七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas质量评估试卷习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas质量评估试卷习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas质量评估试卷习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas质量评估试卷习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas质量评估试卷习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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精彩练习九年级英语 unit6质量评估试卷 时间 90分钟满分 120分 听力 共四节 满分30分 一 第一节听句子 选图片 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 1 2 c b 3 4 5 第3页 unit6质量评估试卷 a c b 第4页 听力材料1 ilikehamburgersforbreakfast 2 myfatherlikeschinesefood 3 jasondoesn tlikecarrots 4 mary sbirthdayisnextweek 5 cindyisatennisstar unit6质量评估试卷 第二节听句子 选答语 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 6 a whataboutyou b me too c thatsoundsgreat 7 a helikesapples b shelikespears c yes hedoes 8 a yes sheis b yes shedoes c yes please 9 a hisshirtisblue b it sblack c helikesred 10 a soundsgreat b they reburgers c doyoulikeburgers 第5页 b a b c a unit6质量评估试卷 第6页 听力材料6 ilikepearsandbananasverymuch 7 whatdoesyourbrotherlike 8 doeslucylikecarrots 9 whatcolordoeshelike 10 let seatburgersforlunch unit6质量评估试卷 第三节听短对话 回答问题 共5小题 每小题2分 满分10分 11 whatdoesthegirllike a bananas b apples c pears 12 whatdoestheboylikeforbreakfast a tomatoesandhamburgers b tomatoesandbananas c bananasandhamburgers 13 whichmealdoestheboylikefruitfor a breakfast b lunch c dinner 第7页 a c b unit6质量评估试卷 14 whatdoestheboythinkishealthy a vegetables b fruit c hamburgers 15 whereistheboy sbreakfast a onthebluetable b ontheredtable c onthewhitetable 第8页 a b unit6质量评估试卷 第9页 听力材料11 m doyoulikebananas w yeah verymuch m whataboutapplesandpears w well idon tlikethemverymuch 12 w bill let shavetomatoesandhamburgersforbreakfast m idon tliketomatoes ilikebananas 13 w doyoulikefruitforbreakfast m no ilikeeggsandsaladforbreakfast ilikesomefruitforlunch unit6质量评估试卷 第10页 14 w doesyoursisterlikehamburgers m yes shelikesthemverymuch butidon tlikehamburgers ilikevegetables theyarehealthy 15 w hi peter isthisyourbreakfastonthebluetable m no it smybrother s mybreakfastisontheredtable unit6质量评估试卷 第四节听长对话或独白 回答问题 共5小题 每小题2分 满分10分 听一段对话 回答第16至第17小题 对话读两遍 16 whatdoesthewomanwanttohaveforlunch a hamburgers b salad c eggs 17 whatfruitdoesthemanlike a strawberriesandbananas b applesandbananas c pearsandstrawberries 第11页 b a unit6质量评估试卷 第12页 听力材料w bill let shavesaladforlunch m ok ilikefruitandvegetables w doyoulikecarrots m no idon t w ilikethemverymuch doyouliketomatoes m yes ido whatfruitdoyoulike w bananas pears applesandstrawberries doyoulikethem m idon tlikeapplesorpears unit6质量评估试卷 听一段独白 回答第18至第20小题 独白读两遍 18 whatdoesthespeakeroftenhaveforbreakfast a somebreadandanegg b somemilkandbread c someeggsandmilk 19 wheredoesthespeakerhavelunch a athome b atschool c atarestaurant 20 whodoesthespeakergoouttoeatwith a hisparents b hiscousin c hisfriends 第13页 a b c unit6质量评估试卷 第14页 听力材料mynameisjimgreen everydayieatbreakfastathome forbreakfast iofteneataneggandsomebread idon tlikemilk butmycousinjohnandmyfriendrobertlikeitverymuch theythinkitisgoodforhealth forlunch ilikerice fishandvegetables ihavenotimetogohomeforlunch soihaveitatschool afterlunch ioftenhaveice creamfordessert intheevening ioftenhavesomefruitfordinnerathomewithmyparents sometimesigoouttoeatwithmyfriends unit6质量评估试卷 基础知识 共三节 满分20分 二 第一节单项选择 共10小题 每小题1分 满分10分 从a b c d四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 21 jimhas eggand hamburgerforbreakfast a an anb a ac an ad a an 22 let s somemilkandapples a eatb drinkc dod have 23 thereisa shop itsellsbananas apples pearsandoranges a vegetableb foodc fruitd drink c d c 24 is are healthyfood a sugarb ice creamc tomatoesd cola 25 doyoulikehamburgers yes ilike verymuch a theyb themc theird theirs 26 yourgrandparentsarecoming nextweek a inb onc withd 第16页 c b d unit6质量评估试卷 27 dannycanplaybasketball a goodb wellc niced great 28 doyouwant tomyparty a comeb comingc tocomed comes 29 let shavesomeice cream a thatsoundsgood b let sthinkaboutthefood c whatdoyoulike d whataboutsomevegetables 30 which a hasadifferentsound a sameb tapec radiod fat 第17页 b c a d unit6质量评估试卷 第二节对话匹配 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 a 31 doyouhavemilkandeggsforbreakfast 32 doeslilylikestrawberries 33 doesdavideatwell 34 dotheyliketomatoes 35 whatdoyouliketoeat 第18页 d c b e a unit6质量评估试卷 ba ilikehamburgers b no hedoesn t c yes shedoes d yes ido e no theydon t 第三节句型转换 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 36 hisfatherlikessaladandice cream 改为否定句 hisfather likesalad ice cream 第19页 doesn t or unit6质量评估试卷 37 emmaandjimhavevegetableseveryday 对画线部分提问 emmaandjimhaveeveryday 38 sheeatschicken atomatoandastrawberryforbreakfast 改为复数句 theyeatchicken and forbreakfast 39 myuncleoftenplaysbasketball 改为一般疑问句 youruncleoften basketball 40 iliketomatoes butidon tlikepotatoes 主语改成clark 第20页 what do tomatoes strawberries does play clarklikestomatoes buthedoesn tlikepotatoes unit6质量评估试卷 阅读理解 共两节 满分25分 三 第一节 共10小题 每小题2分 满分20分 a 41 billlikes buthedoesn tlike a tomatoes strawberriesb bananas strawberriesc bananas ice creamd tomatoes ice cream 42 likehamburgers a lucyandjudyb janeandlucyc lucyandjackd amyandjack 43 intheform 表格 wecansee names a 6b 7c 8d 9 第22页 b c d unit6质量评估试卷 biamaboyfromtheusa mynameisdavid davidsmith nowiaminchinawithmyfatherandmother ilikechina ilikechinesefood too ihavebreakfastathome ieatanegg breadandporridge 粥 forbreakfast idon tlikemilk ihavenotimetogohomeforlunch soihaveitatschool thelunchinourschoolisverygood icanhavedifferentfoodsforlunch ieatrice meatandvegetables sometimesihavenoodlesanddumplings 饺子 ihavedinnerathomewithmyparents sometimeswegoouttoeatwithfriendsinrestaurants 饭店 weusuallyhavesomechicken vegetablesandfruit sometimeswehavemeat 第23页 unit6质量评估试卷 44 davidis a australianb chinesec englishd american 45 forbreakfast hedoesn thave a porridgeb aneggc milkd bread 46 hehaslunch a atschoolb athomec inarestaurantd withhisparents 第24页 d c a unit6质量评估试卷 47 what sthepassageabout a aboutdavid b aboutdavid sfamily c aboutdavid sfood d aboutdavid sschool cdearjim i minhangzhounow iwillspend 度过 thenextthreeyearshere i minno 6middleschool it sagoodschool thepeoplehereareveryfriendly my 第25页 c unit6质量评估试卷 bestfriendislilei andmyfavoritefoodisdongpopork 猪肉 ialsolikedumplingsverymuch nowi mwritingtoyouinmybedroom wehaveanewhomehereinchina it sdifferentfromouroldhomeinamerica ournewhouseiswhite andtheoldoneisred thewallsofmybedroomareblue mymotheriswateringsomeflowers myfatherisrepairingacar i mgoingtodomyhomework pleasewritebacksoon yours tom 第26页 unit6质量评估试卷 48 whatschoolistomin a no 5middleschool b no 6middleschool c no 7middleschool d no 16middleschool 49 who stom sbestfriend a lilei b lucy c jim d john 50 theletterisfrom to a lilei jimb jim tomc tom jimd lilei tom 第27页 b a c unit6质量评估试卷 第二节任务型阅读 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 请为cindy mary grace john paul找到他们喜欢的水果 51 cindybuyssomevegetablesinthemorning shebuyssomecarrotsandtomatoes shewantstohavethemfordinner 52 doesmarylikevegetables no shedoesn t shelikesfruits shetakessomebananasandtwoapplestoschooltoday 53 gracelikesfruitsandsheofteneatsdifferentfruits shehastwoorangesafterdinnertoday shethinkstheyarehealthyandgoodtoher 第28页 e b d unit6质量评估试卷 54 johnhasgoodeatinghabits hehasbread milk sometomatoesandaneggforbreakfastinthemorning hethinkshisbreakfastisreallyhealthy 55 paulhasanicedinnerafterschool hismothermakesrice salad eggsandchickenforhim mikelikeschicken buthedoesn tlikethesalad hismotherletshimeatthesalad becausethevegetablesaregoodforhishealth 第29页 a f unit6质量评估试卷 英语知识运用 共三节 满分25分 四 第一节完形填空 共10小题 每小题1分 满分10分 通读下面的短文 掌握其大意 然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 mybrother amiddleschoolstudent nameislibin heisin no 1middleschool thereare girlsandthirtyboysinhisclass theyhavefour inthemorning andthree theystudychinese math englishandotherlessons libinis atchinese butheisn tgoodatenglish they english andtheylike englishteacher too theyreadandwriteenglisheveryday ithinktheycan itwell 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 56 a isb amc ared be 57 a sheb herc hed his 58 a grade2 class2b classandgrade2c 2class 2graded class2 grade2 59 a twelve eightb twenty eightc twentyeightd eighttwenty 60 a classmatesb friendsc classesd books 61 a inthemorningb intheafternoonc atmorningd atafternoon 第31页 a d d b c b unit6质量评估试卷 62 a wellb finec niced good 63 a likeb hatec readd write 64 a ourb theirc yourd my 65 a playb studyc answerd get第二节补全对话 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 从方框中选出合适的句子填入空格内 其中有一项是多余的 w welcometomyhouse paul herearesomefruits 66 m no idon tlikeoranges w 67 第32页 d a b b d c unit6质量评估试卷 m idon tlikebananas 68 w butidon thaveapplesathome howaboutsomepears m ok 69 w andsomeice cream m no thanks 70 a ilikethem b butilikeapples c whataboutbananas d doyoulikeoranges e idon tthinkit shealthy f ilikeitverymuch 第33页 b a e unit6质量评估试卷 第三节 共10小题 每小题1分 满分10分 阅读下面短文 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求 在空格处填入一个适当的单词或使用括号中单词的正确形式填空 somefriendsareinhanmei shouse theytalk71 manythings they72 be veryhappy hanmei smotheriscookingsomedeliciousfoodfor73 they 74 istwelveo clock it slunchtime theyhavelunchathanmei shome hanmeisaysto75 she goodfriends helpyourselves 请随便吃 jimlikeseggs kate76 like fish andlucy sfavoritefood77 be vegetables lilydoesn tlikevegetables shelikeschicken78 meat theyalsohavesomedrinks theyhavefivebottlesof79 orange theyreallyhave80 verygoodtime 第34页 about are them it


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