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02-07年gre真题整理-by sherry 来自寄托天下【02-07年GRE真题及答案解析整理】2002年11月23日GRE笔考题VERBAL部分 Section 1 填空1. Although she gives badly _ titles to her musical compositions, they _ unusual combinations of materials including Gregorian chant, Asian scale patterns and rhythms, electronic sounds, and bird songs. A. exotic belie B. eccentric deployC. traditional exclude D. imaginative disguise E. conventional incorporate 2. Even though the folktales Perroult collected and retold were not solely French in origin, his versions of them were so decidedly French in style that later anthologizes of French folktales have never _ them. A. excludedB. admired C. collected D. promoted E. comprehended 3. In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent, her book does not ridicule all predictions of doom but rather claims that the risks of harm have in many cases been _. A. exaggerated B. ignoredC. scrutinizedD. derided E. increased 4. There seems to be no _ the reading publics thirst for books about the 1960s: indeed, the normal level of interest has _ recently be cause of a spate of popular television documentaries. A. quenching moderated B. whetting mushroomed C. curtailing warned D. ignoring transformed E. slaking increased 5.Despite a tendency to be overtly _, the poetry of the Middle Ages often sparks the imagination and provides lively entertainment, as well as pious sentiments. A. divertingB. emotional C. didactic D. romantic E. whimsical 6. One of the first _ of reduced burning in Amazon rain forests was the chestnut industry: smoke tends to drive out the insect that, by pollinating chestnut tree, allow chestnuts to develop. A. reformers B. discoveries C. casualties D. critics E. beneficiaries 7. The research committee urged the archaeologist to _ her claim that the tomb she has discovered was that of Alexander the Great, since her initial report has been based only on _. A. disseminate supposition B. withdraw evidence C. undercut caprice D. document conjecture E. downplay facts 类比词 8. STOMACH: DIGESTION A. heart : pulsation B. eye : recognition C. muscle : exertion D. skin : irritation E. lung : respiration 9. DEHYDRATE : WATER A. melt : liquid B. wither : vitality C. anchor : stability D. emote : enthusiasm E. shrivel : winkle 10. RAVENOUS: HUNGRY A. congenial : friendly B. mean : wild C. obsessed : absorbed D. inept : clumsy E. sated : savory 11. ELEGY : LAMENT A. epic : idolize B. comely : please C. parody : ridicule D. sonnet : court E. tragedy : pity 12. ANECDOTE : NARRATIVE A. acronym : letter B. summary : excerpt C. simile : comparison D. metaphor : fantasy E. pseudonym : signature 13. TRUNATE : LENGTH A. separate : substance B. ventilate : circulation C. vaccinate : immunity D. transfer : location E. cool : temperature 14. GENERATION: INDIVIDUAL A. conference : speaker B. shift : laborer C. city : official D. tree : limb E. river : stream 15. RERERTOIRE : PERFORMANCE A. agenda : meeting B. catalog : library C. manifest : cargo D. invoice : receipt E. inventory : sale 16. BLANDISHMENT : COAX A. equivocation : dispute B. assessment : infer C. augmentation : complicate D. persuasion : coerce E. explanation : enlighten 短文章 Industrial production of powders involves mechanical forces fracturing individual particles of material into ever-smaller particles. The theory explaining this fracturing recognizes two general types of behavior exhibited by material under stress: elastic and plastic deformation. Elastic deformation occurs when stress is placed or a brittle material, which deforms and then returns to its original shape when stress is removed. If the material is stressed too heavily, however, excess energy builds up and the material fractures. This behavior makes brittle material fracture suddenly when subjected to mechanical impact by powder-making machines. No brittle, or ductile, materials by contrast, are harder to fracture, since they respond to comparable amounts of stress by deforming plastically, that is, by changing sh ape permanently. Excess energy that builds up in the strained material is expended in deformation of the material rather than in fracturing. Plastic behavior can al so be exhibited by brittle materials as their particles become smaller during processing and thus less susceptible to fracturing. 反义词 28. DISAVOW A. instigate B. acknowledge C. envision D. ameliorate E. inculcate 29. FLOURISH A. lose out B. catch up C. turn off D. waste away E. slow down 30. HYPERBOLE A. misdemeanor B. understatement C. imprecation D. concession E. obstinacy 31. RIVETING A. appetizing B. enriching C. wearisome D. wasteful E. harmful 32. DAMN A. undo B. entreat C. mollify D. motivate E. extol 33. REPROACH A. sustain B. advance C. acclaim D. manipulate E. embellish 34. MYOPIA A. maturity B. prescience C. prompt response D. good fortune E. final event 35. NICE A. restrained B. colorless C. obscure D. imprecise E. balanced 36. LASSITUDE A. pride B. breadth C. vim D. pomp E. valor 37. PUSILLANIMOUS A. successful B. sociable C. adept D. stouthearted E. trustworthy 38. ABASE A. aggrandize B. limit C. defy D. purify E. destabilize Section 3 填空 1The scientist found it puzzling that his theory encountered _ despite widespread agreement that it was_ A. respect crucial B. dismissal simplistic C. skepticism unfathomable D. opposition indisputable E. acceptance comprehensive 2. The rate at which soil can absorb water _ with continuous wetting, so the longer a _ lasts, or the greater the rate of precipitation, the higher the percentage of water that will flow across the ground as runoff and enter stream channels. A. rises deluge B. diminishes drought C. increases showerD. decreases rainstorm E. stabilizes thaw 3. The ideas expressed in the art historians book are more _ than one would expect or the basis of her rather_ treatment of her subject in the opening pages. A. compelling intriguing B. accessible recondite C. hidebound reactionary D. insightful innovative E. dispassionate evenhanded 4. The meeting on environmental issues produced _ discussion but no commitment on a plan of action: the many uncertainties surrounding global climatic change and the huge cost of efforts to limit it made the policymakers _ A. little voluble B. heated contentious C. cordial quarrelsome D. frustrating affable E. interminable businesslike 5. Art that endures often makes an initially disturbing impact: the profound experience that such art seeks to provoke necessarily engenders a certain _A. familiarity B. ennui C. upheaval D. intimacy E. tranquility 6. The history of film reflects the _ inherent in the medium itself: film combines still photographs to represent continuous motion and, while seeming to present life itself, can also offer impossible and dreamlike unrealities. A. trivialities B. biases C. constraints D. paradoxes E. liabilities 7. The _ with which the politician peppers her speeches are so memorable that many people think of her as being far more _ than she in fact is.A. superlatives egalitarian B. pejoratives optimistic C. examples soporific D. diatribes censorious E. malapropisms straightforward 类比 8. ANTISEPTIC : DISINFECT: A. solvent : preserve B. emollient : soften C. tonic : inoculate D. antidote: poison E. palliative: sensitize 9. DOSE : MEDICINE : A. beverage : drink B. medal : award C. tremor : earthquake D. ration : food E. temp: music 10. DITCH : CANYON : A. landslide : erosion B. boulder : granite C. weed : vegetation D. burrow : cavern E. moon : planet 11. AVERSION : DISINCLINATION : A. assurance : doubt B. adulation : admiration C. evaluation : preference D. denunciation : avowal E. slander : insincerity 12. AIRTIGHT : LEAK : A. sporadic : continuity B. incorporeal : importance C. ancient : relevance D. arcane : solution E. invalid : certainty 13. SPURN : CONTEMPT : A. condone : mercy B. apologize : regret C. vacillate : impression D. balk : obstruction E. endorse : familiarity 14. TEACHER : CLASSROOM : A. bather : beach B. resident : neighborhood C. traveler : station D. child : playground E. chef : kitchen 15. RESCISSION : LEGISLATION : A. authorization : retrenchment B. recantation : testimony C. attainment : goal D. cessation : process E. acquittal : innocence 16.POLULATION : MORTALITY A. electorate : abstention B. workforce : attrition C. traffic : gridlock D. membership : absenteeism E. taxation : expenditure 反义词 28. DISSIPATE A. pile up B. sort out C. illuminate D. hasten E. include 29. TRANSIENT A. distant B. helpful C. actual D. violet E. everlasting 30. EXTRANEOUS A. indeterminate B. modified C. accurate D. concealed E. essential 31. SEEMLY A. banal B. deceitful C. indecorous D. eclectic E. ineffectual 32. VIRULENT A. intermittent B. courteous C. defeated D. confident E. salubrious 33. TORRID A. gloomy B. inert C. icy D. opaque E. smooth 34. FORMIDABLE A. enticing B. invigorating C. ambivalent D. affectionate E. negligent 35. DISCURSIVE A. polite B. succinct C. florid D. candid E. impassioned 36. EXECRATION A. misrepresentation B. engrossment C. requisition D. approbation E. allegiance 37. VICISSITUDINOUS A. charitable B. immutable C. imitative D. extrinsic E. endearing 38. TENDENTIOUS A. uncommon B. uncooperative C. unpretentious D. unimportant E. unbiased 短文章 late-eighteenth-century political economists regarded the specialization of labor as a positive development, resulting in increasingly refined products and services. However, to their contemporaries in philosophy and the arts, this development suggested societys disintegration into conflicting interests. The political economists acknowledged that diverse occupations represented competing perspectives on society, since what one knew was a function of what one did, but they viewed specialization as a source of social unity. Individuals who produced only one product or service must depend on others for most of the ir needs; this, specialization was the basis of social cohesion. The common good depended upon everyones dependency guaranteed the unity and therefore the health of society. A fundamental problem with this concept recognized even then, was that specialization seemed to preclude anyones being able to demonstrate that the society was unified. If everyones knowledge of society was tied to specialized occupational interests, who was in a position to monitor societys overall functioning?2003年3G笔试题目类比1. ADVENTURESOME : CAUTION : A. tendentious : bias B. convivial : congeniality C. timorous : fear D. magnanimous : generosity E. gluttonous : restraint 2. TAIL : APPENDAGE A. rib : skeleton B. iris : cornea C. knuckle: finger D. molar : tooth E. lobe : ear 3. HAVEN : DANGER A nirvana : suffering B. sinecure: experience C sanctuary : immunity D limbo : uncertainty E arcadia : quiet4. MASONRY: BRICKLAYER A seminary : theologian B jurisprudence : criminal C pedagogy : student D medicine : doctor E conservatory : musician 5. NOURISH : FOOD A. warn : safety B. dehydrate : water C. waft : air D. circulate : blood E. finance : money 6. HASTE : PLODDER A. deception : dupe B. courtesy : boor C. disillusionment : malcontent D. forbearance : suspect E. reluctance : skeptic 7. VINDICATE: BLAME A. disabuse : misapprehension B. decry: aspersion C. acquiesce : regret D. expose : malfeasance E. investigate : suspicion 8. OBSTACLE : IMPEDE A. prediction : convince B. blandishment : cajole C. embellishment : praise D. deficiency : compensate E. compliment : exaggerate 9. MARVEL : QUOTIDIAN A. deny : malicious B. exploit : utilitarian C. defuse : controversial D. revere : ancient E. recoil : delightful 反义10. INCAPACITY A. peculiarity B. ability C. scarcity D. distinction E. quietness 11. FEROCIOUS A. reliable B. clear C. sane D. wise E. mild 12. AFFIX A. select carefully B. make visible C. detach D. infect E. dilute 13. ASYMMETRY A. equilibrium B. colorfulness C. abundance D. rigorous logic E. lack of information 14. DELEGETE A. pursue assiduously B. assume responsibility C. withdraw consent D. display partiality E. ensure compliance 15. EVASIVE A. downcast B. inventive C. foolish D. frank E. disciplined 16. SACRILEGE A. pious action B. resounding defeat C. favorable sign D. sensible choice E. expected event 17. HIERARCHIC A. contemporary B. anachronistic C. subversive D. nuanced E. egalitarian 18. FRENETIC A. unhurried B. convivial C. unyielding D. prolific E. pristine 19. OBSOLESCENCE A. maturity B. pithiness C. incorruptibility D. currency E. worldliness 20. UNASSAILABLE A. doubtful B. contemptuous C. swift D. temporary E. novel 类比21. BANANA : PEAL A. flour : sift B. potato : mash C. tomato : slice D. carrot : dice E. peanut : shell 22. REFRIGERATOR : PERISHABLES A. incinerator : debris B. kiln : pottery C. generator : electricity D. fireplace : wood E. safe : money 23. BAROQUE : SIMPLICITY A. circuitous : forthrightness B. fundamental : indispensability C. arrochial : focus D. ignorant : candor E. feasible : expedience 24. WIRETAP : SURVEILLANCE A. unmask : distortion B. browbeat : intimidation C. embezzle : enticement D. punish : exculpation . upbraid : resentment 25. SCRUPULOUS : INTEGRITY A. affectionate : sentimentality B. adventurous : strength C. perceptive : insight D. cautious : timidity E. creative : genius 26. REVISIONIST : CHALLENGE A. skeptic : espouse B. conservative : uphold C. obstructionist : renege D. dissident : corrupt E. advocate : compromise 27. AFFABLE : EASE A. diplomatic : tact B. intrepid : fear C. sanctimonious : respect D. intransigent : resiliency E. punctilious : anxiety 28. REPROACHFUL : DISAPPROVAL A. diffident : confidence B. modest : servility C. august : vanity D. solicitous : indifference E. plaintive : sorrow 反义29. RIGMAROLE A .possibility B. inflation C. devious action D. beautiful music E. straightforward talk 30. VERSED A. unethical B. untempered C. irregular D. inexperienced E. iniquitous 31. INSTINCTIVE A. narrow B. exaggerated C. visible D. deliberate E. fierce 32. IMPLICIT A. unadulterated B. overt C. abstract D. unequivocal E. germane 33. UBIQUITY A probity B. propinquity C. inequity D. disparity E. rarity 34. FATHOM A. conclude B. irritate C. focus D. refuse to pardon E. find impenetrable 35. MARGINAL A. problematic B. proximate C. pivotal D. complete E. immutable 36. OBVIATE A. yield B. disentangle C. unite D. hide from view E. make necessary 37. UNAVAILING A. abundant B. significant C. useful D. profligate E. concrete 38. CACHETA. sigh of consent B. mark of disapprobation C. gesture of deference D. declaration of loyalty E. aura of invincibility 2004年10G笔试题目SECTION 1ANALOGY:8.CONSTRICT : DIAMETER(A) circumvent : space (B) rotate : size (C) plumb : depth (D) elevate : height (E) truncate : length9.MAR : FLAWLESS(A) burnish : dull (B) clean : pristine (C) explain : difficult (D) appraise : valuable (E) sell : profitable10. BUCKET : VESSEL (A) window : glass (B) ladle : tureen (C) car : train (D) room : house (E) dagger : weapon11.THICK-SKINNED : CRITICISM(A) optimistic : disappointment (B) combative : provocation (C) benevolent : praise (D) supercilious : disdain (E) timorous : anxiety12.PLUSH : AUSTERITY(A) tidy : disarray (B) showy : pageantry (C) tacit : silence (D) meek : restraint (E) inviolate : sanctuary13.LAXITY : DRACONIAN(A) disapprobation : judgment (B) success : amiable (C) ambition : diligent (D) (E) 14.HOBBLE : HALTING(A) amble : awkward (B) saunter : hesitant (C) slink : furtive (D) traipse : energetic (E) trudge : stiff15.ARTLESS : GUILE(A) fearless : courage (B) heartless : animosity (C) hopeless : gloom (D) thoughtless : solicitude (E) faultless : perfection16.OSTENTATION : PRETENTIOUS(A) indolence : ruminative (B) menda


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