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unit2 thisismysister period5sectionb 2a 3b andselfcheck playingagame 看谁反应快 father sfather grandfather grandpa father sbrother uncle father ssister aunt father smother grandmother grandma uncle sson cousin smother cousin aunt uncle sdaughter cousin mother sdaughter sister mother sson brother grandfather grandmother father mother sister brother cousin cousin aunt uncle me familytree daughter son male female bobjacktomericjohnpaul jennylindakatejanehelencindy 2afindthemaleandfemalefirstnamesintheunitandwritethem whoarethey beforereading读前 2breadaboutjenny sfamilyandcirclethenames hi i mjenny herearetwonicephotosofmyfamily mygrandfatherandmygrandmotherareinthefirstphoto thesearemyparents alanandmary inthenextpicturearemybrothers bobanderic thesetwogirlsaremysistercindyandmycousinhelen cocoisinmyfamily too whilereading读中 2creadthepassageagainandcompletethesentences mynameis alanandmaryaremy bobandericaremy cindyismy helenismy isthenameofmydog jenny parents brothers sister cousin coco afterreading读后 readthepassageagainandanswerthequestions whoisalan jenny sfather 2 what sthenameofjenny smother mary 3 whoarebobanderic theyarejenny sbrothers 4 iscindyjenny ssister yes sheis 5 whatisthenameofjenny scousin helen 6 iscocoaboy no adog readthepassageagainandanswerthequestions 我的狗的名字 thenameofmydog 在我家 inmyfamily 在下一张照片中 inthenextpicture 在第一张照片中 inthefirstphoto 两张我家人的漂亮照片 keyphrases重点词汇 twonicephotosofmyfamily 3acompletethepassagewiththewordsinthebox thendrawapictureofpaul sfamily brothersparentscindyfamily hi mynameispaul thisisaphotoofmy thesearemy andthesearemy johnandbob thisismysister family parents brothers cindy hi iamsally hereismyfamilyphoto thesearemygrandparents thisismyfather thisismymother thesearemyuncle tom andaunt lucy ihavetwobrothers tonyandjim whoisthisboy it sme ihaveahappyfamily ilovethemall 3bshowyourfamilyphotoandwriteaboutit thanksforthephotoofyourfamily 谢谢你的家庭照片 photos为photo的复数形式 picture意为 照片 时与photo同义 explanation thanks thankyou isthis thatyoursister 这 那位是你的姐姐吗 this that为指示代词 当涉及辨认近处和远处的人或物体时 近处用this 远处用that 对于 isthis that 的提问 指照片上的人物或其他不知性别的人物时 可用it来指代 a this和that的复数形式分别为thesethose b 把某人介绍给他人时 常用 thisis 句型 其中this不能换成he或she 介绍多个人物时要用theseare 打电话时英美人习惯用this指代自己 用that指代对方 如 thisiskate who sthat 我是凯特 你是谁 thisisjim 我是吉姆 按要求完成句子 1 thisismyfriend 变复数形式 2 thatismybrother 变一般疑问句 thesearemyfriends isthatyourbrother selfcheck自查 1 groupthewordsforfamilymembersyouhavelearned male both female father parents dad brother grandfather uncle grandparents mother mom aunt sister grandmother grandpa son grandma daughter cousin selfcheck自查 2 completetheconversation bill here saphotoofmyfamily dale he bill myuncle dale thisgirl bill mycousin dale are yourparents bill yes are andthese mygrandparents who s he s who s she s those they are summarize 小结 一 词汇 mother momfather dad grandfather grandpagrandmother grandma parents grandparents uncleaunt sondaughtercousin brothersisterfriend thisthatthesethose shehepicturephoto 二 重点内容回顾 单数 复数thisismyfriend thesearemyfriends thatismybrother thosearemybrothers 2 询问身份issheyouraunt yes sheis no sheisn t isheyouruncle yes heis no heisn t isthis thatyoursister yes itis no itisn t arethese thoseyourparents who she he smybrother who rethey theyaremygrandparents 名词单数变复数 不规则变化 名词单数变复数口诀 一 规则变化名词单数变复数 直接加 s占多数 book books pen pens apple appless x z ch sh来结尾 直接加上 es bus buses box boxes watch watches brush brushes词尾是f或fe 加 s之前先变ve leaf leaves wife wives knife knives 辅音 y在词尾 把y变i再加 es study studies baby babies city cities元音 y在词尾 只加s就足够boy boys day days monkey monkeys词尾字母若是o 常用三个已足够 要加 es请记好 hero tomato potato 美国黑人和英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿 negro negroes hero heroes potato potatoes tomato tomatoes其余o结尾的词加s photo photos piano pianos 二 不规则变化男人女人a变e 鹅足牙oo变ee man men woman women goose geese foot feet tooth teeth老鼠也好记 ous变ic mouse mice 孩子加上ren 鱼鹿绵羊不用变child children fish deer sheepthis these 这些 that those 那些 需要死记硬背的 mouse mice children child 单复同形 deerdeersheepsheepfishfish 变单词内部的元音字母 aemanmenwomanwomenooeetooth teethfoot feetgoose geese 表示国人的复数 中国人 日本人和瑞士人单复数同形chinese chinesejapanese japaneseswiss swiss 英国人和法国人如下变 englishman englishmenfrenchman frenchmen 其余国家在单词后直接加s american americansgerman germansindian indians 复合名词变复数 1 前不变后变appletree appletreeskeyboardoperator keyboardoperatorsgirlfriend girlfriends2 含有男人 女人的复合词前后都要变manteacher menteacherswomandoctor womendoctors 一 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1 look yourcupis 在这里 2 maryisthe 下一个 3 theseare 照片 ofjackandhisfriends 4 isthis 女孩 yoursister 5 mygrandmahastwo 狗 here next photos girl dogs 二 单项选择 6 isthataphoto hisfamily a tob ofc ford with7 what sthename mike sdog a inb toc ofd for b c 8 look here yourpencilsanderaser a isb amc ared be9 thoseareher a aphotob photosc thephotosd photos10 mysisterandbrotherarein photo a firstb theonec thefirst c d c 一 根据句意 选择方框中的单词完成下列句子 5 4分 20分 cousinherephotonextdog 1 isamapofchina 2 what sthat it saofmyfamily 3 thenameoftheissnoopy 4 that smy he smyuncle sson 5 inthepicture youcanseetwogirls here photo dog cousin next 二 按要求完成下列句子 5 5分 25分 6 thatisaphotoofhisfamily 改为同义句 thatis 7 thegirlismysister lucy 对画线部分提问 thegirl hisfamilyphoto whois 8 that sapicture 改为复数句 arepictures 9 my is in cousin first photo the 连词成句 10 my girls sisters these are two 连词成句 those mycous
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