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.单词拼写(7 min.) 1. u_ to sleep at night, i got up to make myself a glass of milk.2. i made five a_ for jobs but got nothing.3. i tried to get through, but there were too many people b_ my way.4. large q_ of water are needed for cooling purpose.5. the air in the room is not pure. do you have any way to p_ it?6. an _ (可调节的) electric lamp can be placed in various positions.7. some language experts make an attempt to _ (使标准化) spelling.8. he likes the _ (当代的) art.9. we must make _ (安排) for the meeting. 10. the _ (症状) dont appear until a few days after youre infected.完形填空(18 min.) ai met mrs. neidl in the ninth grade on a stagedesign team for a play and she was one of the directors. almost instantly i loved her. she had an unpleasant voice and a direct way of speaking, yet she was encouraging and inspiring. for some reason, she was impressed with my work and me.mrs. neidl would ask me for my _1_. she wanted to know how i thought we should _2_ things. at first i had no idea how to answer because i knew nothing about stage design! but i slowly began to respond to her _3_. it was cause and effect: she believed i had opinions, so i began to _4_ them. she trusted me to complete things, so i completed them perfectly. she loved how reliable i was, so i began to show up to paint more and more. she believed in me, so i began to believe in myself.mrs. neidls _5_ that year was, “try it. we can always paint over it later!” i began to take _6_. i had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there was no failing only things to be _7_ upon. i learned to dip my brush into the paint and confidently create something.the shy, quiet freshman achieved success that year. i was _8_ in the program as “student art assistant” because of the time and effort id put in. it was that year that i _9_ i wanted to spend the rest of my life doing stage design.being on that stagedesign team with mrs. neidl changed me completely. not only was i stronger and more competent than i had thought, but i also _10_ a strong interest and a world i hadnt known existed. she taught me not to _11_ what people think i should do: she taught me to take chances and not be afraid. mrs. neidl was my comforter when i was upset. her _12_ in me has inspired me to do things that i never imagined possible.1. a. opinion b. impression c. information d. intention2. a. make b. keep c. handle d. change3. a. questions b. comments c. explanations d. remarks4. a. hold b. followc. evaluate d. form5. a. message b. mottoc. saying d. suggestion6. a. steps b. controlc. charge d. risks7. a. improved b. actedc. looked d. reflected8. a. introduced b. recognized c. identified d. considered9. a. confirmed b. decided c. realized d. acknowledged10. a. developed b. discovered c. took d. fostered11. a. accept b. care c. judge d. wonder12. a. trust b. patience c. curiosity d. interestblook at the picture! every day a large number of people in london take this kind of taxi. its very special, right? it is a symbol of london 1. _ big ben. a london taxi is 2. _ interesting one for old car collectors.london taxi drivers are famous around the world, too. london taxi drivers know the city very well, even some small streets that few people know. the drivers can take you to the right places very quickly. the drivers usually get lots of training for two to four years 3. _ they can drive a taxi. 4. _ have to know almost all the roads and important buildings in london. in 5. _ to learn well, they go around the city on small motorbikes. they want to remember every turning in the city. they will have several tests 6. _ the training. on a test they may be asked to drive 7. _ the tower of london from buckingham palace using the best way. after getting there, they may be asked other four or five questions like this. then the exam is 8. _. its really difficult, isnt it?.阅读理解(8 min.)im usually fairly doubtful about any research that concludes that people are either happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themselves than they were 50 years ago. while any of these statements might be true, they are practically impossible to prove scientifically. still, i was struck by a report which concluded that todays children are significantly more anxious than children in the 1950s. in fact, the analysis showed, normal children aged 9 to 17 exhibit a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 60 years ago. why are americas kids so stressed? according to the report there are two main causes: increasing loneliness brought on by high divorce rates and less involvement in community, among other things and a growing concept that the world is a more dangerous place. given that we cant turn the clock back, adults can still do plenty to help the next generation cope with such difficulties. at the top of the list is giving children a better appreciation of the limits of individualism. no_child_is_an_island. strengthening social ties helps protect individuals against stress. to help kids build stronger connections with others, you can pull the plug on tvs and computers. your family will thank you later. they will have more time for facetoface relationships, and they will get more sleep. limit the amount of violence your children are exposed to. its not just video games and movies; children see a lot of murder and crime on the local news. keep your expectations for your children reasonable. many highly successful people never attended harvard or yale. make exercise part of your daily routine. it will help you deal with your own anxieties and provide a good model for your kids. sometimes anxiety is unavoidable. but it doesnt have to ruin your life. 1. which of the following is not the reason that makes american children stressed?a. their parents quarrel and get divorced. b. children seldom take part in social activities.c. there are too many exams for them to take. d. there is increasing violence happening in the local area.2. what does the author mean when he says “no child is an island.” (para. 3)?a. island is the perfect place for children to have social activities.b. child needs caring and loving and should communicate more with others.c. childrens social interactions should not be restricted to islands.d. children should be taken to islands to relieve stress.3. we can learn from the passage that _.a. anxiety, if properly controlled, may help children become matureb. childrens anxiety has been enormously exaggeratedc. doing exercise with your kids will help remove their anxietiesd. being exposed to violence might make the child feel stressed 4. the best way for parents to help their children handle stress is _.a. to provide them with a safer environmentb. to lower their expectations for them c. to get them more involved sociallyd. to set a good model for them to follow 5. what is the best title for the passage?a. remove childrens anxiety with more parents care b. why american kids feel stressed todayc. anxiety can be coped withd. children suffer more anxiety than adults.阅读简答(10 min.)doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. they warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. others burst with anger, and scream and yell. but other people keep their anger inside. they can not or will not express it. this is called repressing anger. for years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a persons health than expressing it. they said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones (荷尔蒙)they speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc. in general the person feels excited and ready to act. some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. they believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure. doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger. they say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. if it is, they say, “do not express your anger while angry. wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.” doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. they said that laughter is much healthier than anger. 1. whats the authors purpose by writing this passage? (no more than 15 words)_2. whats the meaning of the underlined word “repressing” in paragraph 2? (no more than 5 words)_3. according to the passage, what are the common ways for people to express their anger? (no more than 20 words) _4. why do doctors say anger is dangerous? (no more than 15 words)_.写作(25 min.)针对全球防控新疾病暴发的严峻形势,加强锻炼,保持健康,注重预防变得非常重要。请以“keeping healthy” 为题写一篇短文,谈谈你对这个问题的看法。请注意在你的叙述中包含以下要点:1. 健康的重要性;2. 摈弃不良生活习惯,多锻炼,保持饮食平衡;3. 乐于和人交往,理解、尊重、包容对方。注意:词数不少于120;适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。keeping healthyas new diseases break out frequently, _状语从句(2)1. _ i really dont like art, i find his work impressive.a. as b. sincec. if d. while2. _, he doesnt know how to manage people well.a. smart as jack isb. as jack is smartc. jack is so smart d. as smart jack is3. “you cant have your cellphone back _ you promise not to use it in class.” the teacher said firmly.a. because b. sincec. when d. until4. i suppose we should look for a bigger house, but i dont see how we can afford it right now. _ we hadnt spent so much money on our car this year.a. if ever b. if onlyc. as if d. only if5. _ you have finished your work, why not have a good rest?a. so that b. now that c. in order that d. after that6. the shop sells _ expensive goods _ i want to buy nothing in it. a. such; that b. so; thatc. such; as d. so; as7. he managed to pass his driving test _ he was a poor driver.a. as b. ifc. although d. because8. _ hard one may work, one cannot master a foreign language in a year or two.a. whenever b. wherever c. whatever d. however9. all possible measures should be taken to stop the conflict _ the situation in that area gets worse. a. since b. beforec. until d. after10. i had hardly got to the office _ my wife phoned me to go back home at once. (2012全国大纲)a. when b. thanc. until d. after11. _ you may be, youll be punished if you break school regulations. a. no matter how b. no matter whichc. no matter whatd. no matter whom12. i will do it more carefully _ it takes me hours.a. even b. tillc. even if d. if13. _ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat. (2012湖南)a. however b. whatever c. whichever d. whenever 14. _ youve tried it on, you cant imagine how pleasant the new style dress is. a. unless b. because c. although d. when15. _, the vitamin c in them will be destroyed.a. if vegetables are cooked too longb. if cooked too longc. if cooking too longd. if being cooked too long16. you are not stupid. _ you are slow in study, you shouldnt give up your studies.a. even though b. whenc. while d. whether17. nearly a month had gone by _ they showed some sign of giving up the price for which they had held out.a. before b. whilec. until d. so that18. the girl still remembers that she was too nervous _ she gave a speech in the face of such a big crowd. a. at the first timeb. the first timec. for the first timed. at first19. _ we have finished the homework, we shall start doing some review work.a. for b. now thatc. ever since d. by now20. _ in the past, at the moment it is a favorite hair color.a. unpopular as red was b. as red was unpopularc. red was as unpopulard. as unpopular red was21. im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time _ brian gets back.a. before b. sincec. till d. after22. schools in the south tend to be better equipped, _ those in the north are relatively poor.a. because b. when c. while d. unless23. where is that report? i brought it to you _ you were in mr. blacks office yesterday. a. if b. when c. because d. before24. according to the rules of the school, you mustnt ask for leave _ you have a doctors note.a. unless b. on condition that c. in case d. until25. will you go to tinas birthday party? no. _ invited,i cant go.ill be very busy then.a. even if b. unlessc. in case d. as if26. do you have a minute? i have got something to tell you. ok, _ you make it short.a. now that b. if onlyc. so long as d. every time 27. i was doing my homework _ a boy rushed into the classroom. a. when b. whilec. as d. for28. _ you have expressed your determination, you should act immediately. a. in order that b. now thatc. even though d. until学海导航新课标高中总复习(第1轮)英语参考答案同步训练。unit 2. 1. unable2. applications3. blocking4. quantities5. purify6. adjustable7. standardize8. contemporary9. arrangements 10. symptoms .a:1. a考查名词及篇章理解。第二段第二句话“她想知道我认为我们该怎样处理事情”直接提示了这个空应该选观点opinion这个词。第二段倒数第四句话中也出现了这个词从而验证了其正确性。 impression 印象; information 信息; intention 意图,均不符合题意。2. c考查动词及篇章理解。根据文章主线选择“处理”事情。考纲要求考生掌握handle 的两种意思,名词是“柄、把”, 动词是“处理”, 这里考查后者。make 做、创造; keep 保持; change 改变,均不符题意。3. a考查名词及篇章理解。解题关键词是本句的“respond 回答、响应”, 线索是第二段第一句中的“ask 提问”及第三句中的“answer 回答”, 因此这里填 “question 问题”这个词。b、d选项是评论, c是解释,不符合题意。4. d考查动词及篇章理解。本句的them指代opinions。form opinion形成观点; hold opinion持有某种观点, form 是变化的状态, hold是持续的状态,根据文义推断作者开始并没有观点,由于她相信“我”有观点所以“我”形成了观点,强调形成这个过程,另外began to后接有变化感的词,故选form不选hold; follow 遵照; evaluate评估,与题意差别较大。5. b考查名词及句子理解。引号里是一句鼓励性质的话,而且前面“that year”也是线索,说明这话是她的motto座右铭。迷惑性较大的c选项saying是“谚语”的意思,往往是人们长期形成的对生活及经验的总结,强调群体性及时间性,故不合适; message 信息, suggestion 建议,不合题意。6. d考查名词及篇章理解。take risks 固定搭配,冒险。通读全文发现作者是开始很不自信,第四段开头也提示了作者“shy”,“quiet”,因此动笔画画对他来说是个冒险,是自我突破的过程,文章最后一段也提到了take chances冒险,因此选d。take steps是“采取措施、步骤”的意思,与文章主题不搭, control 和 charge 都有“控制”的意思,不合题意。7. a考查动词及句子理解。improve upon 改进。线索是本段开头的座右铭“试试吧,我们永远可以重画一次。”因此不存在失败,只存在改进。act upon 按照、对起作用; look upon 看待、考虑; reflect upon 考虑、回顾,均不符合题意。8. b考查动词。be recognized as 被公认为、被承认; introduce 介绍、引入; be identified as 被确定是,有验证身份的意思; be considered as 被认为、被当作。其中 be recognized as 有“被大家承认、被普遍接受”的意思,表意更准确。9. c考查动词。解题关键词是“want”。作者意识到自己想要的是什么,所以用realized。迷惑项是“decided 决定”。可以说决定要什么,但不可以说决定想什么,因为想法是不可控制的。confirm 证实, acknowledge 承认,与题意差别较大。10. b考查动词。发现了一项爱好和一个未知的世界,用discovered。迷惑项是developed,这个词可以与interest 连用表示形成了某种爱好,但是不可以与world连用表示“形成一个未知世界”,故排除。take interest 取利; foster 培养,均不合适。11. b考查动词及篇章理解。“她教会我不要去在乎别人认为我该怎么做”, care 在乎,符合文义。accept 接受; judge 判断; wonder 怀疑, 均不合文意。12. a考查名词及篇章理解。trust 信任。通读全文会发现文中多次提到mrs. neidl对作者的信任,并在第二段明确使用了trust这个词,因此推断出答案。patience 耐心; curiosity 好奇心; interest 兴趣,文中均无体现。b:语篇解读:这是一篇说明文。你认为做一名出租车司机容易吗?你知道伦敦的出租车和出租车司机闻名全球的原因吗?1. like这是像大本钟一样,是伦敦的象征。2. aninteresting 以元音音素开头,用an。3. before伦敦的出租车司机在上岗前要接受2到4年的培训,因此用before。4. they代替the drivers。5. order此处是固定词组,in order to为了6. during在培训期间还要进行考试。7. to此处是fromto结构,from放在了句子后面。8. over经过一系列的测试之后,考试才算结束,be over表示“完成,结束”。 . 1. c从文章第二段可知,文章没有提到考试给孩子造成的压力。2. b从文章第三段strengthening social ties helps protect individuals against stress.可推知此句是对前面句子的具体解释。3. d从文章第二段以及最后一段开头可知,孩子生活在充满暴力、不安全的环境下也会给孩子造成心理上的压力。4. c从文章第三段at the top of the list is giving children a better appreciation of the limits of individualism. 可推知答案。5. a文章主要讲的是父母可以采取一些具体的措施来帮助孩子减压。b、d项只是细节信息,而c项则太笼统。. 1. to give people some advice / tips on how to deal with anger. / he wants to tell us anger is dangerous and offers the solutions to anger. 综合全文可知,文章讲述了什么是生气,提出了怎样消除生气的建议。2. hiding/preventing/holding back (或相应动词的不定式形式)从前面的句子but other people keep their anger inside. they can not or will not express it.可知。3. some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. others burst with anger, and scream and yell.从第二段二、三句可知。4. because it can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.从文章第一段最后一句可知。.one possible version:keeping healthyas new diseases break out frequently, the best way to prevent them is to keep healthy. healt


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