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安徽省第三教育协作片2015届九年级英语上学期第一次质量调研试题(总分:120分,时间:100分钟)、单项填空(每小题1分,满分15分)1、mary prefers .asing and dance bsinging to dancingcto sing to dancedto sing than dancing2、”i am feeling blue .” means i an _. asadbrelaxedchappydunhappiness3、lily is sad because she didnt pass the examination. lets . acheer up herbcheer her upccheer for herdcheer her for4、neither ping nor i _interested in football.aarebiscamdwere5、at weekends millie prefers_ _at home to _ out.astay; goingbstaying; gocstaying; goingdto stay; go6、go along the street, _you will find the park.aand bbut cor dso 7、theres _with your sons ears. so dont worry about him.anothing seriousbsomething seriouscserious nothingdanything serious8、yellow can remind people a warm day. atobof condabout9、your son is old enough to _himself. dont always do everything for him.awearbdresscput ondhave on10、i dont know if the rain _tomorrow . if the rain _,i _sight seeing.awill stop; stops ; will go bstops : stops; will go cwill stop; will stop; will go dstops ; will stop; will go11、you have to get up earlier tomorrow , _you can not catch the train.abutborcsodand 12、tom wonders _his grandfather will come next week.awhere bif that cthat dwhether13、both red and black represent _.but i prefer to wear red when i feel tired.apowerful bpower cpeace dpeaceful 14、jack is not sure _yellow can bring her success.athat bto cwhether dwhen 15、nobody except li ping and wang lin _at school this time yesterday.aarebiscweredwas、a,用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式天空。(每小题1分,满分15分)neithernor ,pay attention to ; come up with; easy ; come from; be in a bad mood ;bothand ;day after day1、colour therapy _ ancient india.2、he always_ details of his lessons, so he often gets high marks.3、after the exam, everyone _.4、_mum _ dad is at home now . there is no light at home.5、what made you _the amazing idea?6、bill seems to _everything. he felt excited all time.7.he hates doing the same work _.b用所给词的适当形式填空)8、tom didnt go to bed until midnight yesterday. he feels very_(sleep)at the moment.9、the boy is very lazy and his parents feel very_(worry)about him.10、it is good for our heath to eat and sleep at _(fix )times.11、after taking the driving test, the man feels_(relax).12、the chinese people have lots of_(wise)and create many wonders.13、she is a _(live )girl and popular with everyone.14、over 1,500 people applied for the job as the _(sell)manager.15、people in poor areas can not even afford _(go) to school.、根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题2分,满分20分)1、我的汽车出毛病了,所以我不得不步行上班。 _ _ _ _ _ my car, so i have to walk to work.2、这条裙子穿在她身上很好看。 the skirt _ _ _ _her.3、他将所有的事情保持的井然有序he _all the things _ _ _.4、要么你错了,要么我错了。 _ you _i_ wrong.5、作为一名医生,你再认真也不为过。as a doctor , you _.6、他将他的大部分时间献给了他的工作he _her work.7、一年被划分为十二个星座一个周期。a year_12 star signs.8、穿红色能是你更容易采取行动。 _can _to take action.9、这部电影让我想起了三十年前的地震。this film _the earthquake 30 years ago.10、我不知道我们是否能取回我们的钱。i don not know _.、完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分) people talk about two kinds of colours: warm colours and cool colours. the 1 colours are red, orange and yellow. these colours give you a happy and 2 feeling. people 3 in cold climates would rather use warm colours 4 their homes a warm and comfortable feel. people think that red, for example, represents 5 and it is also the colour of heat and strong feelings. wearing red makes 6 easier for you to take action. the cool colours are green blue and violet. these colours, 7 warm colours, are 8 . blue makes us feel calm and peaceful. it can also represent sadness. where there are cool colours,people are usually 9 . people who like to spend time 10 often prefer blue. 1、acool bwarm ccalm dcold 2、asad bnervouscworrieddcontented 3、alivingblive clived dlives 4、ato take bto give cto carry dto get 5、apeacebquiet cpower dcalm 6、ait bthat cthis dits 7、alike bunlike cdislike dliking 8、arelaxed brelaxingcworried dsurprised 9、astressed bnoisy cpowerfuldquiet10、arelaxedblone ccontenteddsad 、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20分)ado you know why different animals or pests have their special colours? colours in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves. some birds like eating locusts,but birds cannot easily catch them. why? it is because locusts change their colours together with the change of the colours of crops. when crops are green, locusts look green. but as the harvest time comes, locusts change to the same brown colour as crops have. some other pests with different colours from plants are easily found and eaten by others. so they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night. if you study the animal life, youll find the main use of colouring is protecting themselves. bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. they cannot be seen by hunters. this is because they have the colours much like the tree. have you ever noticed an even more strange act? a kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid when it faces danger. while the liquid spread over, the enemies cannot find it. and it immediately swims away. so it has lived up to now though it isnt strong at all.1、from the passage we can learn that locusts . aare small animalsbare easily found by birdscare dangerous to their enemiesdchange their colours to protect themselves2、how can pests with different colours from plants keep out of danger?athey run away quickly.btheir colours are much like their enemies.cthey hide themselves in the day and appear at night.dthey have to move quietly.3、bears and lions can keep safe because they .ahave the colours much like the trees bmove quicklyclike brown and grey colours dlive in forests4、the kind of fish can live up to now because .ait is very big and strongbthe liquid it sends out can help it escape from its enemiescthe liquid it sends out can kill its enemiesdit swims faster than any other fish5、which is the best title for this passage?athe change of colours for animals and pestsbcolours of different animals and pestscthe main use of colours for animals and pestsdsome animals and pestsb many scientists find that colours can change peoples feelings. its very interesting. some colours can make people feel relaxed,and some colours can make people feel nervous. now,this kind of knowledge is being used in many places. for example,school walls are always painted green because green makes students feel relaxed. it is also good for the students eyes. some books are also green or light blue for the same reason. restaurant owners not only have to know how to make food,but also have to know how to make money. here are some things theyve learned from scientific studies. the colour red makes people hungry. many fast food restaurants have red furniture or walls. soft colours like pink and light blue make people feel relaxed,so they spend more time eating. loud music may be nice at first,but it soon makes people want to leave. hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and leave. many restaurants,especially fast food restaurants,use this knowledge to make customers eat faster.6、how does the colour green make the students feel?ahungrybnervouscangrydrelaxed.7、how does the colour red make most people feel?ahungrybcomfortablecexciteddworried.8、which colour isnt mentioned in this passage?agreenbwhiteclight bluedred.9、what do many fast food restaurants do?play loud musicplay soft musichave hard seatspaint their walls redabcd10.whats the best title for this passage?acolour and restaurant. buse colour to make money.ccolour and science. duse colour to change feelings. 、任务型阅读(每小题2分,满分20分)we live in a noisy world. young and old alike are troubled by sounds over which we may have little or no control: car and house alarms, motorcycles, loudspeakers, even movie previews. we attend rock concerts, weddings, parties and sports events at which the music is so loud that you can hardly hear the person sitting next to you. at home, televisions, stereos and computer games are often turned up so loud that listeners cannot hear a doorbell or a telephone.as if environmental noise were not enough, now we surround children with noisy toys and personal listening devices that can permanently damage their hearing. a series of studies conducted in 2002 indicated that even moderate (缓和的) background noise can interfere with how they learn language. in fact, children in classrooms on the noisy side of a school had lower reading scores than those whose classes were on the quiet side.noise-induced (噪音诱发的) hearing loss can come about in two ways: from a brief exposure to a very loud noise or from consistent exposure to moderate-level noise. thus, there is much concern about the lasting effects of mp3 players that are turned up loud enough to block out surrounding sound, like street noise. an mp3 player at maximum volume produces about 105 decibels(分贝) 100 times as severe as 85 decibels, where hearing damage begins.so, before buying noisemaking toys, parents would do well to listen to how loud they are. if the item comes with a volume control, monitor its use to make sure it is kept near the lowest level. consider returning gifts that make loud noises, or disable the noise-making function. children who play computer games and stereo equipment should be warned to keep the volume down. most ipads have a control that allows parents to set a maximum volume.avoid taking children to loud action movies. if you do go and the sound seems deafening, ask the management to turn down the volume or insist on your money back. the league for the hard of hearing urges parents to encourage participation in quiet activities, like reading, doing puzzles, making things with construction toys, playing educational computer games, drawing and painting, and visiting libraries and museums.noise and childrens hearingfact about noisewe live in a world of noise which 1 people and is free of 2 .the 3 that noise causes we find


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