广东省湛江市初中英语毕业生学业水平模拟考试试题(03) 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
广东省湛江市初中英语毕业生学业水平模拟考试试题(03) 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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广东省湛江市初中英语毕业生学业水平模拟考试试题(03) 人教新目标版.doc_第5页




湛江市初中毕业生学业水平模拟考试 初中英语 (听力部分 20分)i. 听句子,根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题选择相应的图片(每题1分,共5分)1. a. b. c. 2. a. b. c. 3. a. b. c. 4. a b. c. 5. a. . b. c. ii听对话(每小题1分,共10分)请听第6段材料, 回答6、7题。6where are the two speaker? a at the railway station. b. at a hotel. c. in an office.7. what does the man want to do? a. he wants to have a talk with the woman. b. he wnts to sit for a rest. c. he wants to buy some fruit.请听第7段材料, 回答8-10题。8. where is the woman going? a. her office. b. her school. c. the airport.9. what is the woman worried about? a. she will be late for school.b. she will miss the plane.c. she wont catch the train.10. when does the driver think they will get there?a. at about 9:50. b. at about 10:15. c. at about 9:45.请听第8段材料, 回答11-13题。11. what did the two speaks do yesterday afternoon? a. they went to see a film. b. they had a football match. c. they watched a football match.12. what happened to the woman yesterday? a. she fell of her bike. b. she lost her bike. c. she hurt her arms.13. what did the match begin? a. at 3:00pm. b. at 2:30pm. c. at 3:20pm. 请听第9段材料, 回答14-15题。14. whats the possible relationship of the two people? a. husband and wife. b. doctor and patient. c. friends.15. who is going to have a birthday party? a. mr. green. b. mr. smith c. mrs. smithiii.听对话或短文获取信息(共5分)mr. liu fly to canada on16)_,2003. mr. liu stopped in 17)_and toronto on the way. .ottawa is the 18)_ of canada .they took 19)_planes from shanghai to liu was going to teach there for20)_. (笔试部分 115分)一、 单项选择(15分)( )21. i think if i make a pen that has a machine in it. ill _ write faster. a. can b. could c. has been able d. be able to( )22. .the boy is in trouble. please give _ a hand. a. he b. his c. him d. himself( )23. zhanjiang will change a lot _ the new iron and steel works(钢铁厂) is built.a. after b. since c. for d. so( )24. the boys growing _ because he keeps eating. a. fat and fat b. more and more fat c. fatter and fatter d. fatter and fattest( )25. i think english is hard for me. _, i dont know the grammar. a. at first b. first of all c. not at all d. on the other hand( )26. i dont know if he _ tomorrow. if he _, ill meet him. a. will come; comes b. comes; comes c. will come; will come d. comes; will come( )27. -what do you _ her speech? -she spoke for one hour but didnt say much a. think of b. think up c. think over d. think about( )28. “_ will lucy come to taian ?” “in two months.”a. how often b. how many times c. how long d. how soon( )29. he knows jinan very well because he has been there _.a. sometime b. sometimes c. some time d. some times( )30. china lies _ the east of asia(亚洲) and _ the north of australia.a. to, to b. in, to c. to ,in d. in , on( )31. about _ of the books in our school library are written in chinese. a. four-fifth b. four-fifths c. fourth-fiveths d. fourth-five( )32. _ tasty food! i want to taste it again. a. what b. what a c. how a d. how( )33. _ often _good cookies. a. cook, cook b. the cook , cook c. the cooker, cooks d. cooks, cook( )34. could you tell me _ yesterday?a. what do they do b. what did they do c. what they did d. what they do( )35. he didnt go to school this morning ,did he ? _, though he was not feeling very well.a. no, he didnt b. yes, he did c. no, he did d. yes, he didnt. 二、 完形填空 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(共10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分)napoga gurigo is a 12-year-old girl in ghana, africa. it is 36 for her family to get clean water. the nearest place to get water is a dirty hole half a kilometer from their 37 .every morning, napoga 38 home at half past five to get water for her family. sometimes it 39 six hours to get enough clean water. napoga has no time to go to school 40 play with her friends. millions of people in the world 41 napoga. they cant get enough clean water to keep 42 . most of those people are in africa.water covers 70 per cent of earths surface. but most of that is sea water. we cant use it for very many things. fresh water is 43 we use to drink, take showers and cook food. and fresh water 44 only 1 per cent of earths surface.many people have made wells(井) to get clean water from 45 . but there still isnt enough. scientists say that in 30 years, more than half of the people in the world wont have enough clean water.36. a. easy b. hard c. fun d. impossible37. a. school b. city c. country d. village38. a. goes b. stays c. leaves d. comes39. a. spends b. costs c. pays d. takes40. a. and b. or c. but d. while41. a. look like b. are like c. feel like d. sound like42. a. healthy b. strong c. heavy d. clean43. a. that b. / c. what d. when44. a. takes b. runs c. flows d. covers45. a. underground b. subway c. rivers d. the sea三、语法填空(共5分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 a young man _46_ did not have much money was coming home 47 _ train one day. he gave his last few coins to a beggar(乞丐), but then he saw another one, and forgot that he didnt have 48 (some) money about him. he asked the beggar 49 hed like to have lunch with him, and the beggar agreed. so they went into a small restaurant and 50 _ a good meal. at the end the man could not pay the bill. of course the beggar had to do so.四. 阅读理解。 第一节:(共15题,每题2分,满分30分)a a boy and his father were walking in the mountains. suddenly the boy fell, hurt himself, and cried, “aaahhhhhh!” to his surprise, he heard the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain, “aaahhhhhh!” then the boy shouted, “who are you?” he received the answer, “who are you?” he got angry at the answer, so he shouted, “foolish!” he received the answer, “foolish!” he looked at his father and asked, “whats going on?” the father smiled and said, “my son, listen.” and then he shouted to the mountain, “i love you!” the voice answered, “i love you!” again the man cried, “you are the best!” the voice answered, “you are the best!” the boy was surprised, but did not understand. then his father explained, “people call this echo, but really this is life. it gives you back everything you say or do. our life is just a reflection(反映) of what we have done. if you want more love in the world, have more love in your heart. if you want to be successful, work hard. this can be used in everything in life. life will give you back everything you have given to it.”51. at first the boy cried because _.a he hurt himself and felt bad b he wanted to give himself a surprisec he felt it was so quiet in the mountain d he hoped his father would help him52. when the boy heard the voice repeating, he thought _.a it was foolish to hear others voiceb someone else in the mountain liked his voicec there were many other people in the mountaind he was laughed at by someone else in the mountain53. the father shouted to the mountain to _.a find out who was repeating his voiceb have fun with other people in the mountainc show more examples to his son before giving him the answerd let his son know whose voice was louder54 the word echo means _.a life itself b repeating voice c love in the world d everything in life 55. from the story, we know _.a the boy didnt like others voice at all b the father had his own way to teach his sonc it is not polite to repeat others voiced the boy and his father were rather tiredbfor years, it was the same old one, two, three, four during group exercises for students at zhenguang middle school in guangzhou.students used to think their exercises were boring. but now, the schools 700 juniors have a fun, new way to do get students more interested in exercise, the school asked students to create (创造) a set of group exercises for themselves.the old ones were too slow and out of date (过时的), said wang yi, a 14-year-old junior 1 girl at the school.can you guess what kinds of moves zhenguang students chose for their new group exercise? some parts are like aerobics (健美操), and others are like the para para dance (芭啦芭啦舞)!the new moves are more lively than the old ones. they are better for juniors, said li yanbin, a teacher at zhenguang.during breaks or after class, students sometimes talk with their p.e. teachers about their exercise moves. if the students have good ideas, teachers might even make changes to the student, wang yi, thought one of the body-turning exercise moves was too difficult, so she told her teachers. teachers and students practised the move together after class, and finally they found an easier way to do its a lot more relaxing, wang yi said.students dont just get to choose their moves now - they also decide what music to use during exercises. in the past, the music they used was always the same kind. but now, each exercise uses a different song. students can take their favourite music to school and ask their teachers to use it for exercises.the music is so strong, you just cant help but dance to it, said xiao xiao, a 13-year-old girl in junior 1.56. this article mainly talks about _.a. aerobicsb. students making new exercise moves themselvesc. how to create new moves for group exercisesd. what kind of music is good for group exercises 57. as we can see from the article, the students care most about _ when they do group exercises.a. clothes and moves b. teachers and moves c. moves and music d. weather and music 58. the new way of doing exercises different from old way is that_.a. the new way is boring and out of date b. the old way is more relaxingc. the new way always uses the same kind of music d. the new way is more lively 59. students get their ideas for exercise moves from _.a. dancing b. walking c. running d. singing 60. it seems that both the teachers and the students are _ about the new moves.a. worried b. happy c. upset d. angry c. where to stay in boswellyour guide to our best hotelname / addressnumber of roomssingledoublespecial attractionfirst hotel222 edward roadtel. 414-6433120$25$35air-conditioned rooms, french restaurant, shopsnight club, swimming-pool, telephone, radio and tv in each room,close to the city centrefairview hotel129 north roadtel. 91-562050$12$18close to the airport, garage telephone in each room, bar, restaurant, swimming-poolorchard hotel233 edward roadtel. 641-6646120$15$20facing first hotel, european restaurant, coffee shop, dry-cleaningosaka hotel1264 venning roadtel. 643-820180$30$50shops, tv, night-club,air- conditioned rooms, japanese and chinese restaurants, swimming-pool, large garden61.the cheapest price for a single room is _ in _ in boswell. a. $12, first hotel b. $12, fairview hotel c. $30, osaka hotel d. $15, orchard hotel62. if a japanese traveler likes to eat in a french restaurant, _ is the right place for him to go to. a. 233 edward road b. 129 north road c. 222 edward road d. 1264 venning road63. which hotel is facing orchard hotel? a. first hotel b. osaka hotel c. fairview hotel d. no hotel.64. if you want to eat chinese food, youll go to the restaurant named _ . a. fairview hotel b. first hotel c. orchard hotel d. osaka hotel65.the number of the rooms in the best hotels in boswell is _ . a. 120b. 240c. 450 d. 470第二节: 填空题(共5分)thomas edison was a great american inventor. he was born on february 11th in 1847 at milan, ohio and died on october 18, 1931. when he was a child he was always trying out new ideas.young tom was in school for only three months. during those three months he asked a lot of questions. most of these questions were not about his lessons. his teacher did not understand him. the boy had so many strange questions. the teacher could not answer all of them. so he wanted to send tom away from school. he told toms mother that tom was not clever, and he asked her to take the boy out of toms mother took him out of school, and taught him herself. she taught him to read and write, and she found him a very good student. he learnt very fast. even before he was ten he became very interested in science. he grew vegetables in his garden and sold them. with the money he set up a chemical laboratory in the cellar (储藏室) of his home in 1857.thomas edison was awarded 1,368 separate and different patents(专利)during his lifetime.his first patented invention was an electrical vote recorder in 1868.18761877, invented the phonograph.1891, invented and patented the motion picture camera.1897, invented the first commercially practical incandescent (白炽的) electric lamp.19001910, invented and perfected the steel alkaline (碱性的) storage battery. namethomas edisonyear of birth. 66 year of death 67 _time in school 68 at the age of ten 69 18761877 70 五、句型转换:每空填一词,使句意不变(10分) 71. the smiths have been here for ten years. (同义句) the smiths _ here ten years _.72. these plants will produce food and oxygen. food and oxygen _ _ _ _these plants.73. kate is a school basketball player . kate is _ the school basketball _ .74. mei seems to have changed a lot . _ _ _ mei has changed a lot .75. i dont know how i can swim in the river .i dont know _ _ _ in the river .六、汉译英。(10分)76.他说与姚明相处是很容易的。he said that it was very easy to _ yao ming.77. 他们看到硇洲灯塔时,感到很兴奋。 they _ the lighthouse in naozhou.78. 我有一个月没收到我澳大利亚笔友的来信了。i_ my australian pen pal for a month.79. 世界在不断的变化,谁也不知道将来会发生什么。the world is changing and _ what will happen _.80. 为什么不去医院照顾生病的孩子呢? why not _ in hospital? 七、书面表达(25分)。根据下面图画和所给的提示词,请你给uncle tom的宠物店写一70词左右广告,短文开头已给出。提示词汇:good company(好伙伴),cute, unusual, share your happiness and sadness with them, easy to take care ofuncle toms pet storedo you like animals?_ _参考答案听力材料及答案(text 1) m: what do astronauts have to wear if they want to walk in space?w: they have to wear special clothes with helmet when they walk in space. (text 2) m: do you often iron your shirts?w: yes, i do.(text 3) m: what will our future life be like?w: in the future robots will do most work for human.(text 4) m: what do you do after school?w: we often play badminton on the playground.(text 5) m: can people live on the mars?w: no, but scientists are working hard to make it a pleasant place for us to live on.(text 6) m: excuse me, is this seat taken?w: yes, it is. my friend has just gone off to buy some fruit. and this is her bag. m: can i sit here for just a little while? im so tired,you see.w: yes, please. our train is leaving soon. and we are going to get on the train as soon as my friend comes back. m: thank you very much. you are very kind.w: you are welcome.(text 7) w: hi, taxi!m: can i help you?w: yes. id like to go to the airport, please.m: well, just get in and sit down. here, lets go.w: could you please drive a little faster? im taking the 10:15 plane to washington.m: im sorry, but its not allowed. dont you see the police by the roadside?w: im afraid that i will be late for my plane.m: take it easy. you see, it is still 9:15.w: how long is it from here to the airport?m: im not sure exactly. but im sure i can get there in half an hour. w: that would be fine. i hope i wont be late.(text 8) w: how did you like the football match yesterday afternoon?m: very exciting. the two teams both did very well in the match and it was really a close game.w: i liked it very much too. but i missed the first part of the match. m: what for?w: someone knocked into my bike on the way and i fell off my bike.m: did you hurt yourself?w: yes, i hurt my left leg and it hurt a lot. so i couldnt ride my bike. i had to walk slowly.m: how late were you for the match?w: when i got to the sports field, it was alrea


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