【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 Unit9 Saving the earth课时达标检测 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 Unit9 Saving the earth课时达标检测 新人教版必修2.doc_第2页
【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 Unit9 Saving the earth课时达标检测 新人教版必修2.doc_第3页
【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 Unit9 Saving the earth课时达标检测 新人教版必修2.doc_第4页
【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 Unit9 Saving the earth课时达标检测 新人教版必修2.doc_第5页




unit9 saving the earth 课时达标检测(必修2,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).单项填空1.the system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library.a.accessb.passagec.way d.approach解析:选a。句意:设计这个系统的目的是让学生迅速、方便地使用图书馆的数字资源。access to固定短语,意为“有权使用,有机会接近”。2.(2013辽宁大连模拟)come on,tom.dont complain and you should be _ with what you have.a.afraid b.boredc.content d.contact解析:选c。句意:tom,振作点儿,不要抱怨了,你应该对你拥有的感到满足。be content with对感到满足。3.(2013安徽合肥模拟)cooperation,the importance of which is often _,plays an important part in our company.a.stressed b.thought ofc.paid for d.talked解析:选a。句意:团队合作,我们经常强调其重要性,在我们公司起着重要的作用。stress意为“强调”,符合句意。4.(2013重庆模拟)generally speaking,only when all the employees work _ their coworkers can they become more productive.a.in terms of b.in harmony withc.in charge of d.in possession of解析:选b。句意:一般来讲,只有当所有员工都能与同事协调一致时,他们的生产效率才会更高。in harmony with 意思是“与协调一致”,符合句意。5.(2013山东潍坊模拟)ill strongly _ tom to apply for that job.its a wonderful chance for him.a.hope b.advisec.hear d.persuade解析:选b。句意:我要强烈建议tom申请那份工作,这对他来说是个难得的机会。advise sb. to do sth.意为“建议某人做某事”。6.(2013湖南长沙模拟)the patient with cancer wanted to put an _ to his life at first but gave up the idea in the end.a.hand b.pointc.action d.end解析:选d。句意:这个患癌症的病人起初想结束他的生命,但最后放弃了这个念头。put an end to意为“终止,结束”,符合句意。7.he demanded that quick action should be _before things got even worse.a.made b.heldc.taken d.carried解析:选c。take action 采取行动。8.in this seaside resort,you can_all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.a.enjoy b.applyc.receive d.achieve答案:a9.not until the motorbike looked almost new_repairing and cleaning it.a.he stopped b.did he stopc.stopped he d.he did stop答案:b10.the drug did not_his health,in fact,it seemed to have no_at all.a.effect;effect b.effect;affectc.affect;effect d.affect;affect答案:c11.it is said that the murderer has employed a famous lawyer to_him.a.protect b.protect forc.defend d.defend for解析:选c。defend sb.“为某人辩护”,是及物动词。12.(2012高考湖南卷)_ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.a.however b.whateverc.whichever d.whenever解析:选a。考查让步状语从句。句意:无论你多么努力地尝试,如果不减少你的饮食量,减肥是非常困难的。由空格后的副词hard可知,此处应用however/no matter how hard表示“无论多么努力”。13._when has the country been open to international trade?1978,i suppose.a.since b.inc.from d.after解析:选a。since when“从何时起”,since用作介词,when在这里用作since的介词宾语。14.the smiths dont usually like staying at _ hotels,but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by _ sea.a./;a b.the;thec./;the d.the;a解析:选c。考查冠词。句意:史密斯一家通常不喜欢待在旅馆里,但是去年夏天他们在海边一家非常不错的旅馆里待了好几天。表泛指时复数名词前不加冠词,故用stay at hotels;by the sea在海边,是固定搭配,而by sea指“乘船”或“由海路”。15.(2011高考新课标全国卷)only when he reached the teahouse _ it was the same place hed been in last year.a.he realized b.he did realizec.realized he d.did he realize解析:选d。考查倒装句。句意:只是当他到了茶馆的时候,他才意识到这就是他去年来的地方。only修饰状语置于句首时,句子(主句)需部分倒装,故答案为d项。.完形填空(2013原创)the remarkable weather extremes of the past decade were not directly caused by global warming, president of the australian meteorological and oceanographic society professor neville nicholls said on monday.professor nicholls, who is one of australias most _1_ climate scientists, said such extremes _2_ the heat wave in victoria of australia that _3_ the black saturday bushfires, similar heat in pakistan and russia, and the devastating tornado(龙卷风)ripped through parts of the u.s. earlier this year are, in many _4_ , unprecedented(空前的)in modern times._5_ , he said that global warming should not be _6_ for these events.“ _7_ these things happen, people askwas it caused by global warming? the short answer is no,” professor nicholls told the international union of geodesy and geophysics(iugg)conference in melbourne on monday.“they were all caused by wellknown and reasonably wellunderstood weather and climate events, even with some predictability.”_8_ global warming does not cause the weird(怪异的,超自然的)weather, professor nicholls _9_ its part in making some of the extreme weather more _10_ .“global warming doesnt produce these events, however, its _11_ hard to avoid the conclusion _12_ global warming has increased the frequency and the intensity of these heat waves,”prof. nicholls, who is also a famous monash university professorial fellow, said.“it is _13_ harder to make the connection to _14_ those floods in queensland in early 2011 to global warming.”“there was a particular and very unusual meteorological(气象的)sequence that _15_ those floods and _16_ is very difficult to work out if climate change is worsening that situation _17_ .”he _18_ that the cause of the recent floods in australia, instead is a recordbreaking version of la nina.the 25th general assembly of the international union of geodesy and geophysics(iugg)_19_ on wednesday in melbourne. almost 4,000 participants from about 100 countries will discuss recent natural disasters and the _20_ on human life and infrastructure at the eightday conference. 1.a.eminent b.commonc.sharp d.strict解析:选a。 此处表示“尼科尔斯教授是澳大利亚最著名的气候科学家之一”;eminent是“杰出的,著名的”,符合语境;而common是“普通的”,sharp是“敏捷的”,strict是“严格的”。2.a.like b.forc.as d.to 解析:选c。such.as.是“和一样的”,表示列举。3.a.kept b.broughtc.accompanied d.produced解析:选c。此处表示“伴随极端热浪而产生的森林大火”;accompany是“伴随而生;同时发生”;符合语境。4.a.cases b.positionsc.conditions d.scenes 解析:选a。“在很多情况下,这样的现象在现代是很空前的。”case是“情况”,符合语境;而position是“位置”,condition是“条件”,scene是“场景”。5.a.therefore b.howeverc.yet d.but解析:选b。“然而,他说不应该把这些事件的发生都归咎于全球变暖上。”与上文形成转折,故用however。6.a.accused b.chargedc.blamed d.criticized解析:选c。be blamed for.是“为负责;因为责备”之意。7.a.whenever b.whereverc.however d.whichever解析:选a。 此处表示“无论何时这些事情发生时,人们都是问是全球变暖造成的吗?”whenever引导让步状语从句,表示“无论何时”之意。8.a.while b.whenc.as d.where 解析:选a。while引导的是让步状语从句,表示“尽管”之意,前后表示转折。9.a.appreciates b.appointsc.adapts d.acknowledges 解析:选d。“尽管全球变暖不是造成这种怪异天气的原因,但是尼科尔斯教授承认”;acknowledge是“承认”之意,符合语境;而appreciate是“欣赏”,appoint是“委任”,adapt是“适应,改编”。10.a.severer b.ordinaryc.severe d.general解析:选c。“全球变暖在造成更加严重的极端天气方面的作用”; severe是“严重的”之意,符合语境;而ordinary是“平常的”,general是“一般的”。11.a.much b.prettyc.likely d.such解析:选b。pretty在此处用作副词,相当于very much,表示“非常,很”之意。12.a.which b.whatc.that d./解析:选c。that引导的是同位语从句,作conclusion的同位语,解释conclusion的内容,此时that不能够用which代替,不能够省略,没有任何实际意义。13.a.much b.veryc.so d.more解析:选a。much修饰比较级harder,表示“更”。14.a.join b.linkc.combine d.fix解析:选b。“把2011年早期昆士兰发生的洪灾和全球变暖联系起来”;故用link表示“联系,连接”之意,多与介词to连用;而join是“加入,连接”,强调用中介物将两个物体连接起来;combine是“合并”,fix是“固定”。15.a.led to b.lied inc.resulted from d.consisted in 解析:选a。“特定的、非常不寻常的气象序列事件导致了这些洪灾的发生”;lead to是“导致”,符合语境;而lie in是“在于”,相当于result from和consist in,后面接原因。16.a.this b.thatc.it d.which 解析:选c。 it 是形式主语,代替后面的动词不定式to work out .。17.a.in all b.above allc.at all d.all in all解析:选c。at all表示“根本,究竟”之意,多用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。18. a.increased b.addedc.supplied d.argued解析:选b。“他又补充说最近澳大利亚洪水的方式是打破了纪录的拉尼娜现象造成的。”add是“补充说”之意,与上文he said相呼应;而increase是“增加”,supply是“提供”,argue是“辩论”。19.a.opened b.startedc.began d.closed解析:选a。“第二十五届国际大地测量与地球物理联合会在墨尔本开幕。”故用open表示“开幕”之意;而start是“启动,开始”,close是“闭幕;关闭”。20. a.result b.impactc.affection d.efficiency解析:选b。题意“讨论自然灾害给人们生活造成的影响”;impact是“影响”之意,符合语境;而result是“结果”,affection是“喜爱”,efficiency是“效率”。.阅读理解(2013广西高考名校联考信息优化卷九)stop obsessing!list price:$17.00price:$11.56once considered almost untreatable,obsessivecompulsive disorder (ocd) is now known to be a highly treatable disorder using behavior therapy.in this newly revised edition of stop obsessing!drs.foa and wilson,internationally famous authorities on the treatment of anxiety disorders,share their scientifically based and clinically proven selfhelp program that has already allowed thousands of men and women with ocd to enjoy a life free from extreme worries.healthy aginglist price:$14.95price:$10.17dr.andrew weil has been an excellent guide through a uniquely effective combination of traditional and nontraditional approaches to health and healthy living.now he gives us a book about aging that is unlike any other.drawing on the new science of biogerontology(the biology of aging) as well as on the secrets of healthy longevitydiet,activity and attitudedr.weil explains that there are a large number of things we can do to keep our bodies and minds in good working order through all phases of life.hugely informative,practical,and uplifting,healthy aging is infused with the engaging candor and common sense that have made dr.weil our most trusted source on healthy living.how to care for aging parentslist price:$18.95price:$12.89nine years later,the need for the book is mushrooming:the number of adult children caring for a parent has increased from 4 million to 19.5 million,with roughly 80% of the nations elderly cared for at home.expanded from 450 to over 650 pages,it covers all the emotional,legal,financial,medical,and logistical issues in caring for the elderly.there are new sections on expanded housing options,alternative therapies,balancing career and care giving,and dealing with difficult parents.it covers the biggest change in care givingthe newly found independence of seniors and benefits of healthy agingand the reverse:three chapters are dedicated to caring for parents with alzheimers.at the end of the book is an invaluable 100page “yellow pages”guide to all the resources and services of the enormous elder care industry.intuitive eatinglist price:$15.99price:$9.18weve all been thereangry with ourselves for overeating,for our lack of will power,for failing at yet another diet that was supposed to be the last one.but the problem is not you;its dieting,with its emphasis on rules and regulations,that has stopped you from listening to your body.written by two prominent nutritionists,intuitive eating focuses on nurturing your body rather than starving it,encourages natural weight loss,and helps you find the weight you were meant to be.【语篇解读】本文是关于stop obsessing!,healthy aging,how to care for aging parents和intuitive eating这四本书的广告。1.which book is helpful if were driven t


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