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20142015学年度第一学期期末试题高一英语 注意:1本次考试时间120分钟 满分:150分2请把答案写在答题纸上,只交答题纸。一、阅读理解(满分:60分)aone of the most important things in the world is friendship. in order to have friends, you have to be a good friend. but how can you be a good friend at school?listenlisten when they are talking. dont say anything unless they ask you a question. sometimes its not necessary for you to have anything to say; they just need someone to talk to about their feelings.help themif your friend is ever in need of something, be there to help them. you should try to put them first, but make sure you dont do everything they want you to do. try to take an extra pencil or pen with you to classes in case they forget one. have a little extra money in your pocket in case they forget something they need.be there for thembe there for your friends to help make them feel better in hard times. marilyn monroe, a famous u.s. actor, once said, “i often make mistakes. sometimes i am out of control, but if you cant stay with me at my worst, you are sure not to deserve to be with me at my best.” always remember this! if you dont want to stay with your friends when theyre in hard times, then you dont deserve to be with them when theyre having a good time!_try to make plans with your friends. go shopping, go for ice cream, have a party, go to a movie and so on. take time to know each other even better by doing something you both enjoy. by planning things together, you both can have a good time. and youll remember these things when youre all old!1while your friend is talking to you about his or her feelings, you should _.agive him or her some advicebcalm him or her downcjust listen unless askeddshare your feelings as well2what can we learn from marilyn monroes words?alife without a friend is death.ba friend is easier lost than found.ca man is known by his friends.da friend in need is a friend indeed.3which of the following can be put in the blank of the last paragraph?aenjoy yourselfbmake planscunderstand your friendsdplay with your friends4the passage is mainly about _.ahow to find a good friendbhow to help friends in troublechow to be a good frienddhow to make more friendsbonce a general manager wanted to test his people, who had come from all over india, about their values of life. he announced that in their folders(文件夹), there is pvc pouch and in it there is a seed. when they return, they must put the seed in a pot with good soil and look after it very well. he would hold a competition at the next years seminar and the best plants would be awarded suitably.everyone did what was told to him. a year passed quickly. and the next year in a big hall, what a great scene! there were hundreds of pots and a great variety of plants-all except one. in this pot was soil, but no plant! the owner of the pot was standing quietly and feeling ashamed of himself.the general manager called him on the stage. he asked him what happened and he told him the truth. he planted the seed, which he was given, and did what was to be done - but nothing happened! the general manager declared(宣布) him the winner! everyone was shocked. it was announced, gentlemen! the seeds i gave you were boiled seeds. you planted them and nothing happened! you acted smartly and used some other seeds. this man was honest to his work and therefore, he did not cheat me or himself!5whats the general managers purpose of giving a seed to each of his employees?ahe wanted to get some beautiful plants.bhe wanted to improve his employees planting skillche wanted to enrich his employees life.dhe wanted to know whether his employees are honest.6the man in the passage failed to get the plant because .ahe didnt take good care of his seedbhe wasnt good at plantingchis seed wasnt as good as the other peoplesdthe seed had been boiled7why was everyone shocked after they heard the general managers declaration?athey didnt understand why the man failed to get the plant.bthey didnt understand why the man was the winner.cthey didnt know why the manager gave him the best seed.dthey didnt know why they couldnt get the plants.8the author wanted to tell us the importance of by writing this passage.abeing carefulbbeing honestcknowing how to plantdknowing how to please the managercthe global population is living longer,and getting older,which presents new challenges. “the question becomes:who will take care of everyone? while people will always be the best caregivers for people,there just arent enough people. thats whererobotic technology can really make a difference,” says professor maja mataric at the university of southern california.her group is developingrobots to work with stroke (中风) patients and elderly people. the research team has found that people reactwellto a robot gym instructor,and seem to get less frustrated with it than with instructions given on acomputerscreen. the robot can act as a perfect trainer,with infinite(极大的) patience.“people say things like i prefer thisrobot to my husband!can i take it home?” according to professor mataric. “in fact theres a really important point here. as we create these care giving technologies,were helping not only the people that need the care,but also the people caring for them. we can give them a break,and help them avoid burnout.”people are going to have to like,and importantly trustrobots before they welcome them into their homes,and several groups around the world are working on making it easier to communicate with them.much of human communication takes place through body language. gestures, eye contact , and concepts of personal space are all things that robots are being taught. in learning about how people interact(互动) with machines,researchers are also discovering new roles for robots in our lives. robots can communicate with humans in ways that other technologies can not.“if someone finds the robot to be more persuasive and more reliable,thats going to affect how they interact with it,” says dr cynthia breazeal, director of the personal robots group at the massachusetts institute of technology. “we can now start to think about fields where its the social interaction,which is the main means by which arobothelps someone.” dr breazeal says that means robots could be used in education,learning,and health care,where social support is important.9professor maja mataric mainly focused on robots function of _.ateaching bexploringcmaking things dgiving care10why canrobots be wonderful trainers in the gym?abecause they are more clever.bbecause they give correct instructions.cbecause they cost less money.dbecause they are more patient.11the underlined word “burnout” in paragraph 3 probably means “_”afeeling tired bfeeling angrycgetting hurt dbecoming disappointed12the scientists are presently working hard to help robots .ato use less electricitybto communicate bettercto react more quicklydto have more functionsdparis is a popular tourist attraction. which has much more to offer than just the well-known louvre and the eiffel tower. lets experience this amazing city through some of its wonderful places and activities.river boatstour the heart of paris by boat along the seine river(塞纳河)! boats offer eight must-see tourist stops along the boat tour path. the cost is 13 euros for a whole day of river boating with stops for tourists to walk through the parisian sites. boats come every 15 minutes. it is wonderful to drink in the unique atmosphere of paris while boating along the seine river.childrens science museum if you are traveling to paris with kids, this museum is a perfect place to visit. the museum has many exhibitions for children. the cost is low at only 8 euros per adult and 4.5 euros per child.medieval tavern(酒馆) in paris, tourists can enjoy the night at medieval tavern from 8pm every thursday till 2 am. this tavern invites visitors to experience life in the old days. everyone is dressed in old costumes(服装). the menu includes items that were enjoyed in the old days. the entire experience can be enjoyed for only 15 euros per person.luxembourg garden this garden is the second largest public park in paris. whether you are interested in walking through the flowers and statues or a pleasant ride on the old carousel(旋转木马), this graden is ideal. children like its theater and plays while adults enjoy the free musical performances. 13if a couple with two children visits the childrens science museum, they have to pay . a16eurosb17 eurosc25 eurosd 20.5 euros14at medieval tavern, visitors .acan enjoy popular french foodbcan watch performances while eating and drinkingccan experience life in the old days at nightdwill have the chance to put on old costumes to perform15the passage is likely to be taken from a website about .ahistorybtravelctechnologydentertainmente根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出填入空白处的最佳选项,有两项是多余的。if youd like to become a dancer, spend some time choosing a dance style. each type of dance is made up of techniques which need to be practiced and mastered. 16 once you have decided to become a dancer, it is important to carefully choose a dance class. 17 it is easy to form bad habits in the beginning, and extremely hard to correct them. so choosing a good teacher will help you a lot from the beginning. 18 special dance shoes will be required for most dance styles, including ballet slippers for ballet and tap shoes for tap. your dance teacher will probably have a preference for clothing, such as a black leotard(紧身衣) with pink tights for a ballet dancer, or black dance pants(短裤) for a jazz dancer.if you are enrolled in your very first dance class, tour the dance studio before your first day. 19 the floors of dance studios should be soft, as dancing on hard floors may cause injuries. the class structures will vary for the different dance styles.get connected with another dancer, check out the dance forum to exchange steps and moves, ask for advice, and make new friends!also, sign up for our free weekly e-mail newsletter to learn more about the dancing world and to stay informed of whats new about dance. 20 amost dance studios are large and airy with at least one full wall of mirrors.bthen comes the problem-what shoes to wear when dancing.cand your choice of a dance teacher is very important too.dhave fun on the journey to becoming a dancer!eyour goal as a dancer will help you decide which style of dance is right for you.fwhat to wear will be determined by the type of dancer you choose to become. glearn the names of basic ballet steps and much more.二、完形填空:(满分:40分)i remember as a smart child when we met with either family or friends. someone would come up and mention my high “ 21 ” and ask, “what are you going to be when you 22 ?”well, it started out being a teacher or a hero. 23 it was a fireman, artistas i grew older my dreams of the future 24 . when i was in college, i was asked, “what will you major in?” another question was 25 to find out what i would be when i “grew up”.by then i had set about becoming a 26 programmer. so i studied and prepared for that. i was studying software full-time for much of my life. i am 27 that i could realize my dream that affords me the opportunity to have a positive 28 on someones life. however, for many, there is a “ 29 ” which goes around stealing our dreams and robbing us of the 30 mental state to attain our 31 . sometimes, the thief will come as a parent, a relative, a friend or a co-worker, 32 the greatest thief is just ourselves. we find ourselves just about 33 the aim, and this “small” voice inside says, “youll never 34 .” “very few have ever done this successfully. and on and on the “small” voice 35 some kind of failure.failure, though, is exactly how dreams are 36 . it is one of the most important 37 we have, because it teaches us 38 lessons. and, when we learn these lessons well, we are ready for 39 , which is probably just around the corner.there are no “overnight” successes, but with perseverance(毅力), it will come. so, be true to your dream, and dont let anyone steal it from you. you can do anything you want to do, so dont 40 .21aattitudebresolutioncintelligencedquality(质量)22aget upbpick upcset upd grow up23abeforeblatercrecentlydinstead24akeptbformedcchangeddcontinued25aimaginedbdesignedcsupposeddguessed26acarbcomputercradiodsatellite27asatisfiedbsurprisedctiedddevoted28apurposebresourcecinstruction dinfluence29apartner bthiefcwriterdworker30asamebexactcstubborn(固执的)dnecessary31aresultsbdisasterscpromisesdgoals32abutbsocwhiledbecause33aleavingbreachingcselectingdremoving34alosebfailcsucceeddbeat35afearsbpredictschearsdreports36aachievedbsurvivedcadmitteddreplaced37acasesbmethodscstepsd tools38ahopelessblogical(逻辑的)cvaluabledtechnological39afailurebrealitycsuccessdresponsibility40atake apartbcare aboutcsuffer fromdgive up三、语法填空:(15分)when i was 14, i decided to make some pocket money by 41 (help) mr. miller cut the grass in his garden. i worked hard because that was my first part-time job. after working for one week, mr. miller said that he had no money for me. that surprised me 42 (great). i argued with him, and then i went back home in anger.my parents told me not to be angry 43 mr. miller because 44 was in difficulties. then my mother called up mr. miller and they talked about something on 45 phone. a few days later, my mother asked me to return to mr. millers garden because he was too weak 46 (look) after it.when i came back, mr. miller said, “sorry, ive no money, 47 i can do something for you.” he played a cd for me. hearing the beautiful music, i was so interested in it 48 i forgot the money and did the work with pleasure. at last, mr. miller gave me a ticket to a concert.after that, i became very fond of music. now im one of the most popular 49 (sing) in our country. i can never 50 mr. miller too much.41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 四、改错(10分)请修改下面的短文。短文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。dear john,hows everything? we havent seen each other for long. im very exciting to receive an e-mail from you. im glad you have made so great progress that you can write your e-mail with good chinese. i read your e-mail to my parent and showed them the photos youd sent to me. what time flies! our friendship lasted for several mont


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