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挖掘装载机国内现状的分析挖掘装载机俗称“两头忙”。因为它具有独特的构造,前端是装载装置,后端为挖掘装置。在工地内,您只需要转动一下座椅,即可完成从装载机到挖掘机操作手角色的转变。挖掘装载机主要用于城市和农村的公路建设及养护、电缆铺设、电力和机场工程、市政建设、农田水利建设、农村住宅建设、开山取石以及各种小型建筑队所从事的各种建筑施工工程。“两头忙”属于小型多功能工程机械的一种,一般在大工程完成后的小工程中使用。一、挖掘装载机分类挖掘装载机俗称“两头忙”,同时具备装载、挖掘两种功能。挖掘装载机分类如下:l、结构上从结构上来分,挖掘装载机有两种形式:一种是带侧 , 一种 带侧。前 的 大特 是挖掘工作装置可以侧 , 于在特 场地作 ,它在 状 时 ,有利于装载和 。 是: 于结构上的 , 多为, 在 以内,两 小,挖掘时 机 特是挖掘工作装置侧 到一侧时。种型式的挖掘装载机功能 在装载currency1,在“fi 多fl后 的挖掘工作装置 能侧 , 挖掘工作装置可转 后中 作”转, 为 式 , 可到 侧 后,挖掘时 ,有利于挖掘能力的 。 于有侧 , 机造 。 是时 在 后,型 ,机 于 和装载状 时, ,装载和 有一 , 种机型功能 在挖掘currency1,以 国 多。、动力分 上从动力分 上来分,挖掘装载机有两 后 动和 动两种形式。前 能完 利用 ,使机 地的 力以及 力后 下, 造后 fi多。、 上上来分:小型多功能工程机械 用的 种 中,型挖掘机的动力大多在 以下, 机 、 用 带 机构, ,多用于农场、小 的 currency1作 。 于 机型 小,造 ,目前在国内尚难以普及fl挖掘装载机的动力多在 6机 大, 约在 之间,挖掘能力 强,多 用 式 机构, 动,利用转向 动桥或铰接转向, ,达 以上,国大 用于农场、基建、道路维修工程的 石currency1作 和大型施工现场的辅助作 。该机型形 大,灵活 ,一般难以适狭小场地的作 。二、挖掘装载机的国内的现状 发展趋势、国内技术现状目前我国挖掘装载机的企 有余家,主要是山工、烟工、辽宁朝阳、柳工、厦工、 、北建、徐工。目前该品年 大约在4台左右。从我国小型、多功能挖装机械从无到有的发展历史看,我国挖掘装载机一 于 为落后的状 , 发展 缓慢。我国在上世纪7年代初才开始自 开发设计,首先北京建筑机械厂研 成功Z A和Z B型液压挖掘装载机,97年烟台工程机械厂试 成功ZLJ型挖掘装载机。之后福建建筑机械厂、一施、山东广饶液压机械厂先后研 出Z 型、DFH 94Z型、TZ w型挖掘装载机,到99 年柳州挖掘装载机厂、柳州工程机械股份有 公司分研 出Z 型和Z 型挖掘装载机。山东工程机械厂 年7月成功研 出Z 型挖掘装载机。以下几家的品基本上代表了目前国内挖掘装载机的技术水平: 的Z 挖掘装载机:发动机系统选用康明斯涡 增压发动机,额功率6N,排放符合“标准。标准 转向轿前桥为非 动摆动桥,轴 用进口件。选用进口 为挖掘装载机 的 动桥后桥。带有 维护的 式 动 ,大大 了 的 及可 。带 , 了 的 能。标准 为两 动,可 用 需要 备 动。液压系统 用 系统,主要件如 、多路 、转向 选用国 公司品。烟台工程机械厂Z 型:Z 型挖掘装载机是以装载机为主本,前端 装多用 、后端 装挖掘装置 成。一 的东currency1 94Z型挖掘装载机是在 进 大利 特技术 造LF9型 机基 上。 设计的具有前装载、后挖掘多种功能的农 工程机械。柳州挖掘装载机厂Z 型:柳州挖掘装载机厂的Z 型挖掘装载机及柳州工程机械股份有 公司研 的Z 型挖掘装载机, 是在AT挖掘装载机技术基 上,结合我国的工特 研 成的品两机型 用 用 , 用了 AT公司同的currency1“ 技术。 于两机型 用的是变 系统,因 系统的 及fi件的可fl要 。柳州柳机械有 公司HAH99系挖掘装载机:发动机: 备先进的涡 增压 发动机,额功率达到9力,在转 分的转 下达到4”的, 件 用进口世 品,可 。 的造型 大currency1,间大fl 合一 的标准 置,使机 具有多功能 用 。多种工作 件可以选 , 多工作fl 用挖掘装载机 用 。是独可 的, 装置 接。液压、 是独可 , 是 置,利于 机 , , 适合 在地上进 和 修。同时它 成为 的分,currency1 操作 出 。 市装载机厂Z 型:动力系统:该机 用康明斯4BT9 74型涡 增压发动机,具有结构 、功率大、 、小、工作可 、特 。 动能,特适合北currency1地 。液压系统:该机 用了 装 国力 的 和操 。系统 用currency1“ 技术, 主 于中 时,操 的压 变 ,从 自动 的排 ,使 为fl 时, 的压力达到调压力 MPa以保证侧 压 缸所需压力。 工作时, 操 的开口大小 供需要的 ,避 了统液压系统 溢 溢 的currency1式, 大 地了液压功率的 损失和系统发热。工作装置: 装置为带侧 结构,4只压 缸和后 固。 装置可以沿滑道侧 ,扩大了作 范围。 装置的动臂 用大弯 动臂,摆动时有利于横向形 。 时, 装置沿滑道侧 到左右 一端,杆和 起,然后摆动到后 端。样大大了 机在 进和转 时的 , 了机动,使fi机 可以在狭小的地currency1转 和作 fl 机 分合理,有利于机 的 。 装置操 机构为机械式 杆操 ,操 灵活currency1 。装载装置 用Z形转双摇臂杆机构,具有卸载 大、卸载 大、掘起力大、能自动放平特 fl 用冲压型 升臂,轻了 , 了刚 和载能力。操 机构为机械 手柄。 系统: 用无 动的转向前桥,转向缸为双活塞杆双作用缸fl后桥为 动桥, 用两级 动结构。 动达 装于主 壳体上, 用螺旋锥 动, 为 星 动机构, 体结构刚, 出 平 。在主 和 之间, 用 浮式半轴接动,克服了桥壳在工作变形程中半轴动的 。 系统 用了静液压动。 用 体焊接式结构,具有刚,强 的特 。 为H型 ,和 为一体。 动桥的 动 用液压钳 式,液压操 具有 动快 可 的优 。驻 动为鼓式中央 动,机械式操 。 端为 体大窗口内翻式结构,有利于风和开阔视野、currency1 操作。后 动 用大 径 压 胎,在 程中可以缓冲振动和轻 辆颠簸, 员的乘坐舒适。 于我国的挖掘装载机起步晚, 论在品品种、能参数以及使用可 、售后服务currency1, 国 存在 大的 。、国内的挖掘装载机竞争企 国内的发展趋势目前国内的挖掘装载机竞争企 分为:出口型:如 川公路机械厂的多功能工程机械%以上都销, 销路一 很, ,桂 机械厂 门小型 带式挖掘装载机,品绝大分出口。国进件、国内组装型:如上海的AS的 9系品。国进口、国内代理型:如JB的 X X 4XflVOLVO的BL6 BL7flAS的 9目前都有代理。国内企 :国内企 有余家, 品为 档的挖掘装载机。格为:万fi以内。因 ,挖掘装载机的国内的发展趋势是 进国的先进技术,开发 、多功能、多品种、多 格的挖掘装载机系品, 强基 fi件、件的,尤 是 挖掘装载机液压fi件的 ,以?品成本, 挖掘装载机品的售后服务水平。烟台工程机械厂Z 型:Z 型挖掘装载机是以装载机为主本,前端 装多用 、后端 装挖掘装置 成。一 的东currency1 94Z型挖掘装载机是在 进 大利 特技术 造LF9型 机基 上。 设计的具有前装载、后挖掘多种功能的农 工程机械。柳州挖掘装载机厂Z 型:柳州挖掘装载机厂的Z 型挖掘装载机及柳州工程机械股份有 公司研 的Z 型挖掘装载机, 是在AT挖掘装载机技术基 上,结合我国的工特 研 成的品两机型 用 用 , 用了 AT公司同的currency1“ 技术。 于两机型 用的是变 系统,因 系统的 及fi件的可fl要 。柳州柳机械有 公司HAH99系挖掘装载机:发动机: 备先进的涡 增压 发动机,额功率达到9力,在转 分的转 下达到4”的, 件 用进口世 品,可 。 的造型 大currency1,间大fl 合一 的标准 置,使机 具有多功能 用 。多种工作 件可以选 , 多工作fl 用挖掘装载机 用 。是独可 的, 装置 接。液压、 是独可 , 是 置,利于 机 , , 适合 在地上进 和 修。同时它 成为 的分,currency1 操作 出 。 市装载机厂Z 型:动力系统:该机 用康明斯4BT9 74型涡 增压发动机,具有结构 、功率大、 、小、工作可 、特 。 动能,特适合北currency1地 。液压系统:该机 用了 装 国力 的 和操 。系统 用currency1“ 技术, 主 于中 时,操 的压 变 ,从 自动 的排 ,使 为fl 时, 的压力达到调压力 MPa以保证侧 压 缸所需压力。 工作时, 操 的开口大小 供需要的 ,避 了统液压系统 溢 溢 的currency1式, 大 地了液压功率的 损失和系统发热。工作装置: 装置为带侧 结构,4只压 缸和后 固。 装置可以沿滑道侧 ,扩大了作 范围。 装置的动臂 用大弯 动臂,摆动时有利于横向形 。 时, 装置沿滑道侧 到左右 一端,杆和 起,然后摆动到后 端。样大大了 机在 进和转 时的 , 了机动,使fi机 可以在狭小的地currency1转 和作 fl 机 分合理,有利于机 的 。 装置操 机构为机械式 杆操 ,操 灵活currency1 。装载装置 用Z形转双摇臂杆机构,具有卸载 大、卸载 大、掘起力大、能自动放平特 fl 用冲压型 升臂,轻了 , 了刚和载能力。操 机构为机械 手柄。 系统: 用无 动的转向前桥,转向缸为双活塞杆双作用缸fl后桥为 动桥, 用两级 动结构。 动达 装于主 壳体上, 用螺旋锥 动, 为 星 动机构,体结构刚, 出 平 。在主 和 之间, 用 浮式半轴接动,克服了桥壳在工作变形程中半轴动的 。 系统 用了静液压动。 用 体焊接式结构,具有刚,强 的特 。 为H型 ,和 为一体。 动桥的 动 用液压钳 式,液压操 具有 动快 可 的优 。驻 动为鼓式中央 动,机械式操 。 端为 体大窗口内翻式结构,有利于风和开阔视野、currency1 操作。后 动 用大 径压 胎,在 程中可以缓冲振动和轻 辆颠簸, 员的乘坐舒适。 于我国的挖掘装载机起步晚, 论在品品种、能参数以及使用可 、售后服务currency1, 国 存在 大的 。、国内的挖掘装载机竞争企 国内的发展趋势目前国内的挖掘装载机竞争企 分为:出口型:如 川公路机械厂的多功能工程机械%以上都销, 销路一 很, ,桂 机械厂 门小型 带式挖掘装载机,品绝大分出口。国进件、国内组装型:如上海的AS的 9系品。国进口、国内代理型:如JB的 X X 4XflVOLVO的BL6 BL7flAS的 9目前都有代理。国内企 :国内企 有O余家, 品为 档的挖掘装载机。格为:万fi以内。因 ,挖掘装载机的国内的发展趋势是 进国的先进技术,开发 、多功能、多品种、多 格的挖掘装载机系品, 强基 fi件、件的,尤 是 挖掘装载机液压fi件的 ,以达到在满 品可的前 下, 挖掘装载机品成本, 挖掘装载机品的售后服务水平。4、国内 开发要 于我国的挖掘装载机起步晚, 论在品品种、能参数以及使用可 售后服务currency1, 国 存在 大的 。表现在:国的挖掘装载机的主要是 件可 如国。存在可 问题的有:机、液压fi件、液压系统 、动fi件、电气系统及电 fi件、 固技术 密封技术、 胎及作 装置。挖掘装载机品能、可 。除了 年从国 进的一些品,国内的分挖掘装载机品的能还在国际 世纪9年代水平,早期故障率 ,还 能完 满 修筑公路的要 。挖掘装载机基 件 、 件 硬。目前,国发动机及液压系统的缸、 、 已成为 约挖掘装载机品 的“瓶颈”。挖掘装载机的品种、成 、型 ,分品有形成系。我国的挖掘装载机 论在品种上和机型currency1都还存在 多的白。现有的挖掘装载机品 创和独有技术。我国挖掘装载机的研 开发工作 乏创,有自己独特的技术。在 视技术 进的时候, 太 视 和 技术的掌握 研究。因 ,国内的挖掘装载机的开发开发 、多功能、多品种、多 格的系品, 强基 fi件、件的,尤 是 液压fi件的 ,以达到在满 品可 的前 下, 品成本, 品的售后服务水平。、开发 发展挖掘装载机的几 问题、挖掘装载机属特种设备的 理国家为 强和 范 及 、 大特种设备的 理,以适我国 TO后市场国际的要 ,合理、合 的利用 ,保护国家和 的利 ,于 年 施了 特种设备 国务 7 、特种设备 政 可 施 试 国 7 系 。同时国家 以下 称国家 特种设备 和 特种设备 国家 技术 了 机电类特种设备 造 可 试 国 74 ,用以范机电类特种设备 造 可工作,保机电类特种设备的 造 和 技术能。 件 施要 , 特种设备 可目currency1的品如装载机、挖掘装载机、挖掘机、起 机械一些品 特种设备 理 4年6月前“取fi的 造 可证, 企 fi进 品的和销售。目前,厂内机动 辆所fi设备类型、品种类 为明的是 机电类特种设备 造 可 试 , 的特种设备 造 可目currency1,目前属于厂内机动 辆的设备类型及的设备型式进 了明fl下表,该是 后厂内机动 辆 理的 。 ,在我国内销售的的 造的特种设备, 品“符合我国有特种设备的 、 政 、 、强 标准及技术 程的要 同时接 和型式试 。 于挖掘装载机以前有的 特种设备 理,因 国挖掘装载机品可以自 出 ,在技术和 理上有 到 和 , 国内挖掘装载机品要进 型式试 和接 一些地currency1 门的 ”,同样的品fi到 同的。作为挖掘装载机特种设备的开发 造企 , 务之, 有要 技术、品以及和 理上的准备工作,取fi国内的 造格。以 为机, 大品的 进,国际标准和国先进标准,品 和技术水平,以适市场国际的需 。、挖掘装载机品的 挖掘装载机品的 :企 来:目前强挖掘装载机市场 能力, 挖掘装载机市场变能力,及时 挖掘装载机市场、掌握挖掘装载机市场动向的同时, 强企 的挖掘装载机品开发力 ,才能使企 在 的市场竞争中率先 市场, 之地,上 发展的道路。 currency1发达国家的工程机械 造 早?明的市场 , 同的 体同的品,在中国样的发展中国家开发小型工程机械,品的 一要准。该用 同的技术、 同的用 来 准的问题,中国先 沿海发达地 广大农村和 工程施工 使用分类开发小型工程机械品,是中国特色的多fi的 结构 需 结构变的体现。目前,企 该 自己的 力,首先准自己的 置, 种品fl然后为品 , 样。企 “握准市场的 ,及时地调 自己的开发 路, 合理国先进 , 中国市场,自主开发有中国特色的小型工程机械品, 可以同国企 合开发。小型品要 出 成本、 用,用 大、明。在 、 徐工的现有主品的同时, 市场发展的要 结合企 的优势,开发多适销路的小型工程机械品。 我国挖掘装载机的技术水平及目前的市场状 ,在开发挖掘装载机以以下几 currency1作为开发品的 路。 快 或 进国的挖掘装载机先进技术,以 我的品档 fl 国内用的可 用 系统,以 的要 ,故障的发fl挖掘装载机 件如发动机、变 、变 、后桥、液压、多路 , ,以 品可 fl4 用 用 体式 及 式 ,以 品 及工作的 fl国内用的 用无 动的转向前桥及 带侧 的结构,以 机构利用率, 造成本fl6辅以多功能作 工具,以 品的利用率。7市场售国内用的 在4 6万fi左右fl市场售国用的 在7 9万fi 左右国内目前格 :调”目前国内挖掘装载机的品的技术 为:国内中、 档 ,格在 4万fi,徐工特工、山工、烟工、辽宁朝阳、柳工、厦工、 、北建、工挖掘装载机格都 多。国内档 :目前档 的国内是柳州柳机械有 公司HAAH99,格在万fi。、开发挖掘装载机的同时建开发 它的多功能工程机械滑 转向装载机及 称两头忙的挖掘装载机是两 一机多用的型 。前 可完成挖掘、装载、 、平地、 装几 种作 ,后 具有挖掘、装载、起、填多种功能。它 有小型机又有多功能的特 ,特适用于需完成多种作 又 能同时容多台机 的狭窄场地作 。为了 设备的利用率,一机多用成为工程机械发展的一 currency1向。首先是在用设备上 装一些 具,可以用于多种施工作 。在液压挖掘机上 备辅助工具,可以完成挖沟、 、堆垛、装、搬 、填、平地、夯 及坡修、理场地作 务。卡特彼勒公司的系 机有倾角可调型P 、 型s 、用型V 、角置型A 及松 和 绞 ,可供 同的作 currency1式选用。用 包括了农 、水利、 、交、建筑各 门。在开发挖掘装载机的同时,同时考虑开发出 它的多功能工程机械,如多功能 机、多功能翻 机多功能 式平地机、多功能 式 机、多功能 式 石机、多功能 式压路机、多功能挖沟机、多功能 机、多功能起 机、多功能破碎锤、多功能破碎剪、多功能冷铣刨机、多功能抓装 机、 合一多功能装载 机、多功能路破碎机、铣切式或链式挖沟机、多功能斜坡修 机、多功能割草机、多功能作 、多功能钻孔机、多功能叉装机和多功能夯 机6多种独的机型。 开发派出以汽 为 的多功能工程机械,可 装大约种工作装置。在 “国家主要用奔驰公司的NIMOG 用 , 装成的主要品有螺旋式充填机和各种结构形式扫 、扫雪机、 机、装载机、电缆铺设机、挖掘机、随 起 机、挖沟机、岩石破碎机、打桩机、抓挖掘机、栽树机、旋转式钻机、作 台 。The Analysis Of The Current Situation In Excavating LoaderBackactor loader commonly known as the two head busy. Because it has the unique structure, and at the front end is loading device, the device for mining. In the site inside, you only need to turn the seat, can complete from loader to excavator gunner change of the role. Backactor loader mainly used for urban and rural highway construction and maintenance, cable laying, electric power and the airport project, municipal construction, irrigation and water conservancy construction, rural residential construction, founder of small stone and take JianZhuDui are engaged in all kinds of construction engineering. Two head busy belongs to the small multi-function engineering machinery, a general in the big project after completing the small engineering in use.A, excavating loader classificationBackactor loader commonly known as the two head busy, also with the loading, mining two functions. Backactor loader classified as follows:1, structureFrom the structure up points, excavating loader have two kinds of forms: one with lateral frame, another without lateral frame. The former is the biggest characteristic of mining equipment can lateral, facilitate the work in special, it in the state of transportation center of gravity is low, be helpful for loading and transportation. Defect is: the restriction on the structure, a leg more for straight leg, supporting point within the wheel edges, two strong point distance is lesser, when mining the poor stability (especially mining equipment lateral to the side). This type of excavating loader loading function key, in Europe more production; The latter of the digging device cant lateral, the mining equipment can work through rotary bearing the frame around the center made 180 rotation, a leg for frog legs type support, support to the wheels can be stretched the lateral partial, when mining good stability, be helpful for the improvement of the mining capacity. Since there is no lateral frame, reduced the cost. The disadvantage is a bucket in the car when suspension, envelop dimensions long, locomotive in transport and loading condition, poor stability, to load and transport have certain effect, this model function key in mining field, with the United States production in the majority.2, power distributionFrom the power distribution up points, excavating loader with two wheels (rear) drive and four-wheel (full wheels) drive two forms. The former cannot be fully exploit the adhesive weight, make the locomotive and the surface adhesion and traction decline than the latter, but cost much less than the latter.3, chassisChassis up points: small multi-function engineering machinery commonly used three kinds of chassis, mini excavator mostly in the 20 kW power, the quality 1000-3000 kg, and the use of tracked the mobile mechanism, walking speed less than 5 km/h, more for the farm, garden and small turkmen homework. Because of its type slants small, cost is higher, at present it is difficult in domestic popularization; The power of the excavating loader in 30 to 60 kW machine heavy bigger, quality about in the 5000-8000 kg between, mining ability strong, use the wheel the mobile mechanism, all wheel drive, use to drive axle or hinged to the speed is higher, 20 km/h above, foreign farm, the infrastructure is used in large, road maintenance engineering, homework and large cubic metro of the construction site auxiliary homework. The machine appearance is bigger, flexibility is bad, it is difficult to adapt to the narrow field of assignments.Two of the excavating loader, the domestic present situation and the development tendency1, domestic technical statusAt present our country backactor loader production enterprise have more than 10, mainly is the mountain work, work, liaoning chaoyang, smoke, xiamen, ChangLin liugong workers, north building, Germany, etc. At present the product output in 400 sets about to the left. From our small, multi-function dig with the development history of the scale of the mechanical watch, our country has been in excavating loader relatively backward state, its development at a slow pace. Our country in the early 1970 s began to develop our own design, first by Beijing building machinery factory successfully developed WZ2A and WZ2B type hydraulic backactor loader, 1987 yantai engineering machinery plant type ZL15WJ successfully trial-produced excavating loader. After construction machinery factory, was a fujian, shandong GuangRao hydraulic machinery factory has developed WZ25 type, DFH-904 WZ type, T55Z/w type backactor loader, to 1992 liuzhou backactor loader plant, liuzhou engineering machinery Co., LTD were developed WZ30-25 type and WZ25-20 type backactor loader.Shandong engineering machine factory in July 2001 successfully developed the WZ30-25 type backactor loader.The following several production product basically represents the current domestic backactor loader level of technology:(1) the ChangLin WZ30-25 backactor loader: engine system chooses cummins turbocharged engines, rated power 63 kN, accord with the European emissions standards. Standard cars to its (front axle) for the driver swinging bridge, bearings imported components. USES imported designed for excavating loader supporting the axles (driving axle). With a free maintenance of wet brake, greatly improving the traffic safety and reliability. Take differential lock, and improve the performance of the whole vehicle traction. Standard cars for two wheel drive, based on user needs equipped with four-wheel drive. The hydraulic system adopt efficient gear single pump system, main components such as pump, valve, steering gear and foreign famous company all use products.(2) the yantai engineering machinery plant production WZ25-20 type: WZ25-20 type backactor loader is mainly the loader, front end modified multi-purpose after the bucket, the mining equipment and into. Yituo dongfanghong 904 WZ type of excavating loader in Italian fiat technology is introduced LF90 type tractor manufacturing basis. Supporting design is forward after loading, mining and other functions of agricultural engineering machinery.(3) liuzhou backactor loader plant WZ30-25 type: liuzhou backactor loader factory WZ30-25 type backactor loader and liuzhou engineering machinery Co., LTD WZ30-developed 20 type backactor loader, all is in the digestion and absorption of CAT backactor loader based on technology, in combination with the process features of new products developed in the new models using special chassis, used the same load with CAT company sensing control technology. Because the two section type USES is variable system, therefore the purity of the system and components can be against sex requirement is higher.(4) the liuzhou Macao liu machinery Co., LTD HACH995E series backactor loader: engine: equipped with advanced turbocharged diesel engine, the power rating reached 95 horse power, and in the 1500 RPM speed of 384 ft-lb) torque, core key components are imported the world famous brand product, has higher reliability. The appearance of the new modelling beautiful and easy, cabin space more; One of the standard configuration four bucket, to make the machine has more features and applications. A variety of work attachments can be selected, do more work; Using backactor loader special frame. Cabin is independent replaceable, through the five shock absorber and frame connection. The hydraulic oil tank, fuel is also independent replaceable, and is low layout, to reduce machine focus, improve stability, and suitable for stand on the floor for oil filling and repair. They also become part of the boarding ladder, convenient in and out of the operator.(5) TaiAnShi loader plant WZ30-25 type: the power system: this machine is used for cummins 4 BT3. 9-C74 type turbo engine, the structure is compact, large power and low fuel consumption, low noise, long life and reliable work, etc. Low-temperature start performance is good, especially suitable for the north. Hydraulic system: the machine USES the original Germany rexroth pump and control valve. System adopts load sensor control technology, when the main valve core in the median, through the manoeuvring valve produce differential pressure signal back to the variable pump, so as to reduce the emissions of automatic pump, makes the flow rate is near to zero; At this time, the pump pressure to achieve the setting pressure in order to ensure that the lateral 22 MPa pressure cylinder pressure frame needed. When work, pump according to the valve core manoeuvring valve opening of the size of the need to provide flow, avoid the traditional hydraulic system by relief valve control overflow way, minimizes the hydraulic power empty flow loss and system fever. Work device: the shovel device with lateral frame structure, through the 4 pressure cylinder and only after fixed frame. The shovel devices can slide along the lateral, expand the scope of operation. The shovel arm of the device with big arm curving, swinging back to reduce when transverse shape dimension. When the walk, the shovel along the lateral slide device around to any end, dou stem and the bucket down, and then back after the frame to swing. This greatly reduces the travel and the transfer of the whole machine in the length size, improve the mobility, make the machine in a narrow place can transfer and homework; The distribution centre of gravity is more reasonable, be helpful for the stability of the machine. The shovel device control mechanisms for mechanical 2 stem manipulation, manipulation is flexible and convenient.Loading device adopts Z form reverse the double rocker link mechanism, and has the uninstall the height of the great distance, unloading, digging up strength can automatically put, equal characteristics; The blunt gas box type lifting arm, weigh less, and to improve the stiffness and carrying capacity. Control mechanisms for mechanical single handles. Walk system: the driver to no front axle, turned to the cylinder piston rod for double double role cylinder; For the final drive axles, adopt two-stage slow transmission structure. Drive motor installed on its main reducer, the spiral bevel gear transmission, wheel edges for planetary gear reducer drive mechanism, and the overall good rigidity structure, the output speed smoothly. In the main reducer and wheel edges between reducer, adopts full serving the half shaft link transmission, overcoming the bridge in work in the process of shell deformation half shaft driving influence. Walk system USES a static hydraulic transmission. By the integral frame welding structure, has the good rigidity, high strength characteristic. A leg for H type straight leg, and frame is an organic whole repeatedly. The drive axle of the hydraulic caliper disc brake, hydraulic braking control has the advantages of fast and reliable. In car brake drum brake for central, mechanical manipulation. The cab the whole big window for shovel in turn type structure, be helpful for ventilation and widen the vision and convenient operation. After the low voltage driving wheel diameter tyres, walk in the process of vibration and reduce vehicle can cushion the turbulence, improve the drivers ride comfort. Because of our countrys late start excavating loader, whether in the product variety, performance parameters and use reliability, after-sales service and so on, and abroad are compared theres a quite big difference.2, the domestic enterprises and domestic competition excavating loader tendency of developmentThe present backactor loader competition enterprise is divided into:(1) the export-oriented: such as sichuan road machinery factory production multifunctional engineering machinery over 80% export, and can always find a good sale, in addition, guilin forestry machinery factory specializing in the production of small caterpillar backactor loader, most of the export products.(2) into a foreign and domestic assembly type: such as Shanghai CASE of 580/590 series products. Foreign imports, domestic agency type: if the 2 JCB CX / 3 CX / 4 CX; VOLVOs BL60 / BL71; 580/590 of the CASE, are all have agent.(3) the domestic production enterprise: domestic production enterprise have more than 10, its product for cheap backactor loader. Prices for: within 380000 yuan. Therefore, excavating loader domestic is the development trend of the introduction of foreign advanced technology, the development of the high quality, multi-function, many varieties and specifications of excavating loader series products, strengthen the basic components and parts production, especially improve the quality of the hydraulic components excavating loader to. The product cost, and improving the mining loader the service level of the product.(2) the yantai engineering machinery plant production WZ25-20 type: WZ25-20 type backactor loader is mainly the loader, front end modified multi-purpose after the bucket, the mining equipment and into. Yituo dongfanghong 904 WZ type of excavating loader in Italian fiat technology is introduced LF90 type tractor manufacturing basis. Supporting design is forward after loading, mining and other functions of agricultural engineering machinery.(3) liuzhou backactor loader plant WZ30-25 type: liuzhou backactor loader factory WZ30-25 type backactor loader and liuzhou engineering machinery Co., LTD WZ30-developed 20 type backactor loader, all is in the digestion and absorption of CAT backactor loader based on technology, in combination with the process features of new products developed in the new models using special chassis, used the same load with CAT company sensing control technology. Because the two section type USES is variable system, therefore the purity of the system and components can be against sex requirement is higher.(4) the liuzhou Macao liu machinery Co., LTD HACH995E series backactor loader: engine: equipped with advanced turbocharged diesel engine, the power rating reached 95 horse power, and in the 1500 RPM speed of 384 ft-lb) torque, core key components are imported the world famous brand product, has higher reliability. The appearance of the new modelling beautiful and easy, cabin space more; One of the standard configuration four bucket, to make the machine has more features and applications. A variety of work attachments can be selected, do more work; Using backactor loader special frame.Cabin is independent replaceable, through the five shock absorber and frame connection. The hydraulic oil tank, fuel is also independent replaceable, and is low layout, to reduce machine focus, improve stability, and suitable for stand on the floor for oil filling and repair. They also become part of the boarding ladder, convenient in and out of the operator.(5) TaiAnShi loader plant WZ30-25 type: the power system: this machine is used for cummins 4 BT3. 9-C74 type turbo engine, the structure is compact, large power and low fuel consumption, low noise, long life and reliable work, etc. Low-temperature start performance is good, especially suitable for the north. Hydraulic system: the machine USES the original Germany rexroth pump and control valve. System adopts load sensor control technology, when the main valve core in the median, through the manoeuvring valve produce differential pressure signal back to the variable pump, so as to reduce the emissions of automatic pump, makes the flow rate is near to zero; At this time, the pump pressure to achieve the setting pressure in order to ensure that the lateral 22 MPa pressure cylinder pressure frame needed. When work, pump according to the valve core manoeuvring valve opening of the size of the need to provide flow, avoid the traditional hydraulic system by relief valve control overflow way, minimizes the hydraulic power empty flow loss and system fever. Work device: the shovel device with lateral frame structure, through the 4 pressure cylinder and only after fixed frame. The shovel devices can slide along the lateral, expand the scope of operation. The shovel arm of the device with big arm curving, swinging back to reduce when transverse shape dimension. When the walk, the shovel along the lateral slide device around to any end, dou stem and the bucket down, and then back after the frame to swing. This greatly reduces the travel and the transfer of the whole machine in the length size, improve the mobility, make the machine in a narrow place can transfer and homework; The distribution centre of gravity is more reasonable, be helpful for the stability of the machine. The shovel device control mechanisms for mechanical 2 stem manipulation, manipulation is flexible and convenient. Loading device adopts Z form reverse the double rocker link mechanism, and has the uninstall the height of the great distance, unloading, digging up strength can automatically put, equal characteristics; The blunt gas box type lifting arm, weigh less, and to improve the stiffness and carrying capacity. Control mechanisms for mechanical single handles. Walk system: the driver to no front axle, turned to the cylinder piston rod for double double role cylinder; For the final drive axles, adopt two-stage slow transmission structure. Drive motor installed on its main reducer, the spiral bevel gear transmission, wheel edges for planetary gear reducer drive mechanism, and the overall good rigidity structure, the output speed smoothly. In the main reducer and wheel edges between reducer, adopts full serving the half shaft link transmission, overcoming the bridge in work in the process of shell deformation half shaft driving influence. Walk system USES a static hydraulic transmission. By the integral frame welding structure, has the good rigidity, high strength characteristic. A leg for H type straight leg, and frame is an organic whole repeatedly. The drive axle of the hydraulic caliper disc brake, hydraulic braking control has the advantages of fast and reliable. In car brake drum brake for central, mechanical manipulation. The cab the whole big window for shovel in turn type structure, be helpful for ventilation and widen the vision and convenient operation. After the low voltage driving wheel diameter tyres, walk in the process of vibration and reduce vehicle can cushion the turbulence, improve the drivers ride comfort. Because of our countrys late start excavating loader, whether in the product variety, performance parameters and use reliability, after-sales service and so on, and abroad are compared theres a quite big difference.3, domestic backactor loader competitive enterprise and the development trend of domesticThe present backactor loader competition enterprise is divided into:(1) the export-oriented: such as sichuan road machinery factory production multifunctional engineering machinery over 80% export, and can always find a good sale, in addition, guilin forestry machinery factory specializing in the production of small caterpillar backactor loader, most of the export products.(2) into a foreign and domestic assembly type: such as Shanghai CASE of 580/590 series products. Foreign imports, domestic agency type: if the 2 JCB CX / 3 CX / 4 CX; VOLVOs BL60 / BL71; 580/590 of the CASE, are all have agent.(3) the domestic production enterprise: domestic production enterprise have 1 more than O, its products are cheap backactor loader. Prices for: within 380000 yuan. Therefore, excavating loader domestic is the development trend of the introduction of foreign advanced technology, the development of the high quality, multi-function, many varieties and specifications of excavating loader series products, strengthen the basic components and parts production, especially improve the quality of the excavating loader hydraulic components, in order to reach to meet product reliability, under the premise of lower backactor loader product cost, and improving the mining loader the service level of the product.4, at home and abroad and the development gap requirementsBecause of our countrys late start excavating loader, whether in the product variety, performance parameters and use reliability, after-sales service and so on, and abroad are compared theres a quite big difference. Displays in:Domestic backactor loader is the main fittings reliability as abroad. The reliability of existing problems are: diesel engine, hydraulic components, hydraulic pressure system cleanness and transmission components, electrical system and electrical components, tighten technology and sealing technology, tires and homework devices, etc. Backactor loader product performance is poor, reliability, low. In addition to introduced from abroad in recent years some of the products, domestic part of the performance of the excavating loader products is still at the international level of the 1990 s, the early failure rate is higher, also cannot completely meet the requirement of building roads. Backactor loader basis of poor quality, fittings components quality is not perfect. At present, the domestic engine and hydraulic system of the cylinder, pump, valve and the quality has become the main backactor loader product quality of bottleneck.The variety of excavating loader less, systematic bad, the model is not complete, part of the product not form a series. Chinas backactor loader whether in species and models are still exist quite a lot of blank.The existing backactor loader products innovation and technology of unique. The research and development of our country backactor loader working lack of innovation, not their own unique technology. In the value of the introduction of technology, dont pay attention to digestion, absorption and key technical control and research. Therefore, the development of the domestic excavating loader should be the development of the high quality, multi-function, many varieties and specifications of the series products, and strengthen the basic components and parts production, especially improve the quality of the hydraulic components, in order to reach to meet product under the premise of reliability, reduce the cost of product, and improve the service level of the product.Three, the development, and the development of the excavating loader a few questions1, excavating loader special equipment of the managementFor countries to strengthen and standardize the related life safety, risk bigger special equipment management, in order to adapt to the Chinas entry into the WTO internationalization of market requirements, reasonable and legitimate use trade rules, protect the interests of the state and the people, issued in 2003 carried out the special equipment safety supervision regulations (the state council makes the 373th), the special equipment for the implementation of administrative licensing rules (try out) (of the pot 2003 quality no. 172) and so on the series and regulations. At the same time the national quality supervision, inspection and quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the state quality inspection administration) according to the special equipment safety supervision regulations and the special equipment quality surveillance and security supervision regulations (the former national quality technology supervision bureau makes no. 13) issued the mechanical and electrical kind of special equipment manufacturing license rules (try out) (of the quality inspection pot 2003 no. 174), to regulate a license for the manufacture of electrical and mechanical special equipment and ensure that the mechanical and electric equipment made of special quality and safety technical performance. According to documents implementation requirement, be included in the special equipment of the directory license products such as loaders, excavators, excavating loader, lifting machinery and so on some products listed in special equipment management June 1, 2004 must obtain corresponding manufacturing license, or enterprise will not to carry on the production and the sales. At present, the vehicles maneuvering in plant equipment type, with products are most definitely regulations mechanical and electrical kind of special equipment manufacturing license rules (try out), the provisions of the special equipment manufacture license directory, will now belongs to the vehicles maneuvering in plant equipment type and the corresponding device forms the clearly define (see chart below), this should is the vehicles maneuvering in plant on the basis of management.According to relevant regulations of the state, in our country the sales of the special equipment manufactured abroad, its product must comply with the relevant special equipment in the laws, administrative regulations and rules, mandatory standards and technical code requirements. And accept supervision and safety type test. Because backactor loader havent really into the special equipment management, the foreign backactor loader products have the freedom of, in the technical and management without any limits and supervision, but domestic backactor loader products will conduct pilot test and accept some local qualitative inspect branch of supervision and inspection, the same product to obtain the different treatment. As backactor loader, etc special equipment production development manufacturing enterprise, the urgent task, should according to the relevant requirements well technology, products and the production and management of the preparatory work, positive application, get the domestic production manufacturing qualification.And, on this machine, increase product improvement, and actively carry out international standards and foreign advanced standard, improve the product quality and technology level, in order to adapt to the needs of the international market.2, the product orientation excavating loader(1) the product orientation excavating loader: to corporations: at present should strengthen backactor loader market forecasting ability, improving the mining loader market strain capacity, timely collect market information, excavating loader master backactor loader market trends at the same time, strengthen the enterprise excavating loader new product development efforts, can make the enterprise in the fierce competition in the market to take the lead in seizes the market, then our sanfeng, took to the road of sustainable development. The western developed countries engineering machinery manufacturer go early. Clear the market localization, in view of the different consumer groups production of different products, in developing countries like China development small engineering machinery, product positioning must be accurate. Should use different technology, in view of the different user groups to solve the problem of accurate positioning, China should first developed coastal areas in the vast rural and based on engineering construction supporting the use of the development of small engineering machinery products classification, this is the diversity of Chinese characteristics of the social structure of the structural changes affect demand reflected. At present, enterprise should according to our own strength, and first to find a position, determination of the production that product; And then for pulse products, to determine how to production. Enterprise must grasp the pulse of the prospective market, timely adjust their own development idea, other reasonable learn from foreign advanced experience, for Chinese market, independent development has the Chinese characteristic of small engineering machinery products, also can make the enterprise with foreign joint development. Small products to highlight the low cost, practical, user group of large, clear. In essence, continue to do well the xugong existing dominant products at the same time, and according to the requirements of the development of the market, combining with the advantages of the enterprise, the development of more readily marketable small engineering machinery products. In view of Chinas backactor loader level of technology and the current market conditions, in the development of excavating loader to the following aspects should be as a new product development train of thought. (1) as soon as possible to digest absorb or introduce foreign advanced technology excavating loader, in order to improve our product class; (2) of the country with using the quantitative system, in order to reduce oil of cleanness of demand, reduce of failure; (3) backactor loader key parts such as engine, torque converter, the transmission, driving axle, hydraulic pump, multi-channel valve, should implement a global procurement, in order to improve the products re
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