广东省珠海市中考英语专题复习 代词课件.ppt_第1页
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代词 代词的种类 1人称代词 主格 iyouheshetheywe宾格 meyouhimherthemus2物主代词 形容词性 myyourhisheritsourtheir名词性 mineyourshishersitsourstheirs3反身代词 myselfyourselfhimselfherselfourselvesyourselvesthemselvesitself4指示代词 this that these those 5相互代词 eachother oneanother6不定代词 some any few afew little alittle another other theother none noone every each all both7疑问代词 who whom whose what which 常见考点 考点1 人称代词1 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词thisis 她的 book thisbookis 她的 注意 thisishisbook thisbookishis 2 主格和宾格heteaches english 我们 她 showed 我们 around 她的 farm 3 代词的位置单数 you heandi复数 we youandthey her hers us she us her 考点2 反身代词必考词组enjoyoneselfhelponeselfto saytooneselfcometooneselfallbyoneselfleaveonebyoneselflookafteroneselflearnsthbyoneself teachoneselfsth 考点3 one it that1 it的用法a 做形式主语或宾语 iseasytolearnenglish ifeel easytodosthb 用于不知道是谁时 someoneisknockingatthedoor whois it it it 2 that的用法电话用语a thisismaryspeaking whois 2 that指代同一类别中的另一个 常用于比较级 theweatherinbeijingiscolderthan inshanghai theapplesinthisboxarebiggerthan onthetable that that those 3 one it 的区别one指代同一类别中的另一个 it指代同一个人或物 可数名词单数或不可数名词 iboughtanewpenyesterday ilike iwanttobuy it one 考点4other others theother theothers anothermyunclehasthreechildren oneisateacher twoarebothdoctors somestudentslikeplayingcomputergames likewatchingtv doyouhaveany questionstoask idon tlikethisdress wouldyoushowme one saidheleninashop there re57studentsintheirclass thirtyofthemareboys aregirls theother others other another theothers 考点5 either neither both all none noone指代两个的either neither both指代三者及以上的all none noone 1therearetreeson sidesoftheroad 2therearetreeson sideofthestreet both either 考点6 each everyeveryone everyoneeach指二者或二者以上每一个 可与of连用every指三者或三者以上每一个 不可与of连用 1twoboysentered wascarryingabox 2 ofuslikesbananas 3wewatchtv evening each each every 考点7 some与any的用法 some用于肯定句any用于否定句和疑问句中当表示请求和邀请 希望得到对方肯定的答案时 疑问句也用some 1shewentouttobuy food 2doyouhave difficultieswithenglish 3wouldyoulike morefruit some any some 中考链接 1 theoldmanhas friends soheoftenfeelslonely a fewb afewc littled alittle2 whohasadictionary children lhave a itb thisc oned so3 hisparents englishteachers a bothareb arebothc allared areall 4 westudychinese english mathsandsome subjects a theotherb onec otherd another5 don tworry there s muchwrongwithyou saidthedoctor a nothingb everythingc somethingd very6 tomfound interestingtoclimbhills a itb itisc thatd this 7 bettyandjohnhavecomeback but studentsintheclassaren thereyet a theotherbothersc anotherd theothers8 havebeeninvitedtotheparty a i youandheb he youandic you heandid you andme 9 thisislucyspeaking who s a youb thatc thisd she10 thepriceofawatchishigherthan ofapen a itb pricec anyd that11 isyourfather he sanofficer a whob whatc thatd whom12 ideadidyoutake john s a whatb whoc whosed where 13 ithink ofthesethreestoriesareinteresting a allb bothc eitherd neither14 thereisano 3busandano 45bus willtakeyouthere a eachb eitherc alld some15 ofherparentsisingoodhealth a eitherb bothc alld none 16 jimismorecarefulthan student a anyotherb othersc theothersd other17 yesterdaylsaw enjoy inthepark a her hersb they themc she herselfd them themselves18 someoneisknockingatthedoor mustbetom a thatb ltc hed


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