高考英语一轮复习 Unit2 English around the World句式翻译全方位训练 新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
高考英语一轮复习 Unit2 English around the World句式翻译全方位训练 新人教版必修1.doc_第2页
高考英语一轮复习 Unit2 English around the World句式翻译全方位训练 新人教版必修1.doc_第3页
高考英语一轮复习 Unit2 English around the World句式翻译全方位训练 新人教版必修1.doc_第4页




2014届高考英语一轮复习全方位配套训练人教版必修一unit 2 english around the world句式翻译第组1.不止一个人在交通事故中丧生。(more than) 2.尽管在聚会上我谁也不认识,但仍然玩得很开心。(even if) 3.以真实的故事为基础,这本书目前很流行。(base) 4.我们正在多方面利用太阳能。 (use) 5.这个问题是怎么产生的?(come) 6.因为污染严重,许多美丽的鱼类正在面临绝种。(because of) 7.信不信由你,明天的考试被取消了。(believe) 8.我相信雅虎未来将继续扮演互联网领先者的角色。(role) 9.我不喜欢你处理这个问题的方式。(way) 10.只要努力,你会成功的。(as long as) 答案:1.more than one (person) was killed in the traffic accident.2.even if i didnt know anybody at the party,i had a good time.3.based on a real story,the book is popular at present.4.we are making use of energy from the sun in many ways.5.how did the problem come up?6.many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe pollution.7.believe it or not,the examination tomorrow is called off.8.i believe that yahoo will continue to play the leading role of the internet.9.i dont like the way you deal with the matter.10.you will succeed as long as you work hard.第组1.由于天气不好,他开会迟到了。(because of) 2.应该充分利用这本书。(use) 3.信不信由你,中国足球队被泰国队打败了。(believe) 4.老师建议我们用其他方法再做一遍。(间接引语) 5.该影片是根据张爱玲的一部小说改编的。(base) 6.现在我想不出更多的主意了。(come) 7.目前很多人要动身去机场。(present) 8.地理在我们的日常生活中扮演重要角色。(role) 9.这家商店里有跟那本杂志上描述的类似的一些机器。(those) 10.学校要求男生不要留长发。(request) 答案:1.he was late for the meeting because of the bad weather.2.this book should be made full use of.3.believe it or not,the chinese football team was beaten by the thailand team.4.the teacher advised that we do it again in another way.5.the film is based on a novel by zhang ailing.6.i cant come up with any more ideas right now.7.at present,a large number of people are leaving for the airport.8.geography plays an important role in our daily life. 9.the machines in this shop are similar to those described in the magazine.10.the school requests the boy students not to wear long hair.第组1.西湖之美令人难以描述。(more than) 2.美国英语以英国英语为基础。(be based on) 3.信不信由你,美国英语现在比以往任何时候起的作用都重要。(play a part) 4.目前,很多人因为想实现美国梦而学习美国英语。(at present,because of) 5.李华认识到了美国英语的重要性,成了学习美国英语的一员。(recognize) 6.李华说他会不断努力,即使困难重重,也不会放弃。(frequent,come up) 7.他充分利用时间,丰富词汇,练习听说。(make use of) 8.我相信他一定能掌握美国英语。(have a good command of) 9.经理要求她说话时摆脱浓重的南方口音。(request) 10.即使失败,我也不灰心。(even if) 答案:1.the beauty of the west lake is more than one can describe.2.american english is based on british english.3.believe it or not,american english is playing a more important part than ever before.4.at present,many people take up american english because of trying to achieve their american dreams.5.li hua has recognized the importance of (learning) american english and become one of those learning american english.6.li hua says that hell make frequent efforts and wont give up even if many difficulties may come up.7.he makes full use of his time to enrich vocabulary and practice listening and speaking.8.i believe hell have a good command of a


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