广东省陆河外国语学校高中英语 Unit1 FriendshipThe fifth Period Listening教案 新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
广东省陆河外国语学校高中英语 Unit1 FriendshipThe fifth Period Listening教案 新人教版必修1.doc_第2页
广东省陆河外国语学校高中英语 Unit1 FriendshipThe fifth Period Listening教案 新人教版必修1.doc_第3页
广东省陆河外国语学校高中英语 Unit1 FriendshipThe fifth Period Listening教案 新人教版必修1.doc_第4页
广东省陆河外国语学校高中英语 Unit1 FriendshipThe fifth Period Listening教案 新人教版必修1.doc_第5页




广东省陆河外国语学校高二英语教案:unit1 friendship-the fifth period listening 新人教版必修1teaching goals 教学目标1. target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 get along with , teenagers, fall in love , advice, throw awayb. 重点句子i think friendship is more important that anything else in my life.i m getting along well with a boy in my class. you dont wish to share your secret thoughts and feelings with others.2. ability goals 能力目标enable the ss to understand the story about annes friends and how to solve problems about making friends with the opposite sex by listening.enable the ss to know how to help anne make her father change his mind.3. learning ability goals 学能目标enable the ss to know how to get the key words to understand the story about annes friends. teaching important points教学重点listen to the material about the different situations and complete the sentences and find out what happened in the hiding place.teaching difficult points教学难点discuss with partners and have a debate to find out ways to solve the problems about making the opposite sex.teaching methods教学方法discussion.listening.cooperative learning.debating.teaching aids教具准备a recorder.teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式step i revisionafter checking the wb exx, the teacher asks the ss to read the letter on page 6 first, and then ask them to discuss what was upsetting lisa.t: here is a letter written to miss wang of radio by the letter, please. try to find out what was upsetting her with your partners, using the indirect lisa made a friend with a boy in her class. but her classmates said they fell in lisa said she didnt want to end the lisa asked what she should do.step ii listening (using language)the ss will hear what miss wang says, then ask the ss to answer the questions, using the indirect speech. at last, get them to spell out the words and fill in the blanks.t: ok, weve already known the lisas problems on making friends. miss wang has suggested some possible solutions. please look at page 6.were going to listen to what miss wang says, and then answer the questions of ex 2. go through the questions quickly. write down the key words as quickly as possible.listen again and check the answers with the whole class.t: now lets listen to it again and try to spell out the words and fill in the blanks.step iii listening (wb p41)the ss will hear a passage about annes best friend, her diary kitty. they are asked to complete the passage according to the tape.t: in the following part, we are going to listen to a passage about annes diary. listen to the tape carefully and fill in the blanks.listen to it again and check the answers with the whole class.step iv listening task the task can be divided into three parts. first, the ss will hear a story about an argument between anne and her father about her boy friend. after listening, they just write down their different thoughts. then they can have a debate to find out a better solution to solve anne and her fathers problem. the activity should be prepared carefully beforehand. during the class, the two teams just do the final preparations. get the ss to know the problem was that anne had made a friend in the hiding place the son of another family hiding with them, but her father was not happy about this. ask the ss whether they thought anne should follow her fathers ideas or not. use specific reasons to support their last, get the ss to give anne some advice to help her with this problem, working in pairs and making a list of things she might say to her father to make him change his mind. think of as many as they can. share their ideas on how to solve the problem with the whole class.t: weve just learned how miss wang helped lisa to solve her problem on making friends. now, ill give you a chance to try to help others to solve their problems on making friends. please turn to page 43. we are going to listen to the arguments between anne and her father on making a friend with her neighbor. for the first time, just focus on ann and her fathers thoughts. write down the key words as quickly as possible.after checking on the correct answers, getting the ss to discuss the problem in groups of 4. give ss a few minutes to think about their different thoughts to make sure which side his / she is on, anne or her father? ask the ss to form two debating teams and prepare for the debate.t: now, lets check the answers with the whole class. we will form two teams. one team holds an affirmative view, liking to support annes thought. the opposition team holds an opposing view, agreeing with her father. during debating, each team should give the reasons why you agree with anne or her father. and the opposite group should argue with them by presenting your opposite views. in the end, each team should present the decisions youve made and give the reasons by one of your members. understand?next, give another few minutes to organize two teams getting ready for the debate, offering their reasons why they agree with anne or her father. use specific reasons to support their solutions. teacher shows the useful expressions on the screen.t: ok, ill give you another few minutes to organize two teams getting ready for the debate, offering your reasons why you agree with anne or her father. use specific reasons to support your solutions. now id like to show you the following useful expressions on the screen. how do you help to solve the problem between anne and her father?do you agree with anne or her father? use specific reasons to support your may use the following useful expressions:if i were you, id / i wouldnt.i think it might be a good idea to / what about.?why dont you / why not.?as far as i can see, the best thing would be to.wouldnt it be better if.?we have to make a choice.the other idea sounds better to me.then, teacher encourages the ss to organize the whole debate by ss themselves. each team member should try to give reasons or examples to support their ideas, and try to show that the other side is wrong. teacher goes around, giving help to the ss.t: all right. are you ready? id like you to organize the whole debate by yourselves. each team member should try to give reasons or examples to support your ideas, and try to show that the other side is wrong. are you clear? any questions? dont be nervous. and ill go around to give you any necessary help. now, lets begin our debate. teacher goes around, giving help to the ss.two teams: team a: s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6 think its foolish to end their b: sa, sb, sc, sd, se, sf dont think its necessary to end their friendship.t: excellent debate. now, its time for you to summaryyour ideas. each team should present the decisions youve made and give the reasons by one of your members.the ss are doing their work.t: very good! now please allow me to make a conclusion. i think both of you have reasonable arguments. everything has two sides. it is hard to decide right or wrong. the key point is whenever we decide to do something; we should have an all-round view. in my opinion, team a/b argued more logical. so i announced the winner is team a/b. each of the members of team a/b will get a notebook as a prize. congratulations!after the debate, the winner team can get a prize , like a dictionary or a notebook.t: ok, weve known that anne needs some advice to help her with this problem. now, work in pairs and make a list of things she might say to her father to make him change his mind. think of as many as you can. share your ideas on how to solve the problem with the whole i couldnt go outdoors for so long that ive grown crazy about everything i miss my old friends very much. but im not able to get in touch with them. i felt very lonely since we lived in this hiding place. however, im eager to make new friends to communicate with each other. i havent new friends besides my diary kitty. although i can tell everything to it, it doesnt understand me. at that time, our neighbor came up, he is kind enough to enjoy helping and supporting


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