【学案导学设计】高中英语 Unit3 Period Two Integrating Skills练习 新人教版选修8(1).doc_第1页
【学案导学设计】高中英语 Unit3 Period Two Integrating Skills练习 新人教版选修8(1).doc_第2页
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period twointegrating skills基础落实.课文理解1alexander graham bell invented the microphone because _.ahe was interested in the microphonebhe liked inventing anything he likedche wanted to help deaf people like his mother to communicate with othersdhe had nothing to do but kill the time2which of the following is wrong?abells exploration and dynamic spirit led to his invention of the telephone.bbell invented the first telephone in searching to improve the telegraph.cbell was always aimed at improving the quality of everyones life.dbell sent his first telephone message before he got his patent.3from the whole passage we can see that alexander graham bell was a(n) _ person.aintelligent bcreativecbrave ddiligent.单词检测1n._蔬菜水果商;_鉴定;辨认;_电话簿;_降雨;_堵塞;_ 额头;_ 电线;_ 稻草;_ 直升飞机;_ 三角形;_冰箱;_法庭;_扩大,延伸;_版本;_能力;_人力资源2v._拨(电话);_忍受;忍耐;_以小圆点标出;_轻打;_复制;_联想3adj._冰冻的;_清白的;_充满活力的;_多种的;_现在的;_稳固的;_实际的.短语检测1_迅速把手伸入;一心投入2_开始做3_不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住4_次序颠倒;发生故障5_设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过6_回复电话7_挂断电话.同义词语替换1he takes my sister out to the theater_occasionally._2find a hobby or activity you enjoy doing and devote_to it._3my clock is not_working_well and waked me up at 3 this morning._4he isnt here now.i will let him call_you_back when he comes._5he ended_the_telephone_call without saying goodbye._6may i speak to mr.black?hold_on,here he comes!_.完成句子1i _(不能再听下去),so i left the room.2having made up his mind,he _(开始执行) the plan.3it is very important _(保持课堂秩序)4_ (她跳入水中) excellently won great cheers.5there are many serious health problems _(与吸烟有关).单项填空1water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature,thus creating a _ environment.apeaceful bsensitiveccommon dstable2hardly had mr. liu suddenly seen the girl fall into the river when he _ into the river to help her out.alooked bturned cburst ddived3a healthy life is frequently thought to be _ with the open countryside and homegrown food.aassociated bboundcrelated dtied4i cant bear _ like that,so id better not attend the meeting.atreating bto treatcbeing treated dbeing treating5have you _?no.i had the wrong number.agot in bgot awaycgot off dgot through6why are you so frustrated?id like to make a call,but my cellphone is _ again.aout of shape bout of ordercout of date dout of balance7when we plan our vacation,mother often offers _ suggestions.acareful bpracticalceffective dacceptable8can i speak to mr.brown,please?_hes in the next door and ill call him for you.aring off bhold upchang on dring back9you should try to catch several english expressions _ you see an english film.ain case bso thatcevery time dso soon as10the baby was playing on the carpet_by all kinds of toys.asurrounding bsurroundedcsurrounds dhaving surrounded.微写作写作素材1jackson先生是一个谨慎的商人,他的产品获得了专利。2但是,后来他发现他的产品没有达到标准。3他抓住机会来改善产品。4他希望自己的产品能经受得住检验,他的收入会稳定一些。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)_能力提升完形填空peter and paul had got permission from their parents to camp in a field close to their farm.but,being adventurous boys,they knew it would be more_1_to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river.excitedly,the boys_2_with their tent and food.carrying their heavy_3_,the two brothers walked along the riverbank,hardly noticing the distance or the sun beating down.they were eager to reach their_4_before lunchtime.as they entered the cool,shadowy woods,they began to search for a suitable camping spot.peter wanted to_5_close to the river at the edge of the woods,_6_paul,who was older,insisted that they camp further away._7_,peter followed his brother deeper into the_8_.“this really is a wonderful setting!” said paul in excitement.they_9_their tent,and settled down to eat the sandwiches they had made,then decided to find their way_10_to the river to catch some fish.“are you sure that this is the right_11_?” whispered peter shakily.“im sure we passed that hollow tree just a while ago.”paul walked_12_silently.“look,there it is again.were lost,arent we?” complained peter.paul had to admit that he didnt know where they were._13_,they were a long distance from where they were_14_to be.they were not even_15_of where they had set up their camp.they sat in_16_for a few minutes until peter had a bright idea.“why dont we look for clues(线索) by the way that trackers_17_in the movies?we werent careful about how we walked,so im sure we would have left_18_some broken tree branches and leaves.”carefully,the boys_19_the marks that they had left,until finally they found their campsite.hurriedly,they packed their belongings and set off_20_the direction of the river.what would their parents think of their adventure?1a.surprising bexcitingcannoying dfrightening2a.went round bwent backcwent away dwent through3a.load btent cfood dstorage4a.grassland bdestinationcfield driver5a.live blie cwait dstay6a.but band cor dso7a.unconsciously bunfortunatelycunwillingly duninterestingly8a.woods bfarm csetting dcamp9a.put off bput oncput down dput up10a.forward bnearcback dfurther11a.place bmark cway dtime12a.alone babout cin don13a.after all bat lastcabove all dat first14a.discovered bencouragedcpersuaded dsupposed15a.afraid bsurecinformed dreminded16a.enjoyment bsatisfactioncdisappointment dimagination17a.appear bdo cwork dbehave18a.behind bout caside daround19a.fetched bwatchedcfollowed dcollected20a.for bto cat din答案基础落实.1.c2.d3.b.1.greengrocer;identification;directory;rainfall;jam;forehead;wire;straw;helicopter;triangle;refrigerator;court;extension;version;competence;personnel2.dial;bear;dot;tap;reproduce;associate3.freezing;innocent;dynamic;multiple;current;stable;practical.1.dive into2.set out to do3.han


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