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英文重点词语辨析之介词汇总1above / over / on / upabove:在之上。指某物高过于另一物,与below相对。例如:例:The water came above our knees.(水深及膝之上。)over:在之上。指某物在另一物的正上方,互不接触,与under相对。例如:例:The lamp hangs over the table.on:在之上。指某物在另一物的上面,并相互接触。例如:例:The lamp stands on the table.up:在之上。指由低向高。例如:例:As they went up the mountain, they had to stop from time to time.2across / over / throughacross:横过。指在同一平面上或成十字交叉穿过。例如:例:He was leading the blind man across the street. (他带着那个盲人过街。)through:穿过。指从物体中间或空间穿过。例如:例:They walked through street after street, searching for a suitable dress.(他们走街串巷,想找一件合适的礼服。)over:越过。指跨过障碍物。例如:例:The thief climbed over the wall and ran away.3after / behind / at the back ofafter:在以后(表示时间);在后面(表示地点,通常指次序的先后)。例如:例:Two days after his arrival, I called on him.例:They went out of the hall one after another.例:After you!请!(您先走!)behind:在后面。表示地点,指主体外部的后面,相对于in front of而言;它有时也表示时间,指针对某一规定时刻而迟了的意思。例如:例:There is a river behind our school.例:The train was behind time. (火车晚点了。)at the back of:在后部。表示地点,指主体内部的后部,相对于in the front of而言。例如:例:There is a playground at the back of our school.4after / inafter:在以后(当其后接一段时间或过去某一时刻时,应使用过去时态;当其后接将来某一特定时刻时,应使用将来时态)。in:在以后(后接一段时间,以现在为起点,表示将来)。例如:例:He will be back in two hours.例:He will be back after two oclock.例:He was back after two hours.例:He was back two hours later / after.5among / betweenamong:在之间。一般指在三个或三个以上的同类事物中。例如:例:The Yangtze is among the longest rivers in the world.between:在之间。一般指在两者之间或三者以上的每两者之间。例如:例:I dropped it somewhere between my house and the station.例:The tables in this restaurant are so close together that there is little room between them for people to move.(这餐馆的桌子排得太密了,桌子与桌子之间几乎没有空间让人们移动。)6by turns / in turn / take turnsby turns的意思是“轮流地,交替地,忽而忽而”,强调重复。in turn的意思是“依次相继地”,强调按顺序,还有“转而,反过来”之意。表示“轮流地”时,take turns跟by turns同义,但二者的语法意义不同。例如:例:We had a swing by turns. (我们轮流荡秋千。)例:She went hot and cold by turns. (她一会儿发热,一会儿发冷。)例:The children got on the train in turn. (孩子们依次上了火车。)例:Interest rates were cut and, in turn, share prices rose.(利率被调低了,而反过来,股票价格却上扬了。)例:Dan and I usually take turns to cook / in cooking.7except / but / besides / including / includedexcept:除外,没有。指同类人、事、物的比较;另外,其搭配except for指不同类的人、事、物比较,except that,except when后接从句。例如:例:All the articles were well written except Anns. (同类物相比,即安的作文写得不好。)例:Anns article was well written except for some spelling mistakes.(不同类物相比,即只不过有些拼写错。)例:Ann is a good student except that she is sometimes careless.(跟从句,即只不过有时粗心。)例:The old lady often takes a walk except when it is raining. (跟从句,即下雨时不散步。)but:除外,没有。与except同义,但只用于who,all,no one,nobody,nothing,everyone或everything等代词后。例如:例:Who but Carl would do that?(除了卡尔,谁还愿意做那件事?)例:They had no choice but to give in. (他们只好屈服。)例:He does everything but cook. (他什么都行,就是不会做饭。此处的but前面有行为动词do,其后的动词应不带to。)besides:作介词,意为“除外,还有”;作副词,意为“况且,再说”。例如:例:All the students went besides their teachers.例:Its getting dark; besides, its going to rain.including / included:包括。注意它们不是介词,including是动词include的ing形式,included则是形容词。例如:例:All the students went, including Li Hua / Li Hua included.(后者是独立主格,相当于and Li Hua was included。)8for the first time / the first time / the timefor the first time: 在句中作状语;the first time和the time在句中起着连词的作用。如:例:They were invited to the palace ball for the first time in their life.例:It was for the first time that he made such a mistake. (强调句型)例:It is the first time (that) he has made such a mistake.例:The first time I met him, he was feeding his sheep.(此处语法意义上可以用the last time 或 the next time替换)例:The time the bell rang, all the pupils rushed out.此处语法意义上可以用as soon as, the moment, the minute, the instant, instantly, immediately等替换;还可以用Hardly when, Scarcely when, No sooner . than等倒装结构来表达。如:例:Hardly had the bell rang when all the pupils rushed out.(铃声一响,所有的学生都冲了出去。)9in all / at all / after all / above all / for all / first of allin all:总计(=in total)。at all:根本,全然(用于加强语气)。after all:毕竟。above all:首要(相当于the most important of all)。for all:尽管。first of all:首先。例如:例:First of all, Id like to share the good news with you. For all the difficulties, weve managed to finish forty items in all. But we still have to work harder, and above all, we shall value every possible minute. After all, we have only ten days to go. We have no time to waste at all! (首先,我想和大家一起分享好消息:尽管存在种种困难,我们还是设法完成了总共四十个项目。然而,我们还得更加努力,最重要是要珍惜每分每秒,毕竟我们的期限只剩十天,我们的时间实在浪费不起啊!)10in the end / at the end of / by the end ofin the end:最后,终于。指时间,相当于at last或finally。例如:例:He waited and waited, but gave up in the end.at the end of:在末了,在末端。指时间或地点。例如:例:At the end of the party, they added another program.例:Youll find the post-office at the end of the street.by the end of:在结束时,到末为止。常用完成时态。例如:例:We had learnt 24 units by the end of last term.例:We will have learnt 24 units by the end of t


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