _ into parts.aout bup coff ddown2up to now,he _ most of the works by shakespear.ais reading bhas readcwill read dreads3even life was unkind _ him,tom still felt content _ his life. awith; with bin; tocto; with dfor; to4linda is _ than her elder brother so she helps him a lot during his hard time.abadly off bmore badly offcwell off dbetter off5_ fire,all exits must be kept clear.ain place of binstead ofcin case of din spite of6it was so dark in the cinema that i could hardly _ my friends.aturn out bbring outccall out dpick out7he _ a slice _ the loaf and started his breakfast.acut; up bcut; downccut; off dcut; in8we finally managed to make the customers _ of the quality of the vehicle.ato convince bconvincingcconvince dconvinced9this victory of the eighth route army _ the whole nation to fight against the japanese invaders more bravely.aadvised binvitedcinspired dcalled on10dont be disappointed at your _._ lead to success.afailure;failure bfailure;failurescfailures;failure dfailures;failures.完形填空once a group of tourists who were staying at a hotel in birmingham were having dinner in the restaurant.fish was _1_ and while they were eating it,some of them told interesting stories about finding pearls and other _2_ things inside fish.an old gentleman,_3_ up to now had listened _4_ to their conversation,at last said,“ive heard all your stories,and now ill _5_ one to you.when i was a young man i was _6_ in a large important house in new york,_7_ is usual with young persons,i fell in love with a pretty young girl.very soon we were engaged.about two months before our marriage was to _8_,i was _9_ sent to birmingham _10_ very important business.i left my sweetheart,_11_ to write to her.”“i had to stay in birmingham longer than i had expected.at last my work was done,and i could leave birmingham.but just before i _12_ home,i bought a beautiful and very expensive diamond ring,intending to give it to my sweetheart,i thought shed be very _13_ it.”“on my way to new york,i was _14_ the morning newspaper,which had been brought on _15_ by the police.suddenly i saw an announcement of my sweethearts marriage with another man.this made me _16_ angry that i threw the ring _17_.a few days later,when i was eating fish,i bit _18_ some thing hard.what do you think _19_?”“the diamond ring.” cried his _20_.“no,” said the old gentleman sadly,“it was a fish bone.”1a.broughtbtakencoffereddsent2a.expensivebinvaluablecworthwhiledvaluable3a.hebtheycwhodwhom4a.calmlybeagerlycquietlydangrily5a.speakbtellcsaydtalk6a.helpedbemployedcworkeddoccupied7a.asbwhichcsodthat8a.happenboccurcholddtake place9a.luckilybhappilycfortunatelydsuddenly10a.onbforcindto11a.promisesbpromisingcpromisedpromised12a.leftbleft forcleft todleave13a.proud ofbinterested incangry aboutdfond of14a.looking intoblooking atclooking throughdlooking for15a.boardbshipchanddaboard16a.sobsuchcverydmuch17a.boardboverboardcaboarddon board18a./bonctodinto19a.was itbit wascitdit were20a.companionsbaccompanyccompanydcompanion1failures,repeated failures,are finger posts on the road to achievement.the only time you dont fail is the last time you try something,and it works.one fails forward toward success.(kettering)失败,一次次的失败,是通向成功的路标。你唯一不败的那次是你的最后一次尝试,而且是一次有效的尝试。每失败一次就向成功迈进了一步。(凯特林)2可作可数名词用的抽象名词不可数可数success成功a success一个成功的人或一件成功的事情danger危险 a danger一个危险的人或一件危险的事情help帮助 a help一个帮手/助手surprise吃惊 a surprise一件使人吃惊的事情business生意 a business一家商店beauty美丽 a beauty一位美人period twolanguage pedy3.entertainment 4throughout5.overcome6.outstanding7astonishes8.unfortunately9.bored;boring 10failure.1.badly off2.content with3.broken into 4up to now5.picked out6.in search of7cut off8.star in.1.(1)pick out(2)chose(3)picked outpick out比较通俗,指按个人喜好或希望进行挑选。choose通常指在所提供的对象中,经过考虑,凭个人的判断力进行选择。2(1)surprise(2)astonish(3)amaze(4)astonishedastonish“使惊诧”,指使人大吃一惊,含有几乎使人无法相信之意,是个语气较强的词。amaze“使吃惊”,程度比surprise强,一般指好事。surprise“使惊异”,指由于突然的事情使人惊奇,有出乎意料的含义,普通用词,语气最弱。.1.dbreak out突然开始;爆发;break up结束;解散;break off中断;break down垮掉;分解。由句意知选d项。2b时间状语是up to now,所以应该用现在完成时态。3c考查介词的用法。be unkind to sb.对某人不友好;feel/be content with sth.对满意。4d根据句意可知,此处说明的是琳达经济条件较好,用比较级形式,所以选择d项。5c根据句意“以防发生火灾,所有的出口都必须保持通畅。”可知,此处选择c项。6d根据句意“影院里面很黑,我几乎都不能认出我的朋友来”可知,此题选择d项。7c此处考查的是cut词组的固定用法。根据题意可以看出是从大面包上切下一小片面包,所以此题选择c项。8d此处缺少一个宾语补语,而宾语又是人,所以用过去分词。9cadvise建议;invite邀请;call on号召;inspire鼓舞。句意为:八路军的这个胜利鼓舞了全国人民更加勇敢地和日本侵略者作斗争。10b第一空填failure,泛指失败,不可数。第二空填failures,谓语动词是复数,用名词复数作主语。第二句句意为:一次次的失败导致成功。.1.a鱼端上来了。b项意为“拿走”;c项意为“主动提供”;d项意为“送”,都不合题意。2dvaluable有价值的;exp


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